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When the police investigate eye witnesses after a car accident, then every eye witness will

tell his or her own story. No two people in the world experience the same event in exactly the
same way. Everyone has its virtual pair of glasses through which he looks to the world
around him. This virtual pair of glasses is called a mental filter. Every information which is
coming through our senses must pass this mental filter before it even gets a chance to reach
our conscious awareness.

Consider you are inside a room - with two different windows. One window is on the east
side and the other is in west side. Would n’t you see different scenes from the two different
windows? It just can not be one and the same, if the windows are in two different directions.

Just like the view is different from different windows - in a communication situation when
two people are involved, they may not see/hear/remember same thing from the
communication just happened.

Everyone see it from their own stand point - which is nothing but referred as View point.

Hope this clarifies!

An attitude is your immediate disposition toward a concept or an object.

Attitudes – are the approaches, opinions and mind-set that you have develop through your
upbringing and life and learning experiences.
Attitudes can change easily and frequently. You may prefer vanilla while someone
else prefers peppermint, but if someone tries to persuade you of how delicious
peppermint is, you may be willing to try it and find that you like it better than vanilla.
Beliefs are ideas based on our previous experiences and convictions and may not
necessarily be based on logic or fact.
You no doubt have beliefs on political, economic, and religious issues.
These beliefs may not have been formed through rigorous study, but you
nevertheless hold them as important aspects of self.
Beliefs often serve as a frame of reference through which we interpret our world.
Although they can be changed, it often takes time or strong evidence to persuade
someone to change a belief.
Values are core concepts and ideas of what we consider good or bad, right or
wrong, or what is worth the sacrifice.
Our values are central to our self-image, what makes us who we are.
Like beliefs, our values may not be based on empirical research or rational thinking,
but they are even more resistant to change than are beliefs.
To undergo a change in values, a person may need to undergo a transformative life
Emotions can be make-or-break factors during communication. You can either succumb to
it and make the communication bad. Or you can use the emotions in the right manner and
make your communication dramatic and effective. Let’s have a look at both of these.

Negative impact of emotions

In case your judgment gets clouded by emotions, then you may end up saying things that
you should not and that you don’t intend to. Many a times, because of being swept by
emotions, we tend to show bias towards someone and not stick to rational thinking. We
play more by sentiments and less by logic. I would suggest that at such times, when you
know you are becoming too emotional and your comments can become very sharp and
personal, just avoid the communication. Calm yourself down and initiative the conversation
only when your mind is peaceful.

Positive impact of emotions

When you know that you feel something special for a story and have lots of sentiments
behind your words, you can try bringing those emotions in the way you speak. Yes, you
have to be mindful of not using foul language against anyone. But your voice modulation
can benefit out of your emotions. You can raise your voice and pick up pace when there is
high, aggressive or panic kind of emotion. You can lower your voice, go soft and speak
slowly when you have to communicate something sad or embarrassing. You can also try to
vary the pitch of your voice as per emotion. This way, emotions can help you emphasize on
the important aspects of your speech and will help you speak with more dramatic effect.

It depends on you how you manage the emotions and how you take forward a conversation
by being the master of emotions, and not its slave.

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