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Victory Elijah Christian College

College Department
Midterm Examination in Understanding Self

Name: Date:
General Directions: Read and Analyzed each question. Write your answer in your examination
Test I: Identification. Identify what is being describe in the following statement. (10pts)
1. It is the study of social behavior or society, including its origins, development,
organization, networks, and institutions
2. uses data collected by a series of researches, usually synthetic and comparative
3. it reconstructs, describes, and interprets human behavior and cultural patterns through
material remains.
4. A sub-discipline of Anthropology which focuses on special interest, human revolution as
revealed by the fossils
5. It is the study of language in its social and cultural context across space and over time.
6. It is the study of human society and culture which describes, analyzes, interprets, and
explains social and cultural similarities and differences.
7. It is the systematic exploration of human biological and cultural diversity.
8. The final stage of self-development according to Mead
9. The development of the self in this stage occurs through the preliminary experiences that
serve as practice for the child.
10. during this stage, the infant simply imitates the actions and behaviors of the people that
the infant interacts with
Test II. Multiple Choice: Write the word of the correct answer. (10pts)
1. He is considered as the father of Classical liberalism.
a. Gilbert Ryle b. John Locke c. David Hume d. Meleau-Ponty
2. This is a Philosopher whose view of the human person reflects the entire spirit of the
medieval world when it comes to man.
a. David Hume b. St. Augustine c. Plato d. Rene Descartes
3. He conceived of the human person as having a body and mind.
a. David Hume b. Rene Descartes c. Plato d. St. Augustine
4. It is the Philosopher who believes in that one can know only what comes from a senses and
a. Plato b. St. Augustine c. Gilbert Ryle d. David Hume
5. The Westerns emphasize the ____________________.
a. More on the value of quality b. More on the value of equality
c. More on the value of Self d. More on the value of individualistic
Victory Elijah Christian College
College Department
Midterm Examination in Understanding Self

6. Which of the following describes what culture means?

a. Culture is shared, symbolic, natural, learned, integrated, encompassing and
maladaptive and adaptive.
b. Culture is practice, standard, belief and understanding.
c. Culture is personal, borrowed, adopted, and practiced.
d. Culture is advance, unique, acceptable, natural, and individual
7. It emphasizes more on the value of equality even if they see that the individual can rise above
everything else.
a. Western Culture b. Confucianism c. Eastern Culture d. Buddhism
8. It refers to the study of single social institution.
a. Linguistics b. Psychology c. Economics d. Anthropology
9. It refers to the study of the past.
a. Sociology b. Linguistics c. History d. Psychology
10. He is a psychologist who developed “operant conditioning theory”.
a. BF Skinner b. Carl Jung c. Erick Erickson d. William James

Test III. Essay: Discuss comprehensively each question below. (@5pts)

1. Explain briefly the concept of unified and multiple self based from the concept and perception
of Sigmund Freud and Gergens.
2. Differentiate the self in Western and Eastern Thought. What are its differences and
similarities? Explain briefly.
3. Identify the three different kinds of self-esteem. How does each kind differ from each other?
Explain how important self-esteem to every individual.
4. How do you improve your physical self? What are some practical things you can perform to
improve yourself? Explain briefly.
5. Identify some changes you have observed from yourself from puberty to adolescence. How
did these changes help you to become a better self?
6. Identify and describe at least three things you have learned about yourself from this topic on
various perspectives about the Self
7. Describe briefly the concept of William James about the self, namely; The material self; The
social self; and The spiritual self
8. Differentiate sex and gender. Explain briefly.
9. differentiate transsexuality and transgenderism
10. Identify the three different kinds of self-esteem. How does each kind differ from each other?
Explain how important self-esteem to every individual.

“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

-1 Thessalonians 5:21”

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