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=is the ability to manage

and lead people.

 The organization structure
is the first step in defining
the formal groups in the



 The management can impose
their leadership on the group
which brings in certain group
dynamics where the “we-they”
sentiment creeps.
 Management can share their
leaderships in which case
there is a joint ownerships to
do the tasks and goals.
 giving groups autonomy in the
way they plan and execute
tasks. This brings in greater
deal of
 a.) self control
 b.) motivation
 C.) sense of achievement
 1.)Formal-carrying out their
assigned duties in a group,
workers interact and generate
sentiments. Some are
expected sentiments that go
with being professionals.
 Managers have to manage
the unplanned sentiments to
bring cohesion within the
group. Failure to do so will
force the workers to form
informal groups that develop a
life of their own.
2.)Informal groups are quite
separate from work groups.
Cohesion in work groups is
encouraged through Team
Building exercises. The
success of informal groups is
their cohesion.
 Cohesion is the ability to be
coordinated, logical and
consisted in bringing results.
It aids the pursuits of group
objectives and emotional
health of group members.
 Homogeneity-coming from
the same ethnic background,
having common interests,
sharing the same set of
values and coming to each
other’s help.
 Communication with one
another fosters cohesion
 People unable to express
themselves and negotiate
their expectations.
 Multi-culturalworkforces
have difficulty in
establishing easy
 Noisyenvironment like
kitchen, stewarding,
 Some jobs tend to isolate
people like gardeners and
public area cleaners
because they are dispersed
to remote corners of the
 Counter sales person are at
the in-house delicatessen may
have difficulty in finding
cohesion with a group.
 Remedy: job rotation is a
wonderful method just as
much as daily briefings.
 Size of the group influences
group cohesion.
Larger the group, the more
difficult is to bring cohesion.
 Thesmaller group, the
better is cohesion. People
can communicate easily.
 It is a threat or pressure
from the outside creates
permanent high cohesion.
Management can create
such pressure by focusing
on an external competitor.
 They can also apply pressure but
with cohesion in order to meet
closely the goals.
 a.) deadlines
 b.) customer service
 c.) bottom line results
 d.) quality
 The higher the status of the
group the greater is the
 A group gets status when its
shown constantly
 has a monopoly on certain
practices, autonomy, opportunities
for promotion, working conditions
and locations of activity.
 A functional and healthy group is
ultimately dependent on the kind
of leaderships they receive.

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