Unit 23 Changing Customs

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7) in the past in my country people used to transport horses and carriages, donkeys, the average

person did not have cars or motorcycles to transport themselves, as for communication, they
communicated by means of letters that lasted a long time to reach the recipient, nowadays people
communicate through cell phones, social networks, as for food and drinks they were more of an
artisan type, and directly brought from the farms, not like nowadays that food and drinks are
passed through an industrial process to be commercialized later. The schools were mostly of one
gender, currently the schools are mixed, men and women go to the same school, the work fifty
years ago mostly depended on agriculture and small businesses.

The entertainment in the cities was much greater than in the towns, you could go to movie
theaters, rivers, and many more activities. Now the entertainment is much greater because there
are more places to go and spend a pleasant time with family and friends.

8) when i was a kid i used to go out every afternoon to play soccer with my friends, i didn't used to
go to parties because i didn't like them. when i was younger i used to get up very early to go to
study, i used to walk away because the school was very close to where i lived, and back home i
used to walk home with a group of friends, have lunch and do all my homework early. Every
November when I went on vacation I used to go on a trip to relatives who lived in other cities.

I used to play hide-and-seek with my cousins every night, I used to go out every weekend with my
parents to dinner at restaurants, they used to take me to play in the park.

now i do things that i didn't use to do before, for example now i usually wake up much later than
before, i use to go to my friends' parties, something i didn't use to do before, i used to play with
my cousins, now i don't use to do it, i use to go out more often

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