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Filmae C.

Estomagulang November 5, 2020

BIO 50 (Lec)A; 10:00-11:30; WT
Endocrine System: Mechanism of Hormone Action: Second Messenger System

1. Water-soluble proteins such as _Peptides_ and _Catecholamine_ bind to receptors located where

on the cell? _Cell membrane

2. G proteins:

a. What is bound to the G protein in the inactive state? GDG

In the active state? GTP

b. What catalyzes the conversion of ATP to cAMP? _Adenylate_ _Cyclase_

c. What is known as the first messenger? _Hormone_ Second messenger? _cAMP_

d. A molecule of cAMP activates Protein kinase, which can phosphorylate many proteins.

e. What is the enzyme that inactivates cAMP? Phosphodiesterase

f. A single molecule of a hormone can have a large effect on the cell due to this process,

amplification called .

3. Insulin travels in the blood and binds to what type of receptors on the cell membrane? Tyrosine


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