P-1247-EN-Distributor Valves 2016 V09

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Distributor Valves

Freight Cars | Locomotives | Passenger Coaches
Distributor Valves

A A R syste m

UIC syste m

G ost syste m

A R A syste m

O ther

Va cuum syste m

Valve technology that can address the needs of the world’s trains. Being able to serve a global
market means delivering products to meet very specific and often demanding requirements – for
example a valve with the ability to operate in extreme environmental and climatic conditions such
as temperatures down to -60 °C!

At the heart of pneumatic brakes is the distributor valve. recognition that life-cycle costs need to be reduced have
This reacts precisely to changes in brake pipe pressure and helped establish Knorr-Bremse as a leader in distributor
provides the corresponding brake cylinder pressure. Modern valve technology. The Knorr-Bremse KE distributor valve
valves are sophisticated pieces of technology, providing for example is extremely popular in the core European UIC
load-dependent braking for various specific brake types. market, and having proved itself in operation the valve
Millions of these valves are in daily use all over the world, has now become synonymous with absolute reliability.
but they are not a “universal” product: various regions have
different standards that have been established over the In American and African markets the DB60 distributor
years and they are not compatible with one another. valve is the standard valve which uses AAR technology,
and in Australia the AAR system is employed for trains
LEADERS IN DISTRibUTOR VALVE ­carrying heavy ore. The Australian railways system ARA
TECHNOLOGY operates with Knorr-Bremse W-series valves. In close
Many years of operational experience combined with ­collaboration with the Russian State railway company,
new, continuous development and research and a Knorr-Bremse has developed valves for use on 1520 mm
s y st e ms
D istributor Valves

gauge tracks. Specially designed to fit vehicles in markets in Russia can fall to as low as -60 °C! Due to the same
with 1520 mm gauge, the units are compatible with older ­construction principles all distributor valves have in
valve types and offer clear a­ dvantages for the operator. ­common long maintenance intervals and low life-cycle
While valves are designed to operate down to -40 °C or costs and are characterized by their robust, reliable and
even lower in Europe and North America, temperatures weight-saving design.


n Distributor valve with adapter flange for FREIGHT Market
load-dependent relay valve for multi-level, n Integrated changeover for graduated /
continuous braking direct release and for load settings
KE valve
n Graduated application and release n Designed for accelerated brake signal
n Proven in service around the world transmission
n Kit design allows easy integration of different n Improved control of long and heavy trains
functions into one assembly n Meets the requirements of Russian
n Interchangeability with all UIC-approved standards
distributor valves n Interchangeability with other 1520 mm
n Indirect EP brake possible gauge freight distributor valves
n Working temperature -40 °C to +70 °C (low- n Interoperability with automatic
KAB60 valve
temperature version for -50 °C available) load brake valves
n Working temperature -60 °C to +60 °C
DB60 – FOR AAR FREIGHT (+80 °C for de-icing)
n Graduated application and direct release EP60 – for AAR freight
n Designed for accelerated service brake market
signal transmission n Electronically controlled pneumatic (ECP)
n Improved control of long and heavy trains brake system
DB60 valve
n Separation of service and emergency n Simultaneous signal transmission through
brake portions the train
n Interchangeability with all AAR-approved n Load-compensated braking at each wagon
distributor valves n Graduated application and release
n Working temperature -40 °C to +66 °C n Meets AAR performance and
interoperability specifications per S-4200
WF5 – FOR ARA FREIGHT n Improved handling of long, heavy trains,
­MARKET providing shorter stopping distances and
EP60 valve
n Graduated application and direct release saving energy
n Designed for operation on longer n On-line diagnostics at each wagon
freight trains
n High brake signal propagation rates
resulting in reduced stopping distances
and in-train forces
n Working temperature -10 °C to +70 °C

WF5 valve
P-1247-EN 09.2016
Knorr-Bremse Systeme für
Schienenfahrzeuge GmbH
Moosacher Straße 80
80809 Munich
Tel: +49 89 3547-0
Fax: +49 89 3547-2767
w w w . k n o r r - b r e ms e . C O M

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www.knorr-bremse.com for the latest update. The figurative mark “K” and the trademarks KNORR and KNORR-BREMSE are registered in the name of Knorr-Bremse AG. Copyright 2016 © Knorr-Bremse AG. All
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