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Gong Perdamaian

Gong Perdamaian or World Peace Gong in Ambon is the 35th in the world that located in
Taman Pelita, near downtown Ambon. This magnificent and large gong was built in the city of
Ambon to improve the image of Ambon that was once synonymous with unrest and violence city.
This Park was inaugurated by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on November 25, 2009 and it
was always visited by travelers or people in Ambon on weekends. To get into this gong, we can
simply spend around Rp 5,000.
This World Peace Gong has a diameter of two meters wide with golden color. Besides it filled with
flags from some countries, which is about 200 flags, there are also symbols of each religion in circles.
In the center, there is a miniature of the earth and letter of 'Gong Perdamaian Dunia' at the bottom,
and 'World Peace Gong' at the top of the circles.
By being propped up by two giant pillars, above the gong is also settling the symbol of Pancasila as
an ideology of the Indonesian nation. Those who are coming to this park can learn about the world
peace country or just taking some pictures at this World Peace Gong.

2. Natsepa Island

A beautiful beach made of perfect white sand located in the village of Suli, Central Maluku. A visit to
Ambon is incomplete without having been to and enjoyed the beauty of Natsepa Beach.
The beauty of Natsepa beach is best enjoyed from the water, the see is quiet and safe for swimming
and playing in the water. Or you can go on a boat to go around for about Rp. 20,000 for 1 hour.
On the beach you can also relax in one of the Natsepa beauty shops. Not far from the beach, about
700m, you can find markets that sell a variety of fresh fish which have just been deliverd by the local
fishermen. If you're lucky to come here when it is sunny you can buy fish very cheap since the price
of fish depends on the weather. Prices can double in bad weather.
The beach also has a myth, it is said that Natsepa can cure ailments such as flu or a fever with a bath
in the sand. Getting to the Natsepa beach is quite easy. From the Terminal Besar in Ambon city you
can get on a public transportation (Rp. 5000) to Suli (about 30 minutes) arriving close to the beach.
Since Natsepa beach is close to Ambon city center (about 18 km), it's more convenient and faster to
use your own vehicle (car or motorbike).

3. Liang Beach

Beaches in Ambon are known well for their beauty. The visitors are not as crown as those who come to pulau
Bali or Lombok, but that makes beaches in Kota Ambon still in original and natural condition. One of the
favorites is Hunimua Beach. Though the facilities are yet not complete. This beach is also known as Liang
Beach for it's located in Liang village, Salahutu sub-district, Central Maluku district, Maluku Province. UN has
stated this beach as the most beautiful beach in Indonesia in 1990, and always been target by foreign investors.
You will be welcomed by white sands shone by sunlight as you enter this beach. It's always tempting to swim or
just play along. You can also capture the beauty in every corner of this beach. You can take a rest under some
shady trees there. The water sport facilities are not yet complete here, but the beauty will make you staf here
even longer to enjoy.
Liang beach is always crowded when holiday comes, so if you need some privacy then you need to avoid
holiday time to come. Best time to visit is between September-November or April-May for the leather is not too
windy and bit shady.
The beach is located 25 miles away from Ambon. You can use ojeg for IDR 50,000 to get to the beach. You can
also rent public transportation with the charge IDR 200,000 which can carry up to 10 passengers.

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