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Erbil polytechnical university

Erbil polytechnic
engineering college

Experimental name: short and long wave radiation

Experimental number: 1

Name: Nabaz Muhammad

Group: {B}

Short and long wave radiation

Shortwave radiation (visible light) contains a lot of energy; longwave
radiation (infrared light) contains less energy than shortwave radiation
(shortwave radiation has a shorter wavelength than longwave radation). ...
Once in the Earth's atmosphere, clouds and the surface absorb the solar
energy.The ground heats up and re-emits energy as longwave radiation in
the form of infrared rays. Earth emits longwave radiation because Earth is
cooler than the sun and has less energy available to give off.
Outgoing Long-wave Radiation is electromagnetic radiation of
wavelengths between 3.0 and 100 µm emitted from Earth and its
atmosphere out to space in the form of thermal radiation. it is also referred
to as up-welling long-wave radiation and terrestrial long-wave flux, among
How does this relate to public health?
Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun (shortwave radiation) is said
to cause 65% to 90% of melanoma of the skin, which accounts for three-
fourths of all skin cancer deaths.1,2 Additionally, the sun’s UV rays can also
cause cataracts and other damage to the eye.3 On the other hand,
exposure to UV rays impacts vitamin D circulation, which is said to be a
protective factor against colon and rectum cancer.4

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