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Works Cited

Primary Sources

Adolf Eichmann's Trial. Rec. 23 June 1961. MP3. The recordings of Adolf Eichmann's Trial

helps provide a sensory experience for website visitorys. It gives the sense of actually

being at the trial.

Eichmann, Adolf. Protocol of Conference. Proc. of Wannsee Conference, Wannsee, Germany.

Protocol of the Wannsee Conference. House of the Wannsee Conference. Web. 20 Jan.

2011. This is the one copy of the minutes found of the conference. I used this copy to

understand the proceedings and to better understand the reason for the conference. I also

used this for one of the quotations in my site. I also placed a link to this copy.

Goering, Hermann. Letter to Reinhard Heydrich. 31 July 1941. House of the Wannsee

Conference. Web. This was the letter Goering wrote to Heydrich. This was the fist letter

indicating a meeting to discuss the Final Solution. It helped me understand a timeline of

events and helped me find out the true reason for the conference.

Heydrich, Reinhard. Letter to Martin Luther. 29 Nov. 1941. The House of the Wannsee

Conference. Web. This was the letter sent to Martin Luther inviting him to the first

(cancelled) Wannse Conference. It helped provide a timeline or events.

Heydrich, Reinhard. Letter to Otto Hofmann. 29 Nov. 1941. MS. This letter was the first

invitation extended to Otto Hofmann to the Wannsee Conference. This provided an

English translation and helped add to a timeline of events.

Trial Of Adolf Eichmann. Jerusalem. 23 June 1961. The House of the Wannsee Conference.

Web. This transcript of the trial of the Eichmann provided an account of the Wannsee

Conference and how the men acted at the meeting. It helped me understand better how
the meeting organized the men and helped the Nazis toward their goal.
Secondary Sources

The Development of the Final Solution. Perf. Dr. Havi Dreifuss. Yed Vashem. Web.


.asp?WT.mc_id=wiki>. This video clip included information about the Final Solution and

how the Nazis developed the idea of destroying the existence of all Jews. It provided a

background for the Wannsee Conference and why it happened. It helped me better

understand the Nazi and anti-semitism ideology at the time and helped me understand

how the Wannsee Conference fit into the Final Solution.

"The Historical Site." Haus Der Wannsee-Konferenz . Web. 07 Feb. 2011.

<>. This site provided many primary sources such

as images and transcripts of the letters sent as invitations to the Wannsee Conference and

the recordings of Adolf Eichmann's trial.

"Holocaust Encyclopedia." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Web. 07 Feb. 2011.

<>. I used this website to gather pictures of the Wannsee

Conference and its attendees. This website also helped me better understand each man

attending and his role in the Holocaust.

"Interview with Dr. Crew." E-mail interview. 27 Jan. 2011. This interview with Dr. David Crew,

Professor of History at the University of Texas, helped me better understand the anti-

Semitism that was pervasive at the time period and how this ideology influenced the

thinking of the attendees at the meeting.

"Interview with Dr. Krammer." E-mail interview. 23 Jan. 2011. This interview with Dr. Arnold

Krammer, Professor of History at Texas A&M University, helped me better understand

the full damages and implications of the Wannsee Conference.

"Interview with Dr. Seipp." Telephone interview. 26 Jan. 2011. Dr. Adam R. Seipp, Professor of

History at Texas A&M University, specializes in modern European History. In my

interview with Dr. Seipp, Dr. Seipp helped me relate my topic to the theme. He also

helped me better understand the pervasiveness of anti-Semitism.

"Interview with Dr. Windenthal." Telephone interview. 3 Feb. 2011. Dr. Lora Windenthal,

Associate Professor of History and Chair of the History Department at Rice University ,

specializes in Modern European History and was therefore very helpful. She helped me

explore the true reason for the Wannsee Conference and the reasons for the use of

euphemisms. She also helped explain why the security SD was used to host the Wannsee

Conference instead of the military.

"Interview with Professor Caldwell." E-mail interview. 28 Jan. 2011. Dr. Peter C. Caldwell is a

Professor of History at Rice University, specializing in Modern Germany, Comparative

European History, History of Political Thought , and Modern European Intellectual

History. He was very helpful in my research about the effect and symbolism of the

Wannsee Conference.

Lehrer, Steven. Wannsee House and the Holocaust. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2000. Print. This

book provided an account of what occurred at the conference. It was useful because it

provided a reason for the postponement of the meeting and it also provided what

Heydrich and the other attendees said at the conference. It helped me understand the

reason for the conference.

Roseman, Mark. The Villa, the Lake, the Meeting: Wannsee and the Final Solution. London:
Penguin, 2003. Print. This book provided information about the period of time leading up

to the conference and the reason why it happened. I used this book to find a quotation

from Adolf Eichmann's trial.

Roseman, Mark. The Wannsee Conference and the Final Solution: a Reconsideration. New

York: Metropolitan, 2002. Print. This book provided a good background for my research.

When reading I was able to understand more fully who the people attending were, why

they attended, and the reason why the meeting was held. The book clarified questions

surrounding the mystery of the purpose of the meeting.

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