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First Quarter Examination


Directions: Select the letter of the right answer and put it in the space provided before the number.

____1. Which of the following term refers to changing qualities or characteristics of persons or things like age,
gender, intelligence, ideas, achievements and confidence that are involved in the study?
a. Variables c. Manifest
b. Covariate d. Constant
____2. Which type of variable pertains to quantitative in nature and is used in interval or ratio scale of
a. Continous c. Attribute
b. Latent d. Endogenous
____3. Which of the following hypotheses is symbolized by Ho, that is, the absence of relationship between the
independent and dependent variables?
a. Alternative Hypothesis c. Null Hypothesis
b. Directional Hypothesis d. Data-driven Hypothesis
____4. All of the following describes the importance of quantitative research except one. Which is the exception?
a. It lies greatly in the production of results that should reflect precise measurement and an in-depth
analysis of data.
b. It is useful in obtaining an objective understanding of people, things, places and events in this world.
c. It depends on the inflated meanings resulting from the researcher’s bias or personal attachment to
things related to the research.
d. It is used to obtain information about specified personality traits of a group member as regards to
the extent of the relationship of their characteristics and the reason behind the instability of some
people’s characteristics (Muijs 2011; Sharp 2012)

____5. Which type of variable is to be controlled by you as experimenter?

a. Exogenous c. Extraneous
b. Constant d. Dichotomous
____6. Which type of variable refers to characteristics of people: intelligence, creativity, anxiety and learning
a. Endogenous c. Attribute
b. Latent d. Dichotomous
____7. Which of the following is DOES NOT belong to steps in conducting systematic review of related literature?
a. Clarifying the research questions
b. Planning the research based on researcher understands of the research questions
c. Searching for questions to be used in using open-ended questionnaire
d. Searching for literature in the internet or library

____8. Which of the following BEST describes the manner of quantitative research findings?
a. Many prefer to study with textbooks
b. Students find textbooks indispensable or necessary
c. Perhaps, 30% consider textbook unnecessary in their studies
d. Out of 100 college students, 90 find textbooks beneficial to their studies

____9. Between husband and wife or writing and reading, there is a correlative relationship. What is meant by the
word correlative?
a. doubtful c. close
b. mutual d. instant
____10. In writing author’s name, which of the following is the correct style in APA system?
a. Full middle name first, then followed by initials of first and surname
b. Full surname first, followed by full first name, and optional initial of the middle name
c. Full first name, then followed by initials of middle and surname
d. Full surname first, then followed by initials of first and middle name

____11. Which group is correct in any experimental research?

a. experimental and non-experimental group
b. uncontrolled and experimental group
c. experimental and control group
d. control and non-experimental group

___12.Which of the following does NOT belong to research design of non-experimental research?
a. specify the problem or topic of research
b. conduct statistical treatment and experiment
c. decide on the specific type of experimental research; meaning, whether it will be a true experimental or
quasi-experimental research
d. None of the above

___13.What is the kind of quantitative research that treats or deals with the object or subject of the research in a
definite or exact manner and determines the extent of the treatment on the object that discovers
causes and effects?
a. Experimental
b. Quasi-experimental
c. Survey research
d. Non-experimental

___14. Which of the following is NOT classified among the strengths of Survey research?
a. Versatility c. Generality
b. Popularity d. Efficiency

___15. Which of the following does not belong to ethical principles and rules in survey research?
a. Practice honesty and truthfulness in reporting about the results of study.
b. Compromise your promise of safeguarding the secrecy of some information you obtained from the
c. Accept the reality that the nature, kind, and extent of responses to your questions depend solely on the
dispositions of the respondents.
d. Respect whatever decision a person has about your research work for his participation in your study
comes solely from his or her own decision-making powers.

____16. The title of your research study should be written briefly, but it should contain the following EXCEPT:
a. The variables you will study c. The target population
b. The relationship among the variables d. The specific time of the study

____17. The following are functions of a hypothesis EXCEPT:

a. The hypothesis introduces the researcher’s thinking at the start of the study
b. The hypothesis structures the next stages or procedures of the study
c. The hypothesis helps provide the format for the presentations, analysis and interpretation of the data in
the thesis
d. The hypothesis is a tentative answer to the problem

_____18. The following could be a limitation of the research study EXCEPT:

a. time c. method of teaching
b. location of the study d. participants of the study

_____19. Which of the following should you do after you have chosen a topic?
a. Make the topic more specific and definitive c. survey the literature
b. Start defining major terms in the title d. All of the above

_____20. Mrs. Lorenzo is a high school Math teacher. Majority of her students are afraid of her subject. She
believes that it might be one of the reasons why they are failing in Math. She plans to conduct a study on
the “Anxiety Levels, Self-Concept and Math Achievement” of her second year high school students. What
is the most appropriate methods of research to use in this situation?
a. Historical c. Experimental
b. Descriptive d.Participatory

_____21. Which of the following methods makes use of the direct verbal interaction between the researcher and
subjects of the study?
a. observation c. interview
b. questionnaire d.rating scale

_____22. Which of the following types of research methodologies would generate direct benefits to the
beneficiaries by making them the creators and dispensers of knowledge?
a. the experimental research c. the participatory approach
b. the longitudinal and development type d. the case studies method

____23. Selected hospitality girls in Tarcan, Baliwag, Bulacan: status and problems.
a. Experimental research c. Cross-sectional study
b. Case study d. Survey

____24. The steps involved in conducting research directly parallel those of the scientific method. Which of the
following is in order?
I. identification and definition of a problem
II. analysis of data
III. execution of research procedures
IV. drawing of conclusions
V. interpretation of data

a. I, II, IV, III, V c. I, III, V, II, IV

b. I, III, II, V, IV d. III, I, II, V, IV

____25. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of good title?

a. follow the style preference of the target journal
b. avoid abbreviations, formulas and jargon
c. be easy to understand
d. contain words such as “Some notes on…””Observations on…””Investigations on…””Study of…” and
“Effect of…”

______26. Gulane, J. et al. Administrative Proceedings. (Puerto Princesa City: Rex Bookstore, 2016). What is the
referencing style used in this citation?
a. Three Authors (APA Style) c. Three or More Authors (APA Style.
b. Three or More Authors (MLA Style) d. Anonymous Authors
______27. What corrupt practices trigger off one’s resignation?
From the above-mentioned question, which is the dependent variable?
a. corrupt practices c. one’s resignation
b. practices d. resignation

_____28. To what extent does texting decrease student’s grammatical competence?

From the above-mentioned question, which is the independent variable?
a. texting c. student’s grammatical competence
b. grammatical competence d. decrease of texting

_____29 . Garabillo, G. F. (2016). Science textbook writing. Edited by Gina Alano and Chito Fortez. Manila. Abiva
Publishing House.

What is the referencing style used in this citation?

a. Editor, Translator, Compiler (MLA Style) c. Editor, Translator, Compiler with an Author(APA)
b. Thesis and Dissertations d. Editor, Translator, Compiler with an Author (MLA)

_____30. Which of the following is not related in writing a conceptual framework?

a. Familiarize yourself with the objective of the conceptual framework
b. Base on the contents of the conceptual framework on your own understanding of the elements and of
the relationships of the research features
c. See to it that all aspects of the conceptual framework are related to review of related literature
d. Let others read your conceptual framework for comments or feedback for improvement purposes.

Matching Type
Directions: Write the letter of the expression in B that matches the one in A.

___a___31. Involves treatment a. true experimental research
___b__ 32. Secret identity of the subject b. confidentiality
___c_ 33. Social sciences c. where most survey research happen
___d___34. Phone, email, questionnaire d. data-gathering instruments
___e___35. Variable predictors e. hypothesis
___f___36. Data types and analysis f. survey research
j. variables
k. generality
Directions: Write R if the given quantitative research problem is researchable. Write NR if the given quantitative
research problem is non-researchable.

____37. What are the viewer’s thoughts and feelings about the ending of the movies? NR
____38. What percentage of the movie viewers find the ending tragic? R
____39. How many find the movie unrealistic. R
____40. Does the movie reflect Philippine culture? NR
____41.What fractional number represents the extent of the movie’s projection of Filipino culture? R

Directions: Select the letter of the right answer and put it in the space provided before the number.

____42. Peer Mentoring and Academic performance. Which of the following is the correct formulation of null
hypothesis from the given topic?
a. There is an absence of the relationship between peer mentoring and academic performance
b. There is no existing relationship between peer mentoring and academic performance
c. There is no significant relationship between peer mentoring and academic performance
d. There is no bond between peer mentoring and academic performance

_____47. Communicative learning and communicative competence. Which of the following is the correct
formulation of null hypothesis from the given topic?
a. There is a bond between peer mentoring and academic performance
b. There is a significant relationship between peer mentoring and academic performance
c. There is a presence of the relationship between peer mentoring and academic performance
d. There is an existing relationship between peer mentoring and academic performance

48-50. Choose one between the two options.

a. Make a graphical presentation of the step by step process of conducting quantitative research.

b. Make a short reflection about quantitative research in five sentences (start with a phrase: I realized that...)

Note: You may write your answers at the spaces on the back of your answer sheet.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Therefore, excellence is not an act, but a habit”-Aristotle

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