Soja, Putting Cities First

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Chapter 3 Putting Cities First: Remapping the Origins of Urbanism’ Edward W. Soja “The development of society is eoncevable only in urban fe, hough the reali ton of urban society "et Uti, ranted tr Led fie Epc ete, 968 Wat 1am saying ls tat every city as 2 ect economic ancestry, a ers economic parentage, i tl older cy or elles. New cles do not ase By Spontaneous generation, Te park of ly economic Ie pased on fom oder ‘testo younger ver today cides whose ancestors hvelong since gone to ‘hat These nis of We nay extend perlouy tenuous a tres But uke = bockward rough the ces of rete, Phoenicl, xypt, the indus, Babylonia, Sumer, Mesopotama, back fe Gata HOyak sof and beyond, to the unknown scestors of Gta Hy Ione cbs, The eran of ie, 1968 Toinvestigate the ey is therefore a wy of examining the enigma of the word te iin n Mazz Let iain, 988° My ioenin ths brie esa i rot spy oe expoc te aint rg of ies bat lbp oencourage scot reinng af th wap scolars have wren about ies {nv the tle of tcbnuaton inthe historical development of human soc. The ‘Sgoence of quues peste above wes the scene fort doable ens, Dein Wah Celera aerve pei that ke development ozzy onctivable nly in'iban is ia and tough the creation and rezation of specially urban ‘ce Jone Joss expands a tas wo sonnet contemporary arb and the pao ony ecmor "toa vial unbroken chu of was socieces steth- ing bet ovr 10,00 year to for chi foe he fst Kran ty, atl OPO in south central Anatol, The condding pei sve bolder an oe challenging ‘expands she cope of arban soles wel beyond sadn domain ose that investing he cy lend 9 sew ways of undesanding the “nies of he trond and our oxstence the ulamate aim ofallpeatial and eoreceal ow edge sevens Tye om OF mt 2 ‘The Precesson of Urbanism: Putting Citles Fes ‘Te convention pcr ofthe rgin of itis hein around 15,000 year ago in Souwest Ast, Afer the reneat of Plenrocenelacaion, eaten hantng fd gathering bands began to intensty ther explotaion of wild plants and ride and fo stein mare pennant camps: Between 9,000 and 10,000 yee ‘gpm sch placer Jericho ad Gaal Hoy plant and animal domestication had ‘anced tothe point of inenonalclvation and herig, lading to 4 more Sunfied aed ngperacale social onde. Farming villages mstipiee and spend ‘hrough a Tahaped selon from ce Taurus tothe Zagros Mountnne (Tekey to {ran and south rough the Lovano the Lower Nie Vay, nating she ft rest rchtrouph in he development of human soci the hg oe Neos Revolcon To hese tow agrtin societies onganized around kinship tes nd sal vile stats” innormions and sdaextions to the envionment increased. Vilage became Jang and lage bu there were notre ces unl agra development hie, ‘rod 6000 jes go, ean the highland at of Mesopramia tothe ele alluvial “les he Tigris and ephrste nthe rea known as Sues Sybolaed aed iloed by the lel ivetion of wetng and lepesclergaton echnolog, {he iy he rte, and clererocoed ban soiey“cpstaled”togetber i the Fine cy snte, giving bic to iat we ell oday “zation” from the Lain Citas ony. Pm tis basen Same i the lowland “ene Coen o- ated Urban Revolution sea in many difereedrectons,incading into Earope ‘here Western scolas argue tha he cy sae and iviizatoneecbed is mom ‘vanced ely forme in claseal Athens and Rome In this proces nd its isto Mrcsions and reaver the monacchil aad peithal ate and empire aed ‘mock ltr the gation state increasingly rabimed the portance ofthe ly as.2 Aeelpenental frei bua soe ‘Many areal and phates dese the eysalinatin ofthe cies sal cgy-sats ast "socom. In The Emergence of Cate (19901588 text tot crestiey refer and expinde upon the canonical equence decid hove Cicer Keith Maes deer yncecun (pronounced sree) a5 te SEpenence ating rm due poniy” ad ae to explain he ben origi of Sate povermane a atnitaton based on wring. the balla of iinazon In Pometapoi (200) Tadap this tex to refer me geneclly othe tala of sibon agglomeration and ell it 2yetiem, to recapture the hard Kesound ofthe ‘ginal Grecksyotkanck To ancient Greek, wodkiomos Ira ant the co Aiton acing fom dweling together none hott, o io the oat erm fr sch ‘ton av ecomicy clog, conten and eli, coined by the Greck architect {nd planing theorit Downie to derite she compeeensve study ofall oman ‘Slam fom the hosel othe aba sales More expnsvly,amoskiones wor aed to esrb the anon of sever smaller urban seteent unde admin {or sap has npg ve frm often bared goverment anda ferional network of senlemens egion denves from the Latin repre, orale. {Combining thee meanings svbekin cunts the economies ecologies ‘kpenncies snd the postive a8 well negative syne ha arse from the 2 _sovago W.50K ‘purpoeilclasering and collective cobain of people in pace, in a “home” Ei "Asc rom is vious affinities to wetons of “aalomestin economic,” this expanded idea of soakioe eat to several ofber cones of sgniance it Remporsry urban des. Av fore taping poll governance, economic ‘retopeny socal andes and uta ientiy,meknm Ha def reginaity {the sence occrsng within a tllayred hierarchy of sol regions sn arban ‘Sut of veiements, There is uo a Sunship hereto the original Geek term Pearopes, erly "othe iy the doninane pos ofa colonized consllation (cin sowan les, and esr desly sted Mer lnde tat dfs iol ‘eel Bomelends lange cle kor. Even the fs cies an thas be sen at Shuremly metopaitay ay dominant nodal centers of nerwork of seeemens {Thning ¢aiyetion: The concept of yoekin ao forse ateon what ean calle he sot pectic of bana anole inthe dynamic process of Innovation, Seopa and change soe with what can be boa deine folowing Lfebve as the social production of cyace “There bas been long debate among utban scholars concersing the spatial specicy of urtanisr, hinging 0a the question of whether the ty aed espace (Ga te te speci obj of have ingury ox whether tis meey the oteone ‘oe eeeion of sore geetl soil process, When seen only 2 fied spatial oom artng ftom exernly generated Toc (soa, esogial, strc {pce becomes ite oe tha a ecepive conse, place which an which ‘Rrop happen, wich no ionic ewe sgneance. Cinppace and pei [rosopiy ae ths something be explsned not source of explanation in ard of ASE Bur sces ts die and protlemled proces of "making seowaphis™ that ate cpubl of yneratingwencrtion, gown, sad both societal and india evelopment fos wathin the eioal dana the syncs oil proaction of pice and te eveling patil pci of wean fe tke a ore poeta theoretical aed enplanaocyeaoience Bldg on thee nore eobust oncep= Sisanona ‘of abun satay, we can retrn with a dilferene perspective tothe {eater on he origin of ese. 1 fe sep sethiokig the goiocy of citspace sto elas che force of srckiam fon tecenfiement to he momen yaa formation, and srt at "ramen! and continuo acters te ent story of human soe, rom he eps posto te immed present When hs doe, te waiinaly defined ‘uence sin ting tod pthering to domestication andthe formation offering “ieee to the fll blown Ascual Revolution spd oly then to the Urban Revlon bosoms open ¢o aterasive ieterpeatios, Tece i 20m suet ‘idence ro sage the pony alent in Southwest As of puting eft, {havin pushing buck the ogin of esos une before te Agel Revo, int recog syekin the nar of urban agglomeration, as one of the indispensible foundations not only fr the developmen of agrultuse but alo fee ‘Be appenance of agra vilages rr i, poral, lageseale tigation Syren, writing au formation, andthe state Ta opening ap thi revisloning am Rocurartng tae the convenonal sequence mut be dicarded, but ate: eae ‘oa coue of eiginating eves may aso have been involved, unrecognized by ‘hols who Rave oveyourowed te Ueinton of he cy al syekism swell eum nikonensor uss 29 ‘the importance of esi spatial peace, in understanding the historic “velopment of human sete To dla and develo argument bere, at ino at he ematiabl eof Catal Hye ‘Learning from Gatal Hiyik {Gata Hopkshecoavely Catal, che moando el of Catal, pronounce ch Favchu-yook) nef toajor excavation nthe 1960s hat became the fos pone fer muh age erp Ieratar ot as onthe oxi of cis but on more {ine sepct of he Human cooion. Abou pes deepen wa pea Eh predmted by she kcal tampeed Jechiel eeognied ae ‘he wor a sigan urban center and forthe key rae played nthe aly ‘Silopment of agacitar snd many ether major techaologcl, social, and arise Strovetions Leading its fet round of excrvatin was Janet Mella,» Bich ‘cologit win Sat brought ths remarable ste Yo wodasde stenton in an Sie i Scenic Amaia in 1964, nied "A Neale Cay se Tare” "he Mellaae sates, bopinning atleast 8,000 yeas ago the cet Anatolian Pateanbecaie the moe elurlyadrcedseion of the Nelhic worl, wih a Akeloping network of stems pesd ove tronands of square miles ad lost toes sce which he deesibed shoving "a defintely eropeltan ala” Teage ter alteady well developed, based enily i obsidian, he had oleae as wed Dramaciy for tools bac ala ivoling wid vases of cereal rales, legs, and {Thmals Recent DNA evidence har corfed tha there was areal cose ‘te uth of lant and animal domestistion beeen 10,000 ahd 9,500 Yate ago, ‘entered nesters Anata bur extending ehvughout the Tahaped region mes ont eal Found in and stoond shin area are the fest “ounder ope of Clomesceated bal, wheat (enor, em, and read valet, chicken, ‘ches of wriogs sore pes, lens broad bea, grapes, oles and fax, aswel [Nth fatJomesned seep pots eal, and pigs. Less than a bund ses have seem excavated in tis Neale cot rgion, bat Gaal Huy song the ldo ‘Shit far he largest, ith popslasion tht some now estimate fo have Been 3s ‘anya 10,000 permanent rds “hse sgnean poi, for lencho and Catal Hoyak ceria did nor eignate as eerie vier aod no specaed ogres have ye been di ered ayer ike word that pete thom, nth wot, te cy and wba life sppenro have come fst, bl ysophisicned and elaely galtaran bands ‘ot huners art and wader, Fllseal psu and arin tocey came like mort en consequence that ache. Not only doe hs “peceion” of the ‘ben calege tected model of man seta (moving rom kale 2 "Soe penmaoait asp oats and lager rowing eee reo bcos owns nd then ce) i goes aptinn the gain of those interpretations of hicry shat Cnphane socal relations of productos. Whar x supesed here not tha an Strclrl surples wae scenasy forthe crention of ten Bot eh essere ‘cesary forthe production of om agrictaral ples Abo conta to many ‘Shccmpanyexpcasons aes pian, te maj moran da ‘Sinalsovetldevlopment can coe for relive eglarian, weakly stil, tnd soopatsahal commonai eae. Pm soso 018 Many contemporary archalogite contend withthe posits by simply reject the deton of Jesh and Gaal HOyak ue, even withthe oct ‘Shwe ofthe ners ppulation se. The may werk for some to sideep the {Eten but heres mcs more evidence tobe ted th sais he ew tata ‘rata ays was operating in thee ie. The poelovkeseement ‘Fatal Hiya alike Jericho, wan never suzounded by usire sone fru Vion, Ciyipuceconed a date aglomerason of stached houses witout any Sects eps betwee them, at asa ground ee. Acces and movement within ‘he setemest crue te Idsered rots, wth defense against human and ‘ntl ines provided inply bythe coninaou enero einbeceinforced id doles house wal: There was atest ome puble sare, which may Have ‘crvedasatatutsace and aay al pen cours probably aed mos 2 fe yn Tore was ean abundance of cine, about one o ever Four ose, tno Inacaion oft dominant elipous cater ot trp. The ssies and maay homes Were labors dered with wall pineige, planter ei sal al satus, im esd and bal bom Female desics and clr atberes become more prominent over sein Catal Haya nl wal pings dpitng Bang scenes decline sigan in number tayo of alse and sbesct representations offer sols, agsclural prodeston, and uaa Lf, These changes gest sot oul th ston from tng and gathering to agree 6a alo ee coalition of + new gender aod snd pownbly maton, dvson of bor asocated withthe aly ages of irbrisation, Permanent and sable chan setlement made women's work and ‘Specally i ligous and seul powes moe cnt 0 te prodon ad fepeoleton of aan satay and folly, lading Mae eo copslde that (fe elipowsceare of Cal Fyuk wes mainly stated by women. The lave Spent ofthe own lane sbutnce of monsmntal ofictons suchas how st JESS, whe fc tao sip of violent death were found mong the abundact ‘Xela emai encvatey and cher ndieaion that waste in Gaal Hoya ws remarkably peacefl and productive foc eal milemsm, probably con {inne ental ob eahanced by eh sol power of wenes a eas hl he tie ofthe ft aceefxally istered Aeoporamsan ciysties sound 4000 nc.” ‘Within this bu enviconet was aa extraordinary collection of hgh sled ary crafoerkes, manufac aod eras, among ther he frst known ‘tenes of cloth and tapestry the fe crue porery-makers and exrers of lab rated wooden bows the fic mcaworkers lone with che beginnings of 3 sab Sneal weapon indavry and ene carvers of some of the best elias sary of the Nevis incuding the now famous *Mather Goddess” Fehaps even more [Conmaly evan, here we le find theft handcraed mires emperes of Dobe obidian faced with panes and wha ll majo are history rextooks, Wels the Guiace Book of Record, recogie ashe fi painting ofa humanioed {Eidicape eles of pute igniteance nthe geoinoy of cispace. This ery special ~ ap very spel aco wae found ons wall a ne ofthe oldest ‘ees and ballantycxpesc the eoeping poplae swarena of the spat ‘pestcay of urban, dpi in the Forepround cea earogeaphac ee ration cigopace,stnningly ecaled yer abescdy perceived, wih about gure 3.1. Resco nd gina once pining ttl Hay (Souc:op Malar Gt nut 196 Pie ts eo ea Cs, Tse na Rite ‘ettgh Speer Doe Yor Hac Bae Jranovsh PI 86, ge insdmee nth vac econ dno scopy fs wl pig em Lee Wl et 75 separate building forgings set aginst 2 backdrop domiored by 2 getty Cruptng exon coved voleano: the wor’ fet Known example of 2 sll Sorsocsypanorao uban at frm. What even more senariae thatthe (CxtI Hayat ponotamic iacape resin the only re pring the hamid (Gndiape to Ge ound anywhere i the weld forthe get 7000s year Tn The Economy of Cites (1963) Jae Jace drew om Melzats wort launch secomm hl shagaaetevisoniag of he Ucban Revolution a he evaluation of (ie She devs New Obudan, er anceal ste fr Catal Hula 4“ “Scull chy of tates" eabithed more San 1,000 Yeas ago a coud ‘ound th cial abidan rade, New Obsidian was not simply home base for 2 rows W SoA handing apd qatbering bur leo performative urban ‘ipable of geerating sconome growr rom ss we internal rscrcs, or the onsricoon ofa exyioae that bo semulted and eed economiienovason, ew forme of podarie work, ad an expanding dvison of abo te alla of her definition of the uhurizaion grocers and very close co what I have called fynckia. OF parce nent i er dete acing ofthe endogenoas proces ‘he led vo he domestication of wi cereal ais and the sasequee development ‘of eatical culdvadon and fllscale acura well a the budding off of te fr farming sn ering vages selene Cay." For Jacl the prod of ‘hie syekiic social and spas process isthe specialyarbon rigin of the [Agreraral Revaton and slong withthe development of subordinate nesvorks ‘ofagclturl, pastor radi, and sevice selects, and the beginnings of what we define today a ral ie eae aco: imapinsve scenario, increasingly sopocable in the light of ceceot archeological finding oni within i not only the aces of such contemporary ideas abou economic expansion av imporeaubsitaton statis and exporc-base ‘model But als, by puting cs fst, se constructed a comprehensive, power nd pervasely atl heey of agglomeration economee hee would ignianely inoence » moce contemporry genestion of geopliial economists and eon foc geographers, I war not apiare shat war the sabes mvemdon of the ‘Nest for Jaca, bot ater te stimels of tran agglomeration, “whe fact of fontaine, terdeenden,eeave city ecoaomes tat made possible many new ‘ids of work, agate among them (1969: 3), Thisel-peerasing capac of [Seteiony, she “park” of ery economic le, emerges dey from the soci Drodacion of cleypace, fom the purposeflchiteing and olectivecohabiation ‘tpeonle distinctively ueban-egionl agglomerations. In The Regional World (957, Michael Sorer pats cur understanding of sack, tbe mle of rhe agloection, in theory of conventions” ard "traded nerdepend cio.” He centers this workaround the notion of econo efit defied as the abityt shape the cours of economic evolution thzouphseflesve human "sion ad what be calls "compe Tesing Thi ability ro eet censely ‘on the human condion (Iam reminded hereof the fst mistos of Gatl Haya), {Sinoet acre inthe "context proxmie” tht ie the iy-epon. Aino Srorpr concerts be atention om contemporary rbvepiona wots of pro ‘action and glcbaliaatin, what be hae to zy echoes back 10,000 yeas tothe origin ofthe ty and urbana a sway of le, wo use fat moos phrase of he {hieago School Combining he pst and he pest enabe wo undzstand bee the le aod had quotes of ths chapter, “Puring Cites Fes." The menvion of {alison asa mae me eal he sentence in Lewis Mamfnds The Cyn Frater O9ei), sel the aandard wok on te subject depite Jane Jacobs ane scempt ores ts undervngpeemses Mune wries, “Tis book opens with {cy that wan symbolically word fe lone wih woed tha has besos in ‘many escnal apc, set” Tes this quote that bens the fs chaper of ny Poamatopeli, which by no coincidence asthe suse tie athe chapter OU are ring. i ‘An lnertng epilog to the sory of Gal HOyik is unfolding eoday in she (Gaahsyse Research Project, conceived and eed by lan Hodder, « foret a HFPNC THE ONCINS OF URINE 3 ‘rode of Melia and one ofthe Eagishapeking word lading ial and ‘fenely pommdecnherwcal rheoog For ore han 20 yea, Hodes has fen comtrcting wha he cals "pntprocemual” and “omtextal” atchecogy ‘neon rw trea penpecines ded fom sil theory aces, tm Mareen an, me tyra Be hy, emit, ponesiotal eigen crea! portmodrann* Tough thee i ig ee ind an a Imewly and concepealconmused,sulancosy realand-magined, 0 fe ack co the pase {have wed to dexcibe he etl say of ved spas “hndspoce 196) The Catal Research Projects Hoda’ fast major seat iopurs theo wok at ate cle wel edge” The ene oj s om onlne, thing sdrartage of ulineda ecology kee its work ope oe Sia leo of meena, igo epee of Pospeocalarcielon” “Tar late eth i new and sessing hasbeen founda Catal Hay debe on paring ces findings borates hat thse Being excavated and ineped by archeologists and other sas who {ic unsualy wal formed in ca hoy acl svat of he anc fhe fut to comnporey mc of democracy, cient gender ce, ad 55 sete apt a te took and metho nd equipped with sre pos mnie atu" wich Hodes describes an a0 opnnes to difeence, ae, {Dulocrliy, and experimentation sed a "he empowerment of agin ol teal and coal consercnier oder eral 1998" 241-2), Very rarely has che ‘Shunt past bec a uly lean ro comempocey debs ot oy in ee {Slr foan cis bor nso with eget our re geeal understanding of he "tio ofthe word and our exsvence "This adds igniean tote ways we can tearm rr ping atl Hit fs. Nomes 1. eared om itousion Past sdcp 1 Posonapic Ctl Serf (Casa eon, Ost, UR od Cag, US lal 200, 2, Goad in Gambon 1900 Sac Meropatas Tale Chet 3 in Borer Dips ‘anys Postar, Lona esl New Yok Rouge 5 2, Gila nd ter adware have bec a inporat ybai oat for madeni fomiunctaguc of erate putas tego ad arene owes a nl fort eet eapalon of pupal meres Gade oti in ESTEE, Sena Caos 3% ana 198 4, Snobs th pote of roster om lie aig ad plain of Sit to grace be lvl om esse, fst! (itetin, Se nn syle toe he fn lge steer were eo pom ‘Soca bsnl on aia erng whch ded mich mre pce ha iMod cout cat be mnie nee vy af Se Mnf net see et ebay he be ent nn comes ombaie ‘eso ce op elane ing bow th yi the 14h Te Cay itor ube by Haroun, Bae 96), sppned ble Mle maar o¢ano w son ubliaow on atl Hay ad oe be mow else pv fukn xe ad tings, oh of which had sigan free ot ander wings 1 het msn patton ft ject sy cing ian Hore) 996, Othe Sac: Galak 1995-1985, Canbridge NeDeral oe for Arcola Retosch ond Bh nae of Asal Anke [REFERENCES ‘Cham, 199 Border Dips: Journ in Pasoodety Leadon tod New Yok Renee Gimbets Maa 199: The Language of te Gadde Uncaing thHidnSptteof ‘Weer Cito Su ene areca ow LIF The Goddess nd Goa of OU Ewope 5003800 BC, ek Uae of ser an 1981: Reding the Pass Garon Apprscher to Inerprtation i Arcee ‘Cmte CabeeUniery Pes odin apd Pel Roden 1996 Comtompoary Archaigy Theory. Osi a ‘Cambep,U. Borel ln 1 Irn Ace rin Nei a oon {sco ane 969 The Eonar of Cie, New Yak: Random House {eb Ho 1968 Le dar eve pace poli, Para Eon Aceopon i Cale eth 1950, Te merge f Cito Po Hating ad Catering "Arc City ond th Ss Nas Es Laon snd New Yo Roepe Malar, 967 ali A Nese Toon fat, Londen Tare and Hades -

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