Uas 2019-2020 - Bahasa Inggris 2 Nar - Amalina

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Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris 2 Hari / Tanggal : Monday 29 June 2020

Kelas : EVE 15 Waktu : 100 Menit
Dosen Penguji : Amalina Shomami, S.Pd., M.Hum. Sifat Ujian : Closed book
1. Berdoalah agar Saudara dapat mengerjakan dengan baik dan lancar.
2. Bacalah pertanyaan/soal ujian dengan teliti dan kerjakanlah soal ujian dengan baik.
3. Bagi saudara yang terbukti melakukan kecurangan, maka nilai anda dianggap nol dan
tidak diperkenankan mengikuti ujian perbaikan.

No. Soal Bobot

Direction: Circle the correct verb.
1. The news in that newspaper (is / are) biased.
2. Economics (is / are) an important area of study.
3. Diabetes (is / are) an illness. Mumps (is / are) another kind of illness. Rabies
(is / are) a disease you can get from being bitten by an infected animal.
I. 10
4. One hundred meters (isn’t / aren’t) a long distance to travel by car.
5. The elderly in my country (is / are) given free medical care.
6. Four colourful fish (is / are) swimming in the fish tank.
7. The police (is / are) coming to investigate the accident.
8. The United States (is / are) in North America.

Direction: Complete the sentences using the given information.

1. Juan is going to go to the horse races no matter what. He doesn’t care if his
wife approves. In other words, Juan is going to go to the horse races even if
his wife _________________. He’s going to go whether his wife
_____________ or not.
2. Rena is determined to buy an expensive car. It doesn’t matter to her if she
can’t afford it. In other words, Rena is going to buy an expensive car whether
she ______________ it or not. She’s going to buy one even if she
_______________ it.
II. 3. Willy wears his raincoat every day. He wears it when it’s raining. He wears 10
it when it’s not raining. In other words, Willy wears his raincoat whether it
____________ or not. He wears it even if it __________________.
4. Some students don’t understand what the teacher is saying, but still they
smile and nod. In other words, even if they _____________ what the teacher
is saying, they smile and nod. They smile and nod whether they
______________ what the teacher is saying or not
5. Everybody has to pay taxes. It doesn’t matter whether you want to or not. In
other words, even if you _______________, you have to pay them. You have
to pay your taxes __________________ or not.

Direction: Circle the correct verb.

1. Some of the new movies (is / are) good, but a lot of them (have / has) too
much violence.
2. We saw a film about India last night. Some of the movie (was / were)
fascinating, and there (was / were) a lot of beautiful mountain scenes.

III. 3. There (has / have) been some encouraging news about pandas in recent 5
years. There (is / are) more pandas living today than there (was / were) ten
years ago.
4. There (is / are) 100 senators in the United States Senate. The number of
votes necessary for a simple majority (is / are) 51.
5. Almost three-quarters of the surface of the earth (is / are) covered by water.

Direction: Circle the correct words in parentheses to logically complete each

1. I’ll pass the course only if I (pass / don’t pass) the final examination.
2. I’m (going to go / not going to go) to the park unless the weather is nice.
IV. 5
3. I’m going to the park unless it (rains / doesn’t rain).
4. I’m sorry that you won’t join us on Saturday. But please call us (in case /
even if) you change your mind.
5. Bob doesn’t like to work. He’ll get a job (unless / only if) he has to.

Direction: Answer the questions below using your own understanding!

1. How many grades did carbon steel has? Explain each of those grades in

V. 2. Give a brief explanation about thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics! 20

3. Give a brief explanation yet details about safety glass and annealed glass!
4. Explain the term of element, compound, and mixture! Gives some brief
explanation about the differences between those three.

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