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Longman Dictionary of American English  4th Edition

Content Vocabulary


AB, noun biomass, noun cerebellum, noun dermis, noun

abdomen, noun biopsy, noun cerebral, adjective diaphragm, noun
abscess, noun biotechnology, noun cerebral cortex, noun diarrhea, noun
acute, adjective bivalve, noun cerebral palsy, noun dicotyledon, noun
adhesion, noun bladder, noun cerebrum, noun diphtheria, noun
adrenaline, noun blastula, noun cervix, noun diploid, adjective
aerobic, adjective blood pressure, noun chemotherapy, noun diploid, noun
air bladder, noun blood type, noun chicken pox, noun dissect, verb
airway, noun blood vessel, noun chlorophyll, noun DNA, noun
algae, noun bloodstream, noun chloroplast, noun DNA sequence, noun
algal bloom, noun bone marrow, noun cholera, noun domain, noun
alimentary canal, noun botany, noun cholesterol, noun dominant, adjective
allele, noun botulism, noun chromatid, noun dorsal, adjective
allergic, adjective bovine, adjective chromatin, noun double helix, noun
allergy, noun bowel, noun chromosome, noun Down’s Syndrome, noun
alveolus, noun brain, noun chrysalis, noun duct, noun
Alzheimer’s Disease, noun brain stem, noun cilium, noun duodenum, noun
amoeba, noun breastbone, noun circadian rhythm, noun dysentery, noun
amphibian, noun breed, verb circulation, noun ecosystem, noun
amphibious, adjective breeding, noun cirrhosis, noun ectotherm, noun
anaerobic, adjective bronchial tube, noun class, noun eczema, noun
anatomy, noun bronchiole, noun classical conditioning, noun egg, noun
androgynous, adjective bronchus, noun clavicle, noun embryo, noun
anemia, noun buck, noun clitoris, noun emphysema, noun
angiosperm, noun bud, noun clone, noun endocrine, adjective
animal, noun bud, verb clone, verb endoskeleton, noun
Animalia, noun budding, noun closed circulatory system, endosperm, noun
antenna, noun bulb, noun   noun endotherm, noun
anther, noun calyx, noun cochlea, noun endothermic, adjective
antibody, noun canine, adjective cocoon, noun entomology, noun
anus, noun canker, noun codominance, noun environment, noun
aorta, noun capillary, noun coenzyme, noun enzyme, noun
aphotic zone, noun carapace, noun cold-blooded, adjective epidermal cell, noun
appendix, noun carcinogen, noun colon, noun epidermis, noun
arachnid, noun carcinoma, noun conceive, verb epiglottis, noun
arboreal, adjective cardiac, adjective conception, noun epithelial tissue, noun
artery, noun cardiac arrest, noun cone, noun esophagus, noun
artificial selection, noun caries, noun congenital, adjective estrogen, noun
asexual reproduction, noun carnivore, noun conifer, noun eukarya, noun
atherosclerosis, noun carotid artery, noun connective tissue, noun eukaryote, noun
atrium, noun carpel, noun contraction, noun evolution, noun
auricle, noun carrier, noun convergent evolution, noun evolutionary classification,
autosome, noun carry, verb cornea, noun   noun
autotroph, noun cartilage, noun coronary, adjective excrete, verb
axon, noun cataract, noun corpuscle, noun exoskeleton, noun
backbone, noun cell, noun cortex, noun fallopian tube, noun
bacterial, adjective cell body, noun cotyledon, noun family, noun
bacterium, noun cell culture, noun cranium, noun fatty acid, noun
bicep, noun cell cycle, noun crustacean, noun fauna, noun
bicuspid valve, noun cell division, noun culture, noun feline, adjective
bilateral symmetry, noun cell membrane, noun cyst, noun feline, noun
bile, noun cell respiration, noun cytoplasm, noun female, adjective
bind, verb cell specialization, noun cytoskeleton, noun femur, noun
binomial nomenclature, cell wall, noun degenerative, adjective fertile, adjective
  noun cellular, adjective dendrite, noun fertilize, verb
biodegradable, adjective cellulose, noun dentine, noun fetal, adjective
biodiversity, noun central nervous system, noun deoxyribonucleic acid, noun fetus, noun

Longman Dictionary of American English  4th Edition 

fibula, noun humerus, noun molt, verb pituitary, noun
flagellum, noun hybrid, noun molting, noun placebo, noun
flora, noun hybridization, noun monocotyledon, noun placenta, noun
foliage, noun hypothalamus, noun morphology, noun plankton, noun
follicle, noun hypotonic, adjective mRNA, noun plant, noun
food chain, noun immune response, noun mucus, noun Plantae, noun
food web, noun immune system, noun muscle, noun plaque, noun
foot, noun immunity, noun mutant, noun plasma, noun
fossil record, noun imprinting, noun mutate, verb platelet, noun
fungus, noun incisor, noun muzzle, noun pleura, noun
gall bladder, noun incubate, verb myelin sheath, noun pollen, noun
gallstone, noun infarction, noun myocardium, noun pollinate, verb
gamete, noun infect, verb myopia, noun polyp, noun
gastric, adjective infected, adjective myopic, adjective polysaccharide, noun
gene, noun innate, adjective myosin, noun positive, adjective
gene map, noun inner ear, noun nasal, adjective primary growth, noun
gene pool, noun insectivore, noun natural selection, noun primate, noun
genetic, adjective insulin, noun navel, noun producer, noun
genetic code, noun intestine, noun negative, adjective prokaryote, noun
genetic diversity, noun invasive species, noun nerve, noun propagate, verb
genetically modified, invertebrate, noun nervous system, noun prostate, noun
  adjective iris, noun nervous tissue, noun protein, noun
genetics, noun jaundice, noun neurology, noun puberty, noun
genitals, noun jugular, noun neuron, noun pubescent, adjective
genome, noun kidney, noun neuter, verb pulmonary, adjective
genotype, noun kingdom, noun nocturnal, adjective pupa, noun
genus, noun large intestine, noun node, noun pupil, noun
geographic isolation, noun larva, noun nucleolus, noun quadriceps, noun
germinate, verb laryngitis, noun nucleus, noun quadruped, noun
gestation, noun larynx, noun nutrient, noun recessive, adjective
gill, noun lens, noun nymph, noun rectum, noun
gizzard, noun lesion, noun obstetrics, noun red blood cell, noun
gland, noun life, noun omnivore, noun renal, adjective
glaucoma, noun life cycle, noun optic, adjective replication, noun
glottis, noun life expectancy, noun organelle, noun reproduce, verb
GMO, noun ligament, noun organic, adjective reproduction, noun
gonorrhea, noun liver, noun organism, noun reproductive, adjective
gum, noun lung, noun ornithology, noun reproductive isolation, noun
gut, noun lymph, noun osmosis, noun reptile, noun
gymnosperm, noun lymph node, noun ovarian, adjective resistance, noun
gynecology, noun male, adjective ovary, noun respiratory, adjective
habituation, noun malignant, adjective ovule, noun response, noun
haploid, noun mammal, noun ovum, noun retina, noun
heart, noun mammary gland, noun palate, noun retrovirus, noun
heartwood, noun marrow, noun pancreas, noun Rhesus factor, noun
hemisphere, noun mate, noun parasite, noun rib cage, noun
hemoglobin, noun mate, verb patella, noun ribosomal RNA, noun
hemophilia, noun mature, verb pathogen, noun ribosome, noun
hepatic, adjective maturity, noun pathology, noun rigor mortis, noun
hepatitis, noun medulla oblongata, noun pelvis, noun RNA, noun
herbicide, noun meiosis, noun penicillin, noun rodent, noun
herbivore, noun melanin, noun penis, noun root, noun
heredity, noun membrane, noun perennial, adjective root hair, noun
heritable, adjective meninges, noun perennial, noun roughage, noun
hermaphrodite, noun menopause, noun petiole, noun rRNA, noun
hernia, noun menstruate, verb phagocyte, noun rumen, noun
heterotroph, noun messenger RNA, noun pharynx, noun rump, noun
heterozygote, noun metabolism, noun phenotype, noun sac, noun
heterozygous, adjective metamorphosis, noun phlegm, noun saliva, noun
hierarchy, noun microbe, noun phloem, noun salivate, verb
HIV, noun microbiology, noun photic zone, noun salmonella, noun
homeostasis, noun microorganism, noun photosynthesis, noun sap, noun
hominid, noun middle ear, noun phototropism, noun sapwood, noun
hominoid, adjective mite, noun phylum, noun scalp, noun
homologous, adjective mitochondrion, noun physiology, noun sclera, noun
homozygous, adjective mitosis, noun phytoplankton, noun scrotum, noun
hormone, noun mitral valve, noun pigment, noun sebaceous, adjective
host, noun molar, noun pit, noun sebum, noun

Longman Dictionary of American English  4th Edition 

secondary growth, noun spinneret, noun tendril, noun urinate, verb
secrete, verb spleen, noun tentacle, noun urine, noun
seed coat, noun spore, noun terrestrial, adjective uterus, noun
seed cone, noun sprout, noun testicle, noun uvula, noun
seedling, noun sprout, verb testosterone, noun vacuole, noun
selective breeding, noun stalk, noun tetanus, noun vagina, noun
semen, noun stamen, noun thalamus, noun valve, noun
semicircular canal, noun starch, noun thorax, noun variegated, adjective
semilunar valve, noun stem, noun thyroid, noun vascular, adjective
sense, noun sterile, adjective tibia, noun vascular tissue, noun
sensory, adjective sterilize, verb tissue, noun vegetation, noun
sepal, noun sternum, noun tonsil, noun vein, noun
serum, noun steroid, noun tonsillitis, noun vena cava, noun
sex, noun stigma, noun toxicology, noun ventral, adjective
sex chromosome, noun stillborn, adjective toxin, noun ventricle, noun
shed, verb stimulant, noun trachea, noun vertebra, noun
shoot, noun stinger, noun tract, noun vertebrate, noun
shoulder blade, noun stolon, noun transfer RNA, noun viral, adjective
sinew, noun stoma, noun transpiration, noun virology, noun
sinus, noun stomach, noun triceps, noun virus, noun
skeleton, noun stomata, noun tricuspid valve, noun vital organ, noun
skin, noun stone, noun trimester, noun vocal cords, noun
skull, noun stool, noun tRNA, noun warm-blooded, adjective
small intestine, noun strain, noun tropism, noun wean, verb
smallpox, noun stroke, noun tuber, noun white blood cell, noun
solar plexus, noun stud, noun tuberculosis, noun windpipe, noun
spastic, adjective style, noun tumor, noun wisdom tooth, noun
spawn, noun sweat, noun tympanic membrane, noun womb, noun
spawn, verb sweat, verb typhoid, noun X-chromosome, noun
spay, verb swim bladder, noun typhus, noun xylem, noun
speciation, noun symbiosis, noun udder, noun Y-chromosome, noun
species, noun system, noun ulna, noun zoology, noun
specimen, noun systemic, adjective umbilical cord, noun zooplankton, noun
sperm, noun taproot, noun ureter, noun zygote, noun
spinal cord, noun taxonomy, noun urethra, noun
spine, noun tendon, noun urinary, adjective


acetylene, noun bromine, noun chlorinated, adjective exothermic, adjective

acrylic, adjective buffer, noun chlorine, noun fermentation, noun
alkali, noun cadmium, noun chloroform, noun ferrous, adjective
alkali metal, noun cal., abbreviation citric acid, noun filtration, noun
alkaline, adjective calcium, noun cobalt, noun fluoride, noun
alkaline earth metal, noun calorie, noun colloid, noun fluorine, noun
alkaline solution, noun carbohydrate, noun combustion reaction, noun formaldehyde, noun
allotrope, noun carbon, noun compound, noun francium, noun
alloy, noun carbon dioxide, noun concentration, noun fructose, noun
aluminum, noun carbon monoxide, noun corrosive, adjective fuel cell, noun
amino acid, noun catalyst, noun covalent, adjective generic, adjective
ammonia, noun caustic, adjective crucible, noun glucose, noun
analgesic, noun cesium, noun crystal, noun glycerin, noun
aqueous solution, noun chemical, adjective derive, verb group, noun
argon, noun chemical, noun dextrose, noun halogen, noun
astatine, noun chemical bond, noun dilute solution, noun heat capacity, noun
astringent, adjective chemical change, noun electrochemical, adjective helium, noun
balanced equation, noun chemical equation, noun electrolyte, noun Henry’s law, noun
barium, noun chemical equilibrium, noun electrovalent bond, noun heterogeneous mixture, noun
base, noun chemical formula, noun element, noun homogeneous mixture, noun
beryllium, noun chemical property, noun emulsion, noun hydrocarbon, noun
binary compound, noun chemical reaction, noun equilibrium, noun hydrogen, noun
bond, noun chemical symbol, noun evaporate, verb hydrogen peroxide, noun
bonding, noun chloride, noun evaporation, noun hydroxide, noun

Longman Dictionary of American English  4th Edition 

hydroxide ion, noun mole, noun phosphorus, noun solution, noun
hygroscopic, adjective molecule, noun pipette, noun solvent, noun
hypertonic, adjective monomer, noun platinum, noun specific heat, noun
immiscible, adjective monosaccharide, noun plutonium, noun strong acid, noun
inert, adjective neon, noun polymer, noun strong base, noun
inorganic, adjective nickel, noun potassium, noun strong electrolyte, noun
inorganic chemistry, noun nitrate, noun radium, noun strontium, noun
insoluble, adjective noble gas, noun radon, noun sublimation, noun
iodine, noun organic chemistry, noun react, verb sucrose, noun
ionic bond, noun oxidation, noun reactant, noun sulfur, noun
ionize, verb oxide, noun reaction, noun sulfur dioxide, noun
isomer, noun oxidize, verb reactive, adjective sulfuric acid, noun
isotonic, adjective oxidizing agent, noun resin, noun sulphur, noun
isotope, noun oxygen, noun retort, noun trace element, noun
lactose, noun ozone, noun reversible reaction, noun uranium, noun
lithium, noun Pa., abbreviation rubidium, noun valence, noun
litmus, noun peptide, noun saline, adjective vapor, noun
litmus paper, noun periodic table, noun salinity, noun volatile, adjective
litmus test, noun peroxide, noun salt, noun weak acid, noun
magnesium, noun petrochemical, noun silicon, noun weak base, noun
mercury, noun pH, noun silver, noun weak electrolyte, noun
methane, noun pharmaceutical, noun sodium, noun zinc, noun
mineral, noun pharmacology, noun sodium chloride, noun
miscible, adjective phosphate, noun soluble, adjective
mol., abbreviation phosphorescent, adjective solute, noun

Earth Sciences

aboriginal, adjective cirrus, noun estuary, noun Gulf Stream, noun

acid rain, noun cliff, noun exosphere, noun gully, noun
active, adjective climate, noun fault, noun headland, noun
advection, noun coal, noun fertile, adjective headwaters, noun
alluvium, noun coast, noun field, noun hemisphere, noun
alpine, adjective coastline, noun fissure, noun high pressure, noun
aquifer, noun continental divide, noun flood, noun high tide, noun
archipelago, noun continental drift, noun flood plain, noun highlands, noun
arid, adjective continental shelf, noun flood tide, noun hill, noun
asthenosphere, noun coral island, noun flow resource, noun hydrothermal vent, noun
atoll, noun coral reef, noun foothill, noun ice age, noun
avalanche, noun core, noun ford, noun ice cap, noun
axis, noun cove, noun forest, noun igneous, adjective
badlands, noun crevasse, noun forestry, noun inland sea, noun
basalt, noun crust, noun fossil fuel, noun ionosphere, noun
basin, noun cumulonimbus, noun fossilize, verb isthmus, noun
bay, noun cumulus, noun freshwater, adjective lagoon, noun
bayou, noun deforestation, noun front, noun lake, noun
beach, noun delta, noun geography, noun land bridge, noun
blizzard, noun desert, noun geologic time, noun landform, noun
bluff, noun desertification, noun geology, noun latitude, noun
bog, noun dune, noun geothermal, adjective lava, noun
bush, noun earth, noun geyser, noun light pollution, noun
butte, noun earthquake, noun GIS, noun limestone, noun
caldera, noun ebb, noun glacial, adjective lithosphere, noun
canopy, noun ebb, verb glacier, noun low pressure, noun
canyon, noun ebb tide, noun global warming, noun low tide, noun
cape, noun ecological, adjective gorge, noun lowlands, noun
carbon cycle, noun ecology, noun granite, noun magma, noun
carbon footprint, noun El Niño, noun graphite, noun magnitude, noun
Cenozoic, adjective environment, noun grassland, noun mainland, noun
Cenozoic, noun epicenter, noun greenhouse effect, noun mantle, noun
chalk, noun era, noun greenhouse gas, noun marble, noun
channel, noun erosion, noun gulch, noun marine, adjective
chaparral, noun erupt, verb gulf, noun Mediterranean, noun

Longman Dictionary of American English  4th Edition 

mesosphere, noun peninsula, noun sandstorm, noun stratum, noun
Mesozoic, adjective permafrost, noun savanna, noun stratus, noun
Mesozoic, noun pinnacle, noun scrub, noun stream, noun
metallurgy, noun plate tectonics, noun sea, noun subcontinent, noun
metamorphic, adjective plateau, noun sea floor, noun subterranean, adjective
metamorphism, noun polar, adjective sea stack, noun summit, noun
mica, noun polar zone, noun seabed, noun swamp, noun
microclimate, noun pole, noun seam, noun taiga, noun
mineral, noun Precambrian, adjective sediment, noun tectonic plate, noun
molten, adjective Precambrian, noun sedimentary, adjective temperate zone, noun
monsoon, noun precipitation, noun seismic, adjective terrestrial, adjective
moraine, noun primeval, adjective seismograph, noun thermosphere, noun
mountain, noun primordial, adjective seismology, noun topographic, adjective
mudslide, noun promontory, noun shock, noun topography, noun
natural history, noun quartz, noun shock wave, noun tropic, noun
naturalist, noun rain forest, noun shore, noun tropical zone, noun
nature reserve, noun range, noun shoreline, noun troposphere, noun
neap tide, noun reserve, noun silicate, noun tsunami, noun
Neolithic, adjective reservoir, noun silt, noun tundra, noun
Neolithic, noun Richter scale, noun slate, noun typhoon, noun
nimbus, noun ridge, noun slide, noun valley, noun
nitrogen cycle, noun rift valley, noun sound, noun vein, noun
North Pole, noun river, noun source, noun volcano, noun
Northern Lights, noun riverbed, noun spring, noun wash, noun
ocean, noun rock, noun spring tide, noun water, noun
oceanography, noun rock cycle, noun squall, noun water cycle, noun
ore, noun rotate, verb stalactite, noun water table, noun
ozone layer, noun run-off, noun stalagmite, noun waterfall, noun
pack ice, noun sage, noun steppe, noun watering hole, noun
Paleolithic, adjective sagebrush, noun stone, noun watershed, noun
Paleolithic, noun salt marsh, noun storm surge, noun wave, noun
paleontology, noun saltwater, adjective strait, noun well, noun
Paleozoic, adjective sand dune, noun strata, noun
Paleozoic, noun sandbank, noun stratified, adjective
peat, noun sandstone, noun stratosphere, noun


account, noun boom, noun capitalist, adjective diversify, verb

accountant, noun boom, verb capitalize, verb dividend, noun
accounting, noun borrowing, noun cartel, noun dollar, noun
aggregate, adjective bottom line, noun cash cow, noun economic, adjective
annual percentage rate, noun bounce, verb cash crop, noun economic sanctions, noun
annuity, noun bracket, noun cash flow, noun economically, adverb
appreciation, noun brand name, noun central bank, noun economics, noun
APR, noun branding, noun certificate of deposit, noun economies of scale, noun
audit, verb broker, noun certified check, noun economist, noun
austerity, noun brokerage, noun collateral, noun economy, noun
bailout, noun budget, noun commodity, noun elastic, adjective
balance, noun budget, verb compound interest, noun elasticity, noun
balance, verb budget deficit, noun conglomerate, noun enterprise, noun
balance sheet, noun budget surplus, noun controller, noun entrepreneur, noun
banking, noun bull market, noun convertible, adjective equity, noun
bankrupt, adjective bullish, adjective corporation, noun exchequer, noun
bankrupt, verb buoy, verb cottage industry, noun export, noun
bankruptcy, noun buoyant, adjective crash, noun export, verb
bear market, noun buy, verb crash, verb Fed, noun
bearish, adjective buyout, noun credit rating, noun Federal Reserve, noun
big business, noun cap, noun deductible, adjective figure, noun
black, noun cap, verb deficit, noun finance, noun
black economy, noun capital, adjective deflate, verb finance, verb
black market, noun capital, noun depreciate, verb financial, adjective
bond, noun capital gain, noun depression, noun financial asset, noun
book, noun capitalism, noun devalue, verb financier, noun

Longman Dictionary of American English  4th Edition 

financing, noun manufacturer, noun plan, noun socioeconomic, adjective
firm, noun manufacturing, noun plant, noun speculate, verb
fiscal, adjective margin, noun portfolio, noun speculative, adjective
fiscal policy, noun marginal cost, noun post, verb spending, noun
float, verb marginal revenue, noun poverty line, noun sponsor, noun
flood, verb market, noun power, noun sponsor, verb
foreclose, verb market, verb predatory pricing, noun squeeze, noun
forgive, verb market economy, noun price index, noun squeeze, verb
franchise, noun market forces, noun price war, noun standard of living, noun
free enterprise, noun market value, noun principal, noun start-up, adjective
free-trade zone, noun marketing, noun private enterprise, noun start-up, noun
freeze, noun marketplace, noun privatize, verb statement, noun
freeze, verb markup, noun profit margin, noun stock, noun
funding, noun mature, verb profit motive, noun stock certificate, noun
funds, noun maturity, noun profit sharing, noun stock exchange, noun
GDP, noun mean, noun protectionism, noun stock market, noun
globalization, noun mercantilism, noun public debt, noun stockbroker, noun
GNP, noun merchandise, noun publicly held corporation, stockholder, noun
gross, adjective merchant, noun   noun strength, noun
gross, verb merger, noun publicly, adverb strengthen, verb
gross domestic product, noun modernization, noun red, noun subsidiary, noun
gross national product, noun monetary, adjective regulation, noun subsidize, verb
guarantor, noun money market, noun retail, adverb subsidy, noun
hard currency, noun money supply, noun retail, noun subsistence agriculture, noun
hyperinflation, noun moneymaker, noun retail, verb subsistence economy, noun
import, noun monopoly, noun retailer, noun supply, noun
import, verb mortgage, noun retainer, noun supply and demand, noun
income distribution, noun mortgage, verb return, noun surety, noun
income tax, noun multinational, adjective royalty, noun surplus, noun
inelastic, adjective nationalize, verb ruin, noun sustainable, adjective
inflation, noun net, adjective ruin, verb sustainable development,
inflationary, adjective nonpayment, noun S&L, noun   noun
interest, noun nonprofit, adjective safety net, noun tariff, noun
interest period, noun option, noun sale, noun tax base, noun
interest rate, noun output, noun sales tax, noun trade association, noun
intergovernmental revenue, outsourcing, noun savings account, noun trade barrier, noun
  noun overhead, noun savings and loan, noun trade route, noun
laissez-faire, noun partnership, noun savings bank, noun trade war, noun
law of demand, noun patent, noun service economy, noun trade-off, noun
law of supply, noun pay, verb settlement, noun trader, noun
leading indicators, noun payee, noun share, noun traditional economy, noun
liability, noun payroll, noun shareholder, noun trough, noun
line, noun peg, verb simple interest, noun trust, noun
liquidate, verb pension fund, noun single market, noun variable, adjective
liquidity, noun pension plan, noun slide, verb venture, noun
loss, noun per capita, adjective slump, noun wage-price spiral, noun
manufacture, noun per capita income, noun slump, verb Wall Street, noun
manufacture, verb percentage, noun Social Security, noun yield, noun

Eng. Lang. Arts

A, noun active, noun alto, noun appositive, noun

ablative, noun acute, adjective anagram, noun archetype, noun
abridged, adjective adage, noun analogy, noun aria, noun
abstract, noun adaptation, noun anapest, noun arrangement, noun
abstract noun, noun addendum, noun Anglo-Saxon, noun art, noun
accompaniment, noun adjective, noun antecedent, noun article, noun
accompanist, noun adverb, noun anthology, noun aside, noun
accompany, verb aesthetics, noun antonym, noun assonance, noun
accusative, noun affix, noun aphorism, noun atonal, adjective
acronym, noun allegory, noun apostrophe, noun attributive, adjective
action verb, noun alliteration, noun appendix, noun autobiography, noun
active, adjective alphabet, noun apposition, noun auxiliary verb, noun

Longman Dictionary of American English  4th Edition 

B, noun construct, verb fine arts, noun indirect speech, noun
ballad, noun construction, noun first person, noun inferential question, noun
ballet, noun context clue, noun first-person, adjective infinitive, noun
bard, noun continuous, noun first person narrator, noun inflect, verb
baritone, noun contraction, noun flashback, noun inflection, noun
baroque, adjective coordinating conjunction, flat, adjective installation art, noun
bass, noun   noun flat, adverb intensifier, noun
bathos, noun countable, adjective flat, noun interjection, noun
bibliographic, adjective counterargument, noun flat character, noun interrogative, noun
bibliography, noun counterexample, noun folk, adjective interval, noun
biographer, noun couplet, noun folk, noun intonation, noun
biography, noun creole, noun folk music, noun intransitive, adjective
blank verse, noun crescendo, noun folk tale, noun IPA, noun
blend, noun culture, noun folklore, noun irony, noun
blend, verb Cyrillic, adjective foot, noun irregular, adjective
blue, noun Cyrillic, noun footnote, noun key, noun
bluegrass, noun D, noun foreshadowing, noun kinetic, adjective
book, noun dactyl, noun foreword, noun language, noun
bowdlerize, verb dash, noun form, noun legend, noun
bracket, noun dative, noun format, noun lexical, adjective
bust, noun declension, noun format, verb lexicon, noun
C, noun definite article, noun forte, adjective limerick, noun
cadence, noun demonstrative pronoun, free verse, noun limited point of view, noun
cameo, noun   noun function word, noun line, noun
canon, noun demotic, adjective future, adjective linear perspective, noun
canto, noun denotation, noun future, noun linguist, noun
canvas, noun denotative, adjective future perfect, noun linguistic, adjective
caricature, noun dependent clause, noun G, noun linguistics, noun
case, noun determiner, noun gender, noun linking verb, noun
cause and effect, noun dialect, noun generic, adjective literal question, noun
cedilla, noun diction, noun genitive, noun literary, adjective
ceramics, noun dieresis, noun genre, noun literature, noun
character, noun diphthong, noun gerund, noun locution, noun
choral, adjective direct object, noun glossary, noun lyric, noun
chord, noun direct speech, noun gospel, noun lyrical, adjective
chorus, noun dissonance, noun Gothic, adjective lyricist, noun
circumflex, noun disyllabic, adjective gouache, noun main clause, noun
citation, noun ditto, noun grammar, noun major, adjective
cite, verb double negative, noun grammatical, adjective maquette, noun
classical music, noun dramaturg, noun graphic, adjective masculine, adjective
classicism, noun E, noun graphic novel, noun medley, noun
clause, noun editor, noun grave, adjective melodic, adjective
clef, noun elegy, noun half note, noun melodrama, noun
cliché, noun ellipsis, noun half step, noun melody, noun
coda, noun epic, noun header, noun metaphor, noun
coherence, noun epigram, noun helping verb, noun metaphysical, adjective
cohesion, noun epilogue, noun hero, noun mime, noun
coinage, noun epistolary, adjective hexameter, noun minor, adjective
collective noun, noun epithet, noun hieroglyphics, noun modal verb, noun
colon, noun esthetics, noun high-frequency word, noun modifier, noun
comma, noun etymology, noun homograph, noun modify, verb
common noun, noun euphemism, noun homonym, noun monosyllabic, adjective
comparative, noun evaluative question, noun homophone, noun montage, noun
complement, noun exclamation point, noun hyperbole, noun mood, noun
complex word, noun exclamatory, adjective hypothesis, noun morpheme, noun
compound, noun expository, adjective iamb, noun morphology, noun
compound sentence, noun expression, noun iambic pentameter, noun motif, noun
concerto, noun F, noun idiom, noun mural, noun
concrete noun, noun family, noun imperative, adjective musical, noun
conditional, adjective farce, noun imperative, noun myth, noun
conditional, noun feminine, adjective imperfect, noun mythical, adjective
conductor, noun fiction, noun impressionism, noun mythology, noun
conflict, noun fictional, adjective indefinite article, noun narrate, verb
conjugate, verb fictionalize, verb indefinite pronoun, noun narrative, noun
conjunction, noun figurative, adjective independent clause, noun narrator, noun
connotative, adjective figurative language, noun indicative, adjective naturalism, noun
consonance, noun figure of speech, noun indicative, noun neologism, noun
consonant, noun finale, noun indirect object, noun neuter, adjective

Longman Dictionary of American English  4th Edition 

Noh, noun pitch, noun role, noun stressed, adjective
nominative, noun plagiarism, noun romance, noun string, noun
noncount, adjective plagiarize, verb romanticism, noun style, noun
nonfiction, noun play, noun root, noun stylistic, adjective
nonrestrictive clause, noun play, verb round character, noun stylistics, noun
nonstandard, adjective playwright, noun round, noun stylized, adjective
note, noun pluperfect, noun rubric, noun subject, noun
noun, noun plural, noun saga, noun subjunctive, noun
novel, noun poet, noun satire, noun subordinate clause, noun
novelist, noun poetess, noun satirist, noun subplot, noun
novella, noun poetic, adjective satirize, verb subtext, noun
nude, noun poetry, noun scale, noun suffix, noun
object, noun point of view, noun scene, noun suite, noun
octave, noun polysyllabic, adjective scenery, noun superlative, noun
octet, noun portfolio, noun school, noun surreal, adjective
oil painting, noun possessive, noun science fiction, noun surrealism, noun
omniscient, adjective pragmatics, noun score, noun syllabification, noun
omniscient point of view, predicate, noun screenplay, noun syllable, noun
  noun predicative, adjective screenwriter, noun sympathetic, adjective
onomatopoeia, noun prefix, noun script, noun symphony, noun
open-ended question, noun preposition, noun sculptor, noun synonym, noun
opera, noun prepositional phrase, noun sculpture, noun synonymous, adjective
orthography, noun present participle, noun second person, noun synopsis, noun
oxymoron, noun present perfect, noun secondary source, noun syntactic, adjective
palindrome, noun present tense, noun secondary stress, noun syntax, noun
paragraph, noun preterite, noun semantics, noun tempo, noun
parallel structure, noun primary stress, noun semicolon, noun tenor, noun
parallelism, noun progressive, noun semiotics, noun tense, noun
paraphrase, verb prologue, noun sense, noun textual, adjective
parenthesis, noun pronoun, noun sentence, noun thematic, adjective
parody, noun proper noun, noun sequel, noun theme, noun
part of speech, noun proscenium, noun serenade, noun thesis, noun
participial, adjective prose, noun set, verb third-person, adjective
participle, noun protagonist, noun setting, noun third person, noun
particle, noun proverb, noun sharp, adjective third person narrator, noun
passive, adjective précis, noun sharp, adverb three-dimensional, adjective
passive, noun pun, noun sharp, noun tilde, noun
past participle, noun punctuate, verb short story, noun tone, noun
past perfect, noun punctuation, noun sic, adverb tonic sol-fa, noun
past tense, noun punctuation mark, noun sight word, noun topic sentence, noun
pastiche, noun qualifier, noun sight-read, verb tragedy, noun
pastoral, adjective quantifier, noun sign language, noun transitive verb, noun
pentameter, noun quarter note, noun simile, noun treble, noun
percussion, noun quartet, noun simple, adjective trochee, noun
perfect, noun quatrain, noun simple sentence, noun twelve-bar blues, noun
perform, verb question mark, noun singular, adjective twelve-tone scale, noun
performance, noun quintet, noun singular, noun umlaut, noun
performer, noun quotation mark, noun soliloquy, noun uncountable, adjective
performing arts, noun reflexive, adjective solo, adjective unstressed, adjective
period, noun refrain, noun solo, noun unsympathetic, adjective
periodical, noun register, noun soloist, noun unvoiced, adjective
peroration, noun regular, adjective sonata, noun verb, noun
persona, noun rehearsal, noun sonnet, noun vernacular, noun
personal pronoun, noun relative clause, noun soprano, noun verse, noun
personify, verb relative pronoun, noun speech, noun viewpoint, noun
perspective, noun reported speech, noun spelling, noun villain, noun
phoenix, noun resolution, noun split infinitive, noun virtuoso, noun
phoneme, noun rest, noun spondee, noun visual arts, noun
phonemics, noun restrictive clause, noun spoonerism, noun vocabulary, noun
phonetic, adjective revise, verb stage, noun voice, noun
phonetics, noun revision, noun staging, noun voiced, adjective
phonics, noun revival, noun stanza, noun voiceless, adjective
phonology, noun rhapsody, noun step, noun vowel, noun
phrasal verb, noun rhetoric, noun still, noun whole note, noun
phrase, noun rhetorical, adjective still life, noun woodwind, noun
phraseology, noun rhyme, noun storyteller, noun word family, noun
piano, adjective rhyme, verb stress, noun
pidgin, noun rhythm, noun stress mark, noun

Longman Dictionary of American English  4th Edition 


abolition, noun Cotton Belt, noun indentured servant, noun primary source, noun
abolitionist, noun czar, noun industrial revolution, noun prohibition, noun
agricultural revolution, noun demotic, adjective Iron Age, noun puritan, noun
Anglo-Saxon, noun dissenter, noun Iron Curtain, noun Reich, noun
apartheid, noun Dixie, noun Jim Crow, noun samurai, noun
appeasement, noun dominion, noun loyalist, noun secessionist, noun
aristocracy, noun feudalism, noun Magna Carta, noun secondary source, noun
arms control, noun fief, noun manor, noun serf, noun
arms race, noun Founding Fathers, noun Mason-Dixon line, noun Stone Age, noun
Axis Powers, noun Framers, noun Middle Ages, noun temperance movement,
Aztec, noun gag rule, noun middle class, noun   noun
bill of rights, noun Geneva Convention, noun New World, noun tithe, noun
Bronze Age, noun gladiator, noun oracle, noun toga, noun
caliph, noun glyph, noun ostracism, noun Underground Railroad, noun
chronicle, noun ground zero, noun partisan, noun union, noun
citadel, noun Hellenistic, adjective patrician, adjective vassal, noun
city-state, noun hieroglyph, noun patrician, noun war crime, noun
civil rights movement, noun holocaust, noun plantation, noun Yankee, noun
civil war, noun homesteader, noun plebeian, adjective yeoman, noun
cold war, noun ice age, noun plebeian, noun ziggurat, noun
confederacy, noun imperial state, noun Pony Express, noun
confederate, noun impressment, noun presidio, noun


algorithm, noun com, abbreviation e-business, noun infect, verb

applet, noun command, noun e-commerce, noun infected, adjective
artificial intelligence, noun computer, noun editor, noun input, noun
attachment, noun configure, verb enter, noun input, verb
avatar, noun console, noun exit, verb install, verb
backup, noun control, noun export, verb interactive, adjective
bandwidth, noun cookie, noun file, noun Internet, noun
binary, adjective corrupt, verb firewall, noun iPod, noun
bit, noun CPU, noun flat screen, noun IT, noun
bitmap, noun crash, noun floppy disk, noun JPEG, noun
Bluetooth, noun crash, verb format, noun jump drive, noun
bookmark, noun data, noun format, verb k, abbreviation
boot, verb data mining, noun frame, noun keyboard, noun
bounce, verb data processing, noun function key, noun kilobyte, noun
bps, abbreviation database, noun gateway, noun LAN, noun
broadband, noun debug, verb GIF, noun language, noun
browse, verb default, noun gigabyte, noun laptop, noun
browser, noun delete, verb global, adjective line, noun
buffer, noun demo, noun graphical user interface, link, noun
bug, noun desktop, noun   noun local area network, noun
bulletin board, noun digital, adjective graphics, noun Mac, noun
bundle, noun directory, noun GUI, noun machine, noun
bundle, verb disk drive, noun hard disk, noun machine-readable, adjective
burn, verb diskette, noun hard drive, noun magnetic, adjective
byte, noun document, noun hardware, noun mail, noun
cache, noun domain name, noun hard-wired, adjective mail, verb
CALL, noun double-click, verb header, noun mailbox, noun
CD-RW, noun down, adjective home page, noun mainframe, noun
central processing unit, noun download, noun hot key, noun maximize, verb
CGI, noun download, verb hot spot, noun megabyte, noun
chip, noun downtime, noun HTML, noun memory, noun
click, verb drive, noun hyperlink, noun memory card, noun
clipboard, noun driver, noun icon, noun Memory Stick, noun
clone, noun drop-down menu, noun import, verb menu, noun

Longman Dictionary of American English  4th Edition 

microchip, noun pdf, noun right-click, verb up, adjective
microprocessor, noun peripheral, adjective ROM, noun URL, noun
minimize, verb peripheral, noun router, noun USB, noun
modem, noun personal computer, noun run, verb USB drive, noun
monitor, noun phishing, noun save, verb USB port, noun
morph, verb pixel, noun scanner, noun username, noun
motherboard, noun platform, noun screen saver, noun VDU, noun
mouse, noun podcast, noun scroll, verb virtual reality, noun
mouse pad, noun pop-up, noun search, noun virus, noun
MP3, noun port, noun search, verb vodcast, noun
MP3 player, noun portal, noun search engine, noun web, noun
MPEG, noun post, verb server, noun web page, noun
multimedia, adjective process, verb SGML, noun webcam, noun
navigate, verb processor, noun silicon chip, noun webcast, verb
netiquette, noun program, noun skin, noun website, noun
network, noun program, verb software, noun Wi-Fi, noun
network, verb programmer, noun sound card, noun wiki, noun
offline, adverb programming, noun spam, noun window, noun
offline, adjective prompt, noun spam, verb wireless, adjective
online, adverb RAM, noun spell-checker, noun World Wide Web, noun
online, adjective random access memory, spreadsheet, noun worm, noun
operating system, noun   noun stream, verb write, verb
operation, noun read-only memory, noun suite, noun WWW, noun
output, noun readout, noun surf, verb WYSIWYG, noun
packet, noun real-time, adjective telephony, noun XML, noun
palmtop, noun reboot, verb template, noun zip file, noun
paste, verb reload, verb terabyte, noun
PC, noun retrieve, verb terminal, noun


accessory, noun citation, noun eminent domain, noun judicial review, noun
accused, noun cite, verb enact, verb jurisdiction, noun
acquit, verb class-action, adjective equal protection, noun jurisprudence, noun
acquittal, noun codify, verb estate, noun jury, noun
admissible, adjective commute, verb executor, noun Justice of the Peace, noun
affidavit, noun compact, noun exhibit, noun juvenile, adjective
aid, verb complaint, noun expatriation, noun larceny, noun
alibi, noun complicity, noun extradite, verb legacy, noun
alimony, noun contest, noun felon, noun legislation, noun
annul, verb convict, noun felony, noun liability, noun
appeal, noun convict, verb fiduciary, adjective liable, adjective
appeal, verb conviction, noun fiduciary, noun libel, noun
appellate, adjective counsel, noun file, verb litigant, noun
arraign, verb count, noun fraud, noun litigation, noun
article, noun court, noun fraudulent, adjective living will, noun
attorney, noun cross-examine, verb garnish, verb lower court, noun
bail, noun D.A., noun habeas corpus, noun malpractice, noun
bail, verb damage, noun heritable, adjective manslaughter, noun
bailiff, noun de facto, adjective homicide, noun material, adjective
bar, noun de jure, adjective immunity, noun minor, noun
battery, noun deed, noun impeach, verb misdemeanor, noun
bench, noun defamation, noun impound, verb mistrial, noun
beneficiary, noun defendant, noun inadmissible, adjective next of kin, noun
bequeath, verb defense, noun indemnify, verb notary, noun
bequest, noun dismiss, verb indemnity, noun null and void, adjective
bond, noun district attorney, noun indict, verb nullify, verb
brief, noun district court, noun indictment, noun oath, noun
capital, adjective divorce, noun inferior court, noun offend, verb
case, noun divorce, verb injunction, noun offender, noun
charge, noun docket, noun inquest, noun offense, noun
chief justice, noun due process, noun Jane Doe, noun ordinance, noun
circuit court, noun embezzle, verb John Doe, noun parole, noun

Longman Dictionary of American English  4th Edition 10

paternity, noun prohibition, noun special prosecutor, noun testimony, noun
peace, noun promulgate, verb stand, noun third party, noun
penal, adjective prorogue, verb statute, noun title, noun
penalty, noun proscribe, verb statute of limitations, noun tort, noun
perjure, verb prosecution, noun statutory, adjective transfer, verb
perjury, noun prosecutor, noun statutory rape, noun uphold, verb
plaintiff, noun public defender, noun suborn, verb verdict, noun
plea, noun racketeering, noun subpoena, noun violate, verb
plea-bargain, verb remand, verb subpoena, verb violation, noun
plead, verb retrial, noun sue, verb visitation, noun
power of attorney, noun revoke, verb suit, noun void, adjective
pro bono, adjective right, noun summons, noun void, verb
probate, noun sedition, noun Superior Court, noun ward, noun
probation, noun small claims court, noun Supreme Court, noun warrant, noun
probation officer, noun solicitor, noun surety, noun witness, noun
proceedings, noun sound, adjective swear, verb writ, noun


absolute value, noun concurrent lines, noun equal sign, noun isosceles trapezoid, noun
acute angle, noun congruent, adjective equation, noun isosceles triangle, noun
acute triangle, noun conic section, noun equiangular, adjective iterative, adjective
add, verb conjugate, noun equilateral triangle, noun least common denominator,
addition, noun consecutive angles, noun equivalent equations, noun   noun
adjacent angles, noun constant, noun evaluate, verb leg, noun
algebra, noun construct, verb exponential, adjective linear equation, noun
angle, noun converse, noun expression, noun linear function, noun
Arabic numeral, noun conversion factor, noun exterior angle, noun logarithm, noun
arc, noun coordinate, noun factor, noun long division, noun
area, noun coordinate of a point, noun factorial, noun lowest common
arithmetic, noun coordinate plane, noun figure, noun   denominator, noun
arithmetic sequence, noun coplanar, adjective formula, noun make, verb
array, noun corollary, noun fraction, noun matrix, noun
associative property, noun correlation, noun frequency distribution, noun mean, adjective
asymptote, noun correlation coefficient, noun G.C.F., abbreviation mean, noun
average, noun corresponding angles, noun geometric figure, noun measure of spread, noun
axis, noun cosine, noun geometric mean, noun measures of center, noun
bar chart, noun cube, noun geometric sequence, noun median, noun
bar graph, noun cube, verb geometric series, noun metric, adjective
biconditional, noun cube root, noun geometry, noun metric system, noun
binomial, noun cubic, adjective greatest common factor, midpoint of a segment, noun
bisect, verb curvilinear, adjective   noun minus, noun
bisector, noun decagon, noun helix, noun minus, prep.
calculate, verb decimal, noun heptagon, noun minus sign, noun
calculation, noun decimal point, noun hexadecimal, adjective minute, noun
calculus, noun deductive reasoning, noun hexagon, noun mode, noun
cardinal number, noun degree of a monomial, noun hexagram, noun monomial, noun
causation, noun degree of a polynomial, noun highest common factor, noun multiple, noun
chord, noun degree of a term, noun histogram, noun multiplication, noun
circumference, noun denominator, noun hyperbola, noun multiply, verb
circumscribe, verb diameter, noun hypotenuse, noun negative, adjective
circumscribed, adjective direct variation, noun i, number node, noun
coefficient, noun dispersion, noun imaginary number, noun nonagon, noun
collinear points, noun distribution, noun index, noun nonlinear progression, noun
common denominator, noun divide, verb indirect reasoning, noun numeral, noun
common factor, noun divider, noun inductive reasoning, noun numerator, noun
compass, noun divisible, adjective infinity, noun oblique angle, noun
complementary angles, noun division, noun inscribe, verb obtuse angle, noun
completing the square, noun divisor, noun inscribed angle, noun obtuse triangle, noun
complex conjugate, noun dodecagon, noun integer, noun octagon, noun
complex fraction, noun domain, noun intercept, noun opposite angles, noun
complex number, noun element, noun inverse, noun ordered pair, noun
concentric, adjective ellipse, noun inverse operation, noun ordinal number, noun

Longman Dictionary of American English  4th Edition 11

orthogonal drawing, noun product, noun rhombus, noun supplementary angles, noun
parabola, noun proof, noun right angle, noun tetrahedron, noun
parallelogram, noun proportion, noun right triangle, noun theorem, noun
pentagon, noun protractor, noun root, noun times, prep.
perfect square, noun Pythagorean Theorem, noun sampling method, noun tolerance, noun
perimeter, noun quadrant, noun scalene triangle, noun trapezium, noun
perpendicular, adjective quadratic equation, noun segment, noun trapezoid, noun
pi, noun quadrilateral, noun semicircle, noun trigonometry, noun
pie chart, noun quartile, noun similar polygons, noun trinomial, noun
plane, noun quotient, noun simplify, verb variable, noun
plus, noun radical equation, noun sin, abbreviation variable expression, noun
plus, prep radical expression, noun sine, noun vector, noun
plus sign, noun radical sign, noun solid, noun Venn diagram, noun
point, noun radicand, noun sphere, noun vertex, noun
polygon, noun radius, noun square, noun whole number, noun
polyhedron, noun random variable, noun square, verb x
polynomial, noun range, noun square root, noun x-axis, noun
positive, adjective rational equation, noun squared, adjective x-coordinate, noun
power, noun rational expression, noun standard deviation, noun x-intercept, noun
prime number, noun rational number, noun straight angle, noun y-axis, noun
prism, noun real number, noun subtract, verb y-coordinate, noun
probability, noun rhomboid, noun subtraction, noun y-intercept, noun


absolute zero, noun Centigrade, noun dispersion, noun heliocentric, adjective

AC, abbreviation centrifugal, adjective distortion, noun hertz, noun
adhesion, noun centrifugal force, noun Doppler effect, noun Hooke’s law, noun
advection, noun centripetal, adjective dynamic, adjective hot spot, noun
aerodynamics, noun centripetal force, noun dynamics, noun hydraulics, noun
alpha particle, noun charge, noun dynamo, noun hydroelectric, adjective
alternating current, noun circuit board, noun eclipse, noun Hz, abbreviation
alternator, noun circuit breaker, noun eclipse, verb impulse, noun
amp, noun circuitry, noun electrical potential, noun inertia, noun
amplitude, noun cohesion, noun electricity, noun infrared radiation, noun
amu, abbreviation comet, noun electrode, noun internal energy, noun
anion, noun concave, adjective electromagnet, noun ion, noun
anode, noun condense, verb electron, noun joule, noun
apogee, noun conduction, noun energy, noun Jupiter, noun
asteroid, noun conductivity, noun entropy, noun K, abbreviation
astronomy, noun conductor, noun F, abbreviation kcal, abbreviation
atmosphere, noun conservation of charge, noun Fahrenheit, noun Kelvin, noun
atmospheric pressure, noun conservation of energy, noun fatigue, noun kilocalorie, noun
atom, noun conservation of mass, noun fiber optics, noun kilogram, noun
atomic, adjective conservation of momentum, field, noun kilowatt, noun
atomic mass, noun   noun fission, noun kinetic, adjective
atomic mass number, noun contact, noun force, noun kinetic energy, noun
atomic mass unit, noun convection, noun frequency, noun kinetic theory, noun
atomic number, noun convex, adjective friction, noun kW, abbreviation
background radiation, noun core, noun fuse, verb law of inertia, noun
ballistics, noun corona, noun fusion, noun law of reflection, noun
beta particle, noun coulomb, noun G, noun light year, noun
beta radiation, noun critical angle, noun galactic, adjective m, abbreviation
Big Bang, noun DC, abbreviation galaxy, noun magnet, noun
black hole, noun decay rate, noun gamma ray, noun magnetic, adjective
blue shift, noun decibel, noun gas, noun magnetic field, noun
Boyle’s law, noun density, noun gravitation, noun magnetism, noun
C, abbreviation destructive interference, gravitational, adjective magnetize, verb
capacitor, noun   noun gravitational field, noun magnitude, noun
cathode, noun diffraction, noun gravity, noun Mars, noun
cation, noun diffusion, noun ground, noun mass, noun
cell, noun diode, noun ground, verb mass number, noun
Celsius, noun direct current, noun half-life, noun matter, noun

Longman Dictionary of American English  4th Edition 12

Mercury, noun pascal, noun red shift, noun subatomic, adjective
meteor, noun perigee, noun refract, verb sun, noun
meteorite, noun phase, noun refraction, noun supernova, noun
meteoroid, noun photoelectric, adjective relativity, noun surface tension, noun
microwave, noun photon, noun repel, verb thermal, adjective
Milky Way, noun planet, noun repulsion, noun thermodynamics, noun
monochromatic, adjective plasma, noun resistance, noun thermonuclear fusion, noun
moon, noun Pluto, noun resistor, noun thrust, noun
nebula, noun pole, noun satellite, noun trajectory, noun
negative, adjective positive, adjective Saturn, noun transformer, noun
Neptune, noun positively, adverb scanner, noun transistor, noun
neutron, noun positron, noun semiconductor, noun ultrasonic, adjective
newton, noun potential difference, noun series circuit, noun ultraviolet, adjective
Newton’s First Law, noun potential energy, noun shooting star, noun Uranus, noun
nitrogen, noun power, noun signal, noun V, abbreviation
nova, noun primary cell, noun solar, adjective vacuum, noun
nuclear, adjective prism, noun solar cell, noun velocity, noun
nuclear energy, noun proton, noun solar system, noun Venus, noun
nuclear fission, noun q, abbreviation solid, noun volt, noun
nuclear fusion, noun quantum, noun sonic, adjective voltage, noun
nuclear reaction, noun quantum mechanics, noun space, noun voltaic cell, noun
nucleon, noun quantum theory, noun spark, noun W, abbreviation
nucleus, noun quark, noun spectrum, noun watt, noun
ohm, noun quasar, noun star, noun wattage, noun
Ohm’s law, noun radiant, adjective static, noun wave, noun
orbit, noun radio telescope, noun static electricity, noun wavelength, noun
orbit, verb radioactive, adjective stellar, adjective white light, noun
oscillate, verb radioactivity, noun strain, noun work, noun
parallel circuit, noun radioisotope, noun stress, noun X-ray, noun
particle, noun rarefaction, noun stressed, adjective X-ray telescope, noun


absolute monarch, noun congress, noun fascism, noun legislate, verb

alderman, noun conservative, adjective fascist, noun legislation, noun
appropriations bill, noun conservative, noun fascist, adjective legislative, adjective
aristocracy, noun constituency, noun federal, adjective legislator, noun
arms race, noun constitutional monarchy, foreign affairs, noun legislature, noun
autocracy, noun   noun foreign minister, noun liberal, adjective
autocrat, noun containment, noun foreign policy, noun liberal, noun
autocratic, adjective council of governments, front, noun limited government, noun
autonomous region, noun   noun gag rule, noun lobbying, noun
ayatollah, noun council-manager governance, noun lobbyist, noun
balance of power, noun   government, noun head of state, noun mandate, noun
beltway, noun delegated powers, noun Head Start, noun martial law, noun
big government, noun democrat, noun hegemony, noun midterm, noun
bill of rights, noun democratic, adjective Hill, noun militarism, noun
bipartisan, adjective despotism, noun House, noun nation, noun
buffer, noun deterrence, noun House of Representatives, nationalism, noun
by-election, noun dissident, noun   noun nationalist, adjective
Capitol Hill, noun doctrine, noun imperialism, noun neoconservative, adjective
caucus, noun détente, noun implied powers, noun oath, noun
centralize, verb Electoral College, noun independent voter, noun off-year election, noun
chamber, noun emancipate, verb indirect rule, noun oligarchy, noun
chancellor, noun embargo, noun inherent powers, noun ordinance powers, noun
Chief Executive, noun embargo, verb initiative, noun oversight function, noun
cold war, noun empire, noun isolationism, noun PAC, noun
colonialism, noun enfranchise, verb joint, adjective parliamentary democracy,
commander in chief, noun enumerated powers, noun judicial branch, noun   noun
commonwealth, noun exclusive powers, noun kingdom, noun partisan, adjective
communism, noun executive branch, noun land reform, noun partisan, noun
communist, noun expressed powers, noun left, noun partisanship, noun
conference committee, noun faction, noun left-wing, adjective partition, noun

Longman Dictionary of American English  4th Edition 13

persona non grata, noun republic, noun sit-in, noun suffragette, noun
platform, noun republican, adjective slate, noun suffragist, noun
police state, noun republican, noun social democracy, noun summit, noun
poll book, noun Republican Party, noun socialism, noun superpower, noun
power, noun reserved powers, noun sovereign, adjective totalitarian, adjective
precinct, noun resolution, noun speaker, noun treaty, noun
president pro tempore, noun revolution, noun spin, noun tripartite government, noun
presiding officer, noun revolutionary, adjective spin doctor, noun tyranny, noun
primary, noun right, noun sponsor, noun veto, noun
primary election, noun right-wing, adjective sponsor, verb veto, verb
protectorate, noun run, verb state, noun vote, noun
quota, noun running mate, noun states’ rights, noun vote, verb
ratification, noun run-off, noun statesman, noun voting booth, noun
ratify, verb sectionalism, noun straight ticket, noun ward, noun
referendum, noun select committee, noun straw poll, noun wing, noun
regime, noun self-government, noun stump, noun write-in, noun
regional council, noun Senate, noun subject, noun
regionalism, noun separation of powers, noun subvert, verb
representative, noun sit-down, adjective suffrage, noun


absorption, noun field test, noun negative, adjective siphon, noun

calibrate, verb fieldwork, noun nomenclature, noun siphon, verb
CFC, noun hypothesis, noun Petri dish, noun slide, noun
chlorofluorocarbon, noun independent variable, noun physical, adjective statistic, noun
controlled experiment, noun lens, noun property, noun subject, noun
controlled variable, noun manipulated variable, noun radiography, noun test tube, noun
dependent variable, noun model, noun responding variable, noun theoretical, adjective
dwarf planet, noun nanometer, noun robotics, noun theory, noun
eyepiece, noun nanosecond, noun scientific method, noun zero, number
field study, noun nanotechnology, noun scientific notation, noun

Social Science

abolitionist, noun entitlement program, noun Middle America, noun social, adjective
animism, noun ethnic group, noun middle class, noun social criticism, noun
caste, noun evangelical, adjective monotheism, noun social mobility, noun
caste system, noun gender gap, noun multiculturalism, noun stratified, adjective
civil liberty, noun geopolitical, adjective natural law, noun stratum, noun
civil rights, noun geopolitics, noun nirvana, noun Taoism, noun
commune, noun hierarchy, noun pastoral, adjective tithe, noun
condition, verb hijab, noun patrilineal, adjective transcendentalism, noun
conditioning, noun hunter-gatherer, noun patronage, noun upper class, noun
conurbation, noun jihad, noun peer group, noun urbanize, verb
counterculture, noun Judeo-Christian, adjective polytheism, noun utopianism, noun
cultural, adjective labor union, noun predestination, noun warrior code, noun
culture, noun lower class, noun rationalism, noun working class, noun
demographics, noun matriarchy, noun safety net, noun
depopulation, noun matrilineal, adjective secularize, verb

Longman Dictionary of American English  4th Edition 14

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