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Classification of Tumor

Benign Arising From ….. Malignant

Osteoma Bone Osteosarcoma
Osteoid osteoma
Gaint Cell Tumor
Enchondroma Cartilage Chondrosarcoma
Chondromyxoid fibroma
Non fibrous corticol defect Fibrous tissues Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
Non-ossifying fibroma
Fibrous dysplasia
Simple bone cyst Tumor of uncertain origin Ewing’s sarcoma
Aneurysmal bone cysts Adamantinoma

Comparison between benign and malignant tumor

Benign Malignant
Clinical features Asymptomatic and Incidental Local pain, swelling, limp and pathological
Imaging Single lesion Multiple lesions suggesting of metastasis.
Margin of the Slow growing with well define margin or Rapidly growing with Ill-defined margin and
lesion with sclerotic margin. appear diffusely into the surrounding structure.
Blood Supply Low blood supply Extensive blood supply via angiogenesis
Perisoteal Thick well-orgenized periosteal (slow Thin layers of priosteal (rapidly growing
reaction growing lesion) malignant lesion)
Breach of bone Very seldom involve the contex Cortex involvement suggesting of malignant
cortex lesion
Soft tissue mass Less likely to involve the adjacent soft Extension to the adjacent tissue suggesting of
tissue aggressive lesion.


• Highly malignant tumor Stag Grad • age : young
• Arise within the bone Tumor Metastasis adolescene
e e
• Spread rapidly • paget’s disease
outwards to the • Rothmund-Thomson
IA G1 T1 M0
periosteum and syndrome
surrounding soft • familial retinoblastoma
tissues. B G1 T2 M0 syndrome
• Histlogical = • Li-Fraumeni syndrome
considerable variation. IIA G2 T1 M0 • male>female
• Some areas may • c/o : worsening dull
consist of characteristic IIB G2 T2 M0 pain/progressive
spindle cells in an swelling
osteoid matrix; others • hx of radiation
G1 or T1 or
may contain cartilage III M1 • family hx of cancer
G2 T2
cells or fibroplastic (genetic predispostn)
tissue with little or no • cnsttnl sx : LOA,LOW,
osteoid nightsweat, fever
Enneking staging system 1980
• most common = around • hx preceded by
the knee/proximal trauma/fracture
Stage IA : LGT, intracompartmental
humerus and femur • pathology fracture
Stage IB : LGT, extracompartmental
• limping
Stage IIA : HGT, intracompartmental
Stage IIB : HGT, extracompartmental
Stage III : Any tumor with evidence of


Mass: Plain radiograph of the bone : • Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
 Entirely osteolytic, others show alternating areas of lysis and increased • Surgical Resection
 tender bone density. • Adjuvant Chemotherapy
 warm  Margins are poorly defined. • Local Radiotherapy
 increased skin  ‘Sunburst’ effect - The cortex is breached and the tumour extends into
vascularity over the the adjacent tissues  streaks of bone appear, radiating outwards from
mass(dilated vein) the cortex.
 Pulsations or a bruit  Codman’s triangle – the reactive new bone forms in the angle between
may be detectable. periosteum and cortex.

Decreased range of

 Involvement of a joint
should be obvious on
In histology, osteoid is the unmineralized,
physical examination.
organic portion of the bone matrix that forms
Osteosaroma with
prior to the maturation of bone tissue.
periosteal reaction Osteoblasts begin the process of forming
bone tissue by secreting the osteoid as
 unusual. several specific proteins. When the osteoid
becomes mineralized, it and the adjacent
Respiratory findings: Chest radiograph :
bone cells have developed into new bone
 To detect presence of pulmonary metastases
 Auscultation is usually Radioisotopes :
uninformative unless  To detect for the presence of metastatic disease Osteoid makes up about fifty percent of bone
the disease is  Reveal skip lesions (a –ve scan does not exclude them) volume and twenty-five percent of bone
extensive. Ct scan : weight. It is composed of fibers and ground
 Extend of the tumour substance. The predominant fiber-type is
 more sensitive than is plain film radiography for assessing pulmonary Type I collagen. The ground substance is
metastases. mostly made up of chondroitin sulfate and
MRI : osteocalcin.
 To assess the extent of intramedullary disease as well as associated
soft-tissue masses and skip lesions.
When there is insufficient mineral or
Biopsy :
 Presence of osteoid in the lesion, spindle shaped stromal cells & atypical osteoblast dysfunction, the osteoid does
with irregularly shaped nuclei. not mineralize properly, and it
 Should always be performed before commencing treatment. accumulates. This process is called
ALP and LDH :
 Elevated ALP indicates that there could be active bone formation osteomalacia. Osteomalacia, when present
occurring as ALP is a byproduct of osteoblast activity. in children, is termed rickets.

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