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The requirement for affiliation is desire of a man to have relational and social associations with
others or a specific arrangement of individuals. They look to work in bunches by making cordial
and continuing connections and has the preference to be enjoyed by others. They tend to like
teaming up with others to opposing with them and ordinarily keep away from high risk
conditions and liability. People encourage by needs for affiliation tend to be part of their

Local (TVC)


Sky media on father’s day

In this ad father went to a shop for buying shoe for him and his children , the shop keeper told
him to show a pair of shoes for him , suddenly the father saw a keds and remembered that his
child once told him to buy keds like this . He wanted to know the price of that keds but it crossed
the budget for him. Then he decided not to buy shoes for him, he only bought keds for his
children .Then the shopkeeper asked whether he will buy his shoes or not. He told to the
shopkeeper that after being father you will understand the matter that why he didn't purchase his
shoes. This advertisement is about sacrifices of father’s needs. He wanted to see his children
happy[ CITATION you17 \l 1033 ].
This advertisement is connected with affiliation through emotion and sacrifice.

International (TVC)

Google search ad


Google is a master in these days. People can get what not from Google. There is every solution
for every necessity. In this ad we can see that two childhood friends became detached at the time
of partition. Their grandchildren tried to reunite them and for that they took the help of Google.
Google has all the information so the grand children used Google to make their grandfathers to
meet each other. So Google can provide all necessary information and using them people can
reach the people with whom they are not connected with and were searching them for a longer
time[ CITATION you13 \l 1033 ].

This advertisement related with affiliation through connected to each other and emotionally.

The people encouraged by requirements for accomplishment generally have a powerful urge of
setting up troublesome destinations and achieving them. Their proclivity is to work in the
outcome situated workplace and dependably value any input on their work. Accomplishment
based people go for broke to achieve their objectives and may go around both high-hazard and
okay circumstances. They frequently favor working alone. This identity combines puts stock in a
various leveled structure inferred basically by work based accomplishments.

Local (TVC)

Good luck ball pen ad


Kodompur is a remote village where many students are eager to study. But in the flood their
school got damaged and for that reason they have to go to distant school for study. That school is
very far away about 5 km from their village. They face various difficulties to reach that school.
They have to cross the canal walking and get wet. Moreover after crossing the canal it is not
frequent for them to get a transport towards their school. Facing all these problems most of the
days they reach school late and miss their classes. So considering all these difficulties they
applied to the officers to repair their damaged school soon so that they can easily go to school
and complete their desire to fulfill their study. As the students used Good Luck Ball Pen so his
hand writing was so nice and the madam was impressed with the handwriting and gave order to
repair the damaged school to the subordinates. So here comes the success using the Good Luck
Ball Pen which makes writings swift and makes the handwriting nice[ CITATION you16 \l 1033 ].
This television commercial is connected with the theory achievement through taking initiative
and accomplishment.

International (TVC)

Nescafe cartoonist, #itallstarts


Success comes with dedication. The work of an artist is not easy, they think unique. But the
character of boss in this story could not realize that and underestimated the cartoon art of the
cartoonist. The boss terminated the artist from the job telling that in his paper cartoons are not
needed to be published. Then the cartoonist got an idea that cartoons are not necessarily to be
published in papers only. They can be published in other accessories also so he started printing
cartoons in mugs, t-shirts and made cartoons in softcopy form. Gradually cartoons in these
accessories became famous and the cartoonist got his desired success[ CITATION you15 \l 1033 ].

This advertisement is related with achievement through struggle, inspire and achievement.

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