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Expert Review ajog.


Proteinuria during pregnancy: definition,

pathophysiology, methodology, and clinical
Michal Fishel Bartal, MD; Marshall D. Lindheimer, MD; Baha M. Sibai, MD

Urinalysis for protein is one of the most Qualitative and quantitative measurement of urine protein excretion is one of the
commonly performed antenatal most common tests performed during pregnancy. For more than 100 years,
screening tests.1 During pregnancy, proteinuria was necessary for the diagnosis of preeclampsia, but recent guidelines
proteinuria has traditionally been a recommend that proteinuria is sufficient but not necessary for the diagnosis. Still,
hallmark of preeclampsia, but it is also a in clinical practice, most patients with gestational hypertension will be diagnosed
nonspecific indicator of renal disease as having preeclampsia based on the presence of proteinuria. Although the
and may result from an elevated plasma reference standard for measuring urinary protein excretion is a 24-hour urine
protein concentration, increased collection, spot urine protein-to-creatinine ratio is a reasonable “rule-out” test for
glomerular permeability, decreased proteinuria. Urine dipstick screening for proteinuria does not provide any clinical
tubular protein reabsorption, and renal benefit and should not be used to diagnose proteinuria. The classic cutoff cited to
hemodynamic alterations. It has been define proteinuria during pregnancy is a value of >300 mg/24 hours or a urine
reported that the rate of isolated pro- protein-to-creatinine ratio of at least 0.3. Using this cutoff, the rate of isolated
teinuria in pregnancy may reach 8%, proteinuria in pregnancy may reach 8%, whereas preeclampsia occurs among 3%
whereas preeclampsia occurs among 3% to 8% of pregnancies. Although this threshold is widely accepted, its origin is not
to 8% of pregnancies.2,3 Starting in 2013, based on evidence on adverse pregnancy outcomes but rather on expert opinion
proteinuria is considered sufficient but and results of small studies. After reviewing the available data, the most
not necessary for the diagnosis of pre- important factor that influences maternal and neonatal outcome is the severity of
eclampsia; however, there is an ongoing blood pressures and presence of end organ damage, rather than the excess
debate regarding the importance of protein excretion. Because the management of gestational hypertension and
protein excretion in risk assessment, preeclampsia without severe features is almost identical in frequency of sur-
particularly in women with hypertensive veillance and timing of delivery, the separation into 2 disorders is unnecessary. If
disorders.4,5 The purpose of this review the management of women with gestational hypertension with a positive
is to describe the current knowledge assessment of proteinuria will not change, we believe that urine assessment for
regarding the pathophysiology, defini- proteinuria is unnecessary in women who develop new-onset blood pressure at or
tion, methods of assessment, and clinical after 20 weeks’ gestation. Furthermore, we do not recommend repeated mea-
significance of proteinuria in pregnancy. surement of proteinuria for women with preeclampsia, the amount of proteinuria
does not seem to be related to poor maternal and neonatal outcomes, and
monitoring proteinuria may lead to unindicated preterm deliveries and related
neonatal complications. Our current diagnosis of preeclampsia in women with
chronic kidney disease may be based on a change in protein excretion, a
From the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine,
baseline protein excretion evaluation is critical in certain conditions such as
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and
Reproductive Sciences, McGovern Medical chronic hypertension, diabetes, and autoimmune or other renal disorders. The
School, The University of Texas Health Science current definition of superimposed preeclampsia possesses a diagnostic dilemma,
Center at Houston, Houston, TX (Drs Fishel and it is unclear whether a change in the baseline proteinuria reflects another
Bartal and Sibai); and Departments of Medicine systemic disease such as preeclampsia or whether women with chronic disease
and Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pritzker School
such as chronic hypertension or diabetes will experience a different “normal”
of Medicine, The University of Chicago, Chicago,
IL (Dr Lindheimer). pattern of protein excretion during pregnancy. Finally, limited data are available
Received July 5, 2020; revised Aug. 24, 2020;
regarding angiogenic and other biomarkers in women with chronic kidney disease
accepted Aug. 27, 2020. as a potential aid in distinguishing the worsening of baseline chronic kidney
The authors report no conflict of interest. disease and chronic hypertension from superimposed preeclampsia.
Corresponding author: Michal Fishel Bartal, MD. Key words: 24-hour urine collection, biomarker, chronic hypertension, diagnosis, gestational hypertension, hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, preeclampsia, pregnancy,
0002-9378/$36.00 pregnancy outcome, podocytes, prognosis, proteinuria, renal disease, superimposed
Published by Elsevier Inc. preeclampsia, urine protein-to-creatinine ratio

MONTH 2020 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1

Expert Review

modified adherent junction. The slit

TABLE 1 diaphragm contains transmembrane
Glossary of terms proteins such as nephrin and Neph1,
Term Explanation which are unique to the podocytes;
Bowman’s capsule 1. Part of the nephron that forms a cup-like adherens junction proteins such as
sack surrounding the glomerulus. It FAT1, P-cadherins, and catenins; and
consists of inner (visceral) layer tight junction proteins such as junctional
surrounding the glomerulus and outer adhesion molecule A, occludin, and
(parietal) layer.
2. The Bowman’s capsule encloses a space cingulin.8e10 The foot processes have an
between those 2 layers, known as the important role in maintaining the
Bowman’s space, which represents the integrity of the membrane and will affect
beginning of the urinary space and is the protein filtration rate.11 The filtrate
contiguous with the proximal convoluted that passes through the Bowman’s space
tubule of the nephron.
continues into the proximal tubule and
Podocytes Terminally differentiated epithelial cells that the loop of Henle for further processing.
have a number of radiating processes
The intact glomerular filter is almost
(pedicles) that cover the glomerular basement
membrane and face the renal pelvis. impermeable to large proteins, and
proteinuria may result from excessive
Slit diaphragm Adjacent podocyte foot processes are
connected by a specialized intercellular permeability of the glomerular barrier
junction known as the slit diaphragm. for protein or impaired reabsorption of
protein in the proximal tubule.12 With
GFR 1. The volume of fluid filtered from the renal
glomerular capillaries into the Bowman’s normal renal function, the amount of
capsule per unit time. plasma protein entering the proximal
2. Can be assessed using the following tubule through the glomerulus depends
equation: GFR¼(DPpGC)Kf on the glomerular plasma flow and the
Transcapillary hydraulic pressure Transcapillary hydraulic pressure difference or concentration and the filtration rate of
difference (DP) the pressure generated across the glomerulus. each protein. Molecular weight, shape,
Mean glomerular intracapillary oncotic Mean of the colloid osmotic pressure within the and electrical charge of each protein will
pressure (pGC ) glomerular capillaries and within the affect its filtration rate. The relationship
Bowman’s capsule. between glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
Glomerular ultrafiltration coefficient (Kf ) The product of the surface area available for and its determinants can be assessed
filtration and the hydraulic permeability (k), using the following equation:
which is the permeability to ultrafiltrate across GFR¼(DPpGC)Kf. In this equation,
the glomerulus.
DP is the transcapillary hydraulic pres-
Filtration fraction 1. The portion of plasma filtered through the sure difference or the pressure generated
cellular layers of the glomerulus. across the glomerulus and pGC is the
2. Calculated by dividing the GFR by the renal
plasma flow.
mean glomerular intracapillary oncotic
pressure. The determinants of GFR that
GFR, glomerular filtration rate.
can be measures or approximated in
humans include Kf and pGC. Kf is the
Fishel Bartal. Proteinuria during pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020.

glomerular ultrafiltration coefficient,

calculated as the product of the surface
area available for filtration and the hy-
Pathophysiology of Proteinuria and the slit diaphragms, which are draulic permeability (k), which is the
Glomerular and tubular handling of formed by the foot processes of the permeability to ultrafiltrate across the
protein podocytes.7 Podocytes are terminally glomerulus. To compute pGC, one first
In nonpregnant populations, the urine is differentiated epithelial cells, which calculates the oncotic pressure of plasma
almost free of protein and healthy adults cover the glomerular basement mem- entering the efferent arteriole from the
excrete <150 mg of protein per day in brane and face the renal pelvis. They glomerular tuft. The oncotic pressure
urine every day.6 Within the nephron, have octopus-like extensions from the can be calculated by using the following
the glomerular filtration barrier is cell body, known as primary processes, equation: pE¼pA/(1FF). In this equa-
responsible for the selective filtration of which further branch to form secondary tion, pA is the afferent oncotic pressure
blood from the afferent arteriole to the and tertiary processes. The junction be- that can be measured directly from hu-
Bowman’s space (Table 1). The filtration tween the tertiary foot processes is a man plasma and filtration fraction (FF)
barrier includes 3 layers: the glomerular specialized region, known as the slit is the portion of plasma filtered through
epithelium, the basement membrane, diaphragm, and is thought to be a the cellular layers of the glomerulus,

2 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2020 Expert Review

calculated by dividing the GFR by the These 2 bodies of evidence suggest that circulating factors, such as vascular
renal plasma flow.13 the increase in GFR hypothesis does not endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and
Once proteins enter the proximal tu- completely explain the timing and its antagonist, the soluble receptor fms-
bule, there may be tubular reabsorption, pathophysiology of proteinuria in like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1).38e40 In
even with large proteins such as albu- normal pregnancy. Alterations in the kidney, podocytes produce VEGF,
min.8,14,15 Proteinuria of glomerular tubular reabsorption capacity may also and VEGF receptors have been found in
origin occurs only when the tubular play a role in increased protein excretion endothelial cells and podocytes them-
ability to reabsorb the filtered protein during pregnancy.27,28 selves. Thus, paracrine and autocrine
becomes saturated. It seems that the pathways could affect the integrity of the
reabsorption capacity rapidly ap- Pathophysiology of proteinuria in glomerular filtration barrier with tight
proaches to a maximum because preg- preeclampsia regulation of VEGF signaling to main-
nant women with underlying glomerular Proteinuria was first described in a tain a healthy glomerulus.13,40,41 Women
disorders have indicated that a small woman with eclampsia by Rayer in 1840, with preeclampsia have increased serum
increase in albumin filtration will result and in 1884, Schedoff and Porockjakoff concentrations of sFlt-1 and soluble
in considerable increment in measured described a link between hypertension endoglin (sEng) and reduced concen-
proteinuria.16e18 and eclampsia.29e31 The first theory of trations of free VEGF and free placental
the pathogenesis of proteinuria in pre- growth factor (PlGF), which are proan-
Renal adaptation in pregnancy eclampsia was related to glomerular giogenic proteins that are bound and
In a healthy pregnancy, an approximate changes and increased permeability to neutralized by sFlt-1. The angiogenic
doubling of urine protein level can be proteins. As with other types of pro- imbalance in preeclampsia may play an
expected. Early maternal renal adapta- teinuria of glomerular origin, the pro- important key role in the development of
tion to pregnancy includes a 75% in- teinuria of preeclampsia involves both podocyte and endothelial damage
crease in renal plasma flow by 16 weeks’ high-molecular weight proteins such as in the glomerular filtration barrier.42,43
gestation and a 50% increase in GFR by 5 albumin. With the introduction of elec- The recent link between VEGF and the
to 7 weeks’ gestation compared with tron microscopy techniques, better glomerular filtration barrier in women
nonpregnant levels. GFR remains 50% visualization and localization of with preeclampsia was studied in animal
above the nonpregnant level throughout glomerular components became avail- models of podocyte-specific VEGF
pregnancy.19e22 Creatinine clearance is able. Preeclampsia was found to be knockout mice that showed glomerular
the most commonly utilized method for associated with a distinctive glomerular endothelial cell swelling and podocyte
estimating glomerular filtration, appearance of endothelial vacuolization foot process effacement.40,44 Further-
although it is the least precise. This is and hypertrophy of the cytoplasmic or- more, animal studies found that
because creatinine is secreted by the tu- ganelles.32 The glomeruli are enlarged replacement with VEGF-121 had bene-
bules in addition to being cleared by the and solidified (bloodless), and the ficial effects with partially reversing the
glomeruli. Creatinine clearance is swelling of the endothelial cells and to a glomerular lesion and decreasing
moderately increased in pregnancy (to lesser extent the mesangial cells will proteinuria.45
110e150 mL/minute). cause narrowing or occlusion of capillary
Increased protein excretion during lumens. Spargo et al33 referred to these Definition of Pathologic Proteinuria
pregnancy is thought to be caused by the lesions by the now widely accepted term During Pregnancy
increase in GFR. The increase in GFR glomerular capillary endotheliosis. The During normal pregnancy, urinary pro-
could result from a combination of the pathologic finding of endotheliosis was tein excretion increases from normal
following: (1) hypervolemia and hemo- later found to be present not only in nonpregnant levels and in healthy
dilution lowering protein concentration women with preeclampsia but also in in women can reach 200 to 260 mg per day
and oncotic pressure and (2) the increase women with gestational hypertension by the third trimester.23,46,47 The classic
in renal blood flow. This theory is chal- without proteinuria and similarly in cutoff cited to define proteinuria during
lenged by the timing of proteinuria in normal healthy pregnancies.34 There- pregnancy is a value >300 mg/24 hours.
serial studies; the increase in proteinuria fore, in recent years, the pathobiology of Alternatively, a timed excretion that is
occurs in the second half of pregnancy, renal damage in preeclampsia has shifted extrapolated to this 24-hour urine value
which does not correspond to the timing from the glomerular endothelial cells to or a urine protein-to-creatinine ratio
of the peak increase in glomerular the podocytes.35,36 Current data suggest (UPCR) of at least 0.3 is used.4 Although
filtration.23 There is also evidence from that the number of urinary podocytes in this threshold is widely accepted for
studies using dextran sieving that the women with preeclampsia is higher than defining abnormal protein excretion, its
physiological increase in total protein in women with gestational hypertension origin does not seem to be based on
excretion in normal pregnancy is related or normal pregnancies (Figure 1).36,37 clinical outcomes but rather on expert
to increased ultrafiltration coefficients Furthermore, the function of the podo- opinion and small studies that have
and glomerular basement membrane cyte and the slit diaphragm depends on attempted to establish statistically
permeability in late pregnancy.24e26 the physiological concentrations of normative values for pregnancy.23,46e48

MONTH 2020 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 3

Expert Review

method is based on a change in pH in the

presence of anionic proteins, that is, al-
Renal injury in preeclampsia bumin and transferrin. Outside of
pregnancy, urine dipsticks have good
sensitivity as a screening tool for albu-
min loss of >30 mg per day, but speci-
ficity is limited. Urine dipstick measures
urine protein concentration and hydra-
tion or diuresis will influence the sensi-
tivity and specificity of the test.
Based on the current available data, the
accuracy of dipstick urinalysis in preg-
nancy with 1þ threshold for predicting
proteinuria of 300 mg/day is poor with a
positive likelihood ratio of 3.48 (95% CI,
1.66e7.27), a negative likelihood ratio of
0.6 (95% CI, 0.45e0.8), sensitivity of 59%
(95% CI, 37%e79%), and specificity of
28% (95% CI, 18%e41%).54 Accuracy
may be improved with a higher threshold
but the available data are limited.54e56 A
recent prospective observational study
evaluating the accuracy of urine dipstick in
pregnancy included 2212 urine samples
Fishel Bartal. Proteinuria during pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020. from 1033 pregnant women who under-
went simultaneous dipstick and UPCR
tests in the same spot urine samples at least
once. For the prediction of proteinuria
In the largest prospective study evalu- pregnancies (204.392.5 mg vs (defined as UPCR of >0.27), the dipstick
ating 270 women, the mean protein 269.3124.1 mg; P¼.004). Moreover, was associated with false-negative test re-
excretion was 116.9 mg/day with the 43% of twin pregnancies who never sults in 8.8% of samples and false-positive
upper limit of confidence interval (CI) developed hypertension had a 24-hour test results in 59% of samples compared
being 259.4 mg/24 hours. This cutoff urine protein excretion of 300 mg.51 with UPCR. Furthermore, the false-
was recently challenged in a small pro- Given the uncertainty of the diagnostic positive rate was 78% for 1þ on dipstick
spective longitudinal study of 65 nullip- threshold for proteinuria diagnosis in test, 21% for 2þ on dipstick test, and 1.3%
arous healthy women who completed a pregnancy and the lack of correlation to for 3þ on dipstick test. It was notable that
24-hour urine collection at 2 time outcome, the current diagnostic creatinine was consistently higher in urine
points: before conception and during 30 threshold criteria should be revisited and specimens without an abnormal UPCR
to 32 weeks’ gestation. In this study, 45% readdressed in future studies.48 than in those with abnormal UPCR at any
of healthy women with uncomplicated dipstick test result. In comparison be-
pregnancies exceed the diagnostic How Should We Evaluate Proteinuria tween normotensive and hypertensive
threshold for abnormal proteinuria with During Pregnancy? women with similar dipstick test results,
a mean protein excretion of 254 mg/24 The reference standard for measuring the risk of having proteinuria detected by a
hours (interquartile range, 166e396 mg/ urinary protein excretion is a 24-hour dipstick was consistently higher in hyper-
24 hours).48 Another study of 142 urine collection.52 More convenient tensive than normotensive women. For
normotensive term pregnancies found methods used in practice involve urinary example, among women with a result of
an UPCR of >0.3 in 13.4% of pregnan- dipstick or measurement of the UPCR in 1þ on dipstick test, proteinuria was pre-
cies.49 Furthermore, women with twin a spot urine sample. In many locations, sent in 47% of hypertensive women vs
pregnancies may have a different the spot UPCR is utilized rather than 24- 8.7% of normotensive women.57
“normal” threshold because they have hour collections.53 Routine urine dipstick screening for
greater protein excretion during preg- low-risk women does not provide any
nancy than singleton pregnancies.50,51 A Urine dipsticks clinical benefit,58 and proteinuria, with
prospective study assessing 24-hour The use of a dipstick to screen the urine dipstick analysis, cannot be accurately
protein excretion in twin vs singleton for protein is an integral part of the detected or excluded at the þ1 threshold
pregnancy found increased baseline current antenatal care plan and usually and is not recommended for diagnosing
urinary protein excretion in twin the first screening for proteinuria. This preeclampsia.

4 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2020 Expert Review

Urine protein-to-creatinine ratio UPCR during labor with the highest outcomes compared with women with
In the spot urine tests, albumin con- levels seen in the postpartum period.65 gestational hypertension alone,68e71 and
centration is normalized for the urinary before the Task Force on Hypertension
creatinine concentration to approximate 24-hour urine collection in 2013, proteinuria was an essential part
a 24-hour albumin or protein loss. It is The gold standard test remains a 24- of the diagnosis of preeclampsia.4,72
important to emphasize that creatinine hour urine protein measurement, but Furthermore, the amount of protein
production and excretion are dependent this method is not practical especially for was previously related to the severity of
on both kidney function and muscle women requiring a rapid diagnosis. the disease. Patients were considered to
mass. Urinary protein loss can vary Moreover, the 24-hour urine collection have mild preeclampsia if they had mild
substantially with the time of day, so may have other limitations as a result of gestational hypertension and protein-
morning samples are preferable.59 As inadequate collection, inconvenience, uria. Patients were considered to have
discussed previously, a UPCR value of spillage, and other factors.55,64 If per- severe preeclampsia if they developed
0.3 would represent abnormal pro- formed, it should be accompanied by any of the following: blood pressure of
teinuria during pregnancy based on the measurement of creatinine excretion to 160/110 mm Hg on 2 measurements 4
current cutoff.60 A UPCR of <0.3 may assess completeness of collection. The hours apart or 1 diastolic blood pressure
give a false-negative result for abnormal rate of inaccurate 24-hour urine collec- of 110 mm Hg treated with antihy-
24-hour urine collections but, in such tion is much higher during pregnancy pertensive medication; 5 g of protein
cases, the total protein excretion is usu- than nonpregnant state and may excreted in a 24-hour urine sampling;
ally <400 mg/day.61 A systemic review approach 50%. This is not surprising, thrombocytopenia; hemolysis, elevated
and meta-analysis evaluating the accu- given the pregnancy-related reasons for liver enzymes, and low platelet count
racy of spot urinary protein and albumin measurement error, including physio- (HELLP) syndrome; pulmonary edema;
to creatinine ratios for the detection of logical dilatation of the ureters and or a convulsion.
proteinuria in women with suspected incomplete bladder emptying.18,64 The first prospective study evaluating
preeclampsia included 20 studies (2978 A systemic review and meta-analysis the impact of elevated blood pressures
women). Threshold values for UPCR of 7 studies (265 patients) comparing and proteinuria on pregnancy out-
ranged between 0.13 and 0.5, with 24-hour urine with 12-hour urine comes included 12,954 women. In this
sensitivity ranging from 65% to 89% and collection suggested that a 12-hour urine study, proteinuria was defined as a urine
specificity from 63% to 87%; the area protein collection performed well dipstick of 2þ. This study found an
under the receiver operating curve was compared with a 24-hour urine collec- increase in stillbirth, perinatal mortal-
0.69. On average, across all studies, the tion for the diagnosis of proteinuria. A ity, and neonatal morbidity in preg-
optimum threshold (relating to sensi- cutoff of 150 mg for 12-hour urine nancies complicated with hypertension
tivity and specificity values of >75%) collection had a high sensitivity of 92% and proteinuria compared with hyper-
seems to be between 0.30 and 0.35. (95% CI, 86%e96%) and specificity of tension alone.73 The presence of pro-
However, no threshold gave a summary 99% (95% CI, 75%e100%) compared teinuria was considered an essential
estimate of >80% for both sensitivity with the 24-hour urine collection.66 marker for poor pregnancy outcome,
and specificity.62 Another meta-analysis Furthermore, a recent prospective and there was a tendency to consider the
included 13 studies (1214 women) of observational study of 12-hour urine absence of proteinuria as reassuring
the spot UPCR in hypertensive pregnant collection in 99 women with suspected when managing pregnancies compli-
women (not only suspected preeclamp- preeclampsia reported a sensitivity of cated by hypertension.73e75 This
sia). A cutoff of UPCR of >0.3 had a 85.9% (95% CI, 81%e90%) and a assumption was readdressed with a
sensitivity of 91% (range, 73%e97%), specificity of 91.7% (95% CI, 88% secondary analysis from the Calcium
specificity of 90% (range, 41%e100%), e95%) compared with the 24-hour for Preeclampsia Prevention trial,
median positive likelihood ratio of 9.1 urine collection.67 which evaluated the relationship be-
(range, 1.54 to infinity), and median tween the severity of hypertension (with
negative likelihood ratio of 0.14 (range, Proteinuria and preeclampsia and without proteinuria) and preg-
0.04e0.37). The current data suggest An important question to be answered in nancy outcomes.76 This analysis found
that the spot UPCR is a reasonable “rule- order to assess the importance of pro- that women with severe hypertension
out” test for proteinuria of 300 mg/day teinuria during pregnancy is whether were at the highest risk of adverse
among otherwise healthy women with pregnant women with new-onset hy- maternal or perinatal outcomes. Severe
gestational hypertension with or without pertension with proteinuria have gestational hypertension was associated
proteinuria on dipstick.63,64 different maternal or perinatal outcomes with a higher rate of low birthweight
The UPCR is not a reliable measure of compared with hypertensive women infants and lower gestational age at de-
pathologic proteinuria during labor, without proteinuria. Proteinuria in livery than mild gestational hyperten-
because an elevated UPCR (>0.3) can be combination with hypertension has long sion or mild preeclampsia.77 Another
found in one-third of uncomplicated been considered to be predictive of secondary analysis from the low-dose
pregnancies at term with an increase in increased maternal and neonatal adverse aspirin to prevent preeclampsia in

MONTH 2020 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 5

Expert Review

Is gestational hypertension different

TABLE 2 from preeclampsia?
Outcomes in gestational hypertension vs preeclampsia There is an ongoing debate about
Preeclampsia Severe whether the quantification of urinary
Gestational without severe gestational protein remains an important diagnostic
hypertension feature hypertension
step for the evaluation of hypertension in
Maternal outcomes pregnancy and whether gestational hy-
Elevated liver enzymes 1.1 3.2 6.3 pertension and preeclampsia are really 2
Placental abruption 0.3e1.3 0.5e3.2 3.1e4.2 different entities.81 With the updated
definitions, most women with the diag-
Disseminated intravascular 0.1 0.5 3.1
nosis of preeclampsia will differ from
women with gestational hypertension
Induction of labor 23.8 41.5 50 only by the presence of proteinuria, and
Cesarean delivery 29.1 30.9 28.1 only 10% of women will present with
Neonatal outcomes hypertension and systemic sign of pre-
eclampsia (thrombocytopenia, impaired
Preterm delivery at <37 wk 17.8 25.8 54.2
gestation liver function, renal dysfunction, and
respiratory or cerebral disturbances) in
Preterm delivery at <34 wk 1 1.9 3.2
gestation the absence of proteinuria.82 Further-
more, up to 50% of women with gesta-
Small for gestational age 6.5e6.9 4.8e9.2 10.2e20.8
tional hypertension will eventually
Birthweight of <2500 g 7.7 11.1 25.8 develop proteinuria or end organ
Intensive care unit admission 12.5e18.2 24.2e27.3 20.8e29 dysfunction consistent with the diag-
Respiratory distress 4.8e5.5 3.2e4.8 6.5e12.5 nosis of preeclampsia.83e85 After the
syndrome publication of the new guidelines,
Perinatal death 0.1e1.7 0.5 0.1e3.1
limited data are available on whether
preeclampsia with or without protein-
Values are expressed as percentage unless indicated otherwise.
uria will have different outcomes.
Data adapted from Hauth et al77 and Buchbinder et al.79
Although some studies revealed similar
Fishel Bartal. Proteinuria during pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020.
outcomes for women with preeclampsia
with and without proteinuria,85 others
found worse outcomes for women with
women with previous preeclampsia78 hypertension or mild preeclampsia preeclampsia with proteinuria.69,75,86e89
aimed to compare the rates of adverse (Table 2).79 A secondary analysis of a randomized
perinatal outcomes in those who controlled trial (RCT) of vitamin C and
developed hypertensive disorders with New definitions and clinical E supplementation evaluated whether
those that remain normotensive in a significance of proteinuria assessment hypertensive women with proteinuria
subsequent pregnancy. The analysis for women with hypertensive disorders (defined as proteinuria of 300e499 mg/
compared the outcomes of women who Based on the studies described earlier day) have comparable outcomes with
developed various degrees of hyper- and a review of maternal mortality data women with gestational hypertension or
tension with or without proteinuria. revealing that interventions in acutely ill preexisting chronic hypertension
Women who developed severe gesta- women with multiple organ dysfunction without additional proteinuria. Women
tional hypertension had higher rates of were sometimes delayed because of the with proteinuria had a higher risk of
preterm deliveries (spontaneous and absence of proteinuria, the American severe hypertension, induction of labor,
indicated) and small for gestational age College of Obstetricians and Gynecolo- preterm delivery, and small for gesta-
neonates than patients who remained gists Task Force on Hypertension in tional age neonates than women with
normotensive or those who developed Pregnancy and the International Society gestational hypertension or chronic hy-
mild gestational hypertension. In for the Study of Hypertension in Preg- pertension. Furthermore, a subgroup of
contrast, there were no differences in nancy removed the requirement of pro- women with proteinuria of >500 mg/
perinatal outcomes between the teinuria for the diagnosis of day had worse pregnancy outcomes than
normotensive or mild gestational hy- preeclampsia if there are other findings those with 300 to 400 mg/day, including
pertension and the mild preeclampsia suggestive of end organ involvement earlier delivery, higher risk of cesarean
groups. Overall, women who had severe (thrombocytopenia, elevated liver delivery, and magnesium sulfate use.69
gestational hypertension had more transaminases, renal insufficiency, pul- In studies with reported differences in
adverse perinatal outcomes than monary edema, or new-onset neurologic outcome with or without proteinuria, it
women who had mild gestational symptoms) (Table 3).4,53,80 is possible that proteinuria influences the

6 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2020 Expert Review

management of those patients and af-

fects clinical decisions such as surveil- TABLE 3
lance and timing of delivery. If patients Diagnostic criteria for preeclampsia
with preeclampsia are followed up more Criteria ACOG (2020)a ISSHP (2018)b
closely, have more inpatient manage- Hypertension New-onset hypertension (blood New-onset hypertension (blood
ment, and have more blood pressure pressure of 140 mm Hg systolic or pressure 140 mm Hg systolic or
measurements than gestational hyper- 90 mm Hg diastolic) at or after 20 90 mm Hg diastolic) at or after 20
tension, a bias could arise regarding the wk gestation wk gestation
On 2 occasions at least 4 h apartc
assessment of outcome related to the
timing of delivery such as preterm de- Proteinuria Not mandatory Not mandatory
livery and neonatal complications, sim- 300 mg in 24-h urine collection (or Proteinuria should be assessed
ply because there are more opportunities this amount extrapolated from a initially by automated dipstick
to make these decisions. Based on cur- timed collection) or urinalysis when possible
rent available data, we believe that the
most important factor that influences UPCR of 0.3 or If positive (1þ), then UPCR should
maternal and neonatal outcome is the be performed
severity of blood pressure and the pres-
ence of end organ damage, rather than Dipstick reading of 2þ (used only if A UPCR of 0.3 is abnormal
other quantitative methods are not
the excess protein excretion. As a corol- available)
lary, the separation of gestational hy-
pertension and preeclampsia into 2
A negative dipstick test result can
separate disorders is unnecessary, usually be accepted and further UPCR
because the management of gestational testing is not required at that time
hypertension and preeclampsia without
severe features is almost identical in Massive proteinuria (>5 g/24 h) is
frequency of surveillance and timing of associated with more severe
delivery (Table 4). The only difference in neonatal outcomesc
the recommended management between
gestational hypertension and pre- In the absence of proteinuria
eclampsia is weekly assessment of pro- Hematologic Thrombocytopenia of <100109/Lc Thrombocytopenia of <150109/Lc
teinuria in women with gestational
hypertension.80 If the management of
women with gestational hypertension
with a positive assessment of proteinuria Hemolysisc
will not change, we believe that this
assessment is unnecessary. Renal Creatinine of 1.1 mg/dL or a Creatinine of >1.0 mg/dLc
insufficiency doubling of the serum creatinine in
We recommend that any patient
the absence of other renal disease
with new-onset hypertension (blood
pressure of 140 mm Hg systolic or Impaired liver Elevated liver transaminases to twice Elevated liver transaminases (>40
function the normal concentrationc IU/L)c with or without right upper
90 mm Hg diastolic) at or after 20 quadrant or epigastric abdominal
weeks’ gestation will undergo maternal pain
and fetal evaluation. If there are signs
Neurologic New-onset headache unresponsive Examples include eclampsia, altered
or symptoms for preeclampsia with symptoms to medication and not accounted for mental status, blindness, stroke,
severe features (ie, blood pressure of by alternative diagnoses or visual clonus, severe headaches, and
160 mm Hg systolic or 110 mm symptoms persistent visual scotomata
Hg diastolic, thrombocytopenia, Other Pulmonary edemac Uteroplacental dysfunction (such as
impaired liver function, renal insuffi- fetal growth restriction, abnormal
ciency, pulmonary edema, new-onset umbilical artery Doppler wave form
headache, or visual disturbances), the analysis, or stillbirth)c
patient should be admitted to the ACOG, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; DIC, disseminated /intravascular coagulation; ISSHP, International
Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy; UPCR, urine protein-to-creatinine ration.
hospital and managed according to the a
Adapted from American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ Committee on Practice Bulletins—Obstetrics80;
guidelines for preeclampsia with severe b
Adapted from Brown et al53; c Indicate differences between the ACOG and ISSHP criteria.
features. If there are no signs of severe Fishel Bartal. Proteinuria during pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020.
disease, weekly follow-up is

MONTH 2020 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 7

Expert Review

of urine protein assessment except for

TABLE 4 the following scenarios:
Current American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
recommendations for the surveillance and timing of delivery for women 1. Evaluate baseline existence of pro-
with gestational hypertension and preeclampsia teinuria in women with preexisting
Preeclampsia without severe conditions such as chronic hyper-
Gestational hypertension features tension, diabetes, and autoimmune
Initial Maternal and fetal evaluation Maternal and fetal evaluation disorders (Table 5).
evaluation 2. If a woman presents with pre-
Complete blood count, serum Complete blood count, serum eclamptic symptoms such as head-
creatinine, LDH, AST, ALT, and creatinine, LDH, AST, ALT, and ache, blurry vision, and epigastric
testing for proteinuria testing for proteinuria pain and is found to have normal or
Outpatient Optional Optional high normal blood pressures, we
management suggest that assessment of protein-
Follow-up 1. At least 1 visit per wk in clinic 1. At least 1 visit per wk in clinic uria would help to evaluate a possible
2. Serial ultrasound to determine 2. Serial ultrasound to determine diagnosis of preeclampsia.
fetal growth every 3e4 wk fetal growth every 3e4 wk 3. Evaluation of women presenting with
3. Amniotic fluid volume assess- 3. Amniotic fluid volume assess- signs or symptoms of nephrotic
ment at least once weekly ment at least once weekly
4. Weekly antepartum testing 4. Weekly antepartum testing range proteinuria such as severe
5. Close monitoring of blood 5. Close monitoring of blood generalized edema (Figure 3).
pressure pressure
6. Weekly laboratory test for 6. Weekly laboratory test for Does the amount of proteinuria matter
preeclampsia preeclampsia in women with preeclampsia?
7. Once weekly assessment of 7. Additional quantification of
proteinuria is recommendeda proteinuria no longer The natural course of urine protein
necessarya excretion during the conservative man-
Delivery Expectant management up to 37 Expectant management up to 37
agement of preeclampsia with severe
0/7 wk gestation 0/7 wk gestation features was previously studied, and
ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase.
there are conflicting results whether the
Indicate differences between recommended management of gestational hypertension and preeclampsia without severe
amount of proteinuria will affect
features. maternal or neonatal outcomes. Some
Fishel Bartal. Proteinuria during pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020. studies have reported that the level of
proteinuria is not associated with
adverse maternal or perinatal
recommended with close monitoring (severe headaches, blurred vision, or outcomes,74,79,82,92e96 whereas others
of blood pressure, weekly laboratory epigastric pain). The number needed to have reported that heavy proteinuria
(ie, complete blood count, serum be treated to prevent 1 case of eclampsia increases both maternal and perinatal
creatinine, aspartate aminotransferase, was 36 in women with symptoms morbidities including severe hyperten-
alanine aminotransferase), serial ultra- compared with 1 in 129 in women sion, preterm delivery, cesarean delivery,
sound to determine fetal growth every without symptoms.91 Based on the small for gestational age infants,
3 to 4 weeks, and weekly antepartum current recommendations, patient with maternal symptoms, and perinatal
testing. If there is no progression to symptoms or severe range blood pres- mortality rate.69,70,75,89,97e100
preeclampsia with severe features, in- sure will receive magnesium sulfate In a retrospective cohort study, 90% of
duction of labor at 37 weeks’ gestation whether she has proteinuria or not. women with preeclampsia managed
is recommended (Figure 2). Given the low risk of eclampsia in pa- conservatively had an increase in protein
Of note, patients with preeclampsia tients without symptoms, we do not excretion during pregnancy. Further-
with severe features should receive think further clinical trials are needed to more, 30% of women progressed to a
magnesium sulfate for seizure prophy- address the need for magnesium sulfate nephrotic range proteinuria (>5 g/day).
laxis. Although the design of most in women with severe range blood In this study, outcomes noted similar
available trials for seizure prophylaxis pressures with or without proteinuria rates in major maternal or fetal out-
with magnesium sulfate had an inclu- and proteinuria since that should not comes (ie, gestational age at delivery,
sion criteria including proteinuria, the affect the clinical decision making HELLP syndrome, eclampsia, placental
largest RCT evaluating magnesium sul- regarding seizure prophylaxis. abruption, and stillbirth) between preg-
fate for seizure prophylaxis in women Based on the current management nancies associated with marked increase
with preeclampsia90 provided data recommendations and the data available in proteinuria (2 g) and those with
about the rate of eclampsia according to regarding the progression of the disease, modest or no increase (<2 g).96 A study
the presence or absence of symptoms there is no strong evidence for the utility evaluating whether severe (5 g/day) or

8 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2020 Expert Review

Evaluation and management of a woman with gestational hypertension or preeclampsia

ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase.

Fishel Bartal. Proteinuria during pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020.

massive (10 g/day) proteinuria affects occurred in women at the age of >35 >2.7 g in 12 hours or >5.0 g in 24
maternal and perinatal outcomes also years and with a protein excretion of 5 hours). Composite adverse maternal
found similar rates of maternal compli- g/day. However, it is important to outcome was defined as the presence of
cations (ie, eclampsia, placental abrup- emphasize that in this cohort adverse any of the following: acute renal failure,
tion, HELLP syndrome) among all maternal outcomes were defined as se- liver hematoma or rupture, acute
groups.92 However, women with massive vere hypertension, elevated liver en- myocardial infarction, cortical blind-
proteinuria delivered at an earlier gesta- zymes, elevated creatinine, ness, retinal detachment, cerebrovascu-
tion with an associated higher rate of thrombocytopenia, and neurologic lar accident, pulmonary edema or adult
neonatal morbidities. A multicenter symptoms.70 respiratory distress syndrome (RDS),
prospective international study of Moreover, a recent secondary analysis placental abruption, eclampsia, need for
women with preeclampsia explored from a multicenter prospective study of a third intravenous agent to control
whether there is correlation between women with the diagnosis of pre- blood pressure, disseminated intravas-
maternal adverse outcomes and the de- eclampsia evaluated whether proteinuria cular coagulation, or maternal death.
gree of proteinuria (assessed either by is associated with worse maternal or Composite adverse neonatal outcome
dipstick testing, spot UPCR, or 24-hour neonatal outcomes. Preeclamptic preg- was defined as any of the following: RDS,
urine collection). This study also failed nancies were classified into the following any grade of intraventricular hemor-
to find any correlation between the 3 groups according to the degree of rhage, necrotizing enterocolitis, bron-
incidence of adverse maternal or proteinuria measured by a 12- or 24- chopulmonary dysplasia, periventricular
neonatal outcomes and degree of pro- hour urine protein collection: (1) non- leukomalacia, retinopathy of prematu-
teinuria.82 In contrast, a retrospective proteinuria preeclampsia (proteinuria of rity, seizure, or neonatal intensive care
cohort study of 321 women with pre- <165 mg in 12 hours or <300 mg in 24 unit admission for >48 hours for full-
eclampsia assessed whether a discrimi- hours); (2) mild proteinuria pre- term infant. This analysis included 406
nant value of proteinuria (spot UPCR) at eclampsia (proteinuria between 165 mg women, of whom 66% had mild pro-
the time of diagnosis predicts adverse and 2.7 g in 12 hours or from 300 mg to teinuria preeclampsia, 25.1% had non-
maternal and neonatal outcomes. 4.9 g in 24 hours); and (3) massive proteinuria preeclampsia, and 8.8% had
Increased maternal and neonatal risk proteinuria preeclampsia (proteinuria of massive proteinuria preeclampsia.

MONTH 2020 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 9

Expert Review

List of conditions recommended for an evaluation of proteinuria either by 24-hour urine collection or by UPCR
before pregnancy or in the first prenatal assessment
Medical condition
Any woman with abnormal creatinine value on prenatal laboratory tests
Chronic hypertension
Diabetes mellitus (type 1 or type 2)
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Acute or chronic glomerulonephritis (ie, thin basement membrane nephropathy, IgA nephropathy, membranous glomerulonephritis,
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, Pauci-immune glomerulonephritis, focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis, crescentic
Chronic heart failure
Polyarteritis nodosa
Systemic sclerosis
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
Solitary kidney or after renal transplant
IgA, immunoglobulin A; UPCR, urine protein-to-creatinine ratio.
Fishel Bartal. Proteinuria during pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020.

Composite adverse maternal outcomes heavy proteinuria may reduce maternal preexisting hypertension, diabetes or
were not increased in women with pre- complications (leading to an underesti- preeclampsia) who had at least 1 pro-
eclampsia with massive proteinuria mation of the predictive value of the test) teinuria measurement during pregnancy
compared with those with mild or non- or increase perinatal morbidity owing to found single episodes of isolated gesta-
proteinuria preeclampsia. However, prematurity (leading to an over- tional proteinuria of 1þ on dipstick
massive proteinuria preeclampsia was estimation of its content). The amount evaluation in 7.7% of the women. Of
associated with preterm delivery at <34 of proteinuria could have an association note, only 2% of women experienced
0/7 weeks’ gestation in >80% of cases, with the outcome, rather than a predic- proteinuria on more than 1 occasion.
which was almost twice as high as the tive outcome.101 Furthermore, established risk factors for
mild proteinuria preeclampsia group In conclusion, we do not think that preeclampsia such as maternal age,
and almost 4 times higher than in the the progression of proteinuria in women higher prepregnancy body mass index,
nonproteinuria group. In addition, with preeclampsia should change the nulliparity, and twin pregnancy were
enrollment occurred much earlier in management or outcomes, and we do associated with increased risk of devel-
women with massive proteinuria indi- not recommend repeated measuring of oping proteinuria.2 Another observa-
cating that the diagnosis was made at a protein extraction for women with the tional study of 938 women with
more preterm gestational age. The diagnosis of preeclampsia. singleton pregnancies, who had at least 1
higher neonatal morbidity rate observed UPCR evaluation during pregnancy,
in infants born to massive proteinuria Isolated gestational proteinuria noted isolated gestational proteinuria in
women was most likely related to the Isolated gestational proteinuria is 1.9% of women.102 The outcome of
earlier gestational age at delivery, with defined as new-onset proteinuria after women with isolated proteinuria alone
RDS being the most common neonatal 20 weeks’ gestation with normal blood seems favorable,103e105 but up to 30% of
complication affecting almost half of pressure and no other symptoms or signs women with isolated gestational pro-
these infants.97 This analysis emphasized of preeclampsia. Based on the current teinuria may progress to preeclampsia.84,
a very important confounding factor to diagnostic criteria, women with pro- A retrospective study aimed to
consider in studies assessing severity of teinuria alone are not diagnosed as evaluate whether maternal outcome will
proteinuria and outcomes. Because having preeclampsia until they also differ between women with preeclamp-
proteinuria of 5 g/day was previously exhibit hypertension. Thus, isolated sia who first presented with hyperten-
one of the diagnostic criteria for severe gestational proteinuria is a retrospective sion without proteinuria compared with
preeclampsia, the test result may have diagnosis. The exact incidence of iso- women who first presented with pro-
influenced decisions regarding the lated proteinuria is unknown, but a teinuria alone without hypertension.
timing of delivery management. For prospective study evaluating 11,651 low- Women presented with hypertension
example, earlier delivery precipitated by risk women (excluding women with and proteinuria at the same time were

10 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2020 Expert Review

the authors concluded that gestational increasing proteinuria or blood pressure

proteinuria might be a mild variant of during pregnancy, the main challenge is to
Massive edema during preeclampsia.103 Because women with decide whether they have renal worsening
pregnancy gestational proteinuria are at a high risk of owing to preeclampsia or whether it is a
progression to subsequent preeclampsia, worsening of their basic renal dysfunc-
we recommend close monitoring of tion.114 Regular diagnostic criteria for
blood pressures and other symptoms of preeclampsia are not useful in women
preeclampsia in those women if a protein with CKD because most patients will have
excretion test was done and proteinuria baseline blood pressures, proteinuria, and
was diagnosed. Otherwise, because we do creatinine above the diagnostic threshold
not recommend regular assessment of of preeclampsia. Furthermore, for
protein excretion during pregnancy, it is example, previous studies examining
important to establish regular follow-up changes in 24-hour urine protein in
of blood pressures during pregnancy, pregnant women with diabetic nephrop-
especially in women with risk factors for athy revealed a 2.1- to 5.3-fold increase
preeclampsia such as advanced maternal during the third trimester compared with
age, nulliparity, obesity, and twin preconception or first-trimester values;
pregnancy. preeclampsia is being diagnosed in 42% to
73% of these pregnancies, with a higher
Proteinuria in women with preexisting risk of preeclampsia in patients with dia-
A, Generalized edema and ascites in a woman conditions betes mellitus with early pregnancy
with lupus nephritis at 23 weeks. B, Vulvar The best indicator of kidney function is proteinuria.115e119
edema in a woman with diabetic nephropathy at the GFR. The current international
24 weeks. guidelines define chronic kidney disease Chronic hypertension
Fishel Bartal. Proteinuria during pregnancy. Am J Obstet (CKD) as decreased kidney function of The cutoff for a normal baseline protein
Gynecol 2020.
<60 mL/minute per 1.73 m2 or markers excretion or creatinine for women with
of kidney damage or both of at least 3- chronic hypertension is also not well
month duration, regardless of the un- defined. In a subgroup analysis of
excluded. Of 190 women with pre- derlying cause.112,113 Proteinuria is one women with chronic hypertension that
eclampsia, 49 (25%) presented with of the measures of kidney damage. The were enrolled in a multicenter, ran-
proteinuria first with subsequent devel- list of the conditions of which an evalu- domized trial comparing low-dose
opment of hypertension. Women with ation of proteinuria either by 24-hour aspirin with placebo for the prevention
proteinuria onset preeclampsia were urine collection or by UPCR is recom- of preeclampsia, women with baseline
diagnosed earlier with preeclampsia, mended before pregnancy or in the first proteinuria had an increased risk of
with an increased risk of fetal growth prenatal assessment is presented in preterm deliveries, small for gestational
restriction, HELLP syndrome, and Table 5. Because our current diagnosis of age infants, neonatal intensive care unit
neonatal complications.109 preeclampsia in women with CKD may admission, and adverse neonatal out-
As discussed previously, women with be based on a change in protein excre- comes compared with women without
preeclampsia have increased serum con- tion, a baseline evaluation is critical. proteinuria early in pregnancy. Those
centrations of sFlt-1 and sEng and The presence of proteinuria before 20 adverse neonatal outcomes occurred
reduced concentrations of VEGF and weeks’ gestation is consistent with the despite the facts that the rates of super-
PlGF.110,111 A study of 108 women with presence of known or undetected renal imposed preeclampsia were similar in
isolated gestational hypertension have disease. In many of these women, renal the 2 groups and none of the women
also noted altered levels of angiogenic dysfunction may be minimal, and the with proteinuria at baseline had
factors compared with health controls. presence of underlying renal diseases may placental abruption.120 Similar findings
Serum concentrations of PlGF were not be suspected until proteinuria is were noted in a retrospective study
noted to be lower in women with gesta- detected during pregnancy. With evaluating 447 women with chronic hy-
tional proteinuria than those of control advanced gestation, an exacerbation of pertension who received antihyperten-
subjects as early as 10 to 12 weeks’ maternal hypertension or an increase in sive therapy in the first half of pregnancy
gestation. However, levels of sFlt-1 and urinary protein excretion could be related and completed urine protein quantifi-
sEng are elevated only at term, when peak to the development of preeclampsia or cation before 20 weeks’ gestation.
concentrations were attained. At term, may be caused by the exacerbation of the Women with baseline proteinuria had
levels of sFlt-1, sEng, and PlGF before the underlying renal disease. increased risks of preeclampsia, preterm
onset of gestational proteinuria were not Preeclampsia occurs in up to 40% of birth, and growth restriction. In preg-
altered as much as in women who later pregnancies of women with CKD. When nant women with treated chronic hy-
developed preeclampsia. Nevertheless, pregnant women with CKD have pertension, baseline proteinuria was

MONTH 2020 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 11

Expert Review

associated with increased rates of pre- Limited data are available regarding below the fifth percentile (100 pg/mL)
eclampsia, preterm birth, and growth the angiogenic profile in women with for predicting delivery within 2 weeks for
restriction compared with women who chronic hypertension or CKD as a po- women with chronic hypertension or
did not have proteinuria.121 A retro- tential marker in distinguishing the CKD were 75%, 77.5%, 26%, and 96%,
spective study of 755 women with worsening of baseline disease and respectively, although these data
chronic hypertension and a baseline superimposed preeclampsia.105,126,127 included only 40 women with super-
assessment of renal function (UPCR and Most of the predictive studies on the imposed preeclampsia. The diagnostic
serum creatinine) before 20 weeks’ use of angiogenic factors for prediction utility of low PlGF concentrations was
gestation found that baseline serum of preeclampsia in high-risk population also confirmed in women with CKD or
creatinine of 0.75 mg/dL and UPCR of have also included women with chronic chronic hypertension (n¼123) for
0.12 were associated with increased hypertension, but the interpretation of superimposed preeclampsia requiring
risks of severe preeclampsia before 34 those studies only for women with delivery within 14 days with a receiver
weeks’ gestation and preeclampsia at any chronic hypertension is limited.128e132 A operator characteristic of 0.82 in a vali-
gestational age. These thresholds are secondary analysis on the low-dose dation cohort.114,126
much lower than typically considered aspirin to prevent preeclampsia in More research is needed on normal
abnormal. Furthermore, 33.3% of women with previous preeclampsia78 and abnormal protein secretion for
women with chronic hypertension and evaluated the differences in circulating women with chronic hypertension or
baseline renal function tests above the concentrations of sFlt1, sEng, and the other preexisting renal disorders during
objectively determined cutoffs developed proangiogenic PlGF in high-risk preg- pregnancy to define a pathologic cutoff
severe preeclampsia at <34 weeks’ gesta- nancy. This cohort included 313 women in this population and to better define
tion, and 66.7% developed any type of with chronic hypertension and 194 the existence of preeclampsia in this
preeclampsia during the pregnancy.122 women with preexisting diabetes. Sig- population.
Preeclampsia is considered super- nificant differences in angiogenic factors
imposed when it complicates preexisting during the third trimester were found in Summary and Future Directions
chronic hypertension. Up to 25% of women who develop preeclampsia Preeclampsia is a common disorder and
women with chronic hypertension will compared with appropriate controls in evaluating protein excretion has become
be diagnosed as having superimposed all high-risk groups. However, the sFlt1 one of the most common screening tests
preeclampsia.123 Superimposed pre- concentrations were not elevated before performed during pregnancy. This re-
eclampsia is not always easy to diagnose the onset of preeclampsia in the chronic view and clinical opinion focused on
and is often a diagnosis of exclusion. hypertension or diabetes group proteinuria in pregnancy and its corre-
Based on the current available guide- compared with the control group.133 lation to clinical outcomes. There are no
lines, a sudden increase in baseline hy- Another prospective study evaluating convincing data that support 300 mg/day
pertension or a sudden increase of 78 women with chronic hypertension as a cutoff for abnormal protein excre-
proteinuria (above the threshold for found that women with uncontrolled tion. The lack of appropriate validation
normal or a clear change from baseline) blood pressure had higher levels of sFlt1 of normal protein excretion during
would prompt an assessment for a and a higher sFlt1-to-PlGF ratio before pregnancy in low-risk and high-risk
possible diagnosis of superimposed delivery,134 whereas an observational population challenges the clinicians’
preeclampsia.124 The definition of study including 60 women with chronic ability to trust the current cutoff as a
superimposed preeclampsia possess a hypertension found only higher sFlt1- guideline for management. Further-
diagnostic dilemma, and it is unclear to-PlGF ratio in women who developed more, during the past 10 years, there
whether changes in the baseline pro- superimposed preeclampsia with similar have been a significant change in the
teinuria reflect another systemic disease levels of sFlt1 or PlGF compared with demographics of obstetrical population
such as preeclampsia or whether women women who did not develop pre- in the United States and most of the
with chronic hypertension will experi- eclampsia.135 A longitudinal prospective western countries.136 Pregnant women
ence a different “normal” pattern of cohort of women with CKD (n¼121) who are older, obese, undergoing in vitro
protein excretion during pregnancy. The and chronic hypertension (n¼44) fertilization, or carrying multifetal
consequences of diagnosing a patient quantified PlGF in the diagnosis of gestation may have protein excretion
with superimposed preeclampsia may superimposed preeclampsia requiring that exceeds the established thresholds in
not be significant if it occurs close to delivery within 14 days of diagnosis. the absence of clinically apparent dis-
term, but if the blood pressure rises to a Lower maternal PlGF concentrations ease. Although proteinuria is essential
severe range earlier in pregnancy it may had a high diagnostic accuracy for for diagnosis and follow-up in women
lead to more maternal-fetal testing, superimposed preeclampsia requiring with chronic hypertension, diabetes
hospitalization, and interventions lead- delivery within 14 days (receiver oper- mellitus, and other chronic renal disor-
ing to preterm delivery instead of ator characteristic, 0.85). The sensitivity, ders, it has limited value in patients who
just adjusting the blood pressure specificity, and positive and negative develop hypertension during pregnancy.
medications.125 predictive values of PlGF concentrations Based on current data and our

12 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2020 Expert Review

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