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Student Instructions for Examinations, Lahore Campus.

Latest Update: 10-Feb-16 SU+ supersedes all previous updates

The following guidelines have been approved by the Director, and are effective from the
date they were last updated; they supersede all previous updates of these guidelines.
1. Reporting Time: Students are expected to report in the Examination Hall at least 15 minutes
before the start of the exam. Those coming late by more than 15 minutes after the starting
time shall not be allowed to sit in the exam. All students are supposed to remain silent after
entering in the exam hall. Seating plan will be displayed on the notice boards half an hour before
the time of the exam. Lists will also be included in the invigilator’s package. Everyone must be
seated accordingly.

2. Exit Time: No student shall be allowed to leave the Examination Hall until half-an-hour after the
start of the exam. No student will be allowed to leave the Exam Hall during the last 15
minutes of the exam.
3. Question paper: Students should immediately write their name and roll number on the
question paper, and unless the instructor requires answers to be written on the question
paper itself, NOTHING ELSE should be written on the question paper. Students are
generally not allowed to take the question paper out of the Exam Hall.

4. Correct Exams: Carefully check that you have received correct question paper of your
department and section. In case of any variation, immediately contact invigilator and get
correct exam.

5. Medical Emergency: Students undergoing special medical circumstances must inform Manager
Academics before-hand by filling in the relevant form declaring their medical condition. In case
of medical emergency during the exam, please immediately intimate the invigilator and get
his/her permission before leaving the exam hall. The retake in this situation will be allowed only
if the candidate satisfies the departmental committee on the basis of the duly certified evidence
that such a retake was warranted.

6. Photo ID: A photo ID must be presented to the invigilator when asked. National Identification
Card or NIC, Passport, etc. are also admissible in addition to the University ID card or Admit

7. Barred Students: Even if there is an error in the seating plan, students who have been duly
notified as barred from taking exams because of any reason (shortage of attendance, fee etc.) are
NOT allowed to take the exam unless approval is granted in writing from the appropriate
authority through Exam Cell.

8. Students are not allowed to possess cell phone/ smart watch/ programmable calculator
during the exam even it is off mode. All cell phones/ smart watches etc. must be placed in
their bags or bags of friends. The exam of violators shall be cancelled and cell phone will be
forfeited. Please note that the university will award Grade F in all registered courses in
case any cheating is found using above devises. Such phones or gadgets will be forfeited and
will be auctioned.

9. Use of Unfair Means: Do not bring any material/device (e.g. smart watches, programmatic
calculators, cells etc.) that may be helpful directly or indirectly during the exam. Looking /

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Student Instructions for Examinations, Lahore Campus.
peeking around / exchange of any item during the exam is strictly prohibited. Students found
using unfair means of any kind shall be liable to the award of “F” grade in all courses registered.
Any Misbehavior with the invigilating staff shall be forwarded to the Disciplinary Committee for
strict action. Washrooms will be monitored before and after student entry by the cleaning staff
and any material found will be attributed to the leaving student.

10. Exam Clashes:

(a) Those students who find two exams at the same time may report to the Exam Cell and obtain
standard forms. The completed form must be returned in the same office half an hour before start
of the exam. Carefully read the instructions written on the form and follow them to avoid
cancellation of exam.
(b) Those students who find more than two exams on a single day may claim equivalent
weight-age for any ONE of the exams of their choice based on the marks of the final exam.
An application should be submitted prior to the exam day using the "weight-age transfer
form". However, weight-age related to Mid - I and Mid-II for the same subject is not
allowed for any reason. This applies to Mid-I and Mid-II only.

11. Answer all the questions in black or blue ink. Answers written using lead pencil shall not be
checked. Students must mention their correct section on objective and subjective answer

12. Due to COVID 19, Students are required to bring their own drinking water in disposal bottles
with bottle wrapper removed.

13. Only one student per exam room shall be allowed to go to the wash room at one time. Others
shall have to wait for their turn. All students should intimate the staff deputed in corridor before
proceeding toward washrooms.

14. Students are required to get their continuation sheets stapled immediately after receipt. Make sure
that the continuation sheets have been signed and dated by the invigilator.

15. Students are required to stop writing and remain seated after the announcement of “stop writing”
till papers have been collected from all students.

16. After the Exam is over, any complaint against the Invigilating Staff can be forwarded to the Head
Exam Committee for redress through proper channel.

17. Students are not allowed to ask any questions from the invigilator regarding the paper. If in
doubt, they should make and list assumptions and carry on. However, Errors and omissions can
be officially corrected through an announcement even after issuance of transcripts.

18. May ALLAH help you in your exams.

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