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1. Demography allows us to imagine and re-imagine the future.

Demography is the study of human populations – their size, composition, and distribution
across space – and the process through which population change. Through this data, we can
make assumptions about what is happening in our country or their situations. We can use the
data to venture past events folded and discover the mysterious phenomena of the past. This
data also provides birth, deaths, and income toll of our people wherein we can gauge the
current standing of each country whether they are doing fine or not. It is a powerful tool used
by the people in order to change their way of life to balance the world's capacity for us to
continue to live longer in this place. Thus, demography can be used to provide a clear version
of what the state of different countries. And through this, we can re-imagine ourselves of a
brighter future wherein we can do better than our previous selves to continue living in this

2. Considering all points that were raised in the podcast interview, what do you think will be
the “new normal” when it comes to global migration including the status of migrant workers
in the post-pandemic world?

To be honest, I always thought that the major reason for Global migration is for financial
reasons and the discovery of opportunities found in developed countries. However, watching
the pods cast made me realized that economic reasons and opportunities were just a few
factors for migration. According to Rivera M., there are four major reasons why people
migrate: Development of origin, Conflict and Politics, inequality, and Labor Market— these
are based on Hein Dihas. In the development of origin, we tried to observe from the
developed countries and learn from them so that we can bring back the knowledge to our
country. In conflicts and politics, people go to other places because their current hometown is
filled with conflicts and political policies which are unbearable to live in. Next is inequality,
the unfair treatment of people regarding his race, status, etc. And lastly, the Labor Market.
The demand for specific jobs which are needed by other countries. The four mentioned will
probably become the new normal for Global migration since, for me, the four-point from
Dihas is typically what causes mitigation to happen. After Covid-19, the number one priority
of workers is to find a WELL PAYING JOB to provide for our families, which I believe will
become the number 1 reason for global mitigation— as of now due to the circumstance. All in
All, mitigation will probably explode after the end of COVID 19 that's why the governments
of other countries should enforce some rules to strengthen their migration policy as a way to
prevent congestion or damages caused by mitigation.

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