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1. Define the following terms: 1X5=5

A. Time binding

B. Simpler- than- reality Language

C. Denotative and connotative Meaning

D. Physical and verbal contex

E. Using the context implied in the following sentences, write a definition for a
Mary bought a pfitt last week. She used it briefly Monday before it rained. She likes the ways it
does the job; but she thought it was too noisy.

2. Illustrate the multiple meanings of words with these examples.(any five)10

A. Top

B. Fall

C. Sick

D. Run

E. Show

F. Down

3. Discuss the different meanings the following statements would have in

different physical environments: 10 marks
A. I will take ten.

B. Save me

C. It’s a hit

D. He missed a step

E. By tonight or else
4. For each of the following objects, construct an abstraction ladder of
words:10 marks
A. A bird in the tree.

B. This book

C. Your desk

D. A people in the beach

E. A fruit fallen on ground

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