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UNIV 1007 Critical Media Project

NAME: Kennedy Cook


Find three stories on the same topic in media identified by these sources as left, center, and right:



I recommend that you identify the three and print or save them on the same day because more
information may come out later to change the story. Stay away from Op-ed or purely opinion pieces.

Fill out the table below and then answer the questions that follow. Be aware that reading these will
make you aware of the slant you most align with.


Washington post brookings Daily signal

CE https://www.brookings
politics/2020/10/16/this-summers- .edu/blog/order-from- m/2020/09/18/black-lives-
LINK black-lives-matter-protesters-were- chaos/2020/09/22/wh matter-linked-to-91-of-riots-
overwhelming-peaceful-our- o-is-a-terrorist- over-3-months-study-finds/
research-finds/ actually/
This summer’s Black Lives Matter Who is a terrorist, Black Lives Matter Linked
HEAD protesters were overwhelmingly actually? to 91% of Riots Over 3
LINE peaceful, our research finds Months, Study Finds

October 16, 2020 September 22, 2020 September 18, 2020


Erica Chenoweth and Jeremy Daniel L. Byman Peter Hasson

AUTH Pressman

1) Do the headlines reflect the biases or spins predicted? If so, tell how.
No, the headlines seem to be clear, but the center column could possibly be looked at as
biased although there is a gray area on who the actual terrorists are.

Do the photographs reflect the biases or spins predicted by that table? If so, describe
them and tell how.
Yes, the center article is using a picture of a white group that appear to be protesting
along with the title “who is a terrorist, actually”. Although this may not be looked at as
biased from certain perspectives. The point is you must look at all perspectives in this
2) Give examples of left and right bias or slant that you identify within the body of each

The left article is explaining how protesting is peaceful and that the BLM movement is
strictly for justice and awareness of the matter. The article reads, “In fact, the Black Lives
Matter uprisings were remarkably nonviolent. When there was violence, very often police or
counter-protesters were reportedly directing it at the protesters.” The right article is referring
to protest as “riots” which was also stated by trump. The article reads “Black Lives Matter-
linked events were defined as “demonstrations that have a local BLM group involved; when
the main issue of the demonstration concerns the police killing of a specific Black person.”.
The center article is explaining how white supremacists look at protests as riots and a
terrorist group. The article reads “Instead of focusing on white supremacists, they argue, we
should instead write about the “real” terrorists like Antifa and Black Lives Matter.” Opposed
to that the article reads “Their opinions are backed up by statements from the police and
Trump administration officials and images of burning cities. The terrorism label, for them, is
a way of distinguishing who is in the wrong.” And “When it comes to Black Lives Matter,
there’s no credible case for labeling it a terrorist organization.”

3) Do the articles provide different information that might align with their slant? Give

The center article reads “One analysis of the Black Lives Matter protests found that 93
percent were peaceful, and some of the violent incidents at the rallies were simply
opportunistic vandalism.” This adds more support on the left column which states that
BLM is peaceful and wants equality and white supremacist do not understand that which
is why BLM exists.

4) What else do you observe in the three articles?

Throughout the articles I noticed that they seem to have their own understanding of
BLM. Although, the sources are categorized.
5) What tips do you have for others about how to ensure they’re getting multiple
perspectives on a topic?
A tip that I would give is to be open minded and free of judgment. When you already
have your mind made up about a topic you tend to move toward your own viewpoint,
disregarding what anyone says differently. Always take the opposing viewpoint into
consideration to stop biasness. A way that you could do this is by putting yourself in their
shoes and imagining things from their viewpoint and get a understanding of where they
are coming from.


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