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NAME: ______________________________________________________ SCORE:

YEAR & SECTION: ______________________________________________

DATE: _______________________________________________________ 120



1. Copy/print and solve each of the following problems in separate sheets of white bond paper with your
name, course, and date. Show all necessary computations and diagrams in the space provided below
each problem. You will be credited with a maximum of 20 points correct solution per problem.

2. After solving, capture images of your solution using camscanner app or similar app.

3. Compile the solution images into a single PDF file using a file name as illustrated below:

BSCE 3D EGAR PAMELA – Examination 2.pdf

4. Within the time control given (8:00-10:30AM), send or share it to the gmail ad below:

5. Please avoid violations.

PROBLEM 1: The two bars AB and AC are used to support a cylinder of weight W = 320 kN as shown. Bar AB
is steel with E = 200 GPa, 4 m long, and has a cross sectional area of 1130 mm 2. Member AC is
aluminum with E = 70 GPa, 5 m long, & has a cross sectional area of 2900 mm 2. Determine the vertical
and horizontal components of the displacement of point A after the load W is applied at the point.

xA mm
yA mm
PROBLEM 2: The composite block shown carries a load P transmitted through an end bearing plate as
shown. If the total load to be carried by the aluminum plates is to be half as the load carried by the
brass core, what should the dimension h of each aluminum plate be?

h mm
PROBLEM 3: Two steel cables BC and CD together with a pin at A support rigid bar ABD. Each steel cable has
a cross sectional area of 500 mm2and E = 200 GPa.The rigid bar ABD is initially horizontal before any load is
applied. Determine vertical displacement 𝑦𝐷 of point Dafter the 40-kN load is applied. Neglect the weights of
the members. Express your answer in mm.

𝒚𝑫 mm
PROBLEM 4: As shown in the diagram shown, there is a gap of 0.5 mm between the rods at 10 oC. Determine
the stress in each rod if the temperature is raised to 150oC. The properties of each material are shown
in the diagram.

𝝈𝒂𝒍𝒖𝒎 mm
𝝈𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒍 kN
PROBLEM 5: The composite structure shown is composed of rigid bars ABC and CD supported by pins at A
and D and by a steel rod at B. As shown, there is a roller connection between the bars at C. Determine
the magnitude of the force P applied as shown if the vertical displacement of point C is limited to
3 mm.

P kN
PROBLEM 6: The rigid bar shown is pinned at B and attached to two vertical rods. If a load P = 110 kN is
applied at the left end of the bar, determine the axial force in each of the steel rod and bronze rod.
Neglect the weight of the bar.

𝑷𝒔𝒕 kN
𝑷𝒃𝒓 kN

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