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Journal of Environmental Management 85 (2007) 801–815


Application of cavitational reactors for water disinfection:

Current status and path forward
Parag R. Gogate
Chemical Engineering Department, Institute of Chemical Technology, University of Mumbai (UICT), Matunga, Mumbai-400 019, India
Received 24 April 2007; accepted 4 July 2007
Available online 21 August 2007


Cavitational reactors are a novel and promising form of multiphase reactors, based on the principle of release of large magnitude of
energy due to the violent collapse of the cavities. An overview of cavitational reactors in the specific area of water disinfection, in terms of
the basic mechanism, different reactor designs including recommendations for optimum operating parameters and applicability of the
cavitation phenomena for disinfection of different micro-organisms have been presented. A design of a pilot scale sonochemical reactor
has been presented, which forms the basis for development of industrial scale reactors. Economic analysis for comparison of cavitation
phenomena with other conventional techniques of disinfection has been discussed. It appears that though cavitation is quite successful in
treatment of water at laboratory scale operations, comparatively higher cost of treatment as compared to the conventional chemical
methods is a hindrance in its industrial scale application. Intensification of cavitational activity and efficient design of industrial scale
hydrodynamic cavitation reactors is required for ensuring successful application of cavitational reactors at industrial scale operation.
r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cavitation; Water disinfection; Optimization; Novel reactors; Hybrid techniques


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 801
2. Mechanism of water disinfection using cavitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 802
3. Reactor designs for cavitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 803
3.1. Sonochemical reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 803
3.1.1. Design of a pilot scale reactor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804
3.2. Hydrodynamic cavitation reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804
4. Optimization of operating parameters in cavitational reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 806
5. Applicability of cavitation for inactivation of different microorganisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807
5.1. Individual operation of cavitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807
5.2. Intensified cavitation phenomena for disinfection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810
5.2.1. Use of solid additives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810
5.2.2. Cavitation in combination with other techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 811
6. Efforts needed in the future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 812
7. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814

1. Introduction

Tel.: +91 22 2414 5616; fax: +91 22 2414 5614. Drinking water quality is of utmost importance today.
E-mail address: Its quality has been declining over the years due to

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802 P.R. Gogate / Journal of Environmental Management 85 (2007) 801–815

pollution from industries, agricultural activities and the in very high-energy densities (Mason, 1992). Cavitation
quantum of domestic wastes due to ever increasing occurs at millions of locations in the reactor simultaneously
population. A major concern is the pollution of water and generates conditions of very high temperatures and
with sewage. This leads to the introduction of pathogenic pressures (few thousand atmospheres pressure and few
microorganisms, which can cause various water-borne thousands K temperature) locally with overall ambient
diseases, some of which could be fatal. This is particularly conditions.
true in developing countries where many people suffer The method of energy efficiently producing cavities of a
from the inadequacy or hazardous condition of public desired quality (type of the dynamic behaviour) can be
water supplies. A wide variety of known waterborne taken as the main criterion in distinguishing among
diseases, including those associated with diarrhea, is different types of cavitation. The four principle types of
rampant and contributes significantly to mortality rates cavitation and their causes can be summarized as follows:
especially for children. The quality of drinking water can
be improved either by controlling pollution or by finding 1. Acoustic cavitation: In this case, the pressure variations
effective methodologies for water treatment. Any water in the liquid are effected using the sound waves, usually
treatment scheme consists of several steps to remove the ultrasound (16 KHz–100 MHz). The chemical changes
physical, chemical and the biological pollutants. Disinfec- taking place due to the cavitation induced by the
tion aims at the destruction of microbes and is, therefore, passage of sound waves are commonly known as
an important step in any drinking water treatment scheme sonochemistry (Mason, 1992).
in view of human health. 2. Hydrodynamic cavitation: Cavitation is produced by
Over the years, disinfection of water has been achieved pressure variations, which is obtained using geometry of
by various chemical and physical means (Bitton, 1994; the system creating velocity variation (Gogate and
Pontius, 1990; White, 1992). However, the drawbacks of all Pandit, 2001). For example, based on the geometry of
these techniques outweigh their efficacy (Simpson and the system, the interchange of pressure and kinetic
Hayes, 1998; Cheremissinoff et al., 1981; Minear and Amy, energy can be achieved resulting in the generation of
1996). For example, chlorine which is widely used as a cavities as in the case of flow through orifice, venturi,
disinfectant, results in formation of mutagenic and etc.
carcinogenic agents in water and wastewater effluent. In 3. Optic cavitation: It is produced by photons of high-
addition to this formation of non-acceptable residual intensity light (laser) rupturing the liquid continuum.
components, chemical methods are also limited by severe 4. Particle cavitation: It is produced by the beam of the
mass transfer limitations resulting into lower disinfection elementary particles, e.g. a neutron beam rupturing a
rates. Also certain species of microorganisms produce liquid, as in the case of a bubble chamber.
colonies and spores which agglomerate in spherical or large
clusters. Chemical treatment of such clusters may destroy Out of these four types of cavitation, only acoustic and
microorganisms on the surface leaving the innermost hydrodynamic cavitation generates desired intensity suita-
organisms intact. Furthermore, the efficacy of any disin- ble for water disinfection. The present work gives a detailed
fection method is subject to a number of factors, including overview of cavitation as a technology for water disinfec-
solution conditions (i.e., temperature, turbidity) and tion starting with the basic mechanism of action of
variable microorganism resistance to inactivation. The cavitation phenomena.
potency of certain physical techniques, such as ultraviolet
light, is limited in highly light scattering (Parker and 2. Mechanism of water disinfection using cavitation
Darby, 1995) or absorbing solutions (Harris et al., 1987),
or when microorganisms are capable of photoreactivation Cavitation is mainly classified as transient and stable
(self-repair) (Harris et al., 1987). Fine particles such as cavitation. Transient cavitation connotes a relatively
clays are normally removed by flocculation using chemicals violent bubble collapse in which localized hot spots of
such as aluminium sulphate. The flocs can entrap bacteria high temperature and pressures occur in very short (in the
and their spores protecting them from chlorination. The order of microseconds) bursts in the medium. These bursts
vast majority of floc particles are removed, but one or two may be accompanied by localized shock waves and/or the
may pass through the system unaffected by the final generation of highly reactive chemical species. In contrast,
disinfection stage. Thus, there is a need for developing the much less violent form of cavitation, stable cavitation is
some alternate techniques for water disinfection. associated with vibrating gaseous bodies. The nature of this
Cavitation, due to its spectacular effects in terms of form of cavitation consists of a gaseous body that remains
generation of hot spots, highly reactive free radicals and spatially stabilized within, and pulsates due to the pressure
turbulence associated with liquid circulation, offers poten- field fluctuations. When such volumetric oscillations are
tial as an effective tool for water disinfection. Cavitation established, the liquid like medium immediately adjacent to
can be in general defined as the generation, subsequent the gas bubble flows or forms streams (termed micro-
growth and collapse of the cavities releasing large streaming). Microstreaming resulting from stable cavita-
magnitudes of energy over a very small location resulting tion has been shown to produce shear stresses sufficient to
P.R. Gogate / Journal of Environmental Management 85 (2007) 801–815 803

disrupt cell membranes. The exact mechanism by which found that dividing and diploid cells are more suscep-
cavitation can result in inactivation of the microorganisms tible to death than cells in the stationary phase. Thacker
leading to water disinfection has not been conclusively (1973) ascribed this phenomenon to size, with diploid
established, though it is a combination of following yeast cells and dividing cells being as much as one and a
simultaneously acting mechanisms (Thacker, 1973; Dou- half times larger than haploid cells.
lah, 1977; Mason et al., 2003): 4. Species: Certain species (e.g. Pseudomonas spp.) exhi-
bit resistance to ultrasonic treatment (Scherba et al.,
1. Mechanical effects caused by the cavitation phenomena 1991).
viz. generation of turbulence, liquid circulation currents
and shear stresses. 3. Reactor designs for cavitation
2. Chemical effects of cavitation phenomena including
generation of active free radicals. 3.1. Sonochemical reactors
3. Heat effects, i.e. generation of local hot spots (condition
of very high temperature and pressure locally). Ultrasonic horns are the most commonly used reactor
4. When used in combination with chemical treatment designs amongst the sonochemical reactors. These are
(Cl, H2O2, O3), the intense pressure gradient improve typically immersion type of transducers and very high
the penetration of the oxidizing chemicals through the intensities (pressures of the order of few thousands
microbial cell membrane. Also cavitation can facilitate atmosphere) are observed very near to the horn. The
the disagglomertion of microorganism clusters in solu- intensity decreases exponentially as one moves away from
tion and thus increase the efficacy of other chemical horn and vanishes at a distance of as low as 2–5 cm
disinfectants. depending on the maximum power input to the equipment
and also on the operating frequency (Chivate and Pandit,
It has been generally observed that the mechanical 1995). Thus the scale up possibility with these reactors is
effects are more responsible for the microbial disinfection very poor and they are more suitable for laboratory scale
and the chemical and heat effects play only a supporting characterization studies.
role (Mason et al., 2003). Microstreaming resulting from In another configuration commonly used, ultrasonic
stable cavitation has been shown to produce stresses bath, the bottom of the reactor is irradiated with a single or
sufficient to disrupt cell membranes (Scherba et al., multiple transducers. In this case, the active zone is
1991). The mechanism proposed is the onset of turbulence restricted to a vertical plane just above the transducers
which creates vortices near which there exists shear rates with maximum intensity at the centre of the transducer.
higher than the shear rates throughout the bulk of the Thus the area of irradiating surface should be increased
liquid. Doulah (1977) have also confirmed that yeast cell (maximum possible) so as to get better distribution/
disintegration in ultrasonic cavitation occurs by shear dissipation of energy in the reactor. This also results in
stresses developed by viscous dissipative eddies arising added advantage in terms of the decreased ultrasonic
from shock waves. intensity (defined as power dissipation per unit area of the
Apart from the various factors dependent on the irradiating surface), which will increase the magnitude of
cavitation phenomena which affect the efficiency of the pressure pulse generated at the end of the cavitation
disruption and inactivation of microorganisms, following events (Gogate and Pandit, 2000a). Dahlem et al. (1998,
factors relating to the cells have also been reported to affect 1999) have shown better local ultrasonic intensities and
the extent of disinfection. iodine liberation rates for the radially vibrating horn
(1000 W dissipated through an area of 365 cm2) as
1. Size of the cell: In a study conducted on Klebsiella compared to conventional horn (longitudinal vibrations,
pneumoniae NCTC 418, by Nesaratnam et al. (1982), it 300 W dissipated through an area of 0.8 cm2).
was observed that the resistance to cavitational (induced To increase the active zones existing in the reactor,
by ultrasonic irradiation) disintegration of cells de- one can easily modify the position of the transducers
creased with increasing cell size. They related this (if multiple transducers have been used which is likely to be
phenomenon to the cell wall content but no direct the case at large-scale operation due to the fact that it is
relationship between the cell wall strength and the quite difficult to successfully operate single transducer with
rigidity conferring peptidiglycan was observed. Larger very high power and frequency due to limitations over the
cells such as the dividing cells will experience greater material of construction for the transducers) so that the
tensile stresses than the smaller cells (Thacker, 1973). wave patterns generated by the individual transducers will
2. Shape of the cell: It has been suggested that larger, more overlap, also resulting into uniform and increased cavita-
elongated bacteria are more susceptible to cavitational tional activity. Arrangements such as triangular pitch for
effects than smaller more compact bacteria (Thacker, positioning the transducers in the case of ultrasonic bath
1973). (Dahlem et al., 1998; Soudagar and Samant, 1995), tubular
3. Stage of development: In a study on the mechanism of reactors with two ends either irradiated with transducers or
killing cells in suspension by Thacker (1973), it was one end with transducer and the other with a reflector
804 P.R. Gogate / Journal of Environmental Management 85 (2007) 801–815

(Gonze et al., 1998), parallel plate reactors with each plate T1

T2 Quartz tube
irradiated with either the same or different frequencies T6
(Thoma et al., 1997; Gogate et al., 2001) and transducers
on all the sides of the hexagon (Romdhane et al., 1995) can
be constructed. It is of utmost importance to have uniform Eff luent
distribution of the ultrasonic activity in order to get
increased cavitational effects.
Work of Keil and coworkers (Dahnke and Keil, 1998, T3
1999; Dahnke et al., 1999) appears to be pioneering in T4
terms of simulations of the pressure fields existing in the
reactor. Such a detailed analysis can be used to identify the
regions with maximum pressure fields in a large-scale
reactor and then may be small reactors can be placed U.V. tube
strategically at these locations in order to get maximum
benefits. It might happen that the threshold required for
certain application is obtained at these locations but if
considered globally these effects will be marginalized Transducers
resulting into much lower yields from cavitation reactors.
Thus the location of the transducers on the irradiating
surface and the location of microreactors will also depend Quartz tube
on the type of application, which decides the required
cavitational intensity.
Romdhane et al. (1995) and Faid et al. (1998) have Fig. 1. Schematic representation of triple frequency hexagonal flow cell.
described a sonitube reactor, which can be operated in a
continuous manner. Mapping of this reactor shows some
lead from these basics, a pilot scale sonochemical reactor
cavitational activity even beyond the irradiation zone.
(Gogate et al., 2003) was designed with each side of the
Moreover as compared to various reactors studied in their
hexagon hosting multiple transducers. Schematic represen-
work (ultrasonic horn, ultrasonic cleaner [bath], hexagonal
tation of hexagonal flow cell has been given in Fig. 1.
reactor), sonitube gives a better homogeneity in terms of
Transducers (3 in number per side) having equal power
the cavitational activity; negligible variation in the radial
rating of 150 W per side have been mounted (thus the total
direction has been reported.
power dissipation is 900 W when all the transducers with
The design used by Dahlem et al. (1998, 1999) also needs
combination of 20+30+50 kHz frequencies are func-
a special mention here. Telsonic horn, which has radial
tional). The two opposite faces of the flow cell have the
vibrations as against conventional longitudinal vibrations
same irradiating frequency. The operating frequency of
for the immersion system gives dual advantages of higher
transducers is 20, 30 and 50 kHz and can be operated in
irradiating surface (lower intensity of irradiation resulting
different combinations (7 in total) either individually or in
in better yields) coupled with good distribution of the
combined mode. It should be also noted that there is
energy in the radial direction. Moreover even if the horn is
provision for simultaneous irradiation with UV light as
radially vibrating, local measurements just below horn also
photocatalytic oxidation has been reported to act in
give high cavitational activity, which will be again more
synergism with cavitation (Shirgaonkar and Pandit, 1998)
beneficial in enhancing the global cavitational effects.
and the results for combined irradiation are much better as
compared to the individual operation. The reactor was
3.1.1. Design of a pilot scale reactor
tested with different reactions (Gogate et al., 2003) and was
Scale up of sonochemical reactors and its efficient
found to be more efficient, in terms of distribution of the
operation has always been a daunting task ahead of all
supplied energy as well as net cavitational effects per unit
the sonochemical engineers. A triple frequency hexagonal
energy supplied, as compared to the conventional designs.
flow cell which operates at a capacity of 7.5 l in batch or
Thus, it can be said that the future for application of
continuous mode has been described, which can form the
sonochemical reactors lies in development of multiple
basis for design of industrial scale reactors. Use of multiple
frequency/multiple transducer reactors and the design
sound sources operating at similar and/or different
described here should serve as a useful starting point for
frequencies of irradiation and optimization of the power
this activity.
input to the systems, helps in achieving uniform and more
intense cavitating conditions as compared to the conven-
tional designs. Mapping studies (Gogate and Pandit, 2004) 3.2. Hydrodynamic cavitation reactors
have also indicated that placement of transducers on
parallel plates in a hexagonal configuration results in near Hydrodynamic cavitation can simply be generated by the
uniform distribution of the cavitational activity. Taking passage of the liquid through a constriction such as an
P.R. Gogate / Journal of Environmental Management 85 (2007) 801–815 805

orifice or a valve (Gogate and Pandit, 2001). When the

liquid passes through the constriction, the kinetic energy
associated with the liquid increases at the expense of the
local pressure. If the throttling is sufficient, so that the local CW out
pressure falls below the threshold pressure for cavitation BYE PASS
(usually vapour pressure of the medium at the operating LINE
temperature), cavities will be generated. Subsequently as
the liquid jet expands, the pressure recovers and this results TANK P1
V2 V3
in the collapse of the cavities. During the passage of the
liquid through the constriction, boundary layer separation CW in
occurs and substantial amount of energy is lost in the form V1 CENTRIFUGAL
of permanent pressure drop. Very-high-intensity turbu- PUMP
lence is also present downstream of the constriction; its
intensity depends on the magnitude of the pressure drop, P1, P2 - PRESSURE GUAGES
which, in turn, depends on the geometry of the constriction V1,V2,V3 - CONTROL VALVES
and the flow conditions of the liquid, i.e. the scale of
turbulence. A dimensionless number known as cavitation Fig. 2. Hydrodynamic cavitation reactor setup using orifice plates.
number (Cv) has generally been used to relate the flow
conditions with the cavitation intensity. Cavitation number
can be mathematically represented as
P2  Pv
Cv ¼ ,
ð1=2Þrl v2o plate 1 plate 2
where P2 is the recovered pressure downstream of the
constriction, Pv is the vapour pressure of liquid, vo is
average velocity of liquid at the orifice and rl is the density
of liquid. The cavitation number at which the inception of
cavitation occurs is known as cavitation inception number
Cvi. Ideally, the cavitation inception occurs at Cvi ¼ 1 and
there are significant cavitational effects at Cv value of less plate 3 plate 4
than 1.
Hydrodynamic cavitation can also be generated in the
rotating machinery (e.g. high-speed homogenizer) by
adjusting the speed of rotation and the geometry of the
system so that the local pressure just near the rotor falls
below the vapour pressure. The flexibility of controlling the
intensity of cavitation is however much less in these types
plate 5 plate 6
of reactors as compared to the reactors based on the use of
a constriction (single or multiple orifice and venturi) in the
Orifice plate setup has been found to be more energy
efficient as compared to other hydrodynamic cavitation Fig. 3. Schematic representation of arrangement of different free areas on
reactors (Gogate et al., 2001). A typical setup consists of a the plates.
closed loop circuit comprising of a holding tank of variable
volume, a centrifugal pump (capacity will be adjusted
based on the circulation flow rates and pressures to be observation. Visual observations can aid in understanding
generated depending on the system under question), the type of cavitation occurring downstream of the orifice.
control valve and flanges to accommodate the orifice When the liquid passes through the orifice plates, due to
plates. A schematic representation of the setup has been sudden reduction in the area offered for the flow, the
shown in Fig. 2. The suction side of the pump is connected velocities at the orifice increase resulting in a decrease in
to the bottom of the tank. The discharge from the pump the pressure. If the velocities are such that the increase in
branches into two lines which help in control of the inlet velocity is sufficient to allow the local pressure to go below
pressure and the inlet flow rate into the main line housing the medium vapour pressure under the operating condi-
the orifice with the help of valves V2 and V3. The main line tions, cavities are formed. Such cavities are formed at
consists of a flange to accommodate the orifice plates number of locations in the reactor which also depends
(single or multiple holes as shown in Fig. 3), along with a strongly on the number of holes in the plates. At the
hard glass tube next to these plates to make a visual downstream of the orifice, however, due to increase in the
806 P.R. Gogate / Journal of Environmental Management 85 (2007) 801–815

area of cross-section the velocities change giving rise to affect the initial size of the nuclei and the nucleation
pressure fluctuations which controls the different stages of process. The effect of these parameters on the collapse
cavitation, namely, growth and collapse. The holding tank pressure generated and the maximum size of the cavity
can be provided with cooling jacket to control the during the cavitation phenomena have been studied using
temperature of the circulating liquid. The inlet pressure the bubble dynamics equation, which considers the
and the fully recovered downstream pressure can be compressibility of the medium and a single bubble in
measured with the pressure gauges P1 and P2, respectively. isolation (Gogate and Pandit, 2000a). In the present work
only important considerations regarding the selection of
4. Optimization of operating parameters in cavitational operating parameters have been presented (Table 1A). This
reactors study indicates the ways and means to manipulate
cavitating conditions for maximum effect.
The magnitudes of collapse pressures and temperatures In an earlier work (Gogate and Pandit, 2000b), detailed
as well as the number of free radicals generated at the end theoretical analysis of the bubble dynamics in hydrody-
of cavitation events in the case of sonochemical reactors namic cavitation type of reactors have also been presented
are strongly dependent on the operating parameters of the and only important results have been presented here. The
equipment namely, intensity and frequency of irradiation numerical simulations are based on Rayleigh Plesset
along with the geometrical arrangement of the transducers equations similar to acoustic cavitation; the only difference
and the liquid phase physicochemical properties, which being the fact that surrounding fluctuating pressure field is

Table 1
Optimum operating conditions for the cavitational reactors

No. Property Affects Favorable conditions

(A) Sonochemical reactors

1 Intensity of irradiation (range: 1–300 W/ Number of cavities, collapse pressure of Use power dissipation till an optimum value
cm2) single cavity and over a wider area of irradiation
2 Frequency of irradiation (range: Collapse time of the cavity as well as final Use enhanced frequencies till an optimum
20–200 kHz) pressure/temperature pulse value
3. Liquid vapor pressure (range: 40–100 mm of Cavitation threshold, intensity of cavitation, Liquids with low vapor pressures
Hg at 30 1C) rate of chemical reaction
4. Viscosity (range: 1–6 cP) Transient threshold Low viscosity
5. Surface tension (range: 0.03–0.072 N/m) Size of the nuclei (cavitation threshold) Low surface tension
6. Bulk liquid temperature (range: 30–70 1C) Intensity of collapse, rate of the reaction, Optimum value exits, generally lower
threshold/nucleation, almost all physical temperatures are preferable
7. Dissolved gas
(A) Solubility Gas content, nucleation, collapse phase Low solubility
(B) Polytropic constant and thermal Intensity of cavitation events. Gases with higher polytropic constant and
conductivity lower thermal conductivity (monoatomic
No. Property Favorable conditions
(B) Hydrodynamic cavitation reactors
1 Inlet pressure into the system/rotor speed Use increased pressures or rotor speed but
depending on the type of equipment avoid super-cavitation by operating beyond
a certain optimum value
2 Physicochemical properties of the liquid and The guidelines for selecting the
initial radius of the nuclei physicochemical properties so as to achieve
lower initial sizes of the nuclei are similar to
those used for the sonochemical reactors
3 Diameter of the constriction used for Optimisation needs to be carried out
generation of cavities, e.g. hole on the orifice depending on the application. Higher
plate diameters are recommended for applications
which require intense cavitation whereas
lower diameters with large number of holes
should be selected for applications with
reduced intensity
4 Percentage free area offered for the flow Lower free areas must be used for producing
(ratio of the free area available for the flow, high intensities of cavitation and hence the
i.e. cross-sectional area of holes on the desired beneficial effects
orifice plate to the total cross-sectional area
of the pipe)
P.R. Gogate / Journal of Environmental Management 85 (2007) 801–815 807

driven by hydrodynamic conditions existing downstream with treatment time. Intensity did not affect the killing rate,
of the constriction whereas in the case of acoustic as it remained relatively similar for all intensities used
cavitation, it is dependent on the time of irradiation n the work (1–3 W/cm2). Scherba et al. (1991) also
(sinusoidal variation). The optimum set of operating investigated the effect of the nature of the cell wall on the
parameters as obtained from these theoretical investiga- overall destruction of the bacteria. Gram-positive organ-
tions with confirmation from experimental results has been isms have a thicker and a more tightly adherent layer
given in Table 1B. of peptidoglycan than Gram-negative bacteria (E. coli and
P. aeruginosa). They concluded that this morphological
5. Applicability of cavitation for inactivation of different feature was not a factor in determining the sensitivity of the
microorganisms bacteria to ultrasound. It was suggested that the target of
ultrasonic damage may be the inner cytoplasmic membrane
Cavitation has been applied for inactivation of different which consists of a lipoprotein by layer. The work suggests
types of microorganisms and in this section, aim has that ultrasound in the low-kilohertz frequency range has
been made to highlight different studies depicting in brief efficacy in inactivating some disease causing microbes
the important findings of the work with in-depth analysis present in water. Most of the other microorganisms
for effect of various operating parameters for one investigated in the work were also affected by the
particular species of microorganisms. The initial discussion ultrasound with the bactericidal effect increasing with time
has been concentrated on studies depicting the use and intensity. The reduction of bacterial population
of cavitation alone while later effort has been made increased from 68% to 72% for P. aeruginosa, from 52%
to overview studies depicting the use of cavitation to 76% for B. subtilis and from 42% to 43% for S. aureus
in combination with other conventional techniques for when the treatment time was increased from 2 to 30 min at
disinfection. ultrasound power intensity of 3 W/cm2. The observed
results clearly indicate that initial rate of disinfection is
5.1. Individual operation of cavitation very high and only marginal rates of disinfection are
obtained at a later stage. The reduction of bacterial
Escherichia coli has been greatly publicized in recent population increased from 31% to 78% for P. aeruginosa,
years due to a number of outbreaks that have resulted in from 11% to 100% for B. subtilis and from 22% to 39%
loss of life. Cavitation has been applied successfully in the for S. aureus when the treatment intensity was increased
past for disinfection of E. coli. In one of the initial from 1 to 3 W/cm2 after 15 min of treatment. Fungal
applications of ultrasound for E. coli disinfection, Utsu- growth was inhibited with ultrasonic treatment, and the
nomiya and Kosaka (1979) investigated the effect of virus feline herpesvirus type 1 was significantly affected as
different operating parameters such as initial temperature, well, with reductions of 4.0  105 in 60 min related to
type of medium and pH using ultrasonic irradiation at intensity. The virus feline calicivirus was not affected by
700 kHz. E. coli suspension in saline at an initial ultrasonic treatment.
temperature of 32 1C resulted in survival of only 0.83% Hua and Thompson (2000) have also investigated the
and 0.2% of the initial microorganisms after 10 and 30 min viability of ultrasonic irradiation as a disinfection techni-
of treatment. At an initial temperature of 17 1C, these que for E. coli in two different sonochemical reactors, one
values increased to 37.86% and 8.1%, respectively under operating at 20 kHz frequency of irradiation and other
similar treatment times indicating that a combination of operating at a variable frequency range of 205–1071 kHz.
high temperature and cavitation effects generated by The supplied power was varied in the range of 80–140 W. It
ultrasound are more suitable for disinfection. A change has been reported on the basis of statistical analysis that
in liquid medium to milk resulted in no activation the deactivation progressed more readily at higher ultra-
indicating that cavitation is not generated in milk perhaps sonic power intensity, very similar to that observed for
due to unfeasible liquid physicochemical properties. This other sonochemical reactions (Hua et al., 1995; Sivakumar
was confirmed by addition of 10% orange juice to milk, and Pandit, 2001) as well as for physical processing
which resulted in only 0.3% survival in 30 min of treatment applications (Mason, 1991). It should be also noted here
time at an operating pH of 2.6. The study is important as it that the increase in the deactivation rate cannot be
depicts the way in which the operating parameters can be achieved indefinitely and there always exist an optimum
adjusted so as to achieve maximum disinfection using power intensity (W/cm2) or density (W/ml) which needs to
cavitation. be established using laboratory scale studies as it is always
Scherba et al. (1991) undertook a quantitative assess- dependent on the system under question. Studies with
ment of the germicidal efficacy of ultrasonic energy. different dissolved gases indicated that a combination of
Ultrasonic energy at a frequency of 24 kHz was used to argon and oxygen was optimum and yield maximum rates
expose aqueous suspensions of different bacteria (E. coli, of inactivation. The frequency of irradiation was found to
Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas be optimum at 205 kHz and beyond this optimum
aeruginosa), fungi and viruses. Significant reduction of the frequency, the extent of deactivation decreased with an
bacterial population (E. coli) was achieved which increased increase in the frequency of irradiation. The optimum
808 P.R. Gogate / Journal of Environmental Management 85 (2007) 801–815

frequency of irradiation is again dependent on the specific Salmonella in peptone water produced up to 4 log10
system under question and cannot be generalized. Limaye reduction in viable counts and a 0.78 log10 (74% kill) in
and Coakley (1998) have investigated E. coli disinfection milk chocolate treated for 30 min. Wrigley and Llorca
using MHz frequency range (1–3 MHz) and reported up to (1992) examined the use of ultrasonication to destroy
95.5% removal in less than 5 min of treatment time. In Salmonella Typhimurium in brain heart infusion broth,
various other applications also, ultrasonic frequencies skim milk and liquid whole egg. When S. Typhimurium was
greater than 200 kHz have been shown to enhance treated for 30 min in brain heart infusion broth, cell
sonochemical reaction rate constants (Hua and Hoffmann, numbers decreased by more than 3 log at 40 1C, and by
1997; Petrier et al., 1992, 1996). 1 log at 20 1C. In skim milk, a 30-min treatment at 50 and
Furuta et al. (2004) have investigated ultrasonic inacti- 40 1C resulted in 3.0- and 2.5-log reductions, respectively.
vation of E. coli XL1-Blue using high-intensity ultrasonic The microorganisms were more resistant in liquid whole
waves from horn-type sonicator operating at 27.5 kHz and egg; a maximum of o1-log reduction was found with
maximum power dissipation of 42 W/ml. The inactivation 30 min of treatment at 50 1C. Wrigley and Llorca (1992)
rate of E. coli increased with an increase in the power proposed that this was a result of the egg protecting the
dissipation into the system and was observed to be in microorganism from the inhibitory effects of cavitation.
correspondence with the rate of formation of hydrogen This might be due to high viscosity of the liquid whole egg,
peroxide which can be considered as a measure of the as cavitation is reduced with increased viscosity. Though
intensity of cavitation. Using the squeeze-film-type system the study by Wrigley and Llorca (1992) is not directly to
used in the work, more than 99% of E. coli cells were the topic, it has been discussed to explain the dependency
reported to be inactivated within 3 min of treatment at an of the inactivation efficiency on the viscosity of the liquid
optimized film thickness of 2 mm. In another study by the medium. Alvarez et al. (2004) and Wuytack et al. (2002)
same group (Tsukamoto et al., 2004), it has been reported have also reported similar disinfection results due to the
that more than 99% of the Saccharomyces cereviseae cells effects of cavitation phenomena though the source for
were inactivated after 40 s of ultrasonic irradiation at 7 mm generation of cavitation is high-voltage electric discharges
amplitude and 2 mm of the thickness of the squeeze film. into water and high-pressure homogenization, respectively.
Moreover, almost 80% of the Cryptosporidium parvum An effective antimicrobial action has also been observed
oocytes were morphologically damaged after 300-s treat- in a number of studies that involved B. subtilis. The earliest
ment at the amplitude of 4 mm. At the amplitude of 7 mm, study dates back to 1966, when Boucher and Pisano (1966)
the same inactivation ratio was achieved after 60-s reported the inactivation of B. subtilis using ultrasonic and
treatment (Furuta et al., 2002). In comparison with these sonic waves. A more detailed investigation in terms of
results, inactivation of E. coli is more efficient even at the effect of different operating parameters was done by
lower amplitude of the vibration face because the cell Garcia et al. (1989) and Raso et al. (1998a). Garcia et al.
structure of E. coli might be disrupted more easily by (1989) investigated the effect of heat and ultrasonic waves
sonication than yeasts and C. parvum oocytes protected by on B. subtilis in three different media (distilled water, milk
stronger cell walls. Thus this study clearly reflects the and glycerol). Garcia et al. (1989) reported that thermo-
dependency of the extent of deactivation on the type of the sonication treatment resulted in significant decrease in
microorganisms as discussed earlier. decimal reduction using heat treatment alone times for
Recently, Salleh-Mack and Roberts (2007) investigated both of the strains of B. subtilis (niger-40 and ATCC 6051)
effect of different operating parameters on the inactivation in milk and glycerol: 63% (niger-40) and 74% (ATCC
of E. coli using ultrasonic irradiation at 24 kHz frequency 6051) in glycerol and 79% (niger-40) and 40% (ATCC
of irradiation and maximum intensity of 85 W/cm2. 6051) in milk. The effect of thermosonication with water as
Ultrasonic irradiation was reported to be successful in the medium resulted in a reduction of the heat resistance of
disinfection with achievement of 5 log reduction within the spores between 70% and 99.9% over the range of
10 min of irradiation. Operating at higher temperatures 70–95 1C, but diminished significantly as the temperature
was found to be more effective as combined mechanisms of approached 100 1C (due to boiling). Raso et al. (1998a)
heat effects and cavitational effects are responsible for the reported that increasing the ultrasonic intensity resulted in
inactivation in this mode of operation. Presence of soluble an increase in the lethality of the treatment. Increasing
solids (0–16 g/100 ml of solution) did not significantly pressure to 500 kPa also resulted in increasing microbial
improve the disinfection. Acidic conditions (pH of 2.5 inactivation; however, any further increase did not result in
achieved using citric and malic acid) were found to improve greater spore inactivation. In fact, increasing pressure over
the inactivation significantly, which can be attributed to 500 kPa actually inactivated fewer spores. Raso et al.
higher cavitational effects. (1998a) noted that the maximum inactivation pressure of
In one of the very early studies on disinfection of 500 kPa was different than that discovered by Neppiras
Salmonella species using cavitation, Munkacsi and Elhami and Hughes (1964), which can be attributed due to
(1976) found that the treatment with ultrasound resulted differences in ultrasonic fields, microorganism sensitivity
in the elimination of 93% of coliforms. Lee et al. (1989) or medium characteristics such as pH or amount of total
have also reported that ultrasonic treatment (10 min) of solids present in the liquid.
P.R. Gogate / Journal of Environmental Management 85 (2007) 801–815 809

Joyce et al. (2003a) investigated effect of ultrasonic single simulated contaminants. The disinfection may or
irradiation on inactivation of B. subtilis in different may not be as effective as the depicted studies when
sonochemical reactors varying in frequencies of irradiation applied to real water streams containing a variety of
as well as extent of power dissipation and reported that microorganisms. We now overview few studies reporting
sonication has two effects on B. subtilis suspensions. The the application of cavitation for disinfection of actual
first is bacterial declumping which breaks up bacterial water streams.
clumps into greater number of individual bacteria in a Jyoti and Pandit (2001) investigated the application of
suspension, and the second bacterial killing which results in cavitation for disinfection of bore well water in an
less individual viable bacteria present in a suspension. The ultrasonic horn-type reactor (operating at 22 kHz and
overall effect of applying ultrasound is thus the result of a power rating of 240 W) as well as in hydrodynamic
competition between killing and declumping bacteria in cavitation reactors (high-speed homogenizer, high-pressure
solution. Comparison of different sonochemical reactors homogenizer and orifice plate setup). It has been reported
indicated that high-frequency low-power ultrasound (512 that cavitation is equally effective in disinfection of bore
and 850 kHz) used alone is not particularly effective for well water samples and about 90% disinfection can be
disinfection but produces effective declumping of bacteria achieved in less than 30 min of treatment for ultrasonic
wheras low-frequency power ultrasound (20 and 38 kHz) at horn and high-speed homogenizer. The extent of disinfec-
higher powers also produces declumping but the kill rate is tion was lower in the orifice plate-type setup which was
substantially higher. Thus, the use of low-frequency attributed to higher volumes of operation and generation
ultrasound resulting into a combination of chemical and of lower intensity cavitation. Comparison of all the
physical effects is more suitable for disinfection of equipments in terms of extent of disinfection per unit
microorganisms. energy supplied, however, indicated that orifice plate setup
Palacios et al. (1991) found that the heat resistance of at higher operating pressures was the most efficient among
spores of Bacillus stearothermophilus was reduced when all the cavitational reactors. It should be also noted here
subjected to ultrasonic treatment. B. stearothermophilus that hydrodynamic cavitation reactors offer more flex-
released calcium, nitrogen and dipicolinic acid into the ibility of operation and also easier scale-up possibilities as
medium during ultrasonication. Palacios et al. (1991) compared to the sonochemical reactors (Gogate and
suggested that the high pressure due to sonication affected Pandit, 2001).
the permeability of the spore protoplast membrane, Madge and Jensen (2002) explored the application of a
resulting in the release of dipicolinic acid, calcium and 20-kHz ultrasound unit for the disinfection of domestic
other low molecular weight substances. It may also have wastewater. Experiments were conducted in batch with an
allowed the entrance of water from the external environ- ultrasound probe. The disinfection efficiency of fecal
ment, which would have reduced the heat resistance. It was coliform increased with ultrasound power input from
concluded that the reduction in heat resistance was the 0.003 log kill/min at 70 W/l to 1.8 log kill/min at 1250 W/l.
result of a modification of the hydration state of the spore. Disinfection data are well-described by the Chick-Watson
A study on the influence of temperature, amplitude and disinfection model (coefficient of dilution, n ¼ 2.0) using
pressure on Yersinia entercolitica by Raso et al. (1998b) ultrasound power in place of chemical concentration.
showed that the increase in amplitude (at 30 1C and Water quality did not affect disinfection efficiency sig-
200 kPa) from 21 to 150 mm reduced the D-value exponen- nificantly. Temperature increases experienced with ultra-
tially (from 4 to 0.37 min). Increasing pressure at 30 1C and sonic treatment were significant. Attempts to control the
150 mm from 0 to 600 kPa resulted in a D-value decrease temperature resulted in a marked decrease in disinfection
from 1.52 to 0.2 min. The magnitude of decrease in D-value efficiency. Experiments devised to quantify the role of
lessened as pressure increased. The D-value was greater as thermal mechanisms revealed that of the total kill
the amplitude of the ultrasonic waves increased. Pressure, produced by ultrasound approximately 52% was attributed
when used exclusively, had no effect on heat resistance to heat, 36% to mechanical stresses associated with
of the bacteria. Also, above the temperature of 58 1C, the ultrasonically induced cavitation, and 12% to uncharacter-
heat and ultrasonic effects appeared to be unrelated, since ized synergistic effects. Successful scale-up was demon-
the D-values for heat and manothermosonic treatments strated using a 9.3-l pilot-scale ultrasound unit, operated
were equal. It was also shown that inactivation using under flow-through conditions.
ultrasound was not a result of titanium particles eroded Apart from making contaminated water into potable one
from the sonication horn. These experiments showed that for drinking purpose cavitational reactors can also find
inactivation by manosonication was only due to the utility in a ship to treat ship’s ballast water that is being
mechanical disruption of cells in the presence of cavita- transported from one region to another. Shipping is the
tional effects. backbone of global economy and facilitates transportation
A general observation which can be made from an of 90% of the commodities. It is estimated that 2–3 billion
overview of these studies is that though cavitation is highly tonnes of ballast water is carried around the world
effective in disinfecting a variety of microorganisms, each year. Translocation of organisms through ships
majority of the work is on a laboratory scale and with (bio-invasion) is considered to be one of the important
810 P.R. Gogate / Journal of Environmental Management 85 (2007) 801–815

issues that threaten the naturally evolved biodiversity, the disinfection such as use of chlorine, ozone, hydrogen
consequences of which are being realized increasingly in the peroxide, hypochlorite, etc.
recent years. Although many treatment technologies such
as self-cleaning screen filtration systems, ozonation, de- 5.2. Intensified cavitation phenomena for disinfection
oxygenation, electro-ionization, gas supersaturation, che-
mical treatments are adopted, they cannot limit the 5.2.1. Use of solid additives
environmentally hazardous effects that may result from The intensity of cavitation plays a crucial role in deciding
such practices. Pandit (2006) reported the application of the extent of disinfection and hence any efforts in
cavitation for ballast water treatment and the design increasing the same would lead to beneficial results.
methodology for incorporation of cavitational reactors in Cavitational effects are dependent on the extent of
actual ships. Experimental investigations indicated that deformities present in the system so as to enable the
hydrodynamic cavitation (generated using multiple holes formation of the cavities. Presence of additives in the
sharp edge orifice plate of size 21.5 mm having circular hole system might ease the process of cavity generation and
of diameter 2 mm; fractional open area ¼ 0.75, flow hence intensify the cavitational activity in the reactor. The
rate ¼ 1.3 lps and pressure ¼ 3.2 kg/cm2) resulted in 99% additives can simply be inert solids or can have catalytic
destruction of all the bacteria and also resulted in 80% action in terms of promoting the rates of dissociation of the
destruction of the zooplanktons. An increase in the oxidants such as ozone or hydrogen peroxide, scavenging
recirculation time as well as operating pressure, which the undesired radical species, etc. Presence of solid particles
increases the intensity of generation cavitation, resulted in provide additional nuclei for the cavitation phenomena
a decrease of the treatment time. Use of multiple orifice and hence the number of cavitation events occurring in the
plates arranged sequentially in the system also resulted in reactor are enhanced resulting in a subsequent enhance-
an increase in the extent of destruction. Aim of the ment in the cavitational activity and hence the net extent of
designers in this type of application should be to make the disinfection. In a biphasic solid–liquid medium irradiated
process single pass as it is practically impossible to have by power ultrasound, major mechanical effects are reduc-
multiple passes in the ballast water treatment considering tion of particles size leading to increased surface area and
the volume of the liquid to be treated. the formation of liquid jets at solid surfaces by the
The above studies with actual contaminated water unsymmetrical inrush of the fluid into the collapsing voids.
(possibly containing wide range of bacteria/microorgan- These jets not only provide surface cleaning but also induce
isms) confirms the suitability of the cavitation phenomena pitting and surface activation effects and increase the rate
for water treatment. Cost of the treatment is another of phase mixing and mass transfer. Dadjour et al. (2005)
important factor, which needs to be ascertained, before investigated the effect of presence of TiO2 particles on the
cavitation can be recommended as a replacement technique ultrasound-induced disinfection of E. coli in a sonicator
for the conventional methods of disinfection. Jyoti and operating at 39 kHz frequency and 200 W of maximum
Pandit (2001) estimated the cost of treatment for different power dissipation. The concentration of viable cells were
types of cavitational reactors and compared with the costs reduced to 2% of the initial concentrations in the presence
associated with conventional methods of using ozone of TiO2 (1 g/l concentration) after a 30 min period of
and chlorine. It has been reported that hydrodynamic irradiation. However, only a 13% reduction was observed
cavitation induced using high-speed homogenizer or over similar time of treatment, when an ordinary ultrasonic
orifice plate setup is the most cost effective treatment irradiation system without TiO2 was used. A comparative
strategy (cost of treatment as Rs. 0.034 and 0.059/l) as study for the efficacy of TiO2 and Al2O3 under similar
compared to sonochemical reactors or high-pressure conditions indicated that the rate of cell killing was higher
homogenizer (cost of treatment as Rs. 0.625 and 0.275 /l). in the case of TiO2 (about 3.5 times higher), indicating a
However, this cost of treatment is still an order of higher synergistic effect for TiO2. It is expected that the
magnitude higher as compared to chlorination (cost of enhancement in the extent of surface cavitation and
treatment as 0.0003 Rs/l) or ozonation (cost of treatment as mechanical effects would be the same for both type of
Rs. 0.001/l) estimated based on small-scale applications. solid particles. Excess intensification due to the presence of
Thus, applicability of cavitation is more suited when bulk TiO2 can be attributed to the excitation of TiO2 in an
treatment is required (e.g. ballast water treatment) or when ultrasonic system due to sonoluminescence caused by the
end use of treated water does not allow formation of implosion of bubbles. It is known that the flashes of single
hazardous by products commonly associated with the bubble sonoluminescence (SBSL) involve intense UV light,
conventional treatment schemes. Ways of improving the which can activate a TiO2 photocatalyst. A recent study
cavitational activity in the reactor and/or combining indicated that the activation of a TiO2 photocatalyst by
cavitation with conventional techniques would be another SBSL resulted in the significant decomposition of phenol
approach for reducing the cost of treatment. We will now and 2,4-dinitrophenol (Ogi et al., 2002). Thus the net
look into these aspects of intensifying the cavitational effects of TiO2 on enhancing the rate of cell killing may be
activity in the reactor by way of using additives and also explained by the oxidizing characteristics of reactive
combining cavitation with conventional techniques for oxygen species that are produced, as well as the strong jet
P.R. Gogate / Journal of Environmental Management 85 (2007) 801–815 811

stream induced in the irradiating solution, which can effects for the combination technique can be attributed to
significantly affect cell structure as well as the cell enhanced mixing of bacterial suspensions in the vicinity of
membrane. the electrode surface where the hypochlorite is being
In another study, Ince and Belen (2001) observed that generated. The mechanical action of cavitation on the
the concentration of E. coli in deionized water decreased bacterial cells can render them more susceptible to attack
with treatment time at 20 kHz of sonication, and that by hypochlorite either through direct damage or a
added solids (ceramic granules, metallic zinc particles and weakening of the cell wall. The cleaning action of
activated carbon) improved the inactivation of E. coli. ultrasound on the electrode surface also prevents the build
Activated carbon was the most effective material due to its up of fouling and thus maintains more efficient electrolysis.
activated surface, which favored adsorption of the bacteria. Kraft et al. (2002) have confirmed the role of ultrasound in
Thus, it is imperative that the additive should have some continuous cleaning of the cathode surface.
catalytic action to promote the disinfection process in Duckhouse et al. (2004) investigated effect of the timing
addition to the surface effects which enhance the intensity of the ultrasonic treatment at 20 and 850 kHz on the
of cavitation in the system. biocidal efficiency of sodium hypochlorite solution towards
E. coli suspensions. It has been reported that at lower
5.2.2. Cavitation in combination with other techniques frequency of 20 kHz, the improvement in biocidal activity
Phull et al. (1997) investigated the application of is greatest when the ultrasound is applied at the same time
ultrasound in combination with chlorine as a disinfection as the hypochlorite. At the higher frequency of 850 kHz the
technique for E. coli. Different configurations of ultrasonic improvement is best when ultrasound is used as a pre-
reactors varying in frequency of irradiation and power treatment immediately followed by hypochlorite addition
dissipation were used for the study. It is expected that the under normal (silent) conditions. The kill rate achieved
use of ultrasound should reduce the levels of chlorine for pre-treatment using 850 kHz and simultaneous treat-
required for disinfection by one of three routes: (i) the ment using 20 kHz are very similar. However the former
destruction of bacterial cells by ultrasonic lysis; (ii) the involves less acoustic energy and so is considered to be
removal of excess chlorine from water after chlorination by the more efficient. While the results are interesting, two
ultrasonic degassing, thus allowing higher dose rates to be facts need to be considered. Using ultrasonic irradiation
used during the disinfection stage; and (iii) the de- only as a pre-treatment technique is not of much help
aggregation of clumps of bacteria or other material always as simultaneous application of ultrasound necessa-
trapping such bacteria to expose the ‘masked’ cells to rily helps in maintaining high mass transfer rates and
disinfection. Studies with individual sonication also in- mixing in the reactor which essentially limit the application
dicated that ultrasound was effective in E. coli destruction of chemical treatment. Furthermore, ultrasound does
and higher frequencies of irradiation and higher power induce degassing effect which is higher at higher fre-
dissipation levels result in enhanced disinfection rates as quencies of irradiation (this explains the not so beneficial
discussed earlier. As expected sonication was seen to effects reported by Duckhouse et al. (2004) for 850 kHz
amplify the effect of normal chlorination and the frequency of irradiation). Thus application of low-fre-
combination is significantly better than sonication or quency ultrasound is more suitable considering the fact
chlorination alone. Also the amount of chlorine required that mechanical effects (which are controlling mechanisms)
for disinfection is significantly reduced due to the applica- will be more pronounced and also operational problems
tion of sonication. The turbulence induced by ultrasound normally associated with high-frequency irradiations will
was also beneficial in disintegration of the particle be avoided.
agglomerates and particle size generally found in sewage Blume and Neis (2004) investigated a combination of
effluent was reported to reduce from 40 to 1 mm. ultrasonic irradiation and ultraviolet irradiation for treat-
Joyce et al. (2003b) investigated the effect of electrolysis ment of municipal wastewater. Use of low-frequency high-
and power ultrasound as a disinfection treatment for power ultrasound was reported to be highly beneficial in
Klebsiella pneumonia. Individual operation of sonication terms of breakage of flocs. Initially, 63% of the solids in
resulted in about 40% disinfection in 60 min of treatment the wastewater sample were characterized by a size bigger
whereas individual electrolysis operation at 150 mA sup- than 50 mm. After a sonication of 20 s at 30 W/l, this
plied current resulted in complete disinfection in only fraction just accounts for 5% of the total counts.
15 min of treatment. Among the different types of Reduction in size leads to better effects of the UV
electrodes investigated, it has been shown that carbon felt irradiation as there is good penetration of the incident
is a suitable material for the anode in that it provides light into the wastewater. Use of ultrasound as a
efficient kill and does not appear to suffer from surface pretreatment technique has been reported to increase the
pitting or erosion. A combination of ultrasound and efficacy of UV irradiations by more than 1 order of
electrolysis reduced the current requirement from 150 to magnitude. As said earlier also, simultaneous UV and
100 mA and also the treatment time to less than 10 min for ultrasonic irradiations should even lead to better results
total disinfection (only 2 min were required for the though this type of treatment has not been investigated by
optimum electrode material as carbon felt). The beneficial Blume and Neis (2004). Our earlier work with wastewater
812 P.R. Gogate / Journal of Environmental Management 85 (2007) 801–815

treatment (Gogate and Pandit, 2004) has clearly demon- bactericidal reaction. Thus again simultaneous application
strated this fact for industrial wastewater treatment of ultrasound and chlorine is better as compared to
applications. sequential operation of the two modes of disinfection.
Jyoti and Pandit (2003, 2004) studied different combina- Chand et al. (2007) recently investigated the use of ozone
tions of cavitation (acoustic and hydrodynamic cavitation) treatment assisted by a liquid whistle reactor (LWR),
and chemical methods (hydrogen peroxide and ozone) for which generates hydrodynamic cavitation, for water
treatment of bore well water. It has been reported that the disinfection using a simulated effluent containing E. coli.
efficacy of the ultrasonic horn as well as the ultrasonic bath A suspension having an E. coli concentration of approxi-
for the destruction of HPC bacteria, is increased when mately 108–109 CFU ml–1 was introduced into the LWR to
hydrogen peroxide or ozone is combined with ultrasonica- examine the effect of hydrodynamic cavitation alone and in
tion. The results are attributed to the increased perme- combination with ozone. Hydrodynamic cavitation gener-
ability of hydrogen peroxide/ozone through the cell wall ated using a liquid whistle reactor alone results in only 22%
membrane, increased rates of mass transfer and production disinfection but ozone-assisted operation with minimum
of higher number of free radicals. The extent of increase in time of ozone treatment produces 75% disinfection. The
the disinfection rates was higher for ozone as compared to enhanced mass transfer rates achieved due to the recircu-
hydrogen peroxide due to disinfecting action of the latory flows in the liquid whistle reactor increase the
molecular ozone in addition to the free radicals. Again in effective utilization of ozone. The results indicate that an
the case of hydrodynamic cavitation, the overall rate of optimum operating treatment protocol is introduction of
disinfection is increased when hydrogen peroxide or ozone ozone in stages assisted by hydrodynamic cavitation at
is added leading to better efficacy for the disinfection of the lower operating temperatures. If maintaining lower oper-
HPC bacteria compared to only hydrodynamic cavitation. ating temperatures is not feasible, which can be a reality on
Similarly, when the ultrasonic flow cell is used along with an industrial scale, then the same extent of disinfection can
hydrodynamic cavitation and hydrogen peroxide, the rate be achieved by using higher operating pressures in the
of disinfection is further enhanced as the intensity of liquid whistle reactor (increased contribution from the
cavitation in the hydrodynamic cavitation set-up is hydrodynamic cavitation). Higher pressures and similar
increased by the presence of the ultrasonic flow cell which conditions of ozone doses are particularly recommended
in turn accelerates the decomposition of the hydrogen for disinfecting wastewaters with some organic loads and
peroxide or increases the probability of cell wall rupture, other contaminants. Optimization of ozone dose is
coupled with enhanced H2O2 penetration leading to an essential in conjunction with hydrodynamic cavitation in
increase in the death rate of the microorganisms present in order to develop a process, which will consume less energy
the bore well water. and at the same time be more cost effective. The
Blume and Neis (2005) investigated the role of ultra- combination has been found to be a cost-effective
sound in intensification of the disinfection process using technique for achieving maximum disinfection com-
chlorine. The presence of soluble organic material as well pared to the individual operation of hydrodynamic
as high concentrations of suspended matter in water and cavitation (lower extent of disinfection) and ozonation
wastewater affects the efficiency when chlorine is used as (higher costs of treatment usually due to higher cost of
disinfection agent. Use of ultrasound can facilitate waste- ozone generation).
water disinfection by way of increasing the mass transfer Overall, it can be said use of cavitation in combination
rates and it can bring down doses of ecologically with conventional chemical methods is far more suitable as
questionable chlorine and also shorten contact times. In compared to individual operations. It not only results in
the work of Blume and Neis (2005), sewage treatment plant substantially lower treatment times but also reduces the
(STP) effluents with different concentrations of suspended requirement of the chemicals under optimized conditions.
solids were exposed to sonication in combination with To give a quantitative idea, Dahl and Lund (1980) have
chlorine dosage. Blume and Neis (2005) reported that reported that inactivation of 3 and 4 decades is obtained, at
enhancement of chlorine efficiency is better for samples 10–95% lower ozone concentrations, and by 57–96% lower
with higher concentrations of suspended matter. For gaseous ozone dosage by the sonozonation process as
samples with a TSS concentration of 50 mg/l chlorination compared to ozonation alone in similar treatment times.
efficiency (2 mg/l) can be doubled from 0.7 to 1.4 log when Dahi (1976) also reported that ultrasonic treatment of
treated simultaneously with 20 kHz ultrasound for 5 min, effluent from biological sewage plant resulted in a
i.e. levels of indicator organisms can be brought down to reduction in the required sterilization dose of ozone
numbers that conventionally require far higher doses of by 50%.
chemical disinfectants. As subsequent sonication/chlorina-
tion does not have the same significant effect as simulta- 6. Efforts needed in the future
neous application of these two means, ultrasound does not
just have a declumping effect; it seems that ultrasound It should be noted that, in spite of extensive research on
application provokes a better chlorine dispersion in the laboratory scale and immense potential for water disinfec-
aqueous media which improves the fast chemical and tion as discussed above, in general, there are only limited
P.R. Gogate / Journal of Environmental Management 85 (2007) 801–815 813

illustrations of cavitational reactors on an industrial scale which can be then used to understand the role of these
of operation. The possible major problems in the design flow field parameters in altering cavity dynamics.
and successful operation of cavitational reactors are: 5. It is necessary to develop user-friendly computer codes
(similar to modern CFD codes) for the use of engineers,
1. Lack of suitable design strategies linking the theoreti- which will allow them to input the geometrical and
cally available information with the experimental operating parameters of the cavitational reactors, define
results. physico-chemical properties of the chemical system
2. The existing information is available mainly on labora- under consideration. These codes, with the help of
tory scale, which would give very large scale up ratios bubble/cavity dynamics and the equilibrium chemistry
and hence very high degree of uncertainty. at cavity collapse conditions, will then predict the
3. Local existence of the cavitation phenomena just near expected chemical effects avoiding trial-and error-type
the irradiating surface in the case of ultrasonic of experimentation for the engineers.
transducers and wide distribution of the energy dissipa- 6. The effect of process intensifying parameters such as the
tion patterns in the reactor. presence of solid particles, dissolved salts and gases
4. Design information is required from diverse fields such should be studied in details. Effect of scale of operation
as chemical engineering (gas-liquid hydrodynamics and and different designs of the cavitational reactors on the
other reactor operations), material science (for con- expected intensification also needs to be evaluated.
struction of transducers efficiently operating at condi- 7. Optimization of the operating parameters and study of
tions of high-frequency and high-power dissipation) and combination of cavitation with conventional treatment
acoustics (for better understanding of the sound field techniques is required for minimizing the cost of
existing in the reactor). treatment.

Efforts are required in the following directions so as to 7. Conclusions

realize the dream of application of cavitational reactors in
actual practice: Cavitational reactors show considerable promise for
efficient water disinfection and harnessing the spectacular
1. Design and fabrication of different types of cavitational effects of cavitation, chemical as well as mechanical, for
reactors differing in flow field, turbulence characteristics water treatment can be very beneficial. The optimization
and geometry to study the effect of these on cavity/ strategies on the basis of theoretical analysis reported
bubble/cluster dynamics. Sophisticated measuring tech- earlier should serve as a useful guideline to the design
niques such as Laser Doppler Anemometry, hydro- engineers for selection of optimum set of operating
phones, Cavity luminescence spectral measurement need parameters and design configuration to achieve maximum
to be adapted for fast flowing cavities/clusters to be able benefits. The future of sonochemical reactors lies in the
to measure the magnitudes of cavity/cluster oscillations/ design of multiple frequency multiple transducer-based
collapse pressure pulse and temperature generated and reactors whereas for hydrodynamic cavitation reactors,
the identification of the intermediate chemical species orifice plate-type configuration appears to be most suitable.
along with their concentrations. It can be said that the hydrodynamic cavitation reactors
2. Combination of the hydrodynamic cavitation reactors offer immediate and realistic potential for industrial scale
and sonochemical reactors where the cavity is generated applications as compared to the sonochemical reactors and
using the hydrodynamic means and the collapse of the the scale up of these reactors is comparatively easier as vast
cavities occurs in the sonochemical reactor. The distance amount of information about the fluid dynamics down-
between the two events (generation and collapse) will be stream of the constriction is readily available and the
a crucial design aspect in the expected synergism and operating efficiency of the circulating pumps which is the
should be established with theoretical simulations and/ only energy dissipating device in the system is always
or experimental validation for a particular application. higher at large scales of operation.
3. Experiments are needed on different scales of operation The applicability of cavitation as a treatment technique
to understand and address the scale up issues, such as for microorganisms is exhaustive as seen from different
alteration in the flow field and turbulence characteristics literature illustrations though the cost of treatment is
due to the scale of operation. marginally higher as compared to conventional chemical
4. In the case of hydrodynamic cavitation reactors, realistic methods, which though have their own disadvantages.
modelling of the turbulence phenomena is required Process intensification studies or combination of cavitation
which then can be used to model the cavity/bubble with other treatment techniques can result in substantial
dynamics either in isolation or in the form of cavity savings as well as quick treatment. Overall, it can be said
clusters in high-velocity flow. The modern sophisticated that, cavitation is a well-established technology at labora-
CFD codes can be employed to get the flow field tory/pilot scale and combined efforts of chemists, chemical
information, i.e., mean and fluctuating velocity compo- engineers and physicists are required to effectively harness
nents, Reynolds stresses, turbulent pressure fluctuations, this technology on an industrial scale of operation.
814 P.R. Gogate / Journal of Environmental Management 85 (2007) 801–815

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