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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name: Sabrina Barron Activity Title: Memory Game: Days/Numbers/Fruits

Number of children participating at one time: 5 Ages: 3-5

Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the student.
Ohio Early Learning Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge
& Development
Strand: Cognitive Skills
Topic: Memory
List at least 1 standard
that is addressed by this Standard Statement: With modeling and support, remember and use information for a variety of purposes.
activity. Write out each
component completely
and exactly, as published
in ELDS.

Lesson Summary:
Our story for the week is Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, and we will be doing a memory
game based off the story. The game will consist of the days of the week, numbers, and matching
fruits and vegetables.
Estimated This lesson will take up to an hour and a half, I am going to divide this activity into three different
parts, along with one small group to work with one on one. 15-20 minutes for reading the story
Very Hungry Caterpillar and discussion; 30-40 minutes for matching game; 20 minutes for the one
on one. This activity can be broken up into two days
Preparation of What preparation is needed?
materials and
environment Reserve a copy of the book from library
link to print out the memory game

What materials will be used?

Cardstock paper for the memory game
Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
Paper/ marker for class discussion
Print 8 copies of the memory cards in sets of 6 for each student
Cut cards apart use sets of 6, manageable number for students
1 set of fruits and vegetables
1 set of the days of the week
1 set of numbers 1-5
How will the learning environment be set up?
Reading of the story will be in our circle time area
Memory game will be played at the two tables and the one on one will be in our safe space.

Instructional Procedures:
This week story is Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle so to start the conversation about the game we will first read the
story at circle time which will take 10-15 minutes (talking to students about each page, questions from students).

Conversation about the days and what they remember from the story, I will write down what the students talked about
which will take 20 minutes;
One on one sessions 20 mins to read the story, 10-15 minutes discussion about the story; 20 minutes for demonstration
and instructions on how to play the game; 5 mins to set game up for one student to play with the instructor. Using sets 2
or 4 instead of 6 cards with one on one who have more difficulty with recognizing and recalls. With one on one session
create different set of cards relating the story matching the numbers to the fruit or vegetable that the caterpillar ate;
days with the fruit or vegetables; count the fruit; colors to the fruit
After discussion about the book I will set up the memory game at two tables which should take no more than 5 mins
I will explain the game to the students how to play the game and do a demonstration which should take no more than
10-20 mins
Primary objective: Recognizes and recalls
Related Objective: Follows limits and expectations; Interacts with peers; Uses fingers and hands; Comprehends
language; Follows directions; Uses classification skills; Understands spatial relationships
Game directions: Each student will take a turn picking two cards, ( 5 oranges and 2 plums) trying to find a match, if you
do not find a match, you must turn back over those cards that didn’t match and it will be the other player’s turn. Players
will continue taking turns matching the cards until they are all matched up; Numbers/ fruit/ days of the week.
Bonus Game: the cards can also be used as sequencing cards to the story.
Day 1: First 10 minutes: Introduction to the story the Very Hungry Caterpillar to the class. Students will get ready to
listen to the story in our reading area of the classroom. 20 minutes: Reading the story the Very Hungry Caterpillar.
10 minutes the students will recall scenes from the story the Very Hungry Caterpillar.
10 minutes I will ask the students these questions about the story: “Can anyone recall any of the fruits or vegetables that
the caterpillar ate? Does anyone remember what day that the caterpillar ate on Wednesday? what color was the fruit
that the caterpillar ate on Friday?
10 minutes: I will write down what the students recall from the story the Very Hungry Caterpillar
5 minutes: I will set up the table for the memory game for four students
10-15 minutes: students in sets of two will play the memory game

One on One session: 10 minutes I will re-read Very Hungry Caterpillar to my student
10 minutes: student will recall scenes from the story
10 minutes: I will write down the students accounts from the story
5 minutes: I will set up the table for the one on one student to play the memory by themselves
15-20 minutes: Students will play the memory game or sequence game

Day 2: We will read Very Hungry Caterpillar again and this time we will focus more on the days and the number of fruits
or vegetables that the caterpillar ate and we will create chart and talk about the days and count our numbers.
10-15 minutes I will read the Very Hungry Caterpillar to the class again
10 minutes using this chart, I will ask these questions to the students and fill in the blanks
5 minutes I will set up the table with the memory game todays memory game will be regarding the days of the week and
number of fruits
10 minutes I will demonstrate how to play the memory game using the days of the week and numbers/ fruit
5 minutes: I will set up the table for the memory game for four students
10-15 minutes: students in sets of two will play the memory game
One on One session: 10 minutes I will re-read Very Hungry Caterpillar to my student
10 minutes: student will recall scenes from the story
10 minutes: I will write down the students accounts from the story
5 minutes: I will set up the table for the one on one student to play the memory by themselves

Extension: Students are able to get on YouTube and search for “Very Hungry Caterpillar” and watch the animated film of
story, on YouTube they also have a Claymation version of the story as well as a Read-a-long with the author Eric Carle.
For Parents: Parents can go to Pinterest website to search for other activities related to the Very Hungry Caterpillar: this link will provide 20 different activities
free printable for you to download and print out from home and able to play with your family.
144_15458332_30093 – This link will give you access to all of Eric Carle’s famous stories along with free printable
activities for you to do with your child at home.

Differentiated Instructional Support: Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the
needs of gifted or accelerated students: This activity can altered in several ways there are different sets of cards you can
use: Matching fruits/ Days of the week/ Numbers/ Story Sequences

Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the material: - instead of memory game there are several art activities that
can be created based off of the story the Very Hungry Caterpillar - a free printable activity pack of
Math, language, science activities and more!!

 Monday
 Tuesday
 Wednesday
 Thursday
 Friday
 Apple
 Pear
 Plums
 Oranges
 Strawberries
 Numbers 1-5

For teachers Cardstock, Very Hungry Caterpillar, Chart, markers, internet access to Pinterest

For students Book: Very Hungry Caterpillar

Student: Will need a laptop for those who would prefer to get on YouTube to view the Read-a-long
with the author of the story
Parents: will need to get on Pinterest to access the Free Printable activity

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