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Oblates of Notre Dame


Poblacion, DatuPiang, Maguindanao
“Strengthening The Leadership Of Dameans Through Good Governance”


 Opening Prayer------------------Sir Pendililang/Maam Espartero

 Welcome Address---------------Nasser Omar
 Motivational Speech--- --------Jessylyn Valdez
 Introductions of Officers------- By Sister
 Pledge of Service----------------Officers
 Faculty------------------By Sister
 Class Officers----------Alibasa Adin
 Club Officers-----------Nasser Omar
 SSG Officers------------Faisal Kamensa
 Confirmation of Officers------- by Sisters
 Picture Taking -------------------Officers
 Intermission no.-------------------Mark Yamson&Demaguil
 Planning/ Message
 Snacks
 Closing Remarks—--------------Stephanie T. Zacaria

Rheem Adin
Lady of Ceremony


I, state your name / a student of Notre Dame of Dulawan, Inc./ elected as state your
position/ of state your organization/ hereby solemnly swear/ that I will do my duties and
responsibilities/ to support and defend/ the policies, rules and regulations/ along with the legal
orders/ as well as the executive orders/ duly promulgated by the constituted authorities/ of our
school. And that I promise/ this obligations/ upon myself voluntarily/ without mental reservation/
or purpose of evasion.

I further solemnly swear/ that all the times and places/ I will adhere closely/ to the
ethical standards/ of students in our school/ and that I will faithfully discharge/ to the best of my
ability/ the duties and obligations/ of an officer.

So help me God/ALLAH!

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