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🔸Good at 

Example- Katrina is good at dancing. 

🔸Hear from 
a person

Example- I have not heard from him for a long

🔸Hear of

Example- I heard of this event in Mumbai and

rushed back to Delhi. 
🔸Infer from 

Example- You can’t infer anything from his


🔸Insight into 
reality, situation
Example- Wise persons have insight into the reality
of life.

🔸Inquire for/ about 

a thing

Example- My mother has just gone to inquire for

the supply of rations.

🔸Inquire after 
welfare, ask after

Example- I inquired after his father’s health. 

🔸Inquire of
ask a person

Example- I inquired of him the name of his father. 

🔸Inquire into 

Example- The police are inquiring into the case. 

🔸Interfere in 
(a thing) 

Example- Don’t interfere in my private affairs. 

🔸Interfere with 

Example- Refrain from interfering with the course

of justice. 

🔸Intrude into 

Example- He intruded into the room but was turned


🔸Intrude on 

Example- Don’t intrude on the privacy of anyone. 

🔸Jump to 

Example- Don’t jump to conclusion without giving

due consideration to the facts.

🔸Known to 
Passive voice

Example- You are known to her very well. 

🔸Known by 

Example- A man is known by the company he


🔸known for 
a quality

Example- Mr Rohit is well known for his

🔸Live on 

Example- He lives entirely on vegetables these

🔸Live by 
livelihood, manner

Example- I have to live by the labour of my own


🔸Listen to 

Example- You should listen to my advice. 




🔸Liable for 
responsible for

Example- I hold you liable for the murder. 

🔸Liable to 
Example- He is liable to imprisonment and fine.

🔸Laugh at 
an act, person

Example- Never laugh at the old persons.

🔸Laugh with 
enjoy with others

Example- is  better to laugh with than to laugh at


🔸Lacking in
something, wanting in

Example- Even educated persons were lacking in

table manner. 

(Have) Liking for 

a person, a thing
Example- She has great liking for children. 

(Take) Liking to 

a person, a thing

Example- My friend took liking to Arnav and

married him. 

🔸Likeness between 

Example- There is likeness between the Chinese and


🔸Limit to 

Example- There is always a limit to friendship.

🔸Mock at
an act, a person

Never mock at the poverty of others 

🔸Neglectful of 
a person, work, a thing

Example- He has been neglectful of his business . 

🔸Negligent in 
careless in duty

Example- Don’t be negligent in your duty. 

🔸Oblivious of 
having no memory, ignorant of 
Example- Oblivious of danger, they kept on
marching ahead. 

🔸Overwhelm  with 
Example- Her mother was overwhelmed with love
for his son.
🔸Overwhelm by 
defeated by
Example- The enemy was overwhelmed by our

🔸Prone to 
inclined to
Example- Thickly populated areas are prone to riots
and diseases. 

🔸Perish with 
suffer from
Example- They are perishing with starvation. 

🔸Prevail against 
a thing, face
Example- They prevailed against all odds in life. 

🔸Prevail on/upon 
a person, to compel
Example- I have prevailed on him to come to attend
the function. 

🔸Preside over 
meeting, president
Example- He presided over the meeting in the
absence of the Chairman. 

🔸Popular with 
the people
Example- He is popular with the students of the

🔸Partake of 
share anything
Example- They partook of our food and were

🔸Prey on
Example- The rich prey on the poor. 
🔸Respite from 
relief from
Example- people have felt no respite from cold

🔸Repent of 
an action
Example- He repented of the misdeeds of his youth.

🔸Reconcile with 
a person
Example- He has not yet been reconciled with his

🔸Reckon upon/on
depend on
Example- You can safely reckon upon the books for

🔸Smile at
mock at
Example- All his friends smiled mockingly at his

🔸Smile on 
Example- At last fate smiled on him and he was
🔸Speak for 
Example- I shall speak for you to the commander. 

🔸Speak of 
Example- There is no scenic spot here to speak of. 

🔸Start on
Example- He started on journey for Mumbai though
he did not have enough money. 

🔸Strive for 
try for
Example- It is futile to strive for permanent joy in

🔸Strive with 
Compete with
Example- Don’t strive with the rich and the

🔸Side with (v)

Example- He would never side with those who are

🔸Search for 
a thing
Example- He is still searching for a good house. 

🔸Seek after 
in demand
Example- He is much sought after actor these days. 
🔸Sentence to
Example- The man was sentenced to death by the

🔸Spark off
give rise to, trigger off
Example- Communal speeches will spark off riots in
the town. 

🔸Think of 
remember a subject
Example- Think of a plan and let me know

🔸Think over 
to consider
Example- I will think over your case after

🔸Tantamount to 
equal in effect
Example- Her remarks are tantamount to insult.

🔸Trespass on
encroach on, land
Example- Do not trespass on government land. 

🔸Trespass against 
Example- Sohan was punished for trespassing
against rules of the road. 

🔸Triumph over 
Example- At last he triumphed over his difficulties. 

🔸Usher in 
begin, bring out
Example- Globalisation  has ushered in an era of
market economy. 

🔸Verse in 
thing, expert in
Example- She is versed in the art of cooking. 

🔸Vain of
proud of
Example- Though rich, Rohit  is not vain of her

🔸Vexed with 
Example- Don’t get vexed with me. 

🔸Vexed at 
a thing
Example- I am vexed at my sister’s absence. 

🔸Warn against 
Fault, danger
Example- I have already warned you against your

🔸Warn of 
Example- He warned the nation of financial crisis. 

🔸Worthy of 
praise, note
Example- Your remarks are really worthy of note. 

🔸Wanting in
lacking in
Example- Sara is wanting in common sense. 

🔸Ward off 
keep at a distance
Example- Hindus believe in many rituals to ward
the evils off.

🔸Yearn for 
acute desire, long for
Example- Sheetal yearned for the return to her own
1) Absolve of / from 
Declare free from guilt, promise, duty etc.
Example- The Bombay high court absolved salman
Khan of even the charge of not helping victims(In
2002 hit and run case).
Example – I absolved him from his promise
2) Acquit of
To relieve from a charge of fault, to declare not guilty
Example – He was acquitted of all the charges
levelled against him. 
3) Accuse of
To blame someone for a crime or wrong doing. 
Example – She accused me of stealing her handbag. 
4) Accede to 
To accept a request or proposal

Example- He acceded to my request. 

5) Access to 
means of reaching, approaching

Example- I have no access to the Prime Minister. 

6) Adhere to 
stick to
Example- we decided to adhere to the rules of the

7) Approve of 
give one’s approval
Example- Sheetal approved of my proposal in no

8) Assent to 
Official agreement e.g., to a proposal
Example- The President has given assent to the Bill.

9) Acquaint with 
Familiar with
Example- I am not acquainted with this girl. 

10) Addicted to 

be given to something harmful
Example- He is addicted to alcohol. 
11) Assured of 
Positive about
Example- I am assured of his help in need.

12) Avail of 

take advantage of
Example- Shivani availed herself of this opportunity
and got success. 

13) Aloof from 

Keep from
Example- Keep aloof from bad people. 

14) Abide by
Rules, comply with
Example- You should abide by the rules laid down
by the committee. 

15) Admit to 

Example- Rohit was admitted to the school on
16) Answer for 
explain, account for
Example- You will have to answer for your

17) Account for 

Example- You should account for your absence from
the office. 

19) Affiliated to 

a university or board
Example- Lady Sri Ram  college is affiliated to the
Delhi University. 

20) Attend to
pay attention to
Example- He did not attend to what his mother
advised him. 

21) Agree with 

To agree with a person
Example- I do not agree with you. 
22) Agree to 
To agree to views
Example- He agreed to all my views but his sister
did not. 

23) Afflicted with 

Disease, problem, mental trouble
Example- India is afflicted with extreme poverty. 

24) Act upon 

Comply with
Example- Always act upon the advice of your

25) Adapt to 

make suitable
Example- You must adapt yourself to new
situations to succeed in life.

26) Accustomed to 

Be used to
Example- I am accustomed to eating fruits.

27) Aware of 

Know about
Example- I am aware of this fact

28) Beware of 

Example- Beware of wild dogs lest you should be

29) Blind in 

the eye
Example- His son is blind in right eye and needs
major surgery. 

30) Blind to 

Example- We should not be blind to the fault of our

33) Bearing on 

relation to
Example- Your speech has no bearing on the subject
we are discussing. 

34) Believe in 

to have faith
Example- I believe in him because he is honest. 

35) Compensate for 

give something to make up
Example- He compensated me for the damage to
my scooter. 

36) Cure of 

a disease
Example- He is cured of illness after long

37) Cure for 

Example- There is no cure for AIDS yet.

38) Compete with 

a person
Example- He will compete with me for the first
position in the college. 
39) Conform to
To comply with rules, according to
Example- I conform to the rules of the committee. 

40) Cling to 

to hold tight
Example- The child was clinging to her mother.

41) Comply with 

act in accordance with
Example- You must comply with the rules laid down
by the committee. 

42) Condemn to 

Example- The accused was condemned to death. 

43) Congratulate on 

Example- Sahil congratulated his friend on success. 

44) Confident of 

Example- My sister is always confident of her

45) Count on
Depend on
Example- You should never count on unreliable

46) Charge of (n)

Example- Charge of murder was framed against

47) Charge with (v)

Example- He was charged with the murder of his

48) Cope with 

manage work
Example- My advocate can’t cope with heavy court
49) Contribute to 
Add to a thing
Example- Every Indian should contribute to the
success of Indian economy. 

50) Complain against 

(a person) 
Example- He complained to the Principal against

51) Complain of 

(a thing) 
Example- The teacher complained of his rude

52) Commit to 

a promise, pledge, sentence
Example- He has committed himself to the service
of the society. 

54) Consist of 

Example- The house consists of four rooms. 

55) Disgrace on
Example- He is a disgrace on his family. 

56) Dwell on/upon

Speak/write in detail
Example- The teacher dwelt on the need of

57) Die of 

A disease
Example- He died of Malaria after a few days’

58) Die from 

Some cause
Example- He died from over work because hard
work had affected his health adversely. 
59) Differ with 
a person in views
Example- I differ with you on the views of life. 

60) Differ from 

in something
Example- She differs from me both in habits and

61) Deal in
Trade in
Example- My friend deals in cloth.

62) Deal with 

a matter, a person
Example- You must learn how to deal with

63) Dispense with 

to remove, to do without
Example- You can’t dispense with the use of fan in
64) Dispose of 
Example- I shall dispose of my old furniture and buy
new one. 

65) Disgust with 

Person, life
Example- Being spiritual he is disgusted with
materials lie life. 

66) Disgust at 

An act
Example- Everyone felt disgusted at his jokes. 

67) Embark on
To start a venture, undertake
Example- He has decided to embark on new
business undertaking. 

68) Enter into 

Alliance, agreement
Example- India and America entered into various

69) Enter on/upon 

Example- My brother has decided to enter upon
expansion programme of his business. 

70) Enlarge on/upon 

Write or say more
Example- I need not enlarge on the problem and
waste your time. 

71) Endowed with 

Gifted with
Example- His wife is endowed with both charms and

74) Fascinated by 

a thing
Example- The children were fascinated by all the
toys in the shop windows. 

75) Fascinated with 

a person
Example- I was fascinated with her because of her
admirable manners. 

77) Feed on 

live on
Example- Carnivorous animals feed on flesh. 

78) Fond of 

liking for
Example- He is fond classical music. 

79) For lack of/ For want of/ For short of 
Example- For lack of money he could not continue
study further. 
Verbs with Prepositions: TO
Learn useful verb collocations with the preposition TO in English.
 Adapt to
 Add to
 Agree to
 Apologize to
 Belong to
 Consent to
 Devote to
 Happen to
 Lead to
 Listen to
 Object to
 React to
 Refer to
 Reply to
 Speak to
 Talk to
 Turn to
Verbs + Prepositions: FOR
List of common verbs followed by the preposition FOR.
 Admire for
 Apologize for
 Apply for
 Ask for
 Blame for
 Care for
 Excuse for
 Head for
 Long for
 Pay for
 Pray for
 Prepare for
 Scold for
 Search for
 Vote for
 Wait for
 Wish for
 Work for
Verbs + Prepositions: FROM
List of useful verb preposition collocations in English – the preposition FROM.
 Abstain from
 Borrow from
 Escape from
 Graduate from
 Hide from
 Infer from
 Prevent from
 Prohibit from
 Protect from
 Recover from
 Rescue from
 Resign from
 Retire from
 Save from
 Separate from
 Stem from
 Suffer from
Verbs with Prepositions: ON
Learn common verb preposition combinations with the preposition ON in English.
 Agree on
 Base on
 Be on
 Blame on
 Comment on
 Concentrate on
 Congratulate on
 Count on
 Depend on
 Elaborate on
 Impose on
 Insist on
 Play on
 Pride on
 Rely on
 Work on
Verb Preposition Collocations: AT
 Aim at
 Arrive at
 Glance at
 Guess at
 Hint at
 Laugh at
 Look at
 Marvel at
 Peer at
 Point at
 Smile at
 Stare at
 Wink at
Verb + Preposition: ABOUT
Learn common verb collocations with the preposition ABOUT.
 Argue about
 Ask about
 Be about
 Boast about
 Care about
 Concern about
 Decide about
 Dream about
 Forget about
 Know about
 Laugh about
 Protest about
 Think about
 Worry about
Verbs + Prepositions: WITH
Learn frequently used prepositions after verbs – the preposition WITH.
 Acquaint with
 Agree with
 Associate with
 Charge with
 Clutter with
 Coincide with
 Collide with
 Compare with
 Comply with
 Confront with
 Confuse with
 Cover with
 Cram with
 Deal with
 Discuss with
 Help with
 Tamper with
 Trust with
Verbs with Prepositions: IN
Learn useful preposition collocations with verbs – IN in English.
 Absorb in
 Arrive in
 Be engrossed in
 Believe in
 Confide in
 Implicate in
 Involve in
 Participate in
 Result in
 Specialize in
 Succeed in
 Trust in
Prepositions like in, of, at, from, and to are used very frequently in English!

However, there are some cases in which you shouldn’t use one – and in today’s
lesson, you’ll learn 5 times you should not use a preposition.

After go, we usually use to + place:
 I’m going to the mall.
 We went to Paris last year.
Exceptions: home and downtown.
Do not use “to” with these!
 I’m going home.
 We went downtown last night.
We usually use on + a day and in + a month:
 I have a meeting on Friday.
 We’ll call you on March 1st.
 The concert is in June.
Do NOT use in/on with yesterday, tomorrow, this, last, next
 I have a meeting tomorrow.
 We’ll call you next Friday.
 The concert is this June.
We usually use into for movement from outside to inside:
 She came into my room.
 Let’s go into the house.
Exception: enter
 She entered my room.
 Let’s enter the house.
Enter into is only used for starting agreements, negotiations, discussions, etc.
 The two companies entered into a financial agreement.
 Spain and France will enter into trade negotiations next month.
We don’t use to after attend when it means to go or to be present:
 Nine students attended the lecture.
 I regularly attend yoga classes.
You could use go to instead of attend:
 Nine students went to the lecture.
 I regularly go to yoga classes.
Attend to means to pay attention to or handle something:
 Doctors attended to the people who were injured in the accident.
 We’ll attend to that problem later.
Do not use of when lack is used as a verb:
 I sometimes lack confidence.
 Last night’s dinner lacked salt.
We use of when lack is used as a noun:
 I’m trying to overcome my lack of confidence.
 The lack of salt made the food tasteless.

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