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“Future of Religion in the increasingly Globalized society”

As society becomes modern, the need for religion intensified as religion will
become the molding factor to shape the world into becoming a more civil or
peaceful world to occupy. With economic development, people become more
corrupted as money clouded their judgment or mind to think-- differentiating
between good and evil. With that being said, the conscious mind must be
influenced by good morals and spirits to fight against the impurities of human
desire(greed) that can be found in religion. In religion, we can fight against
humanly desire through religious exercise, powerful teachings from our Lord,
its beliefs, and traditions whose ideals are focus on becoming morally virtuous
and God's presence present in our everyday life. It also teaches us how to
become a better version of ourselves. To help others unconditionally,
advocate love and peace to all races, aim for unity in a group and, become
faithful to God's teaching and vision. Thus, I believe religion's presence will
become a part of our life. It will only become massive as we need it more now
to maintain our society.

Furthermore, because of globalization, the speedup of movements and

exchanges all over the planet, religion can now become widespread. Through
globalization, the spread of religion can become faster as technologies
become the new medium for the transferring of information to the masses
quickly and efficiently to the entire world. Also learning the teaching, beliefs,
tradition, etc. becomes easier. Since the information can be one click away,
just type in what you want to learn, and it will appear. In contrast to the
positivity of religion, due to globalization humans with a bad intention can use
it as a way to manipulate people, show complete dominance over people,
start fights and become a bargaining chip for negotiation.

In conclusion, religion essence is deeper each time we become modern as it

will become our guide for a civil or peaceful country. With globalization,
religion can spread out through the world. But with that in mind, people can
use it as a tool to commit evil acts or personal interest.

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