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10/19/2019 USP-NF

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▲2S (USP41)

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Inhalation drug products deliver ▲drugs▲2S (USP41) into the lungs by oral inhalation and include inhalation aerosols, inhalation powders, inhalation sprays, inhalation
solutions, inhalation suspensions, solutions for inhalation, and drugs for inhalation solutions dosage forms. Nasal drug products deliver drugs into the nasal cavity
and include nasal sprays, nasal solutions, nasal aerosols, and nasal powder dosage forms. This chapter does not address nasal products in gel and ointment form.
See Table 1 for established names and de nitions of these dosage forms. De nitions of these drug product dosage forms, brief information about their manufacture,
and a glossary of dosage form names can be found in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms 〈1151〉. [NOTE—All references to chapters above 1000 are for informational
purposes only, for use as a helpful resource. These chapters are not mandatory unless explicitly called out for application.▲▲2S (USP41)]

Table 1. Established Names and De nitions

Established Name De nition

A drug product for oral inhalation that is packaged under pressure,

▲aerosolizes, and delivers a speci ed amount of ▲▲2S (USP41) active
▲2S (USP41)

ingredient(s) upon activation of an ▲accurate metering▲2S (USP41) valve system

▲in association with an actuator mechanism.▲2S (USP41) Inhalation aerosol
▲drug products▲2S (USP41) are more commonly known as metered-dose
Inhalation Aerosol inhalers or MDIs.

Drug powder for oral inhalation with the use of a device that aerosolizes and
delivers an accurately metered amount of ▲▲2S (USP41) active ingredient(s).

Inhalation powder ▲drug products▲2S (USP41) are more commonly known as

Inhalation Powder dry powder inhalers or DPIs.

A nonpressurized ▲▲2S (USP41) liquid, ▲sterile (if aqueous-based)▲2S (USP41)

drug dosage form for oral inhalation that is packaged in a container▲–closure

system▲2S (USP41) that upon activation ▲aerosolizes and▲2S (USP41) delivers ▲in
ne droplets of formulation an accurately metered amount of active
Inhalation Spray ingredient(s).▲2S (USP41)

A ▲sterile▲2S (USP41) drug solution for oral inhalation with the use of a
Inhalation Solution nebulization system.

A ▲sterile▲2S (USP41) drug suspension for oral inhalation with the use of a
Inhalation Suspension nebulization system.

A ▲sterile▲2S (USP41) drug solution for oral inhalation that must be diluted
Solution for Inhalation before it is administered with the use of a nebulization system. 1/7
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Established Name De nition

A ▲sterile▲2S (USP41) drug powder that, upon the addition of a suitable vehicle,

yields a ▲sterile▲2S (USP41) solution conforming in all respects to an inhalation

[Drug] for Inhalation Solution solution.

A nonpressurized, accurately metered, liquid drug dosage form for local

application into the nasal passages that is packaged in a container▲–closure
system▲2S (USP41) that upon activation ▲aerosolizes and▲2S (USP41) delivers ▲in
droplets of formulation an accurately metered amount of active
Nasal Spray ingredient(s).▲2S (USP41)

A drug product for local application into the nasal passages that is packaged
under pressure, ▲aerosolizes,▲2S (USP41) and delivers a speci ed amount of
▲ active ingredient(s) upon activation of an ▲accurate metering▲2S
▲2S (USP41)

Nasal Aerosol (USP41) valve system ▲in association with an actuator mechanism.▲2S (USP41)

A nonpressurized, liquid drug dosage form for local application into the nasal
Nasal Solution passages.

Drug powder for local application into the nasal passages with the use of a
device that aerosolizes and delivers an accurately metered amount of ▲▲2S

Nasal Powder (USP41) active ingredient(s).

This chapter provides lists of consolidated common product quality test requirements in a concise and coherent fashion. This general chapter applies, in part or in
its entirety, when referenced in a drug product monograph (see General Notices, 3.10 Applicability of Standards), and includes the quality tests for the speci c route of
administration. The quality tests listed can be used, as appropriate, by manufacturers toward the development of new drug product monographs for submission to
the USP–NF. If a validated performance test procedure is available for the speci c drug product, it is identi ed in a general chapter below 1000. Additional
information, or information on promising technologies that have not yet been fully validated, may be presented in informational chapters above 1000.
Drug Product General Quality Tests and Performance Quality Tests

A USP drug product monograph contains tests, analytical procedures, and acceptance criteria. Drug product tests are divided into two categories: 1) ▲▲2S (USP41)

general quality ▲tests;▲2S (USP41) and 2) ▲▲2S (USP41) product performance ▲tests,▲2S (USP41) e.g., delivered dose uniformity and its physical characteristics, such as

aerodynamic particle size distribution, ▲and/or droplet size distribution.▲2S (USP41) General quality tests assess the integrity of the dosage form, whereas
▲product performance quality tests assess delivery of the drug and other attributes that may relate to in vivo drug performance.
▲2S (USP41)

Taken together, ▲general▲2S (USP41) quality and ▲product▲2S (USP41) performance tests ensure the identity, strength, quality, and purity of inhalation and nasal drug
The next two sections of this chapter list product quality attributes for inhalation drug products and for nasal drug products, respectively. The nal section
describes in greater detail the quality tests for inhalation and nasal drug products. Inhalation and Nasal Drug Products: Aerosols, Sprays, and Powders—Performance
Quality Tests 〈601〉 contains product performance tests for inhalation and nasal drug products and should be used in conjunction with this chapter.

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Inhalation Aerosol


Aerosol in this context is a dosage form consisting of a liquid preparation ▲▲2S (USP41) packaged under pressure and intended for administration as a ne mist.

The descriptive term aerosol also refers to the ne mist of small droplets ▲and/or▲2S (USP41) solid particles that are emitted from the product. Inhalation aerosols,
also known as MDIs, are preparations characterized by dispersion of the active pharmaceutical ingredient into the airways during oral inspiration for either local or
systemic effect, and nasal aerosols, also known as nasal MDIs, are characterized by deposition in the nasal cavity for either local or systemic effect.
An aerosol formulation typically contains a drug substance(s) dissolved or suspended in a propellant or a mixture of propellant(s) and co-solvent(s) and possibly
other suitable excipients. An inhalation aerosol drug product ▲▲2S (USP41) delivers a speci ed amount and quality of therapeutically active ingredient(s) upon

activation of an ▲accurate metering▲2S (USP41) valve system. General quality tests for inhalation aerosol drug products ▲▲2S (USP41) include the following
▲attributes (see 4. Description of Product Quality Tests for more detailed discussions of each test):
▲2S (USP41)

Identi cation
Impurities and Degradation Products
Water Content
Foreign Particulate Matter
Spray Pattern
▲Valve Delivery▲2S (USP41) 2/7
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Microbial Limits
▲Co-Solvent ▲
▲2S (USP41) Content [(e.g., ethanol)▲2S (USP41) if present]
▲Elemental Impurities—Limits 〈232〉▲2S (USP41)
Net Fill Weight
Leak Rate
For performance quality tests, refer to 〈601〉
Inhalation Solution


Inhalation solution drug products typically are water-based ▲▲2S (USP41) sterile preparations. They are intended for delivery to the lungs by nebulization with a

speci ed ▲▲2S (USP41) nebulizer. Such drug preparations typically are packaged in single-dose semipermeable containers ▲within▲2S (USP41) protective packaging to
minimize ingress of volatile foreign contaminants, loss of solvent, and exposure to oxygen and light. Nebulization involves continuous generation and delivery to the
patient of a ne mist of aqueous droplets containing a drug solution by means of ultrasonic energy, Venturi effect, or other appropriate mechanical/electrical
means. General quality tests for inhalation solutions ▲▲2S (USP41) include the following ▲attributes▲2S (USP41) (see 4. Description of Product Quality Tests for more
detailed discussions of each test):
Identi cation
Impurities and Degradation Products
Content Uniformity ▲for Premetered Dosage Forms▲2S (USP41)

Assay for ▲Antimicrobial▲2S (USP41) Preservative and Stabilizing Excipients (if present)
Foreign Particulate Matter
▲Viscosity, if relevant▲2S (USP41)

Osmolality, ▲if relevant▲2S (USP41)

Net Fill Weight
▲Elemental Impurities—Limits 〈232〉▲2S (USP41)
Weight Loss
For information on performance quality tests, refer to Products for Nebulization—Characterization Tests 〈1601〉
Inhalation Suspension


Inhalation suspension drug products typically are water-based ▲▲2S (USP41) sterile preparations. They are intended for delivery to the lungs by nebulization with a

speci ed ▲▲2S (USP41) nebulizer. Such drug preparations typically are packaged in single-dose semipermeable containers ▲within▲2S (USP41) protective packaging to
minimize ingress of volatile foreign contaminants, loss of solvent, and exposure to oxygen and light. Nebulization involves continuous generation and delivery to the
patient of a ne mist of aqueous droplets containing the formulation components by means of ultrasonic energy, Venturi effect, or other appropriate mechanical
means. General quality tests for inhalation suspensions ▲▲2S (USP41) include the following ▲attributes▲2S (USP41) (see 4. Description of Product Quality Tests for more
detailed discussions of each test):
▲Primary Particle Size Distribution▲▲2S (USP41)
▲2S (USP41)

For all other general quality attributes, refer to the previous Inhalation Solution attributes
Solution for Inhalation


Solution for inhalation drug products typically are water-based ▲▲2S (USP41) sterile preparations. Upon dilution, in accordance with labeling, including identity and

amount of dilution vehicle, they are intended for delivery to the lungs by nebulization ▲with a speci ed▲2S (USP41) nebulizer. Such drug preparations typically are

packaged in single-dose semipermeable containers ▲within▲2S (USP41) protective packaging to minimize ingress of volatile foreign contaminants, loss of solvent,
and exposure to oxygen and light. Nebulization involves continuous generation and delivery to the patient of a ne mist of aqueous droplets containing the
formulation components by means of ultrasonic energy, Venturi effect, or other appropriate mechanical/electrical means. General quality tests for solutions for
inhalation ▲▲2S (USP41) include the following ▲attributes▲2S (USP41) (see 4. Description of Product Quality Tests for more detailed discussions of each test):
Clarity and Color of Solution upon Dilution in accordance with the labeling
For all other general quality attributes, refer to the previous Inhalation Solution attributes
Drug for Inhalation Solution


Drug for inhalation solution is a (speci ed color) ▲sterile▲2S (USP41) drug powder formulation that upon the addition of a suitable vehicle, in accordance with

labeling, including identity and amount of dilution vehicle, yields a ▲sterile▲2S (USP41) solution conforming in all respects to the Inhalation Solution requirements.

General quality tests for drug for inhalation solutions ▲▲2S (USP41) include the following ▲attributes▲2S (USP41) (see 4. Description of Product Quality Tests for more
detailed discussions of each test):
▲Reconstitution Time (powder)▲2S (USP41)
Water Content
Clarity, color, and completeness of solution within speci ed time, upon reconstitution
For all other general quality attributes, refer to the previous Inhalation Solution attributes upon (re)constitution of the drug product 3/7
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Inhalation Spray


Inhalation spray drug products typically are water-based ▲sterile▲2S (USP41) formulations packaged in a compact container–closure system containing an integral

spray pump unit that, upon activation, delivers an accurately metered amount of ne ▲droplets of▲2S (USP41) the formulation. The droplets can be generated by
various means such as mechanical action, power assistance, or energy from the patient’s inspiration. The mechanisms by which they generate droplets distinguish
the various types of inhalation sprays. These drug products may be unit-dose or multidose presentations. Inhalation spray drug products may be designed as
premetered or device-metered presentations. A premetered unit contains a previously measured amount of liquid formulation in an individual container (e.g., a
blister) that is inserted in the device by the patient before use. A device-metered product contains a su cient amount of liquid formulation for a prescribed number
of doses in a reservoir, and each dose is delivered as an accurately metered spray by the device throughout the unit’s life. General quality tests for inhalation sprays
▲ include the following ▲attributes▲2S (USP41) (see 4. Description of Product Quality Tests for more detailed discussions of each test):
▲2S (USP41)

Plume Geometry
For all other general quality attributes, refer to the previous Inhalation Solution attributes
For performance quality tests, refer to 〈601〉
Inhalation Powder


Inhalation powder drug products, commonly known as DPIs, dispense powders for inhalation with the use of a device that aerosolizes and delivers an accurately
metered amount of active ingredient(s) with consistent physical characteristics alone or with a suitable excipient(s). Current designs include premetered and
device-metered DPIs, all of which rely on various energy sources to create and disperse the aerosol during patient inspiration.
Premetered DPIs contain previously measured amounts of formulation in individual containers (e.g., capsules or blisters) that are inserted into the device before
use. Premetered DPIs also may contain premetered dose units as ordered multidose assemblies in the delivery system. Device-metered DPIs have an internal
reservoir that contains a su cient quantity of formulation for multiple doses that are metered by the device itself during actuation by the patient. General quality
tests for inhalation powders ▲▲2S (USP41) include the following ▲attributes▲2S (USP41) (see 4. Description of Product Quality Tests for more detailed discussions of
each test):
Identi cation
Impurities and Degradation Products
Content Uniformity ▲for Premetered Dosage Forms▲2S (USP41)
Water Content
Foreign Particulate Matter
Microbial Limits
▲Elemental Impurities—Limits 〈232〉▲2S (USP41)
Net Content (device-metered)
Residual Solvent

▲2S (USP41)Leachables

For performance quality tests, refer to 〈601〉

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Nasal Aerosol

Refer to the above Inhalation Aerosol attributes.

Nasal Spray


Nasal spray drug products typically are water-based ▲▲2S (USP41) formulations applied to the nasal cavity for local and/or systemic effects. They contain
therapeutically active ingredient(s) dissolved or suspended in solution or mixtures of excipients in a nonpressurized compact container–closure system. The
container–closure system includes an integral spray pump unit that upon activation delivers ▲▲2S (USP41) an accurately metered amount of ▲▲2S (USP41) the

formulation ▲as a mist.▲2S (USP41) Dispersion of the formulation as a spray typically is accomplished by forcing the formulation through the nasal actuator and its
ori ce. Often, such drug products are multidose device-metered (see Inhalation Spray) presentations in which the dose is metered by the spray pump. Nasal spray
drug products also may be designed as premetered presentations. General quality tests for nasal sprays ▲▲2S (USP41) include the following ▲attributes▲2S (USP41)
(see 4. Description of Product Quality Tests for more detailed discussions of each test):
Identi cation
Impurities and Degradation Products
Assay for ▲Antimicrobial▲2S (USP41) Preservative and Stabilizing Excipients (if present)

Content Uniformity ▲for Premetered Dosage Forms▲2S (USP41)

▲Primary Particle Size Distribution (for suspensions)
▲2S (USP41)

Foreign Particulate Matter

Spray Pattern
Microbial Limits
Net Fill Weight
▲Pump Delivery▲2S (USP41) 4/7
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▲Elemental Impurities—Limits 〈232〉▲2S (USP41)

▲2S (USP41)

For performance quality tests, refer to 〈601〉

Nasal Powder

Refer to the previous Inhalation Powder quality attributes ▲as applicable.▲2S (USP41)

Nasal Solution


Nasal solutions are drug products that typically are water-based ▲▲2S (USP41) formulations applied to the nasal cavity for local effect. They may contain drug
substance(s) dissolved in solution or mixtures of excipients in a nonpressurized compact container–closure system. The container–closure system includes a
delivery system that administers nonmetered amounts of drops or a ne mist of droplets of the formulation. Typically, such drug products are multidose
presentations. General quality tests for nasal solution drug products ▲▲2S (USP41) include the following ▲attributes▲2S (USP41) (see 4. Description of Product Quality
Tests for more detailed discussions of each test):
Identi cation
Impurities and Degradation Products
Assay for ▲Antimicrobial▲2S (USP41) Preservative and Stabilizing Excipients (if present)
Foreign Particulate Matter
Microbial Limits
Net Fill Weight
▲Elemental Impurities—Limits 〈232〉▲2S (USP41)

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Product quality tests are listed as follows, and should be applied to inhalation and nasal drug products and to products for nebulization. Product-speci c quality
tests are addressed in product monographs.
Assay (strength and content uniformity)

The USP Assay test of a drug substance in the drug product container is determined by means of a validated stability-indicating procedure following Validation of
Compendial Procedures 〈1225〉. The USP Assay test should measure ▲the amount of ▲2S (USP41) drug ▲substance(s)in the unit▲2S (USP41) and its stability ▲throughout
the expiration dating period,▲2S (USP41) including adherence of the drug substance to the container–closure components. Appropriate acceptance criteria can provide

added assurance of manufacturing reproducibility and may ensure better conformance in ▲▲2S (USP41) performance attributes (e.g., delivered dose uniformity).
If a drug product is labeled to contain a single enantiomer of a chiral drug substance, analysts can use a chiral assay or a combination of an achiral assay and a
validated procedure to control the presence of the undesired enantiomer as an impurity.

Assay for ▲Antimicrobial▲2S (USP41) Preservative and Stabilizing Excipients (if present)

The assay of any preservative (e.g., an antimicrobial) ▲in a multidose container▲2S (USP41) or stabilizing excipient (e.g., an antioxidant, an agent speci cally added

to minimize or prevent degradation) in a ▲formulation▲2S (USP41) should be determined analytically, typically with a validated stability-indicating procedure following
▲ International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) ▲current▲2S (USP41) Q2 guidance. The ▲assay▲2S (USP41) acceptance criteria ▲for antimicrobial
▲2S (USP41)

preservatives▲2S (USP41) normally are based on appropriate preservative effectiveness demonstrated by a microbial challenge test.

Clarity and Color of Solution upon Dilution

Solution for inhalation and drug for inhalation solution dosage forms must be diluted and reconstituted in accordance with labeling before administration by
nebulization. The type and amount of the vehicle used for dilution and reconstitution must be speci ed on the labeling. Appropriate studies must be undertaken to
fully assess ▲quantitatively▲2S (USP41) the clarity and color of the solution upon dilution and reconstitution. The studies also should include appropriate physical and
chemical stability studies, as well as studies of performance characteristics.
Content Uniformity for Premetered Dosage Forms

See Uniformity of Dosage Units 〈905〉.

Co-Solvent▲2S (USP41) Content ▲[(e.g., ethanol)▲2S (USP41) if present]

If ▲a co-solvent▲2S (USP41) is used in a drug product formulation, a speci c assay with appropriate acceptance criteria should be included.


See the previous ▲descriptions▲2S (USP41) corresponding ▲to applicable▲2S (USP41) dosage forms, ▲outlined in 2. General Quality Tests for Inhalation Drug Products
and 3. General Quality Tests for Nasal Drug Products of this chapter, in association with their container–closure delivery systems▲2S (USP41) and the respective
▲labeling statement of▲2S (USP41) the monograph of a drug product. ▲This test should address the appearance of the contents of the container (i.e., dosage form)
and the appearance and integrity of the components of the container closure system for conformance to their respective descriptions.▲2S (USP41) 5/7
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Elemental Impurities

Drug products should be evaluated for elemental impurities (see 〈232〉). Validated analytical procedures should be used as described in Elemental Impurities—
Procedures 〈233〉.▲2S (USP41)

Foreign Particulate Matter

Foreign particulate matter in these drug products should be adequately controlled. Particulate matter in inhalation and nasal drug products may originate during
manufacturing and from formulation and container–closure components. ▲Following a detailed toxicological assessment of the type, origin, amount, and size of any
foreign particulates, including ne particulates (e.g., less than 10 µm), appropriate speci cations should be established throughout the stability storage period to
con rm overall quality.▲2S (USP41)

Identi cation

A speci c identi cation test or tests are used to verify the identity of the drug substance in the drug product. If a nonspeci c method is used for identi cation, then
it should be combined with a second independent and complementary method. A speci c identi cation test for polymorphic forms should be carried out, ▲if
applicable.▲2S (USP41) Moreover, if the drug substance is a salt, an appropriate identi cation test also should be included for the counterion.

Impurities and Degradation Products

Validated stability-indicating analytical procedure(s) following 〈1225〉 should be used to determine the levels of impurities and degradation products in a drug
product. Typically, the acceptance criteria are set for individual, ▲▲2S (USP41) unspeci ed, and total impurities and degradation products following current ICH Q3B

guidance. For reporting, identi cation, and quali cation thresholds and other relevant information, follow current ICH Q3B ▲and ICH M7 guidelines.▲2S (USP41)


Inhalation and nasal drug products should be evaluated for compounds that may leach from elastomeric and plastic components and from coatings of
components of the container–closure system in direct contact with the formulation. Additionally, the drug product inadvertently may contain other residual
contaminants from manufacturing and processing. Leachables may include polynuclear aromatics, nitrosamines, monomers, plasticizers, accelerators, antioxidants,
and vulcanizing agents. Processing contaminants may include surface-treatment or processing agents that may dissolve, chemically associate, or become
suspended in the formulation.
Thus, throughout the expiration-dating period, the drug product should be evaluated for compounds that can migrate into the formulation from a variety of sources.
The type of testing that should be performed depends on whether the formulation is a powder or a liquid and the composition of the container–closure system, e.g.,
a drug product packaged in a semipermeable container should be evaluated for ingress of volatile leachables. Appropriate speci cations using validated analytical
procedures should be applied to identify, monitor, and quantify the compounds in the drug product with appropriate minimum levels of quanti cation. Corresponding
acceptance criteria should be established and justi ed from toxicological and safety perspectives.
Leak Rate

Leak rate studies of inhalation and nasal aerosol drug products can be used during drug product development and characterization to support the selection of
appropriate container–closure components (e.g., valve and canister) and drug product manufacturing parameters, including the crimping process ▲and 100% heat
stress test prior to equilibration/quarantine period. Release and stability▲2S (USP41) speci cations for the USP Leak Rate ▲test▲2S (USP41) can include multiple units
from each batch based on weight difference determination with time at a speci ed temperature. See Leak Rate 〈604〉 for additional information.
Microbial Limits

The microbial quality of dosage forms where indicated in 2. General Quality Tests for Inhalation Drug Products and 3. General Quality Tests for Nasal Drug Products
normally is controlled by appropriate validated test(s) and acceptance criteria for total aerobic count, total yeasts and molds count, and freedom from designated
indicator pathogens. Acceptance criteria can be expressed on a per-container basis. Refer to Microbial Enumeration Tests 〈61〉, Alternative Microbiological Sampling
Methods for Nonsterile Inhaled and Nasal Products 〈610〉, ▲and Microbiological Examination of Nonsterile Products: Acceptance Criteria for Pharmaceutical
Preparations and Substances for Pharmaceutical Use 〈1111〉▲2S (USP41) for additional information.

Net Fill Weight

The total net weight of the formulation in the container should be assessed and controlled with a test and acceptance criteria. ▲See Minimum Fill 〈755〉 for
additional information.▲2S (USP41)


To control the tonicity of the formulation of dosage forms where indicated in 2. General Quality Tests for Inhalation Drug Products, the product should be tested for
osmolality with appropriate speci cations as described in Osmolality and Osmolarity 〈785〉.

Appropriate speci cation for the pH of the formulation of dosage forms where indicated in 2. General Quality Tests for Inhalation Drug Products and 3. General
Quality Tests for Nasal Drug Products should be established as described in pH 〈791〉.

Primary▲2S (USP41) Particle Size Distribution

For ▲▲2S (USP41) suspension ▲preparation▲2S (USP41) drug products, appropriate method(s) and corresponding acceptance criteria ▲should▲2S (USP41) be used for

the determination of the particle size distribution of the drug substance particles in the formulation within the container. ▲Microscopic examination of the product
formulation provides information and changes over product stability on the presence of large particles, morphology of the drug substance and carrier particles,
extent of agglomerates, crystal growth, and foreign particulate matters. Additionally, where the crystalline form of the drug substance can affect the bioavailability,
performance, stability, or other properties of the drug product, microscopic evaluation or other appropriate methods are recommended to control and monitor the
crystalline and amorphous forms if changes are observed on stability. See Optical Microscopy 〈776〉 for additional information. For aerodynamic particle size
distribution and droplet size distribution tests of inhalation and nasal drug products, as applicable, refer to 〈601〉.▲2S (USP41)

Plume Geometry

Because various factors can affect the plume characteristics of the spray of an inhalation aerosol, inhalation spray, nasal aerosol, or nasal spray drug product, its
full characterization is important for assessing the performance of the delivery system. Plume geometry can be determined by a variety of procedures using 6/7
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appropriately validated methods. Plume geometry also can be controlled by appropriate acceptance criteria that measure spray pattern characteristics, including
shape and size of the evolving spray plume under de ned experimental and instrumental test conditions.

Pump Delivery

A test for individual pump spray weight delivery should be performed to better ensure reproducible performance of nasal spray drug products. Appropriate
speci cations for the pump delivery should be set.▲2S (USP41)

Reconstitution Time (powder)

Drug for inhalation solution dosage forms must be (re)constituted before administration with the use of a speci ed nebulization system. Hence, appropriate
compatibility studies should be undertaken to fully assess the type and amount of the solvent(s), as well as (re)constitution time for preparation of the nal solution
for patient administration. The compatibility studies also should include appropriate physical and chemical stability studies on the reconstituted solution, including
its performance characterization.
Residual Solvent

Suitable and validated tests should be used to determine the levels of any solvent(s) in the drug product. Refer to Residual Solvents 〈467〉 for additional
Spray Pattern

Because various factors can affect the spray pattern of an inhalation aerosol, nasal aerosol, or nasal spray drug product, full spray pattern characterization is
important for assessing the performance of the speci c valve and the actuator or the pump. The spray pattern can be determined using appropriately validated
methods and corresponding acceptance criteria that measure the shape, density, and size of the pattern. The test procedure for spray patterns normally is speci c to
the drug product and may include, among others, the distance between the mouthpiece and the measurement plane or collection surface, minimum number of
actuations per spray pattern to enable discrimination, orientation of the collection surface relative to the mouthpiece, and visualization procedure(s).

All ▲aqueous-based inhalation ▲ dosage forms are sterile preparations and should meet the requirements of Sterility Tests 〈71〉.
▲2S (USP41) ▲2S (USP41)


A test for viscosity with appropriate acceptance criteria should be included for dosage forms where indicated in 2. General Quality Tests for Inhalation Drug
Products and 3. General Quality Tests for Nasal Drug Products as appropriate (see Viscosity—Capillary Methods 〈911〉,▲ Viscosity—Rotational Methods 〈912〉, and
Viscosity—Rolling Ball Method 〈913〉).▲2S (USP41)

Water Content

Appropriate speci cation for water content of dosage forms where indicated in 2. General Quality Tests for Inhalation Drug Products and 3. General Quality Tests for
Nasal Drug Products should be established to ensure the drug product’s continued stability and acceptable performance ▲▲2S (USP41). Validated analytical procedures
should be used as described in Water Determination 〈921〉. Proceed as directed in 〈921〉 with the following modi cation: provide the closed-system titrating vessel
with an opening through which passes a coarse-porosity gas dispersion tube connected to a sampling cylinder.
Weight Loss

Drug products should be evaluated for weight loss ▲where applicable,▲2S (USP41) e.g., drug products packaged in semipermeable containers, to assess the
moisture-loss protective properties of the overall container–closure system.

Auxiliary Information- Please check for your question in the FAQs before contacting USP.

Topic/Question Contact Expert Committee

<5> INHALATION AND NASAL DRUG PRODUCTS Kahkashan Zaidi GCDF2015 General Chapters-Dosage Forms 2015
TESTS +1 (301) 816-8269

Most Recently Appeared In:

Pharmacopeial Forum: Volume No. 45(5)

Page Information:

USP42-NF37 - 6360
USP41-NF36 2S - 9177
USP41-NF36 - 5938

Current DocID: GUID-63942EFA-FA01-4046-BF63-7C0706FD3924_6_en-US

Previous DocID: GUID-63942EFA-FA01-4046-BF63-7C0706FD3924_3_en-US 7/7

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