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7 Prefixes

A prefix is a short group of letters at the beginning of a word which gives the word a particular meaning. For example,
the prefix un– often means not, as in unhealthy (not healthy) or as in unhelpful (not helpful). The prefix uni– often
means one, as in unicycle (a vehicle with one wheel) or unicorn (an animal with one horn). The prefix under– often
means below, as in underground (below ground) or underage (below the legal age).
Understanding prefixes can help you to guess the meaning of unknown words.


What is the meaning of the prefixes in these words? Write not or one or below.

1. unable not 7. unlock

2. unimportant 8. underwater
3. uninhabitable 9. united
4. unification 10. undershirt
5. university 11. underpaid
6. unlawful 12. unisex

W o r k s h e e tt

 ook at each set of words. What does their shared prefix mean?
Choose an answer from the box. There are two extra words.

against before beyond half small two wrong

1. semicircle semifinal semicolon semiannual semiconductor

2. antibiotic antifreeze antisocial antiperspirant antipathy
3. bicycle binoculars biennial bilateral binary
4. mistake misbehave misconduct misfortune misread
5. precaution precede preconception precondition prehistoric

Longman Dictionary of American English page 1 of 2


7 Prefixes

B Complete these sentences by adding a prefix from the Quiz or Exercise A to the word in brackets.
Example: Always preheat the oven before putting in the pizza. [heat]
1. Don’t my suggestions as criticism. I support you 100%. [interpret]
2. He makes visits, usually in spring and fall. [annual]
3. The newspaper is published , every other Monday. [weekly]
4. My little sister is three. She goes to . [school]
5. His plane was shot down by guns. [aircraft]
6. Silicon is a used in transistors. [conductor]

C Use your dictionary to find examples of words containing the following prefixes.

Prefix Meaning Examples

1. bio– life biology, biodegradable, biofuel, biomass, biochemistry
2. astro– star

3. psych– mind

4. photo– light

5. tech– method

Longman Dictionary of American English page 2 of 2

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