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DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions in paragraph form (3-4 sentences) per question. Your
document should follow MLA format and be a
minimum of two pages.


1. What are you planning on doing as a life-long career? In the future, I’d like to pursue a career in
the medical field. I don’t have an exact idea of what occupation I’d obtain. I’ve looked into
and am considering possibly becoming a sports medic, asthma and allergy specialist, genetic
counselor, or a biomedical engineer.

2. What career do you see yourself in five years? Hopefully after four years, I’d be completing up
university. I believe I’d start applying to various medical schools. I’d also be looking into
different medical internships.

3. What interests do you have to support your goal? The reason that I have this goal is because of
my interest in biology. I also find great interest in helping my community and society out as
much as I can. And I believe a way I can do that is through working in the medical field.

4. What skills do you already have that might support your goal? Example: Computer skills, i.e.
MSWord. I think a big part of supporting and achieving my goal is communication. I believe
and have been told that I am great at communicating with others. This is crucial because if I’m
going to pursue my career as a type of doctor, I need to be able to create a safe and
communicable environment with not just the patients, but also the nurses, NP, etc.

5. What knowledge do you already have to support your goals? Example: understand the
educational requirements to be an accountant. Some knowledge that I currently have is what
the educational process is to pursue medicine. I know that my first priority is to get into a
university where my major, biology, is taken quite seriously and I am able to obtain
opportunities. I also know that once I complete my four years at the university, I need to start
applying to medical school, and after medical school, I complete residency, and hopefully
obtain a job.

6. What Career Pathway are you currently pursuing? I am currently pursuing multiple Career
pathways. I have already pursued the Fine Arts pathway. I have completed the World
Languages pathway. Currently, I am completing the Advanced Academics pathway.


1. What are your plans after graduating from high school? One of my plans after graduating from
high school is to go to university. Hopefully, after starting university, I can obtain an internship
that will broaden my perspective of the numerous occupations within the medical field. I also
plan on studying aboard at one point in university.
2. What degree or educational program do you wish to pursue? I’m going to be studying biology
and pursuing the pre-medical track. I would like to get a degree in Biology. Hopefully, I can get
a master’s in biology as well. And if possible, I hope to obtain a PhD.

3. What is the highest level of education you believe you will need to fulfill your career goals?

High School
Military Training
On-the-job Training
2-Year Technical College
2-Year State College
4-Year College or University
Master’s Degree
Other (please specify) Medical Degree (M.D.)

4. Where are you planning to continue your education? I hope to get accepted into Emory
University, Georgia Tech, and/or the University of Georgia. From university, I would like to go
to Emory University’s medical school.

5. Have you met the requirements to begin your chosen degree or educational program? To meet
the requirements to begin my path to my chosen degree, I’d have to take the university
courses. I have completed AP Biology, which could be used as credit for my chosen degree.

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