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Transforming dirty water into clean water

Science report

AIM: (What do you want to achieve or find out in this experiment?)

HYPOTHESIS: (Think about the aim of this experiment and what you might already know
about this topic. Now make a prediction about the outcome of the experiment and give
reasons why you think this is going to happen?)
MATERIALS: (List all of the materials you used in the experiment).

METHOD: (Write down the steps you took to perform the experiment so that someone else
could recreate your experiment easily)
RESULTS: (Use a table to record your results from this data).
DISCUSSION: (Paragraph 1: Analyse the results. Paragraph 2: Discuss the accuracy of
your experiment. Paragraph 3: Suggest possible improvements to your experiment. Write
each point in paragraph format)
CONCLUSION: (Do the results support your hypothesis? This should be one paragraph)

 REFERENCES: (Did you refer to any other work to help you draw conclusions or discuss
your results?

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