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\ \ Ensuring Safety DES disinfects its facilities ig Ready for the first day School Year 2020- 1, Daniw Elementary School assures at they maintain necessary protocols to keep the school clean and safe even from the threats of Covid-19- Early morning on October 5, anticipating parents to Daniwenyo Fi - pick-up the Leamer’ Packet for the class apening and | for the Flag Ceremony, Mr. Rolando Articona, DES Utility Worker, disinfects the school premise by | spraying water and bleach solution to kill possible bacteria and virus that may harm everyone. Such preparation is to keep everyone safe amid the Health Crisis threatening around the globe especially during this parents in guiding their children tance Learning, the School launches ctober 5. ‘lass opening, Daniw ES launches its ‘through Face-to-Face and Through this help desk, parents may raise their and or inquiries regarding the Leaming using their mobile phones thra text and call Online Messaging App like facebook or if not le, parents may go to school and ask the teachers ‘the teachersif they find things in the self- learning modules which are difficult to understand.” said Mrs. Frene needed Mr: Roland Arficona ensuring the cleanness ‘of Daniw ES premise. Stillin MGCQ, DES follows Protocols 8 afety protocol as one of Daniw ES priority on the class opening, Oct. 5 Ready with the class opening. but safety is still a priority of Daniw Elementary School on its opening program held on October 5, 2020, Monday. As a protocol, everyone who enters the school premise is subject for Thermal Check and is required to log in, on the Record Book intended to visitors with the temperature and contact number. “We have to strictly follow the heatth protocols to avoid some health risks Another protocol of Daniw is required masks and This are all with the The Inter- Force or released to the laws Or Modified Quarantine. Alcohol to Observed. Elementary Schoor wearing of face- face shields in accordance protocols that Agency Task IATF has in regards under the MGCQ| (General Community Regular use of Required Temperature check before} entering DaniwES premise. 2) PR = =— |

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