Ethics Lesson 8 Week

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Activity 1:

“ I have a very strong feeling about it, it must be true”

There are situations in my life where I rely on my instincts in making a judgment on a certain matter.
However, my experience taught me that relying on instincts and emotions alone is not advisable since
this is prone to error and is somehow biased and prejudiced. This being said, it would be really best to
weigh the circumstances when making a moral decision and not letting the emotions overpower oneself.
I’m not saying that we should completely neglect our emotions since that is impossible, what I’m trying
to say is that we should based our judgments on sound reasons and not on emotions alone if we really
want to achieve sound decision-making.

Activity 2:

A.) Is there any difference with how you assess things based from feelings and based from reason
and impartiality?

Yes, there is a difference. When assessing things based on feelings, I find myself being quick to make
decisions because my emotions most of the time in this case is intensified so there is something that
pushes to come up with a decision right away. This being said, my decisions are prone to error since they
are not rational and there is no careful evaluation of the circumstances.

On the other hand, if I assess things based on reason and impartiality, I find my decisions reliable and I
end up choosing the best one. The reason for this is that I apply sound decision making and careful
evaluation of the pros and cons when making a tough decision on a certain matter.

B.) Which is a sounder way of assessing your judgment on situations?

Assessing things based from reason and impartiality is a sounder way of making judgment on situations
since my decisions here came from careful evaluation and they are not prejudiced or biased since they
are consulted from reasons and not by my emotions which are not reliable all the time. Through reason
and impartiality, a clear-minded decision can be achieved.

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