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Name: Cheh Chun Nam

ID: 18257

BSBPMG522 Undertake project work


Project Title: Native Bush Spices Australia

Project Manager: Ms. Suki

Purpose of the project

To propose and develop a new website for the company. Need to identify operational and
strategies need including the cost to setup a new website, benefit and as well as the risk of
develop a new website.

Introduction and background

The business is formed since 2010 to provide the demanding of Australian Native food
products. The business currently is selling they product thru the small grocery shop and
health store around Australia. In the meantime, the company’s website is old and not
been updated for a long time and the management of this company wish to develop a new
website and wanted to expend they products around the world.

In this report is to aims to identify costs, benefits and risks of the new propose website for
the company. The company should adhere the legislations as below:

• WHS Legislation and Regulations

The company is based in Coffs Harbours, NSW. Which mean it must comply the by the
Work Health and Safety (the WHS) ACT 2011 and WHS Regulations. The WHS Act and
WHS Regulations provide a framework to secure the health and safety of workers and
workplaces by protecting workers and other persons against harm to their health, safety
and welfare through the elimination of risks arising from work, in accordance with the
principle that workers and other persons should be given the highest level of protection
against harm to their health, safety and welfare from hazards and risks arising from work
as is reasonably practicable. WHS considerations that could apply to the project could be
to ensure that staff are not spending too long hours on the project, contributing to fatigue
or do the staff members having a regular break.
• Australian Consumer Law

The company should comply by Australian Consumer Law (ACL), therefore the
description of the product should be shown detail and accurate. This legislation must
consider in terms of projects as the website must reflect the consumers with accurate and
complete information about products. A national law guaranteeing consumer rights when
buying goods and services.

Business needs and business drivers

About the company of Australian Native Bush is not so popular and so less people know
about this brand. Therefore, we are aim this project to assist with the brand awareness.
Brand awareness will lead to the company positive sales and as well as the brand will get
known by the consumers.

Criteria for Success

Nowadays, all consumer is using e-commerce which mean the consumers will purchase
their daily products via online shopping. With the successful website it will increase
brand awareness and the company sales too.


Based on our survey about the website creation cost as following: -

Description Detail Estimated Cost

URL Searching for $2,000.00

appropriate URL

Domain Purchase relevant $5,000.00

domain name

Design Website design $1,500.00

Monitoring Some expertise to $3,000.00

monitor the website

Total $11,500.00


There are no dependencies involved.


a) Limited of budget.

b) Lack of knowledge in organization.

c) Ability of writer to develop a good content.

d) Not easy to hire relevant expertise.

e) Lack of knowledge about website development.


We aim or assume that website implement will be setup and running live about in 8
weeks. Its good that the company provide enough supports and information, so the
project will complete successful. The company should provide the support like efficient
computer system, sophisticated software to create good website etc.

Preliminary risk assessment

Each project will have their own risk. Therefore, here are some potential risk that may
impact the project such as: -

• Poor team dynamics

• Scope creep

• Out of budget

• Insufficient resources to complete work

• Out of control of scheduling

• Staff taking leave

Project stakeholders

Operation manager (OM) is the person in charges of this project. The OM will be given
the instruction to complete the project in respect to the timeline given. IT consultants
need to ensure the website is stable and system is in smooth operation because website
designer is important to develop an informative company website that could create
awareness and buying intention.
Workplace impacts

Some staff may need to be retrained particularly marketing staff to write on company
social media page such as Facebook page, company blog, company Instagram and
company monthly newsletters.

Project Management Plan

Project Title: Native Bush Spices Website Development

Project Manager: Ms. Suki


The company is selling the Australian Native food products, the business was established
in 2010. Currently the business is selling the product through some small supermarket
and some small health store throughout Australia. Unfortunately, the company website is
too old and didn’t updated for a long time.


Aim to propose a new website for the company as well as identify the cost of developing
website, risk of the project and benefits of the project.

Target Outcomes

New website will aims to increase the company brand awareness and as well as
increasing company sales.

Project Activities & Schedule

Project Area Actions Responsibility Scheduled Start Scheduled Finish

Content Marketing 10/09/19 12/10/19

development Coordinator,
Project team,
Web designer

Develop Marketing 10/09/19 12/10/19

website brief Coordinator
Identify Customer 10/09/19 12/10/19
website service officer

Review Project team 10/09/19 12/10/19


Identify Project team 10/09/19 12/10/19


Provide Marketing 10/09/19 12/10/19

approval to Coordinator /
proceed and Operation’s
payment as Manager
per schedule

Provide Customer 10/09/19 12/10/19

content for service officer
use in to send content
website developed by
development writer

Ongoing Project team 10/09/19 12/10/19

phase and
provision of

Logo design New logo to Marketing 10/09/19 12/10/19

create Team

New logo to
replace the
Photographs Taken to Photographers 10/09/19 12/10/19
publish in
website, etc.

Project Communications

Communication Description Who Scheduled Start Scheduled Finish


Meetings Meeting with Operation 10/09/19 12/10/19

project Manager,
manager and marketing
team member manager,
as follows: -
IT support
*Project designer

during the
life of the


Project Status Weekly to Operation 10/09/19 12/10/19

reports senior Manager

Project review At close of General 10/09/19 12/10/19

report project Manager
Risk Management Strategy

Risk Likelihood Severity Treatment / control methods

Staff members Occasional Significant Use an existing staff member

leave to assist with the project or
contact additional staff
member or extend out project
time with just one member.

Budget Occasional Significant Project costs recorded each

overrun week to check where the
budget is up to.

Delay in Probable Moderate Seek assistance from

completion additional staff, project
meetings to check progress.

Website Probable Catastrophic Website designer chosen

design does based on high quality of
not meet work and fit organisation.

Input into web design.

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