1.1 Fiverr Cash Secrets PDF

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Fiverr Cash


The Proven Formula To

Cashing In With Fiverr
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How To Make Money From Fiverr ...................................................... 4
Steps On How To Make Money At Fiverr .......................................... 7
Step 1: Identifying Your Skills… .......................................................... 8
Step 2: How To Post A Gig … ................................................................. 9
Step 3: Upgrading Your Gig … ........................................................... 11
Step 4: Provide Good Customer Service … ................................... 13
Step 5: Rinse and Repeat … ................................................................ 14

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How to Make Money from Fiverr
Fiverr is a website wherein people who are skilled in their own way can
generate income. This means that you can also be a part of the ever
growing individuals who are making money with Fiverr.
The main concept to this is you are to sell your services over at Fiverr
and people who are interested about your services (services being
offered are termed as “gigs”) will eventually hire you and you will be
paid $5 in each gig that you provide.

Take note that some services or gigs can be more than the $5 value but
the main point of the system is to provide affordable services in which
customers can surely pay for.
Well, $5 worth of your services is fair and unselfish enough since you
can still earn more per gig. This would only mean that you can earn

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more once you have multiple clients who are interested to your gigs. Be
it about your skills or simply by selling your own physical products, you
can still earn a hefty amount of money.

The good thing about Fiverr is that you can join anytime and it is free.
This means that you don’t have to pay for the websites services since it
is also the way of the website to entice more and more people to join
their money making endeavors.
However, as for your information, you will only gain a profit of $4 in
each gig you “sell”. The remaining $1 will be for the service payment
method you will use (PayPal) and for the maintenance of the website.
This is to ensure that the website will generate more traffic through the
efforts done by the owner and administrators of the website.
Now, as for the gig, you can create different gigs in which you think is
“sellable”. You need not worry about the kind of gig you can sell simply
because you can sell just about anything. When we mean “anything” you
can sell gigs such as:
• Gifts
• Graphics
• Videos
• Social Marketing
• Travel
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• Writing
• Advertising
• Music and Audio
• Fun and Bizarre
• Tips and Advice
• Business
• Technology
• Programming
• And more
As you can see, there are many gig categories in which you can use to
make your own gigs. From the outrageous to the most romantic and
from funny ideas to the most interesting gig, you can surely have your
own and sell it for $5.
Consequently, the most important thing you remember in creating your
gig is to make it captivating and it should also benefit the buyer of the
Now, the testimonials provided by the customer are also an important
factor for you. Once your gigs are done in an excellent way, customers
will eventually post their positive feedbacks over at Fiverr and this will
add more “reputation points” on your part since other interested
customers will gain more trust with regards to your performance and
your gigs will sell just like “pancakes”.
On the other hand, you will get a negative feedback once your services
are not met within the allotted time provided so better avoid this issue
since Fiverr will also post negative feedbacks. This is simply fair for
every gig seller who posts their gigs in the site.

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This is the reason why you have to do your best in creating and selling
your gigs. Remember that competition is always there so perform your
best to earn you more money.
It is also an important factor that you abide with the terms and
conditions provided by Fiverr. Be honest and perform your tasks
implementing the guidelines of the website. However, once you fail to
follow the rules and regulation of the website, they have the right to
disable or suspend your Fiverr account. Another bad news here is they
can even suspend the payment provided to you. Hence, follow the rules
of Fiverr.com and ensure a money making relationship.

Steps on How to Make Money at Fiverr

Before implementing the steps in making money at Fiverr, you have to
ensure that you have already created your Fiverr account. Again, you
can join for free and all you have to do is to go directly over at the
website (www.fiverr.com) and sign up.

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Also, you can use the new feature provided by Fiverr which means you
can sign up using Facebook Connect. Simply sign up with Fiverr by
using your existing Facebook account. Once you have signed in, you are
now a part of the Fiverr community and you can now create and post
your own gigs and make money.
Consequently, for you to make money with Fiverr, you can consider
these step by step ideas to make your gigs popular and sellable.

Step 1 – Identifying Your Skills

Remember that your skills are your investment in creating and selling a
gig at Fiverr. This is the reason why you need to identify your strengths
and your skills. This means that you have to know your best abilities in
making just about anything.
You don’t need to be a graduate in college or in any university here. All
you have to do is to bring out your best skills and make a gig. As an

• You have a good voice – Offer a song using your skills in singing.
• You are expert in drawing and painting – Offer your skills in
drawing using pencil, water color, paint brush and etc.
• You are an expert in any video making – Offer videos that will
benefit customers or make videos for them.
• You are an expert in computer graphics – Offer graphics designing
for their web page.
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These are just some of the examples of the skills you have and you can
surely use these abilities to earn you more than $5 at Fiverr.
Always remember that knowing your strengths in creating your gigs can
be identified once you have started implementing it. In this way, you
already have your own unique gig to offer at Fiverr and people who are
interested in your “Fiverr masterpiece” will greatly reward you.
Moreover, you have to make sure that the gigs you have created using
your skills should also be implemented within a time frame. This is to
provide you and the client a better relationship.
If in the case you don’t know when to start in creating your gigs, you
can browse over at Fiverr and look search for relevant ideas in which
you can use as your reference in creating your own gigs. However, you
have to make sure that your gigs are unique in a way that you don’t have
any competition over at Fiverr.

Step 2 – How to Post a Gig

Remember that in posting your gigs, you can start by using the phrase “I
will”. Some examples of the gigs that you can create and can be posted
over at Fiverr can be:
 “I will write and sing a romantic love letter for your
girlfriend/boyfriend and post it on your Facebook account for $5”.
 “I will pray over to you online and be healed for $5”.
 I will write notes, quotes, and even love letters for you in 6
different languages for $5”.
 “I will compose any type of song for you and send it over at
YouTube for $5”.
 “I will make a birthday cake for your pet dog made from dog food
for $5”.

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 “I will predict your future using my Feng Shui expertise for $5”
Remember that prior to posting your gigs; you have to create your very
own gig. This means that you have to be creative in a way that online
visitors will be interested to what you offer to them.
Another excellent point you have to remember here is to focus on your
specific niche. In this way, customers will directly go over at your
website (if in case you have one) and check some of your sample gigs.
Besides this, you also have to have an excellent portfolio. This is an
important factor customers would consider since they will determine
your authority over at Fiverr and your gigs in a professional way.

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Step 3 – Upgrading Your Gig
Always remember that with Fiverr, you can also upgrade your gigs to
make more money. The best thing Fiverr has provided as of the moment
is you can make more money by upgrading your gig business. How?
Fiverr introduces Fiverr Levels. This is an offer ingeniously mastered by
the owner and administrators of Fiverr in which you have to level up to
access the different tool to aid you in making more money…and this is
to your disposal.

Fiverr levels are broken down into:

1st level sellers – Gig sellers who have created 10 orders can access the
first level of tools provided by Fiverr. Excellent track ratings provided
by the seller is a must to gain this level besides the orders.

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2nd level sellers – Once gig sellers gains at least 50 orders (with
excellent track ratings), added tool features can be accessed to easily
level up your money making endeavors.
3rd level sellers – This is the top level in which you can be considered as
the “Fiverr Rockstarr”. However, you can gain this level once Fiverr
moderators chose you. Consequently, you best performance and ratings
are evaluated here and this is their basis in choosing you as the “Fiverr
The excellent benefit you can achieve in this level is to access more
tools in making money and you can also get added features over at
Fiverr and even VIP support.
Keep in mind that is this is just another way on how you can upgrade
your money making endeavors at Fiverr.
Another good thing for you to upgrade and make more money besides
Fiverr Levels is for you to create multiple gigs. However, you should
also know that you can only post up to 25 gigs. Well, this is just fair
since you also want to provide a slot for others, especially for newbies.
Additionally, to further upgrade your gig deals, you have to provide a
clearer representation of your gigs. For instance, your gigs are about
videos, all you have to do is to create high resolution videos for your
customers. Also, if you are into writing, you have to provide higher
standards in your content to satisfy your customers. By upgrading your
gigs, you are ensured in earning more money at Fiverr.
Another way on how you can upgrade is to gain more traffic by
implementing strategies is to “go over the fence”. This means you may
want to consider gaining more traffic over at social media sites,

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Craigslist and even over at forums and blog sites that talks about Fiverr.
With this, you can gain more followers.
It is also on your part to offer an upgrade to your customers. Once you
have provided a gig to your customers, you can offer them added
features to your offered gigs. As an example, your offered gig is about
writing eBook. All you have to do now is to offer them added features
about the eBook such as the second part of the eBook topic. With this,
you can add more $5 in your pocket.

Step 4 – Provide Good Customer Service

One of the most important aspects you have to implement every time
you offer your gigs is to provide an excellent customer service. This is a
must to gain you more customers and to gain their trust to you as well.
Always remember that in having transactions with your customers, you
should always be polite and be honest with your work deals to them. In
this way, you will have a better relationship with them and the end result
is you will end up getting an excellent feedback from them. With this,
good feedbacks will be posted on your profile over at Fiverr and you
will gain credibility.
Now to add more “reputation points” on your part, you may also want to
ask testimonials from your customers. Remember that you can only ask
permission with regards to testimonials once you have a good feedback
from them.

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You also need to be polite enough in asking your customers testimonials
since it is “in their hands” in providing testimonials that is enticing to
other customers who are interested with your sellable gigs.

Step 5 – Rinse and Repeat

After you have created your gig and mad a lot of money with it, you can
still implement the “rinse and repeat” method. This would only mean
that you can create another gig or resell you gig over at Fiverr and earn
you more money.
However, with regards to creating another gig, you have to think of
effective ways on how you can enhance your skills. Although you can
say that the gigs you create are based on your skills, you also need to
think of more enticing and sellable gigs based on your skills.
It is an excellent idea that you also “think out of the box” and make a gig
that is unique from your previous gigs. In this way customers will be
thrilled with your new offers to them and they will eventually get more
from your offered services.
Fiverr is offers each individual who have their unique abilities in
creating a gig to earn a hefty amount of money. The $5 worth of income
you can get from Fiverr will be multiplied exponentially once you have

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the skills in creating more gigs and this is the benefit you can surely get
once you join this money making website.
It is also an important factor that you create and post a gig that is unique
and very enticing to customers. Just make sure that your posted gigs will
captivate your customers and to earn you more money as well.

Consequently, your gigs should also meet the deadline you have
provided to satisfy your customer. Besides the deadline, your tasks at
hand should also be high in quality to increase your reputation to buyers.
Once you have provided an excellent work to your buyer, you can still
gain added reputation and income once you offer upgrades with regards
to your finished gigs with them. Just ensure that you have provided an
excellent customer service to undoubtedly satisfy your Fiverr customers.
For you to make more money you can rinse and repeat your gigs and
other interested customers will also get your services.
Hence, make money from Fiverr and be a Fiverr Rockstarr! Good luck
to your success!

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