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It has a profound
Culture affects everyone's Culture for many is "The influence on history, During the 20th century, there
life equally, even in how software of the mind" technology, the economy, were four approaches to
we spend and what we since it is a guide that tells our social institutions, and Victim of the Second
governance that competed for
spend it on, it is part of us them how to think and even our way of thinking. World War, although his
global dominance:
from birth to death. how to behave. agony lasted until the
second half of the
Geographical influences century.
manifest themselves in Fascism
According to Edward our deepest cultural
Hall, (business values developed hrough Communism
consultant) his clients the millennia, Fascism fell in 1945
can hit an invisible
Geography Origins barrier, since their way of
thinking and organizing is Geographical influences It collapsed in the 1990s.
Democracy / Free enterprise
different "because of manifest themselves in
Climate History our deepest cultural
their culture."
values developed hrough
Topography the millennia,
political Family
Flora economy Despite all the technology to
which we have access, reading They affect the way in which we
Religion relate or organize and we are
Fauna makes us question that it does
Social taught acceptable behavior for
not solve all current problems.
institutions All the impact of history future generations through them.
Microbiology over the years is
reflected in:
Elements of
Values culture The functions of a family will always be
Corporations different from one to another, this
Social institutions Technologies Cultural values happens all over the world and can Family
Rituals vary according to the culture of the
Consequences same.
Consumer Behavior
desicions It is the first social institution to which
Management Religion
and Styles children are exposed outside the home.
Beliefs behaviors

Thought Presented by:

Liliana Ovando Pérez
Processes Cateora, P.R., Gilly, M.C. y Graham, J.L. (2011) International Marketing. 15 ed.(pp.94-122) McGraw-Hill Irwin.
School The Media Government. Corporations

Education, is one of the most It is one of the four institutions Compared to previous social They do not control the media
important social institutions. that most influences culture institutions, the government early but, innovations are Previously culture was defined
and values. has little influence on people's introduced into society by by listing its five elements:
values, thinking and culture. multinational companies.
It affects all aspects of culture,
from economic development In the United States, it is Belifts Symbols Values Rituals
to consumer behavior.. believed that the media from
cell phones to television have
reduced the influence of the International marketers must design
family in their culture. Thought products, distribution systems, and
Processes promotional programs with due
consideration of each of the five.

Symbols Rituals Cultural Values Individualism/

It refers to a preference for behavior that
promotes self-interest.
It may be for some a social
They are patterns of behavior Its four main dimensions are:
institution, with importance in Language
politics that allows cultural and interaction that we learn
and repeat. The most obvious Power Measures tolerance to social inequality
diversity in various places. Distance (power between superiors and
are associated with major life
Beliefs Index. subordinates within a social system).
It is represented in its
aesthetics, that is, its arts, Aesthetics as Our beliefs can play a very Uncertainty It measures the tolerance for uncertainty
folklore, music, theater, Symbols important role in a society, Avoidance and ambiguity among members of a
dance, clothing and Thought Processes Index society.
and this is present in all
cosmetics.. cultures.

It is very important that in each Cultural Cultural values can influence consumer
culture there are different ways of Values and behavior and impulse purchases, as
thinking and each one is influenced Consumer well as their preferences and positive or
by the aforementioned, however in Behavior negative responses.
different ways.

Presented by:
Liliana Ovando Pérez
Cateora, P.R., Gilly, M.C. y Graham, J.L. (2011) International Marketing. 15 ed.(pp.94-122) McGraw-Hill Irwin.

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