The Pet Sitters Club Book 1

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​ The Pet~Sitters Club ​


​ y: Laila
The start of a great business

It all started when I,Lilah Haught, was trying to convince

my parents to get a dog. That night at dinner I was telling
that I would do everything to take care of the dog-if we get
one though. My parent’s pointed out the cons and pointed
out pros I was not really getting anywhere.

I sighed and continued to eat my salad. Then I got the

Best idea ever. To do a pet sitting club! ​Maybe If mom and
dad see that I am capable of taking care of pets they will
get one for me! ​I thought. Then I opened my and then I
started talking. Little Pieces of food started falling out of
my mouth. My parents and brother stared at me
“ Lilah! Ek!” My older brother Nick said. “ Your room now!”
my father shouted. I sighed and went upstairs .

“I didn’t even get to tell them my idea” I mumbled.

​Chapter 2
“ I would love to!”
Said My friend Mae Johnson

Mae Johnson had been my friend since 2nd grade. We

were chatting about my idea on the phone. I had the radio
on, And was sitting on my bed.

“Wonderful!” I said to Mae. I was happy that Mae said

yes because I didn’t want to be in the club alone. I
thought about the club for the whole night. I kept trying to
come up with some names for the club ​the pet girls? - nah
cookies and cupcakes? Heck no! hmmmm...​The Idea got
so big I couldn’t even sleep. I went to my mom and dad's
room where my dad was snoring like a pig and my mom
was sprawled out on the bed hugging my dad’s leg.
“ mom?” I say quietly “ yes sweetie?” My mom said
groaning. “ I can’t sleep!” I say a little louder.

“ just try to eat chips.” My mom said. I could tell that she
was too tired to even say a sentence that makes sense.
Other than that I still couldn’t sleep so I winded up reading
a book for the rest of the night.
Chapter 2

The starting of the pet sitting club

The next morning was like usual. I got up, got

dressed, went downstairs and ate breakfast, apologized
to my parent’s ( which wasn’t usually a part of my daily
routine), and went to school. When I got there I said hi to
Mae who was sitting on the bench waiting for me studying
on a pad of paper. Today was going to be a math test.
Mae and I have been getting ready since the start of fourth
grade. When we finished the math test ( which we got an
A+ on) it was time for recess. So me and Mae went to go
sit on a bench and write down ideas for the Pet-Sitters
Club. We took a break and started talking about random
things. “ Do you think that the new soda has bananas in
it?” Mae asked.

“ Hmmm..not sure but what about the new movie? Isn't it

great?” I say to Mae. All of a sudden a boy walked past
the bench and Mae Looked as if she found out she won
the lottery.
“ What?” I asked “ He’s so cute!” Mae whispered to me
dreamy. “ Mae gross!” I say. One thing you NEED to learn
about me is that I hate when people talk about crushes.
When Mae finally got over the fact her crush walked past
her recess was over. Then school was over. I met up
with Mae and talked about the club.
“ hmmm there's something missing…” I said. Looking at
the list me and Mae made. “What?” Mae said “another
member!”. I said excitedly. “ yes!.....But who?” Mae said
looking down. “ Sophia, Sophia martin .” I said. Sophia
Martin was a girl I met in second grade too. But we never
really talked but I know her well enough to let her into the

“Okay!” Mae said.

So that evening me and Mae walked to Sophia's house.

who lives next door.
Her house looks like a castle and every other house is just
like normal. It’s weird but cool too. When we were little me
and Nick would pretend that we lived in a kingdom and
Sophia’s family were the ruler’s. I miss it, but I know it
wouldn’t be much fun since we're older. I rang the
doorbell and heard “​tu piges Sophia!”
​You see sophia’s family is french so they might speak
french once in a while. Some​body opened the door.
It was Sophia. She was wearing a pink dress that
had flowers on it. She had put a big ribbon on her
ponytail and was wearing probably the most
sparkly lip gloss in town.

“Hi! Sorry about the dress we are having a family

party, what is it?”

“Well I got this idea to do a pet sitting club,and

maybe you could be in it.” I said.

“I would love to! Let me just check with my

parents.” Sophia Said

Then it hit me, Mae too. We forgot to ask our

parents! Mae looked at me with a frown . I could
tell she was excited and worried. When Sophia
came back she said
“ my mama and papa said I could do it! But they
said if you guys could have dinner with us they
would want to talk about it. Okay?” “ got it! Is it
okay if we come in to use the phone?” Mae
It was a good thing Mae asked that. Because if
she didn’t my idea would have sounded like a
It took 5 minutes to let my mom pick up the
phone. But she did and said yes to both of the
things. “ my mom’s fine with it!” I said excitedly
“Great! How bout you Mae?” “ I'm good too!”

We walked further inside of the Martins house

and it was beautiful. There was a chandelier when
you first walked in then a mirror in front. Sophia
led us into the dining area with the biggest cake I
have ever seen. “Woah” I said awed

“I know , I know it’s big and beautiful everyone

says that. But to me it's just a normal home.”
Sophia said
“ bonjour!”
an unfamiliar voice said. It was Sofia’s father.
who was wearing a black tuxedo with dark brown
skin and freshly combed black hair.
Mae who was being very quiet said “ hi im Mae .”
“ nice to meet you Mae. I’m Adam Martin-but you
can call me mr. Martin and my wife mrs. Martin.”

“ got it” Mae said I noticed Mae writing it down on

a little piece of paper.
“ very extra.” Sophia says “ she always is
prepared.” I say with an annoyed face. “Why don't
we go up to my room okay?” “ uh..sure!” I say
uncertainty. We walked up stairs into Sophia’s
room which had navy blue walls, a huge soccer
ball picture , a loft bed that had a bunch of
trophies, blue lights hanging on the walls, and a
desk with a bunch of art supplies.

“ wow..” I breathlessly say “ this is amazing!” “


“ I guess you play soccer.” Mae said “ I do too!”

“ what team are you on?” Sophia said “ team ball”

Mae said. “I'm on team girl’s play soccer!”
“ wait….You mean the one that travels the world
to compete with other soccer players?!?” Mae
said excitedly

“ Yep” Sophia said, looking proud. “ GIRLS!

DINNER!” said a voice
“ Well we should go down stairs before the food
gets cold” Sophia said. I’m glad she said that
because I couldn't keep up with all the soccer

We walked downstairs where I saw a bunch of

people in the dining room which looked like they
were waiting for us. I was embarrassed that I sat
down and didn't eat for 10 minutes. “ well I see
that this pet sitting club is very ​passionnante (
Witch ment exciting or excited)
For you all.” Mr. Martin said. I nodded but then I
realized that everyone except for me and Mae
were dressed formally. I was wearing a black
longed sleeved shirt, white pants , and a messy
On the other hand Mae was wearing a jean jacket
, blue shirt , and her hair down. “ well yes we are
very um..what's the word?” I say “ ​passionnante “
Sophia corrected me.

“ yeah what she said “ I said embarrassed. “ I cant

stay all day on weekdays though I have to go
home at 7:45 on the weekends.” “ this is boring!”
said a small voice. I looked and saw a little kid
that must have been three years old. She was
wearing a pink dress that had stains on it and had
a face full of tomato sauce.

Everyone laughed and I finally started eating my

food. That night in bed I was writing down
everything about the club. Then I heard
something at the door. So I got out of bed and
saw that it was mom and dad. “ What's going on..”
I say confused. My parents looked happy. Did I
do something good? I thought. “ we have
something to tell you.” My dad said
​ ​Chapter 3

It was a exciting night

“ So what's the matter?” I say “ well..” My

mother said. I thought she was gonna say
that we were moving. Somehow on a TV
show there was this beautiful house in
spain, and got this idea to move to spain. “
Nick announced that he got into world
helpers!” my father said happily.

World Helpers was a club where you help

for certain causes like the rights of people
of color , and that kind of stuff. Nick really
has been wanting to get into it. Mouth
wide open I said “ Really?” Awesome!” I say
I was really happy but felt weird like Nicks
going away to help people so what would it
be like?

​Chapter 4
​Good bye Nick Good bye

That morning I woke up early to make a

card to congratulate Nick for getting into
World Helpers. Here's what it said:

To: Nick  
I’m  so  happy you got into World Helpers! I will dearly miss 
you.  Maybe  when  you  get  back  we  can  have  an  awesome 
welcome  home  sleepover  and  watch  your  favorite  movie! 
Love ya! 
I put the card in an envelope and put a
flower sticker on it to seel it.

I went down stairs and since it was

saturday I got on the television and
watched Little house on the prairie. Then
when everyone else woke up we had
breakfast together. Since Nick was leaving
he got to choose what we were having of
course he chose pancakes. We gobbled
them all up without a word. Then I helped
Nick pack up, gave him the card I made
him, and gave him a hug. As he got into
the car we waved goodbye to him. And
went back inside.

​Chapter 5 ​A new friend

Now it was time to get to work. I called
Mae to see if I could come over to her
house. Of course she said yes.

When me and Mae settled into her room.

We invited Sophia Martin over. When
Sophia knocked on the door me and Mae
raced down stairs and opened the door.
Except it wasn't just Sophia it was another
girl, she had blonde short hair and was
wearing a blue coded shirt and jean shorts.
“ Hey Mae and Lilah this is Chole, Chole
meet Mae and Lilah. They're the Girls who
got the idea about a pet sitting business.”
Sophia said “ You told her!?!” Mae said,
frowning. “ Was I not supposed too?”
Sophia said, confused. “ well basically..” I
said upset. “ it sounds like a good Idea!”
Chloe said, trying to break up the argument.
“ Thanks..” I said “ why not you guys come
inside!” Mae says politely. “ Okay” said
Chloe. When we got up to Mae’s room
which had baby pink walls , a bed with a
duvet blanket, and a couch with three other
bean bags. “ Okay I think that we should
keep all the client's information in a
notebook like this.” I was holding a pink
notebook with a big smiley face right in the
middle of it. I got it from my grandma for my
birthday. Everyone nodded , I was very
happyThey understood because I know that
Mae can sometimes drift off. We discussed
some more stuff until it was time for us to
have dinner. We waved goodbye and I ran
home as if I found a hundred dollars on the

At dinner I told my parents all about what

was going to happen. My father smiled at
me and said “ we're so proud of you lilah!”
“ Why don't you go get some rest. you have
to get ready for tomorrow!” It was true my
parents spread news about the club and will
be getting some clients tomorrow-hopefully.

​Chapter 6
​Watch out world here the pet-sitters club
Today was the day. We were officially
going to start the Pet-Sitters club today! I
was very excited. I raced to Mae’s house
and ran up to her room. Where all the other
girls were there. They had big smiles on
their faces. I sat down on Mae’s bed. “
Okay now all we have to do is wait for a
call.” Sophia said. We talked and talked
then laughed. Then the phone finally
started ringing. “ oh my goodness!” Chloe
screamed. “ somebody get it!” Sophia and
Mae said at the same time. “ all get it all get
it! Just chill out!” I say.
“Hello?” ….mmhmm….yes...what's the size
medium , large , or small?
….Okay!....What's the name?.....aww
adorable!...address?...Okay thank you!” I
put the phone down. “ Looks like we just got
our first Client!” I say excitedly.
“ Tell us about it!” Says Mae
“Well...There's a woman named Elise and
she needs a sitter for her dog named
Biscuit who’s three and is small.”

I say to the girls. “ wow!” they exclaim. We

got a few other calls. One cat named Tula
who is small, One dog named Boba who
was one , and one puppy ( Finally ) named
Scout. We all got Jobs and were
screaming like maniaks.
​ Chapter 7 ​The fun comes
We planned to have a sleepover to
celebrate an awesome day. So we did. We
all came over to Sophia’s house, obviously.
We made a great fort and watched a bunch
of movies.

That night when we were in bed whispering

about random funny stuff.
“ H-Hey guys..” Says Chloe “ yes?” I say
confused. We all look at Chloe and see
what she's going to say. “ I-I have a Funny
story..” Chole said, trying not to laugh. “So
one time I was riding my bike then I saw
the cutest dog in the world I got so
distracted I fell down and the dog started
licking my face!” We all bursted into
laughter. “ Did you get to pet it?” Mae asks.

“ Yes! It was so fluffy!” Chole said

“ Lucky!” I say.
“ I love you guys!” Says Mae “ We do too!!”
We all say back.
At that very moment I knew that we weren't
just a part of a club , we were best friends.

Signed ,
Lilah Haught  

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