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eys to effective con- FRICTION TYPES ...............................................A129 clutching and braking func-
trol and transmis- ELECTROMAGNETIC TYPES ..............................A130 tions in one unit, Figure l.
sion of drive MECHANICAL LOCKUP TYPES ..........................A131 It has a friction plate and
torque, speed, and power in OIL-SHEAR TYPES.............................................A132 disc combination for each
many rotating drive sys- METHODS OF ACTUATION ................................A134 function. As with many
tems are clutches and CLUTCHES AND BRAKES ADVERTISING...........A136 other types of clutch or
brakes. Their function is to brake, various mounting
either transfer torque from arrangements are possible
an input shaft to an output for clutch-brake units, and
shaft (clutching) or to stop and hold a or stop a load. One surface is metallic, so are various means of actuation.
load (braking). Though offered as sep- generally cast iron and shaped into a In more complex designs, clutches
arate components, their functions are disc, band, or drum. The other surface and brakes use multiple discs and
often combined into a single unit re- has a friction facing made from molded friction plates to increase the working
ferred to as a clutch-brake. organic material, and held together by (friction) surface, Figure 2. Often the
Clutches and brakes can be catego- a heat-cured resin binder — usually a discs are submersed in oil to extend
rized by the technique used to engage plate, shoe, or pad. Friction facings can friction component life and increase
or stop the load (friction, electromag- be made from any of several types of cooling efficiency.
netic, mechanical lockup), and by the material, depending on application re- Some disc brakes use calipers in
method used to actuate them (me- quirements. Often, brass or aluminum place of a friction plate, Figure 3. An
chanical, electric, pneumatic, hy- chips are included to extend life and advantage to this design is that addi-
draulic, self-activating) . improve heat dissipation. tional calipers can be added to in-
crease braking torque. Also, brake
pads are easily serviced.
The most popular type of clutch or In simplest form, a disc-type clutch
brake uses the friction developed be- or brake has a single friction plate
tween two mating surfaces to engage and disc. A clutch-brake combines Drum clutches and brakes, Figure

Brake armature

Brake magnetic coil

Clutch magnetic coil


Clutch armature


Figure 1 — NEMA C-face (left) and foot-mounted (right) electric clutch-brakes. To start, current applied to clutch coil generates
magnetic flux that clamps armature to rotor, causing it to rotate along with attached hub and output shaft. To stop, current is removed
from clutch coil and applied to brake coil. This clamps brake armature to magnet, which is fixed to housing, thereby stopping the load.

1998 PT Design A129

Figure 2 — Typical wet-disc clutch-brake
with multiple discs. sively used in modern power trans-
mission systems.

Three types of nonfriction electric
clutches and brakes are available:
magnetic particle, eddy current, and
hysteresis. Used primarily in applica-
tions that require variable slip, elec-
tromagnetic clutches and brakes use
electromagnetic attraction rather
than friction to perform their function.

Magnetic particle
The operating principles of mag-
netic particle clutches are illustrated
in Figure 6. The space between the in-
put and output members is filled with
Figure 4 — Drum type clutch. a mixture of dry iron particles. When
the coil is energized, the magnetic
Figure 3 — Caliper type disc brake. flux lines span this space and line up
the particles on the magnetic flux
4, have cylindrical friction surfaces slightly tapered and coaxial with the lines. This results in the magnetic
with a common axis (the shaft) on shaft, and they are engaged in an ax- particle chains locking the input and
which the unit is mounted. Drum ial direction. In this respect, they are output members together, causing
units are either constricting or ex- a cross between drum and disc types. them to rotate as a single unit. The
panding types; that is, the drum is Cone clutches have light engage- amount of particle bonding deter-
contacted on either its outside or in- ment forces and high power transmit- mines the amount of torque that can
side diameter to force engagement. ting capabilities, but are difficult to be transmitted and is directly propor-
Drum clutches and brakes wear disengage. Cone units are not exten- tional to the current flowing to the ro-
evenly and transmit high torque. The tor. Torque can,
contracting type responds especially therefore, be ad-
fast because centrifugal force helps justed by varying
withdraw the shoes rapidly, thus the amount of cur-
making them well suited for high rent flowing to the
cyclic operations. coil. Magnetic par-

Cone clutches and brakes, Figure 5, Figure 5 —
have friction surfaces that are Cone type clutch.

A136 1997 Power Transmission Design

Hysteresis Figure 9 — Square jaw clutch.
These are con-
stant torque devices consists of square teeth that lock into
that can be used to mating recesses in facing members. It
Figure 6 — Magnetic particle clutch. provide any amount of slip, as long as provides positive lockup, but because
heat dissipation capacity of the unit is it cannot slip, running engagement is
ticle clutches and brakes are useful in not exceeded. Hysteresis losses trans- limited to speeds under 10 rpm. Sizes
tensioning and positioning applica- mit torque in this type of clutch. A coil accommodating from 1 to 260 hp per
tions where continuous changes of on the input rotor generates a mag- 100 rpm are available.
speed are required. netic field in the rotor and drag cup,
Figure 8. The hysteresis losses in the
drag cup cause the flux to change
Spiral jaw
Eddy current more slowly through the cup than the Spiral jaw clutches use sloping en-
Primarily used in variable speed rotor; thus torque is transmitted gagement surfaces to overcome the
devices, these clutches and brakes through the drag cup. Hysteresis limited engagement speeds of square
cannot be operated at zero slip. They brakes provide constant torque for a jaw types. Though the smooth, sloped
consist primarily of an input drum, given control current. Torque is inde- engagement surfaces allow for en-
stationary field coil, and a coupling pendent of speed up to high speeds. gagement speeds of up to 150 rpm,
pole assembly that acts as an output Used primarily in fractional horse- they can operate in only one direction,
rotor, Figure 7. When the field coil is power applications, these brakes ex- and have a tendency to freewheel.
energized, magnetic flux links the in- hibit virtually no wear and almost un-
put drum with the coupling pole as- limited life.
sembly. Eddy currents, developed
when the input drum rotates, create a These clutches offer the advan-
new magnetic field that interacts
MECHANICAL LOCKUP tages of mechanical lockup clutches
with the field in the pole assembly, A direct mechanical connection be- combined with the advantages of elec-
creating coupling torque proportional tween input and output components is tric, pneumatic, or hydraulic actua-
to coil current. used by mechanical lockup clutches to tion. Running engagement speeds of
At zero slip, the eddy current brake transmit torque. Many use centrifugal up to 300 rpm are possible. They are
has no torque, thus it cannot be used force, a wedging action, or wrapping ac- available in capacities to 300 hp per
where holding a load is required. They tion to lock the input component to the 100 rpm, Figure 10.
are useful for providing drag loads output component, and are often re-
needed in applications such as ten- ferred to as self-activating types. Speed,
sioning. difference in speed between input and
output members, or The typical sprag type clutch has
direction of rotation cylindrical inner and outer races,
are used to engage with sprags filling the space in be-
the torque transmit- tween, Figure 11. The sprags are
ting components. An- sized, shaped, and mounted in a man-
other type of mechan- ner that assures they will wedge be-
ical lockup clutch, the tween the two races when rotation oc-
multi-tooth design, curs in the correct direction.
uses electric, pneu-
matic, or hydraulic
Wrap spring
In wrap spring clutches, the input
shaft and output shaft are connected
Square jaw by a coiled spring whose inside diame-
Figure 7 — Eddy current Figure 8 — Hysteresis clutch. The square jaw ter is smaller than the outside diame-
clutch. clutch, Figure 9, ter of the two shaft hubs, Figure 12.

1997 Power Transmission Design A137

sleeve to the intermit- ment. Wear is greatly reduced by the
tently driven hub. When oil film, which lubricates while trans-
the clutch is disengaged, mitting most of the dynamic torque of
the roll cage forces the engagement.
rolls down the ramps The heat of engagement is gener-
away from the sleeve. ated in the oil film rather than on
Roll-cage position is con- working surfaces of the rotating ele-
trolled by an external ments, so the heat can be readily re-
trip cam and trip lever, moved and the drive’s thermal capac-
which may be actuated ity is high. Also, the oil absorbs the
manually or by electric, shock of engagement as the film is
hydraulic, or pneumatic squeezed between discs and plates,
solenoid. thus reducing drive-train stress.
Small-diameter, multiple-disc designs
produce high torque-to-inertia ratios.
OIL-SHEAR These characteristics suit oil-shear
CLUTCHES AND drives to applications ranging from
BRAKES high inertia to high cycle. With ordinary
control logic, drives handle 50 to 100 cy-
Figure 10 — Multi-tooth clutch. In a basic oil-shear drive, torque is cles/min constant duty easily. You can
transmitted through raise that significantly with various
shearing of an oil film valve and manifold arrangements.
between two discs. As Common applications include in-
the rotating input disc dexing and reciprocating drives, con-
moves toward the sta- veyors, hoists, shuttles, packaging
tionary output disc, the machines, palletizers, welders, and
shearing allows the out- machine tools. Oil-shear units serve in
put disc to begin rotat- glass, wood products, steel, automo-
ing. There is no friction- tive, textile, building material, food-
material-to-metal packaging, and other industries. They
contact until input and are well-suited for constant-slip ten-
output disc speeds are sion uses and adjustable-speed drives.
nearly equal. Then the It can be shown that output torque
oil film breaks down, al- is directly proportional to viscosity,
lowing full static engage- relative surface velocity, and area in
contact; inversely proportional to oil-
Figure 13 — film thickness.
Roller-ramp type clutch. Clutch or brake output torque is
Figure 11 — Sprag clutch. proportional to the disc diameter as
well as contact area. For a
given disc diameter, you can
Rotation in one direction tightens the increase torque capacity by in-
spring to transmit torque. Rotation in creasing the number of discs.
the opposite direction loosens the The modern oil-shear clutch-
spring and disengages the unit. brake has 6 to 36 working sur-
faces. Actuation may be by
pneumatic, hydraulic, or
Roller ramp spring pressure.
Roller-ramp type clutches transmit Figure 14 shows such a
torque through rollers that ride on the clutch-brake. Compressed air
ramped surface of a hub, Figure 13. or hydraulic fluid pressure in-
When the clutch is engaged, a roll troduced in the clutch makes
cage positions the the nonrotating, centrally located pis-
rolls at the top of ton exert clamping pressure on the
the ramps and clutch disc pack. The pack consists of
torque is transmit- steel discs (drive plates) keyed to the
ted from the con- input shaft, and alternate friction-
tinuously rotating material-faced discs splined to the
output shaft. During acceleration,
torque transfers from the input to the
Figure 12 —
output shaft through viscous shear in
Wrap spring clutch.
the oil between friction surfaces.
For braking, compressed air, hy-

A138 1997 Power Transmission Design

Brake pack
Clutch pack

Figure 15 — In an oil-shear unit, oil flows

Figure 14 — Typical oil-shear clutch- short as 50 milliseconds or as long as through the hollow barrel of clutch or brake
brake unit has multiple-disc clutch and several minutes. hub, then to the friction discs. Here the
brake packs. Also, the dynamic torque rating of clutch is engaged, and fluid flows in the
brake stack in preparation for brake
an oil-shear unit can be modified with
draulic fluid, or springs force the pis- different combinations of oil and fric-
ton toward the brake end of the unit, tion materials. And, because output
as air or hydraulic fluid exhausts torque varies inversely with film amount of drag is a function of viscos-
from the clutch piston chamber. The thickness, control of clamping pres- ity, disc size, relative slip speed, and
piston clamps the brake disc pack, sure allows easy control of torque. running clearance. Where residual
which is similar to the clutch pack ex- In a drive with a speed reducer, drag may be a problem, steps can be
cept that the steel plates are keyed to load inertia referred to the drive is re- taken to minimize it.
the housing. duced by the square of the reduction Most often, oil-shear drives are ap-
For units that use external actua- ratio. There, 50% or more of the motor plied in cycling applications where
tion of the brake, light-duty return output may go to accelerating the frequent stopping and starting can
springs are often used to move the drive; 50% or more of the heat gener- quickly burn up a dry-friction unit or
piston. In a spring-applied safety- ated comes from starting and stop- make it lose positioning accuracy.
brake setup, heavy-duty springs re- ping the cyclic parts of the clutch- Conversion to an oil-shear drive is
place the light-duty springs. Loss of brake — important in high-cycling simplified, because the self-contained
electric power or actuating pressure work. Because inertia increases by unit has its own bearings, housing,
automatically releases the clutch and the fourth power of diameter, and and input and output shafts.
sets the brake. Clutch-and-brake torque increases proportionally to di- Many oil-shear drives serve con-
overlap is mechanically impossible. ameter or number of discs, the small- stant-slip applications. In start-stop
Oil-shear performance requires diameter, multiple-disc design can de- uses, the objective is to accelerate or
positive oil circulation through the liver high torque with minimum decelerate the load with full engage-
disc packs, Figure 15, to cool and lu- inertia. Drive rating increases almost ment of the clutch or brake. But in
bricate friction surfaces and bearings. in proportion to the number of work- constant-slip applications, the objec-
Typically, transmission fluid is dis- ing surfaces, with no derating for tive is to slip continuously without
persed radially across the faces of the multiple-disc construction. You can full engagement. Typical uses include
friction surfaces. The fluid then flows get many torque ratings from one unwind brakes, rewind clutches, dy-
to a sump where heat dissipates brake size by adjusting the number of namometer absorbers, tension-con-
through the housing. An internal wa- discs and springs, or adjusting clamp- trol brakes, constant-tension drives,
ter-to-oil heat exchanger can increase ing pressure. and adjustable-speed drives.
thermal capacity. The totally enclosed, sealed hous- Unwind brakes, for example, main-
Not all wet clutches are oil-shear ing prevents contamination from the tain fairly constant tension in a mate-
units. In some friction-type drives, oil outside. Also, normal maintenance re- rial web even though the moment
may be used to cool the friction sur- quires only maintaining oil level. arm, and thus the torque required,
faces. Unless the clutch-brake main- In general, dynamic coefficient of changes as roll size diminishes.
tains an oil film between surfaces, it friction can vary even at seemingly Torque in the oil-shear drive can be
behaves like a friction-type clutch- constant speed conditions, and even controlled by manual adjustment of
brake. Torque transfers mechanically more so with varying speed and tem- clamping air pressure. You can get ac-
from one friction surface to another, perature. The coefficient for a wetted curacy of 610%. Better accuracy with
and heat will build up in the working surface tends to be more constant open-loop control is impossible;
surfaces, which must then be cooled. than that for a dry surface. That con- torque varies also with oil viscosity
Besides the low wear and cush- sistency extends to oil-shear drives. and slip speed. Closed-loop control
ioned engagement inherent in oil- With a clutch or brake disengaged, with load-cell feedback to a suitable
shear drives, engagement time can be the oil film, which is always present, PID set-point controller can produce
set as needed. Depending on control continues to transmit some torque. 60.25% accuracy.
logic and methods of actuation and This can be a limitation in high- Oil-shear drives make excellent dy-
cooling, engagement times may be as speed, constant-slip applications. The namometer absorbers because they

1997 Power Transmission Design A139

can develop high and low torque over Electric outputs for smooth transitions be-
a wide speed range, with low inertia. tween clutch and brake engagement
In particular, they can develop high Electrically actuated clutches and in combination units. A control with a
torque, without chatter, at speeds be- brakes permit extremely fast cycling potentiometer permits torque adjust-
low 1 rpm, where other absorbers rates (to 1,600 cpm in some uses). ment for the clutch-brake and is often
can’t function. However, they do not provide the used to soften starts and stops of sen-
torque range of pneumatic or hy- sitive loads.
draulic units. Electric clutches and Though 60 cpm is a routine cycle
METHODS OF ACTUATION brakes are more convenient for much rate for electrically actuated clutches
You must consider several factors automatic machinery, where control and brakes, rates 10 times as high are
when selecting a clutch or brake for a commands are electric. Electric actu- often encountered. One special solid-
given application: ation also works better in remote ap- state control, the overexcitation
• How much torque must the unit plications where piping would be (OEX) control, increases cycle rate
accommodate? cumbersome or costly. performance by reducing the mag-
• What engagement methods are Some types of electric clutches and netic field buildup time of the electro-
available? brakes provide closely controlled ac- magnet coil. The OEX control oper-
• Does the job need remote or elec- tuation rates that would quickly wear ates initially by applying over-voltage
tronic control? out other types. Conversely, they do to the coil, then reducing the voltage
• What is the response-time re- not provide the “feel” of engagement until rated voltage is reached. Suffi-
quirement? possible with other types. cient voltage is applied to the coil for a
• What are the environmental con- An electromagnetic clutch or brake few millisec, after which the coil has
ditions? has two basic parts: an annular electro- reached flux saturation point. The
• What thermal capacity is magnet and an armature. The electro- overexcitation time is too brief to
needed? magnet is a wound copper coil embed- harm clutch-brake life.
• Are there space or weight restric- ded in a donut-shaped iron shell, and
tions? fitted with lining material to retard
• What is the maximum operating wear. When voltage is applied to the
speed? coil, the magnetic field formed by the Air actuation is the most common
• What is acceptable service life for electromagnet shell and armature en- method for industrial equipment. Most
the unit or its friction elements? gages the two friction surfaces and factories have compressed air that can
• How much routine maintenance locks them together as a rotating unit, serve clutches and brakes. Pressures
will be needed? Figure 16. If the armature is allowed to to 200 psi are used to inflate tubes or
Most clutch and brake types are rotate, and the electromagnet is held act on pistons to engage or disengage
available for applications from frac- stationary, the unit works as a brake. friction surfaces. Some are air-engaged
tional to 50-hp capacity. Thus, you Electromagnetic clutches and and spring-disengaged; others, spring-
must consider the method of actua- brakes can have rotating or station- engaged and air-disengaged. Some
tion and operational characteristics ary coils. Rotating coil types are com- combination clutch-brakes use air
typical of that method in order to opti- mutated with slip rings and brushes, pressure to engage the clutch, and
mize selection. and cannot be used in explosive atmo- spring pressure to disengage the
spheres. In the stationary field clutch, clutch while simultaneously engaging
the magnetic coil is fixed and, thus, the brake.
Mechanical does not need rings. Though some pneumatically actu-
This is the simplest, least costly way The simplest type of clutch or brake ated clutches and brakes operate at
to engage a clutch or brake. Actuation control consists of a plug-in module rates to 80 cpm, they usually serve in
is by rods, cables, levers, or cams. that converts ac line voltage to dc volt- applications needing 20 cpm or less.
Besides cost, a major advantage of age and provides for on-off switching. Perhaps the greatest asset of an
this type of actuation is the “feel” of More complex controls include air-actuated clutch or brake is low
engagement that the operator gets solid-state input modules with inte- heat generation in the actuator. Un-
through a pedal or lever, and the abil- gral 0, 50, and 100-msec time delay like an electric unit, there is no heat
ity to judge the amount of braking generation during
force or slip needed. a long period of en-
Because mechanical actuation de- gagement. Static
pends on human strength, actuation pressure stays con-
force is limited to about 75 lb. This low stant after the pis-
clamping force limits response times ton chamber is
and cycling rates. Normally, mechani- filled, so the power
cally actuated clutches cannot be cy- needed to sustain
cled more than a few times per minute
without wearing out clutch elements
or tiring the operator. As a result, me-
chanically actuated clutches are re- Figure 16 — Basic
stricted to vehicles and small indus- elements in a disc-
trial equipment such as hoists. type electric clutch.

A140 1997 Power Transmission Design

Figure 17 — Typical pneumatic clutch
installation. Figure 18 — Actuating fluid
• Exhaust muf-
flers — To quiet Typical multiple-disc
torque is almost nothing. noisy exhaust hydraulic clutch.
As with mechanical actuation, a de- valves, they typi-
gree of touch control or “feel” can be cally reduce sound
gained with air clutches and brakes pressure levels by
by channeling pressure through hand up to 16 dB.
or foot-operated throttles. Where re- A disadvantage Cylinder-piston
mote control is desired, electrically of air-actuated assembly
actuated solenoid control valves may clutches and brakes
be used to pressurize a clutch or is the support
brake, Figure 17. equipment needed
To operate efficiently, air-actuated and the mainte-
clutches and brakes need several sup- nance costs that go
porting components: with it. The
• Pressure regulators — Selected clutches and brakes
in accordance with their flow capabili- themselves, how- Separator
ties, these valves set pressure ranges ever, use actuators plates
so that clutches and brakes deliver that are typically splined to
correct torque. no more complex
• Filters — Installed ahead of the than a cylinder and
pressure regulator, a filter needs at piston sealed with
least 5-micron filtration capability. O-rings or U-cups.
• Lubricators — Located between Thus, no special
the pressure regulator and control skills are needed to
valve, a lubricator injects oil into the maintain them.
air when pressure drops.
Friction discs
• Control valves — Depending on Hydraulic
the clutch or brake configuration, the
control valve may be 3, 4, or 5-way Principles of operation for hy-
solenoid type. A 3-way valve controls draulically actuated clutches and
either a clutch or brake. A 4-way valve brakes are similar to those of pneu- Self-actuating
controls a combination clutch-brake, matically operated units. Oil pressure
providing air to either component. A 5- as high as 500 psi is used in conjunc- These clutches rely on centrifugal,
way valve is used where clutch and tion with a mechanical friction brake wedging, or wrapping action to lock in-
brake require different pressures. or clutch. In these applications, oil put and output members together to
Generally, a control valve is located as pressure is delivered to a piston that transmit torque. (See “Mechanical
close to its clutch or brake as possible acts against a rod, lever, or cam to en- Lockup.”) They are automatic, needing
to assure least lag time. gage or disengage the clutch or brake. no external control. Actuation or re-
• Quick-exhaust valves — Installed Hydraulic actuation usually pro- lease occurs due to speed, difference in
at the clutch or brake inlet port and vides fast response, and you can get speed between input and output mem-
used where long lines are necessary, smooth engagement by controlling bers, or change in direction of rotation.
these valves improve response time be- the rate of pressure buildup with a Self-actuating clutches are best ap-
cause air need not travel back to the pressure control valve. plied to applications where motor
control to be exhausted. Instead, it ex- As with pneumatic actuation, the speed is an adequate clutch control
hausts at the quick-exhaust valve main disadvantage of hydraulic actu- parameter, gentle starting with slip is
whenever supply pressure drops by, ation is maintenance of support desirable or tolerable, and energy sav-
say, 3 to 5 psi. equipment. ings are important. ■

1997 Power Transmission Design A141

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