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Chapter 16

by Dan Henry

Dan Henry

CEO / Online Entrepreneur

Facebook Ads

Dan is the CEO and founder of and

co-founder of LeadOwl. Dan specializes in online ad-
vertising for local business, digital products, and
coaching. He was able to build a $3 million business
in 1 year using 100% paid traffic.

Day 1
Since I had almost this EXACT thing happen to me, I’ll walk you
through how I did $100,000 my first month on ClickFunnels. I call this
the Sold-Out Courses Blueprint. Here we go…

Since I only have 30 days and no money, I won’t be wasting time
meditating or any of that jazz. I’ll get right to work immediately be-
fore my morning coffee pot has met its end.
Today is a day of decision making. I’ll start by identifying a skill I
have that other people would love to be good at or learn. It could be an
extremely small skill or a big one, doesn’t matter.
I will teach <AUDIENCE> how to get <DESIRE>.
I’d then immediately create a Facebook Group mentioning that
skill/desire in the name. I’ll use a free graphics program like Canva to
create a snazzy cover photo.
I’d then go to my personal Facebook profile and add a link to the
group on my page. Then I’d create a custom cover photo of a call to
action (CTA).
It will need to be centered in the middle so people can see it on both
mobile and desktop, something like: “Want to Learn <TOPIC>? Join
my free Facebook Group, <GROUP NAME>.”
Now I’m ready. If anyone comes to my personal profile, they’ll see a
huge CTA to join my group immediately.
(You can see an example by searching “Dan Henry” on Facebook.)
Next, I will go join several niche groups containing people who are
my target audience. Basically, people who are discussing the skill I
based my Facebook Group around.
This should all get done before lunch. If it takes me longer than
that, it means I’m being too picky with the graphics or I am being lazy.
So I’ll deny myself lunch until it gets done.
Now I’ll record a quick video with my cell phone and post in the
group. I’ll make it the pin post welcoming everyone and providing an
up-front tip right away.
Then I’ll spend the rest of the afternoon and evening providing
100% value in the groups I joined. I’ll help people, ask open-ended
questions, and keep my comment threads going.
People will see the value I put out, get curious, click my profile, see
the CTA on the cover photo, and go join my group. They’ll probably
Friend request me as well.

Chapter 16: Dan Henry 311

I’ll finish the night by personally welcoming each person into the
group. I’ll even send them a welcome message and get to know them
a little bit.
Right before bed, I’ll sign up for a Stripe account so I can accept
payments and get that out of the way.
This is only Day 1. I know that if I stretch this out into a week, I’ll be
homeless by next month. So I slap myself in the face and get it done,
just like I did last time.

Days 2–5
For the next few days, I will continue providing value in other
groups and networking. I’ll begin making more value threads in
groups and do this until my group has a couple hundred members.
I already know that I can do this fast, because this is exactly what I
did before that got me to $1 million in only five months.

Day 6
I wake up, have my coffee, and go straight to Google Forms. I’ll cre-
ate a simple Google Form called Free Webinar Survey. I’ll then ask
several strategic questions based around what they want to learn (the
subject of my group). I’ll ask them what’s holding them back, what
obstacles are in their way, and a few other strategic questions.
I’ll post in my group and personal page, telling everyone I’m think-
ing of doing a free e-book or training on my skill set.
I’ll say, “To make sure the training is awesome, please fill out this
survey! I want to cover all your questions on the webinar!”
I’ll then spend the rest of the day keeping open-ended sub-threads
going on this post to keep it at the top of the feed. That’s the secret to
engagement. I’ll begin getting answers in my Google Form. This will
literally give me everything I need to create all my sales copy, webi-
nars, and even my offer.

Days 7–8
I’ll continue to promote this survey while writing bullet points of
what I’m going to share on this free training.

I’ll begin by identifying the end result everyone wants to achieve.
Then I’ll find out what obstacles are in their way that they think they
need to overcome to get that result. I will then find an alternative path
to the end result.
For instance, if people want to learn to be speakers and think they
need to network with publicists or agents first, I’d teach them how to
land paying speaking gigs even if they don’t have an agent or know
anyone in the industry.
As long as I can identify the desire, and I know I can teach an al-
ternative method for the main obstacle that will get them the goal, I
know I will make money without a doubt.
I’ll then sketch out three basic things I will teach. The first one will
be the alternative path. The second one will be why this will work for
them even if something they have no control over is stopping them.
Finally, I will create a secret that covers why they can still do this even
if they feel they can’t. This follows the middle part of Russell Brunson’s
Perfect Webinar formula. I’ll follow it much closer later when I refine
my webinar, but for now a rough one will do.
To give an example, one of my courses that has done over $3 million
follows this formula…

• How to easily land digital marketing clients who pay, even if you
have no results to show (Obstacle = not having existing client re-
sults to help sell their service/alternative path)
• How to bring in more customers for your clients even if you
have never run an ad (Obstacle = not having enough experience/
• How to scale to multiple clients even if you have no market-
ing budget

Obstacle = not having money for marketing/external)

I won’t worry about a big story or a fancy close. I’ll just throw to-
gether some super ugly slides and screenshots in Google Slides.
By Day 9, this presentation should be ready to go.

Chapter 16: Dan Henry 313

Day 9
Now I will announce that the webinar is coming. I’ll put together
a super simple live webinar funnel in ClickFunnels. I’ll use YouTube
Live as my broadcast software, and I’ll start sending the link out to my
group to get registrations.
I’ll make sure to start my post with “Who wants to join the webi-
nar?” That way, people will naturally comment “I do” in the comment
box, constantly driving it to the top of the feed.
I’ll make sure to begin promoting three days out. On the first day,
I’ll do a live video in the group teaching a preview of Secret #1.

Day 10
I’ll do another live video in the group teaching a preview of Secret
#2. I’ll continue promoting the webinar registration.

Day 11
I’ll do another live video in the group teaching a preview of Secret
#3. I’ll continue promoting the webinar registration.

Day 12
Today’s the webinar. I’ll continue hyping it to make sure every-
one is aware of it right until the last minute. I’ll get on YouTube Live,
embedded into my funnel, and do a super short presentation on my
three secrets. I’ll stick to the meat of the presentation.
If I have time to develop a nice story at the beginning, I will…but if
not, I won’t worry about it. A quick two- to three-minute backstory
on how I was able to use this alternative method to figure this or that
out is fine.
I’ll teach for about 40 to 45 minutes, and then I’ll make an offer. The
offer will be simple.
I’ll announce that I plan to launch an online course covering in de-
tail what I shared on the webinar. However…
“I’m going to make a special one-time offer right here, right now.
If you get in now, you’ll not only get the course for half price, but
you’ll also get to take part in a group coaching session. I will person-

ally teach it to you and take all your questions live. I’ll make SURE you
understand everything!”
Because people may not know or trust me yet, I’ll then say that I’m
going to offer something better than a refund. I’ll charge them $1 that
day but they won’t get charged the full price until 48 hours after the
live coaching session. That way, they can try it before they buy.
If they don’t like it, they can simply send me an email within 48
hours after the training and request to cancel. I’ll cancel the charge
and they’ll never even have to pay for it.
I’ll then make a secondary offer. If they are 100% in and don’t care
about the refund guarantee, they can pay in full right then for an ex-
tra discount.
If I get only 10 people to take the offer at $300, I now have $3,000
soon to be in my pocket.
If I don’t sell a single copy, I will know that there’s something fun-
damentally wrong with my offer or niche. I can now put a halt to it
right away before I waste too much time.
If I had spent the entire time creating a program, I would’ve wasted
all that time once I discovered no one wanted it. By identifying this
potential problem early, I now have time to fix it.

Days 13–15
Given my experience and the fact that I’ve already done this suc-
cessfully, I know I’ll make at least 10 sales ($3,000).
The coaching session is in a few days. I’ll spend those few days com-
ing up with very quick and ugly bullet-point slides to teach my people.

Day 16
Now it’s time for the group coaching session. I will do it on a private
YouTube Live link where I can see questions in the chat box.
I’ll begin teaching each lesson doing the best I can to make what I’m
teaching clear. Then at the end of the lesson, I will ask for questions.
I’ll answer each question thoroughly and completely.
If I feel that people didn’t totally get what I was trying to teach, I
will mark that lesson as needing revision. I will redo the lesson for

Chapter 16: Dan Henry 315

them 100% free on a different day after revising my work to make
sure that they’ll love it. I’ll complete the group coaching session and
ask for feedback.
If feedback is overwhelmingly positive, I’ll bring them on camera
and ask for an on-the-spot testimonial. They will be super hyped, so
the testimonial will be good.
Boom. Now I have social proof, and it’s only been two weeks.

Days 17–18
I’ll now have a five- to eight-hour video file from my group coaching
day. Over the next two days, I will mark out where each lesson should
begin and end, notate any mistakes to get cut.
When the day comes for everyone to get charged, I’ll make sure all
the charges go through. If anyone wants to cancel, I will cancel their
charge and get some feedback from them.
If I do everything correctly, I should get few or no cancellation re-
quests. I only got one the last time I did this, and it was simply because
the guy didn’t have any money. At this point, I will have at least $2,600
in my pocket. However, the first time I did it, I had close to $4,000.
Before bed, I’ll create an account on Fivver or Upwork and hire
someone to edit my lessons. I’ll send them the time-based edit docu-
ment I made and let them work. That should cost me no more than
$500. I’ll continue to promote my group.

Day 19
I’ll use the questions, pain points, and feedback from the coach-
ing session to create a free PDF report. I’ll also work on my live webi-
nar funnel.
Once I get the videos back from the video editor, I will load them
into a membership portal inside of ClickFunnels. I’ll also upload the
end-of-coaching-session testimonials to YouTube.

Days 20–24
Since I now have money in my pocket, I’ll run my first Facebook
Ad offering to give away a free cheat sheet. I’ll funnel them into my

Facebook Group on the last page and in the welcome email. I’ll spend
about $1,000 on ads for the cheat sheet. This should get me 800 to
1,000 people on my email list and in my group over the next week.
I’ll create live videos and hype up my group over the next several
days. These videos will direct them to a registration page for a new
live webinar. This webinar will be more refined and have a complete
offer stack with an order page at the end.

Day 25
I’ll run the webinar and make the offer. I’ll tell them if they want
to get into the private group, they need to post in my free group and
say, “Hey, Dan, I just bought the course. Please add me to the stu-
dent group.”
I will screen-share the live feed of the group during the offer pitch
and actually show the “I just bought” posts live!
This will cause extreme mob mentality and a buying spree.
This is exactly how I did $50,000 for my very first webinar. I created
a mob mentality although I barely had a list.

Days 26–28
I’ll schedule an encore webinar and promote the heck out of it for
the next several days. I’ll keep my cheat sheet ad running.

Day 29
I should be able to pull $30,000–$50,000 out of this initial webinar
and another $30,000– $50,000 a week later with an encore.
This brings me to (or close to) a six-figure month, starting
from nothing.
I know this is possible because this is exactly what I did when I hit
$100,000 my first month on ClickFunnels.

Day 30
Two years ago, this day would have involved adult beverages and
many shenanigans not appropriate for this book.
But today, I will take my wife and newborn son out on a nice private

Chapter 16: Dan Henry 317

yacht cruise and enjoy the fruits of my labor with my family.

Final THoughts
Since creating a multimillion-dollar online education business, I’ve
begun coaching other entrepreneurs to achieve similar goals.
The #1 thing I tell every one of them is this…
“If there is an audience willing to learn something for free, there
will always be someone willing to pay for more. You only need 1% to
become a millionaire and change the world at the same time.”
Dan Henry

• Canva ( • YouTube Live
• Fiverr ( • Online Course
• Google Form ClickFunnels Template
• Google Slides (
• Stripe ( coursefunnel)
• Upwork (

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