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War. Res. Vol. 29, No. 1, pp.

49-59, 1995
Pergamon Copyright © 1994ElsevierScienceLtd
0043-1354(94)E0107-H Printed in Great Britain.All rights reserved
0043-1354/95$7.00+ 0.00



D. GRASSO, 1. J. C. CARRINGTON,2~ " P. CHHEDA l and B. KIM 3@

tDepartments of Civil Engineering and Chemical Engineering and The Environmental Research
Institute, The University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-3037, U.S.A., 2U.S. Army Engineer District,
Philadelphia, 100 Penn Square East, Philadelphia, PA 19107, U.S.A. and 3U.S. Army Construction
Engineering Research Laboratory, P.O, Box 4005, Champaign, IL 61820, U.S.A.

(First received December 1993; accepted in revised form April 1994)

Abstract--The production of nitrocellulose (NC) creates large quantities of waste NC fines in wash water
streams. Current processing techniques attempt to remove these fines by cross-flow microfiltration, air
flotation, settling, centrifugation and lime precipitation. To date, no fundamental study investigating the
interfacial thermodynamics of these fines has been reported. This work explored the stability of NC fines
in water employing the DLVO model and the more recently developed extended DLVO (ExDLVO) model
as described by van Oss and colleagues [van Oss C. J., Chaudhury M. K. and Good R. J. (1988) Chem.
Rev. 88, 927-941]. Both models predicted that NC fines will become unstable and coagulate, with the
addition of a 1: 1 indifferent electrolyte at ionic strengths greater than approx. 5 mM. The ExDLVO
theory, which accounts for Lewis acid-base (AB) interactions, predicted greater attractive potential energy
availability. Experimental studies corroborated modeling predictions. Results indicate that NC fines may
be easily destabilized allowing potential reuse.

Key words--acid-base interactions, coagulation, contact angle, DLVO, electrophoresis, electrostatic

interactions, ExDLVO, flocculation, Lifshitz-van der Waals interactions, munitions, nitrocellulose,
particle size, particle stability, propellants

INTRODUCTION primary wastewater effluents. The first waste stream

is contaminated with nitric and sulfuric acids (pH
Nitrocellulose (NC), first prepared by Braconnot in
between 1 and 2). The second stream is at neutral
1833 and improved by Schonbein in 1846, is a single pH and derives from rinse operations used to wash
base, low-smoke powder used as a propellant in con- excess acid from newly nitrated cellulose (Hefflnger
ventional military weapons. NC is a nitrate of cel- and Worrell, 1992; Wendt and Kaplan, 1976). Waste-
lobiose polymers, containing two successive units of water production from the latter stream ranges from
glucose linked by a/~-glycosidic bond, with a general
16 to 100 gallons per pound of NC manufactured
chemical formula (Quinchon and Tranchant, 1989):
(Patterson et al., 1976). Both waste streams contain
m m
NC fibers, most of which are of colloidal size
cu~ o ~ ri o R_ (Huibregtse et al., 1978). In this study, NC particles
H C~o. / r ~ C ~ with diameters greater than 1/~m are referred to as
fibers while those colloidal sized, diameters between
o ~c,. OR H"~ C ~ O ~
l/am and 1 nm, as fines. The fines, thought to be
o/ extremely difficult to separate from suspension, must
H OR Clt 2 OR be removed to meet site specific regulatory discharge
where, R = H or NO2. The degree of substitution At the Radford (Virginia) Army Ammunition
(number of hydroxyl groups substituted by nitrate Plant (RAAP), current removal methods for sus-
groups per monomer unit) and degree of polymeriz- pended NC fines are undergoing study and modifi-
ation control the quality of NC and indirectly deter- cation. The United States Army Construction
mine the character of waste products (Mudrack, Engineering Research Laboratories (USACERL),
1966). Champaign, II. has been conducting research on NC
The production process requires copious amounts fines separation, treatment, and disposal methods.
of water. NC manufacturing typically results in two Treatment processes under consideration for im-
plementation include anaerobic digestion, acid and
*Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed. alkaline hydrolysis, biodegradation by white rot
tAt the time of this study, J. C. Carrington was a Master's fungus, the use of chemical additives to coagulate
student at Connecticut. fines, direct microfiltration, and rotary vacuum

50 D. GRASSOet al.

filtration followed by microfiltration. Of these condensed media were similar to van der Waals
methods, only microfiltration and coagulation by an interactions of gas atoms (Lifshitz, 1956). This work
indifferent electrolyte may allow effective recycling of devised a method for the ab initio incorporation of all
the removed N C . Physicochemical investigations to van der Waals (LW) interactions (Norris et al., 1992;
date have left the quantification of NC surface prop- van Oss et al., 1988).
erties largely unaddressed. This study attempts to Initial theories on hydrophobic colloid interactions
explore and quantify NC surface thermodynamics in assumed that stability was the result of both long
order to evaluate effective solid/liquid separation range van der Waals attraction forces and electro-
techniques allowing potential reuse. static (EL) repulsions. Derjaguin and Landau (1941),
In order to effectively remove colloidal particles and Verwey and Overbeek (1948) did extensive
from a suspension, they must be aggregated into research on these initial concepts, which, when
large, readily separable flocs amenable to solid/liquid combined, resulted in what has been accepted as the
separation. Particle-particle potential energies of general theory on colloid stability. The model esti-
interaction typically provide insight to efficacious mates van der Waals energy and electrostatic poten-
destabilization techniques. In this study, both tradi- tial energy deriving from charged surfaces as a
tional Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey and Overbeek functions of distance between particles. These two
(DLVO) (Derjaguin and Landau, 1941; Verwey and energies are summed resulting in the total interaction
Overbeek, 1948) and extended DLVO (ExDLVO) energy as a function of interparticle separation dis-
(van Oss et al., 1988) models were employed to tance. Varying the electrolyte concentration allows
identify and quantify potential energy characteristics. estimations of the critical coagulation concentration
These models were used to characterize the stability (CCC), the concentration of coagulation onset
of NC fines under varying ionic strength conditions. (Shaw, 1980).
The ExDLVO model is recent "cutting edge" work in In addition to van der Waals attraction and elec-
particle stability which expands the DLVO model by trostatic repulsion, many researchers have postulated
accounting for Lewis acid-base interactions (AB) that other physical forces may effect colloidal suspen-
between particles. An experimental protocol was sions (van Oss et al., 1987a; Xu and Yoon, 1989). Of
designed and implemented to validate particle stab- these forces the most pronounced is called "hydro-
ility predictions with an indifferent electrolyte. phobic interaction" when attractive and "hydration
pressure" when repulsive. It has been reported that
these forces, which are polar but not electrostatic or
electrodynamic, may have energies up to two orders
Proper summation of interfacial forces acting on of magnitude greater than those routinely calculated
colloidal particles in aqueous media wilt indicate if using the traditional DLVO theory (van Oss et al.,
particles are thermodynamically driven to coagulate 1988; van Oss, 1993). These polar forces derive from
or remain in suspension. Interactive forces have AB interactions between polar particles in polar
traditionally been described as the result of attractive media. Failure to recognize and account for these AB
electrodynamic or van der Waals forces and repulsive interactions in the past may have caused erroneous
electrostatic forces (Shaw, 1980). The DLVO theory explanations of polar media interfacial interactions
has been the classic model applied to describe colloid (van Oss et al., 1988; van Oss, 1993). The inclusion
stability (Hiemenz, 1986; Shaw, 1980). Many re- of these forces is essential in allowing aqueous inter-
searchers have discovered that this theory does not actions to be calculated on a more reasonably accu-
universally apply to colloidal suspensions, especially rate scale (van Oss et aL, 1990).
in aqueous media (Grasso and Chheda, 1994; van Oss It is clear that each interaction, LW, EL and AB,
et al., 1990; Xu and Yoon, 1989). Recent work by van is important and must be properly determined to
Oss and his colleagues has improved the theory of accurately predict particle stability. The total energy
colloid stability by including the effects of AB reac- balance of a particle is the additive result of each
tions thereby extending traditional DLVO theory interaction energy.
applicability. Therefore, the DLVO total energy equation may be
Efforts to quantify interfacial forces in colloidal expressed as:
suspensions dates back to 1873, when van der Waals
AG = AG Lw + AG EL (1)
was researching certain properties of non-ideal gases
and liquids. He proposed the concept of attractive and the ExDLVO total energy equation as:
interaction between neutral atoms. These forces were
later described by three related but different etiolo- AG = AG tw + AG EL+ AG aa (2)
gies: (1) dipole-dipole interactions (orientation) as
reported by Keesom (1915); (2) dipole-induced Lifshitz-van der Waals (L W ) interactions
dipole (induction) interactions, reported by Debye Lifshitz-van der Waals free energies of interaction
(1920); and (3) induced dipole--dipole (dispersion) between two materials immersed in a liquid can be
interactions, described by London (1930). Litshitz's directly obtained from the surface tensions, 7, of the
continuum theory showed that the interactions of compounds as a function of geometry. AG Lw, the
Nitrocellulose particle stability 51

apolar free energy of interaction for two crossed potential at the particle surface, V. The reciprocal of
cylinders at 90 ° is given by: the Debye length, x, may be expressed as:
AR / lO00e2N - 2
AG Lw = - - - (3) x = ; ~cizi (10)
6d ~/ eoEkT i
where A, the Hamaker constant is, (Hiemenz, 1986) where e is electron charge, C; k is Boltzmann's
constant, J/K; T is absolute temperature, K; N is
A = 24ny see
w (d0)2 (4) Avagadro's number; l/M; c; is the concentration of
resulting in counterions, M; and zi is the valence of counterions
(van Oss et al., 1990).
AGLW= 4rc7~w(d°)2R (5) For water at 25°C, x becomes
x=3.2725x/~ (nm -I) (11)
where do, nm, is the minimum equilibrium distance
where I = 5z; c;z~ the ionic strength of water.
which derives from the Born repulsion, calculated as
0.158 nm; d is the separation distance, nm; and R is A c i d - b a s e ( A B ) interactions
the radius of the cylinder, nm (van Oss, 1994). (Note:
For AB forces, the surface energy parameters
all equations given are to replicate the conservative
include all Lewis electron-acceptor/electron-donor
assumption of interaction between NC fines, which
interactions. Hydrogen bonding interactions are in-
are best described as two crossed cylindrical particles
cluded in AB interactions because hydrogen-donor
at 90 ° described later in Materials and Methods.) The
and hydrogen-acceptor interactions may be con-
LW component of surface tension between the solid
(NC) and the liquid (water), YSL,LW can be determined sidered a subset of Lewis AB interactions (Jensen,
1980; Gutmann, 1978). The equation describing the
with the Good-Girifalco-Fowkes combining rule
AB free energy for two crossed cylinders at 9if as a
which applies to all exclusively LW interactions
function of distance, d is:
(van Oss et al., 1988):
7~ w = [7x/7;~s
Lw - yxf~-~[w]2 (6) AGAB = 27tRZAGAdoa e x p [ ~ ] (12)

or rewritten as
where R is the radius of the cylindrical particle, nm;
ysLw = ysLw + 7LLw -- 2 ~ kw (7) 2 is the decay length of the liquid molecules, approx.
1 nm for water (van Oss et al., 1990), and AGdA,~(J/m2)
where y Lw is the LW surface tension of the liquid, is the change in free energy due to hydrogen-bonding
mJ/m 2, and yLWis the LW surface tension of the solid, interactions at the minimum equilibrium distance do.
mJ/m 2. Contact angle measurements can be used to
If YL, the surface tension of the liquid is unavailable determine AG,~0s (van Oss et al., 1990). The total
in the literature, a variety of experimental methods non-electrostatic surface energy may be divided into
may be used to determine its value (Hiemenz, 1986; two additive components, i.e. apolar and polar, as
Shaw, 1980). The non-polar surface energy compo- (van Oss et al., 1990):
nent, yLW, is determined using the Y o u n g - G o o d -
Girifalco-Fowkes equation: 7 = 7 LW -~- ?AB (13)

7L w -- "~L(I + COS 0 ) 2 (8) For a given polar substance, the etectron-acceptor

4 (7 +) and the electron-donor ( 7 ) characteristics are
typically different. Consequently, these parameters
where 7L is the surface tension of an apolar liquid, are individually quantified and subsequently used to
mJ/m 2, and 0 is the contact angle between the solid determine the polar component (7 AB) of the surface
and the apolar liquid. energy of compound i are expressed as (van Oss et al.,
Electrostatic (EL) interactions
7~ B = 2~/7,+ 7 . (14)
The electrostatic or double-layer potential between
particles of the same charge is always repulsive. The The polar components of the free energy of inter-
electrostatic interaction energy or free energy (AG EL) action between a solid, S, and a liquid, L, may be
as a function of the distance, d, between the surface expressed as:
of two cylinders crossed at 90 ° is predicted by:
AG~,B = k G s ~ = - 2 ( ~ + x / 7 ~ 7 ~ ) (15)
AG EL= •E 0R(~'o) 2 In[l + exp(-- xd)] (9)
which accounts for electron-acceptor interaction of
where E is the dielectric constant of the medium, 78.55 the solid (S) with the electron-donor of liquid (L) and
for water at 25°C; E0 is the dielectric permitivity of the vice-versa. AGsA~is the change in free energy due to
medium in a vacuum, 8.854 x 10-~2 C/V- m; R is the acid-base interactions between a solid and a liquid at
radius of the cylindrical particle, nm; and t/'0 is the minimum equilibrium distance (van Oss, 1994).
52 D. GRASSO et al.

Using the D u p r 6 (1869) e q u a t i o n which is appli- Millipore filter. The filter samples were air dried overnight.
All samples were sputter coated (Polaron Model E5100
cable to b o t h polar a n d apolar c o m p o u n d s :
Series II Sputter Coater) for I min with gold. The samples
AB were randomly analyzed using a Coates and Welter HPS50b
AGdo = AG AB AB ~ B _ _ ~ B
sL = 7 SL -- (16) Field Emission SEM and micrographs taken with a 4200
line photometer. Based on visual inspections of the micro-
c o m b i n i n g e q u a t i o n (16) with equations (6, 13, 14 a n d graphs, the shape of the NC fines was determined to be
15) results in: cylindrical (Carrington, 1994). The use of SEM micrographs
to determine the diameter of the NC fines resulted in
= ( + +
samples that were singly truncated, i.e. diameters below
37.5 nm could not be observed. A method for simplifying
(17) the estimators for normal distribution when a sample is
singly truncated was applied (Cohen, 1959). The NC fines
E m p l o y i n g the Y o u n g - D u p r 6 e q u a t i o n (Nir, 1976): diameter yielded a truncated log normal distribution with a
mean of 4.895 and a standard deviation of 0.474 (Svarovsky,
(1 + cos 0)? L = - , -sLA~°ta'
,v (18)
1990). This mean value represents a radius (R) value of
where, 67 __ 1.606 nm which was subsequently used in model pre-
dictions. Normality was tested by regression analysis, a
A~total = AGEw + AGs~ (19) procedure which was essentially an equivalent to the
•.s SL
Shapiro-Wilk test (Filliben, 1975). Before transformation,
the following relationship is obtained: the truncated distribution of NC fines, which was near
normal (regression analysis yielded r 2 = 0.98), had a mean
(1 + cos 0)~& = - A G Lw - AGs~ (20) radius of 122.7 + 88.0 nm. Knowing the standard deviation
and the mean diameter, the degree of polydispersity can be
which, w h e n c o m b i n e d with equations (7, 15) a n d the predicted. Polydispersity may be defined as the ratio of the
D u p r 6 equation, becomes area-mean and length-mean diameters:

(1 + cos 0)~ L = 2[X/)'LW~ Lw Pd = ~ (22)

+X/7~-Tf+X/7+TS] (21) where Pd is the degree of polydispersity; a is the standard

deviation and d,, is the arithmetic mean diameter (Hunter,
In order to solve e q u a t i o n (21) for the three u n k n o w n 1987). For the truncated log normal distribution values, this
variables, ), sEw , ~,~ a n d ~ s , a set o f three simultaneous resulted in a Pd = 1.0, indicating that the log of the NC
equations is structured from experiments with polar diameters can be considered monodisperse. Using the non-
a n d apolar liquids a n d subsequently solved (Norris transformed distribution a Pa = 1.23 was obtained, indicat-
et aL, 1992). ing significant polydispersity. A system can be considered
monodisperse if the coefficient of variation is less than 10%
(Hunter, 1987). For the truncated log normal distribution
MATERIALS AND METHODS values this results in a coefficient of variation of 1.2%.
However, when using values for the distribution without
Materials transformation, the coefficient of variation is 72%. Thus,
RAAP provided the NC (nitrogen c o n t e n t ~ 13.1%) diameters of NC fines would be considered polydisperse
samples used in this study. Samples provided were final when the distribution is not transformed, but monodisperse
product NC, and 5 gallon of wastewater samples with for a log transformed distribution.
suspended NC fines taken from different locations in the
manufacturing process. The wastwater samples examined Electrophoretic mobility
were: poacher decant, pulp, 1.5h settle after 2 h boil; Colloidal dispersions used for electrophoresis experiments
blender decant after 1.5 h settle; Jordon beater, P-5 pulp, were prepared by siphoning off and centrifuging the super-
after 2 h settle; and centrifuge effluent. The initial ionic natant of the final product NC suspended in Milli-Q water.
strength of the wastewater was 2.4 mM. Centrifugation was carried out at 4000 rpm for 30 min using
Diiodomethane and glycerol were analytical grade ob- an ultracentrifuge (Ivan Sorvall lnc., Model SS-3, Norwalk,
tained from Sigma Chemical Company, St Louis, Mo. Conn.). After centrifuging, the supernatant was siphoned off
Water was distilled and deionized using a Millipore Milli-Q and the solids collected. Two suspensions of approx.
system. 300 mg/l each were prepared using NaCl solution to yield
final ionic strengths of l0 -2 and 10-4 M.
Particle size analysis To create a colloidal dispersion of final product grade
Traditional particle analysis techniques for colloidal dis- NC, the solid and Milli-Q water were blended for approx.
persions typically provide Stokes' radius, which can differ 30sec at 1500 rpm using a commerical blender (Waring
from the actual radius of non spherical particles. Therefore, Products Division, New Hartford, Conn.). This mixture
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to determine was allowed to settle for 48 h and the resulting supernatant
the shape and mean radius of the NC fines present in was a stable suspension of colloidal NC fines. To obtain
wastewater samples. Two analysis techniques were applied wastewater dispersion samples, individual 5 gallons sample
to ensure proper size distribution and random sampling containers from RAAP were gently agitated and samples
(Laxen and Chandler, 1982, 1983; Nomizu and Mizuike, were siphoned from the center.
1986). The first technique involved placing 20 ml drops of The electrophoretic mobility of the NC particles was
water containing suspended NC fines on aluminum foil measured by laser diffraction techniques (Malvern Instru-
mounted on SEM holders. For each suspension, three sets ments Inc., Zetasizer IIc, Southborough, Mass.). Aliquots of
of drops were taken; one set with no dilution, one at 1:5 final product NC suspensions were directly injected into the
dilution with deionized water, and the other at 1:10 di- Zetasizer after the addition of an electrolyte, NaC1. The
lution. The drops were air dried overnight (approx. 16 h). values reported here are the averages of 36 measurements
The second technique involved passing 5 ml of a 1 : 1 0 0 obtained at varying voltages (ll0-160 V) with respective
dilution for each suspension of NC fines through a 0.2 mm varying field strengths. All measurements were performed at
Nitrocellulose particle stability 53

25°C. Zeta potential values, ~', corresponding to EM Critical coagulant concentration (CCC)
measurements were calculated using Henry's equation, To verify that the surface characteristics of the wastewater
3r/u suspended NC fines were not drastically different than those
- - - (23) of the final product, both sample types were studied. The
2EEofl( x R )
following approach was utilized to determine the CCC
where r/is viscosity of the medium, N . s/m2; u is electrophor- values. Final product and wastewater sample suspensions of
etic mobility of the NC fines, /; and f~ is NC fines, were dispersed into a series of 100 ml graduated
described by the following equations for low values of x R cylinders. Varying amounts of NaC1 were added and the
(<20) (Hiemenz, 1986); cylinders were sealed with parafilm. The contents of the
(~-R)2 5(KR)3 (KR)4 cylinders mixed by inversion 7 times. After quiescent sedi-
.fi(~R)= 1 + + -- mentation for varying lengths of time, a portion of the
16 48 96 supernatant was carefully removed and analyzed for optical
[(KR) 4 (KR)6"I . n . rKSe-'dt density. Optical density was measured spectrophotometri-
~-Jexp(x/<)J~ ~-- (24) cally (Varian, Cary 1, Sugarland, Tex.) using a 1 cm cell at
500 nm. Optical density was subsequently plotted vs NaC1
and for high values of x R (>20) (Hunter, 1981): concentration. Inflection points of the traces corresponded
9 75 330 to the CCC.
fI(KR)=1.5-2(~+2(~c2R2) ~3Ra (25) Inflection points were determined by fitting a function
using Jandel Scientific Tablecurve Version 2.14 (AISN
The surface potential, ~0, was then computed Software, Corte Modera, CA) and setting the second deriva-
tive equal to zero.
~0 = ~(1 + :)exp(~:b) (26)

where b is the distance between the surface of the charged RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
particle and the slipping plane, usually taken to be about
0.5 nm (van Oss et al., 1990). The value of r was calculated Electrophoresis measurements yielded ( values o f
using equation (11). Stokes' radius of the particles, ct, was - 3 5 . 7 9 and - 2 7 . 5 4 m V at ionic strength o f 1 0 - 4 M
log normally distributed with a range of 515-2600 nm and and 10 -2 M, respectively; resulting in corresponding
a mean radius of 1140 nm as determined by laser diffraction
surface potential values o f -36.38mV and
techniques. (Note the difference between actual mean radius
67 nm and Stokes' mean radius 1140 nm.) - 3 2 . 4 3 mV. This resulted in an average surface
potential o f - 3 4 . 4 0 mV. The surface parameters for
Contact angle measurements the three liquids used for contact angle measurements
A smooth film of NC was needed to conduct contact are listed in Table 1. Contact angles o f these liquids
angle measurements for the determination of surface par-
on s m o o t h thin films o f hydrated N C are given in
ameters. A sample of wet final product NC (approx. 20 g)
was filtered to remove water and then dried for 3 h in a Table 2. Table 3 summarizes values for ysLw and, ),~
desiccator. Varying amounts of NC were dissolved in 100 ml and 7 s parameters o f 7 AR for NC. Van Oss et al.
of acetone, yielding solutions of 10, 5 and 2% NC by weight. (1987a) reported values o f 38, 0, 18 m J / m 2 for 7sLw, ),~
A cleaned glass slide was vertically dipped into these and Ys, respectively for non-military grade ( < 12%
solutions and removed in a steady perpendicular manner. As
the acetone evaporated, a thin smooth film of NC formed nitrogen content) hydrated N C acquired from
on the slide. alternative manufacturing techniques. The slightly
The objective of this study was to examine the stability of higher values o f these parameters reported in the
NC fines in an aqueous matrix, consequently hydrated films
were required. The NC films were allowed to dry for approx.
3 h and then soaked in Milli-Q water overnight, approx. Table 1. Componentsof surface tensionfor apolar and polar liquids
used to measure contact angles (compliedfrom van Oss et al., 1990)
16 h. After soaking, the films were allowed to dry. The dry
film on the glass slide was placed on a Goniometer (Rame ~L 7Lw ;'~ ;'x
Hart Inc., Model 100-00-115, Mountain Lake, N.J.) at 20°C Liquid mJ/m2 mJ/m2 mJ/m2 mJ/m:
and 65% humidity. Using 10,ul stainless steel syringes Diiodomethane 50.8 50.8 . . . . .
(Hamilton), a drop of liquid was placed on the surface of Glycerol 64.0 34.0 3.92 57.4
the NC film and the advancing contact angles (left and right Water 72.8 21.8 25.5 25.5
sides) were immediately (approx 7 s after the drop contacts
the film) measured. Contact angle measurements were taken
at 15min intervals of drying. When the contact angle Table 2. Advancing contact angles of various
liquids on NC films
remained constant at two consecutive intervals, this was the
time used to obtain a hydrated NC film, representative of Liquid Contact angle, 0
NC fines in a water dispersion. Experiments revealed con- Diiodomethane 3I. 18
tact angle measurements were only effective with the 2% NC Glycerol 37.60
solution. The 5 and 10% NC solutions created a film which Water 45.68
was too porous, absorbing deposited liquid drops. Water w/0.1 M NaCI 46.52
Contact angles were measured using drops of di- Water w/0.5M NaCI 46.89
Water w/I M NaC1 48.01
iodomethane to determine the value of 7sLw of the NC film
using equation (6). (Contact angles using ct-bromonaph-
thalene drops were attempted but no observable angle could
Table 3. Surface tensioncomponentsof
be measured.) Contact angles measured with the polar NC as determined by contact angle
liquids, water and glycerol were used to determine the measurements
contributions of the two parameters, 7 ÷ and ~ -, of the polar
Component Value, mJ/m2
surface tension 7sAB of NC. Contact angle measurements
were also determined for water at ionic strengths of 100, 500 7Lw 43.73
and 1000mM NaCI. The values reported here are the 7~ 1.415
averages for a minimum of 30 measurements per liquid. 7s 24.43
54 D. GRASSOet al.


r~ -6O
i I I I I = I , I m I I
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Surface to Surface Distance, nm

Fig. 1. LW component of change in free energy of interactions for NC fines (R = 67 nm).

present study can be attributed to variability in as a function of distance between the surfaces of two
maufacturing techniques, varying nitrogen contents, cylindrical particles perpendicular to each other as a
and different sample preparation techniques. These conservative estimate. The minimum contact dis-
values indicated a pseudo-monopolar surface behav- tance, d o , between the two cylindrical particles was
ior (van Oss et aL, 1987c) of N C substrate employed taken as 0.158nm (van Oss et al., 1988). Figure 1
in the present work. shows the free energy curve for LW interactions
which is identical for all of ionic strengths. Figure 2
Particle stability model predictions illustrates the free energy curves for EL interactions.
The change in free energy for each type of inter- The AB interactions are displayed in Fig. 3.
actions, i.e. EL, LW and AB, was calculated for N C In the classical D L V O theory the free energy of
suspensions, using varying concentrations of NaCI, particle interaction is a function of only LW and EL


9 A

7 mM ofNaCIadE

-l I

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Surface to Surface Distance, am

Fig. 2. EL component of change in free energy of interactions for NC fines (R = 67 nm) in various
concentrations of NaCI solution.
Nitrocellulose particle stability 55


-150 / D = 1000

-200 /

-300 [ ' ' '
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Surface to Surface Distance, nm

Fig. 3. AB component of change in free energy of interactions for NC fines (R = 67 nm) in various
concentrations of NaC1 solution.

forces (Figs 1 and 2). The total DLVO energy is lation than predicted by the traditional theory. Due
represented by Fig. 4. A total energy value less than to this total energy shift, the ExDLVO theory
1.5 kT typically represents an unstable suspension predicts that formed flocs may be stronger than
(van Oss et al., 1987b). EL forces are predominant at predicted by DLVO theory. This energy shift is a
long ranges but are overcome at short ranges by LW result of AB interactions being dominate but rela-
forces. As expected, the addition of an electrolyte tively short ranged (Van Oss, 1993). In addition to
reduces the EL forces. DLVO theory predicts that reducing EL forces, the strength of the AB forces is
NC should be unstable, i.e. flocculation should occur impacted by NaCl, the more electrolyte added the
between 1 and 5 mM of 1:1 indifferent electrolyte more hydrophobic the NC fines become. As expected,
added. The ExDLVO theory, as depicted in Fig. 5, the electron accepting/donating capability of the NC
which for NC includes attractive polar AB forces surface is modulated with the addition of NaC1.
(Fig. 3), predicts more energy available for coagu- Values of AG~0a [equation (12)], and ?~ increased

mM of NaCI added
6 A = 0.001 A
5 B = 0.01
4 D=I C
3 E=5
f- 2 F=IO
G = 100 D
H = 1000
i 01
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Surface to Surface Distance, nm

Fig. 4. Change in the total free energy of interactions obtained using classical DLVO theory for NC fines
(R = 67 nm) in various concentrations of NaCI solution.
56 D. GRASSOet al.

mM of NaCI added AA ~
A = 0.001
B = 0.01
4 D=I
3 E=5
E- 2 G ffi 100 / ~,,,,~'[~
1 H = 1000

F ~-
, I , I |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Surface to Surface Distance, um

Fig. 5. Change in the total free energy of interactions obtained using extended DLVO theory for NC fines
(R = 67 nm) in various concentrations of NaCI solution.

with the addition of NaC1 from - 1 . 6 6 to NC, in a zero electrolyte solution, 7 - = 24.43 mJ/m 2
-6.01 mJ/m 2 and 1.415 to 1.601 mJ/m 2 for electro- which is near the transitional value of 28.3 mJ/m 2
lyte concentrations ranging from 0 to 1 M, respect- indicating that NC is on the precipice of hydro-
ively. Values of 7s decreased from 24.43 to phylicity (van Oss, 1993). Higher concentrations of
21.65 mJ/m 2 for a similar electrolyte concentration added NaCI result in greater total negative interfacial
domain. The decrease in electron donor parameter energy causing instability as supported by both Figs 4
and the increase in electron acceptor parameter of and 5 for 5, 10, 100 and 1000mM concentrations.
NC with increasing NaC1 concentration may be
potentially attributable to association of Na with the Critical coagulation concentration (CCC)
surface. The ExDLVO also predicts incipient floccu- Figure 6 shows the O.D. vs NaCI concentration for
lation at l m M < l < 5 m M . The reason the two final product NC. After 1 h, the O.D. of the 10, 50
theories yield similar predictions for CCC is that for and 100 mM had increased. This phenomenon results


| ; ,

,,~ • after I Hr
• after 6 Hr ~~
-- after 90 Hr ~ , -

.001 .01 .1 1 10 tO0

Fig. 6. Optical density vs NaCI concentration for a colloidal dispersion of final product NC fines.
Nitrocellulose particle stability 57

J 0.4

--- after 6 Hr - ~
z ,I, after 24 Hr ~ k
0.2 ;,; after143Hr ~ ~ ~

0.0 -
.001 .01 .1 1 10 100

Fig. 7. Optical density vs NaCI concentration for blender decant wastewater with suspended NC fines
(R = 67 nm).

from the aggregation o f N C fines in these suspensions derivative o f this function equal to zero yields the
w i t h o u t a d e q u a t e settling time. After 3 h, the O.D. o f inflection p o i n t or the C C C which was 6.8 raM.
the 10, 50 a n d 100 m M suspensions decreased, indi- Figure 7 shows the O.D. vs NaCI c o n c e n t r a t i o n
cating c o a g u l a t i o n a n d settling o f N C fines. After a d d e d to blender decant wastewater from R A A P .
90 h the results remained similar. The 90 h trace was A l t h o u g h all wastewater samples were examined, the
fitted with a n arc tangent function. Setting the second blender wastewater results are reported as typical

•.,' "'..:.
• "...
X 10 .7 .... :.. ...-'"'" ..t...
,.... i'"'"'...,.
5~ .....'

E "....
~a~ ..........
¢r . .... i ....

~'~~ ~ "'''''""
.,.."'" .-'"i'''"
1- "" ....i,::;;//

x 10 .9 10 -6
Log Ionic Str. (M)
Particle Separation Distance (m)

Fig. 8. Impact of NC radius on ExDLVO theory predictions of stability. The surface represents an energy
of 1.5 kT for which a critical NC particle radius exists. At a NaCI concentration, separation distance, and
radius above this surface a stable suspension exists, while at values below this surface the suspension will
be unstable due to dominance for attractive LW and AB forces. (The response surface was limited to
300 nm for better resolution.)
58 D. GRASSOet al.

findings. The ionic strength of the blender wastewater below this surface the suspension will be unstable
was 2.4 mM. This sample exhibited nearly the same due to dominance of attractive LW and AB
results as the final production NC sample with the forces. Thus, at low concentrations of NaC1 and
major difference being the time required for flocs to separation distances greater than approx. 4 nm, NC
settle. Fitting a curve to the data and setting the fines with radii less than 10 nm will be unstable while
second derivative of the equation equal to zero fines with larger radii will remain stable. (The re-
resulted in a inflection point of 4.77 mM. The inflec- sponse surface was limited to 300 nm for better
tion point value added to the initial ionic strength resolution.) Analyzing the boundaries of the colloid
yields a true CCC value of 7.17 mM. The history of domain, i.e. diameter between 1 and 1000 nm, fines
the various traces clearly shows that the flocculation with R = 0.5 nm will settle at any ionic strength while
process is kinetically limited. fines with R =500rim will begin to settle at
Observed CCC values between final product NC 1 <I<5mM.
and wastewater containing NC fines are similar,
suggesting no substantial change in surface character-
istics at various process intervals. The actual CCC CONCLUSIONS
values are slightly higher than those predicted by
the DLVO and ExDLVO theories but are within This study explored and quantified NC surface
excepted tolerance. This difference may be attributed thermodynamics which to date were inadequately
to simplifying assumptions made in the model addressed. A proper understanding of the
development. thermodynamics enables exploration of effective
The observed CCC values were dominated by solid/liquid separation techniques to achieve
perikinetic flocculation. To enhance particle contact, potential recycling of NC fines. Both DLVO and
orthokinetic flocculation is necessary. When periki- ExDLVO models were employed to identify
netic and orthokinetic rates of flocculation are equal and quantify potential energy characteristics.
and flocculation is in transition from Brownian- These models were used to characterize the
motion dominated kinetics to fluid-motion kinetics, stability of NC fines under varying ionic strength
particle size and velocity gradient can be related. For conditions. ExDLVO theory more completely
most cases of fluid motion caused by stirring or describes interfacial forces acting on NC fines.
baffled flow, the perikinetic rate dominates for par- In this study, the difference in CCC predictions
ticles less than 1/~m, and orthokinetic rate dominates between DLVO and ExDLVO models is not
for particles larger than 1 #m (Ives, 1990). For NC as pronounced as in other studies (Grasso and
fines, the fine length as supported by SEM micro- Chheda, 1994; van Oss et al., 1990). However,
graphs revealed lengths in excess of 1 #m. Conse- the magnitude and spatial variability of potential
quently, the minor addition of an indifferent energy profiles between the two models were
electrolyte and mechanical energy input may enhance disparate. This study demonstrated that NC fines
solid/liquid separation allowing ultimate reuse of can be removed from a wastewater stream via
the NC colloids. Flocculation studies are presently destabilization by an in-different electrolyte. An
underway in our laboratories. experimental protocol validated particle stability
predictions with NaC1, NC fines dispersed in
Role o f effective particle radius production wastewater became unstable when the
As discussed earlier, the particle radius, R, of the ionic strength of the wastewater was greater than
NC fines is directly related to each component of or equal ca 7 mM (compared to model predictions
surface energy, EL, LW and AB [see Eqs (5, 9 and of 1-5mM). The results of this study provide
12)]. Because NC fines are polydisperse, this relation- the groundwork for future research to explore
ship was studied to determine the impact of the radius techniques to enhance particle contact allowing
on the stability behavior of NC particles. Setting efficacious solid/liquid separation and potential
AG = 1.5 kT and solving for R yields: recycle.

1.5 kT
R = (27)
do - d'] _ LW 2
(ee0~Z01n[l+exp(--xd)]) - 2r~2AGdA0aexp 2 , ] ( ~ )

A plot of radius as a function of NaC1 concentra- Acknowledgements--This research was supported in part by
tion and particle separation distance, d, is shown in United States Army Construction Engineering Research
Fig. 8. The response surface in this plot represents an Laboratory, Champaign, I11., and the Pollution Prevention
energy of 1.5 kT for which a critical NC particle Research and Development Center at the University of
radius exists. At a NaCI concentration, separation Connecticut. We would like to thank Mr James Heffinger,
Radford (Virginia) Army Ammunition Plant for providing
distance, and radius combination above this samples and discussing production process issues; Dr Uwe
surface, a stable suspension exists. At values Koehn, Department of Statistics, for his assistance in
Nitrocellulose particle stability 59

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