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Why Are INTJs So Rare?

INTJs are among the least common of the personality types. It’s only logical to ask: why
are INTJs so rare? It seems there should be many more of us.

The truth is that INTJs are full of contradictions.

Our personality traits often seem as though work against one another to those observing
us. When in reality, it’s what makes us so unique.

But you don’t see contradictory personality traits often and it’s only us rare bunch that earn
the type of INTJ.

Here’s why INTJs are so rare and also the traits that make them appear odd to the outside

1. Open-minded while seeming standoffish

Many of an INTJ’s personality traits are inward-focused. We process information and think
deeply but you can’t see any of those things.

We don’t really talk about what we’re thinking so INTJs come across as aloof and even
mean at times.

INTJs are pretty much known as being one of the least friendly personality types and
many conclude that they must not be very open-minded because of this.

That’s not the case, however.

INTJs are extremely open-minded individuals. We think deeply about many situations and
topics and tend to be open to interpret anything.

But the reason they’re so rare is because they never externalize any of this.

They’re not the type to be outspoken about certain issues even though they’re open to
thinking about them and discussing them with a single other person.

It’s a bit contradictory and also why this personality type is so rare. Many open-minded
individuals want to discuss issues and show others just what they’re thinking whereas
INTJs are content to mull them over by themselves.
2. Natural leaders but hate leading
I guess “hate” might be a bit of a strong word for the way us INTJs feel about being
leaders in any given situation.

The thing is, INTJs are natural leaders. They possess all the traits necessary to lead fairly,
justly, and correctly. We just don’t want to.

We prefer to sit back and do things on our own but are often thrust into leadership
positions based on how we appear to others.

This is a rarity simply because those who usually lead the best are the ones who want to
and are happy with taking on responsibility as a leader.

It’s not that INTJs would make poor leaders but they lack the desire to stand up in front of
people and give orders or lead by example.

But that may also be part of the reason they make some of the best leaders around.

The contradiction in this sense is very rare, but also highly valuable.

3. Highly analytical but imaginative

This is one of the rarest qualities INTJs possess. Not many creative, imaginative thinkers
are also highly analytical or logical.

Creative types tend to lean one way or the other but that’s not the case with INTJs. We’re
equal amounts of both and that leads to some unique and rare interests and skills.

INTJs make some of the best authors because of these two traits.

In order to produce a book that’s not flawed and that’s also captivating and unique, you
have to be able to think creatively but also logically.

The pieces need to fall into place just right and INTJs excel at this because it’s natural for
us to balance the two. But this is also extremely rare.

It’s not that other personality types can’t be both imaginative and analytical, but they have
to really tryto be one or the other.
INTJs do both equally and naturally, making them an anomaly among other personality

4. Love deep conversation but not great socializers

This has to do purely with the fact that small talk is the biggest turn off for an INTJ. We
hate it.

You’d think a personality type who loves to talk about issues as much as an INTJ would
be great in social settings but we’re actually pretty awkward and clunky when it comes to
meeting new people.

Truth be told, we’d much rather sit with a single person and have a real, meaningful
conversation than we would mingle and chit-chat with those we don’t really know.

And this is a rare trait. Usually, people who are great at conversation tend to be wonderful
in social situations.

They get along with people really well and can talk to basically anybody about anything.

INTJs just tend to come off as cold and calculating initially and this can turn off a lot of
other personality types who just don’t get it, which makes socializing awkward and
uncomfortable for everyone involved.

It’s why they do best in jobs where they can work by themselves and don’t have to engage
in small talk.

This rarity makes INTJs incredibly great company if you need someone to talk to but
they’re not exactly the life of the party.

5. Logical except with relationships

Relationships are often where us INTJs fall short. We’re usually extremely logical thinkers
and make our decisions based on this.

But with relationships, we just can’t seem to put our over-analyzing minds aside to get
really close to people. It’s like we keep them at arm’s length because we feel
And most of the time, we are. It makes logical sense to avoid judgement this way but it
hinders both romantic and platonic relationships.

Emotions play a much different role that thinking does and it’s something INTJs just
struggle with.

This is a rarity because we use logic and analysis to sort out our emotions but that’s not
the way emotions – especially love – work.

Failing to figure out our emotions this way can drive us absolutely nuts and we end up
pushing people away to avoid having to deal with it.

It’s an oddity very few personality types have and INTJs have the most.

So why are INTJs so rare? It mostly has to do with conflicting personality traits that are
often misunderstood by the masses. The way these qualities work against each other and
even for each other at different times makes INTJs one of the most rare personality types.

P.S. I’ve read a lot of books and taken a lot of courses, but the one thing that has helped
me the most is the INTJ Starter Kit by Personality Hacker. If you’re an INTJ who is tired of
general self-improvement advice and who wants specific, tailor-made suggestions on how
to optimize your life, you should check it out.

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