ILK-PEC7-P-FINAL1 Worksheet

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The School of the Archdiocese of Capiz Roxas City

College of Education





To determine your understanding about the module, do the following:
1. Explain in your own words and understanding the purposes of curriculum
- For me, the purpose of curriculum is to evaluate how curriculum works on, so
that they evaluate themselves to improve what to improve or manage what to

2. What is the difference between evaluation and assessment?

- Assessment is the systematic process of documenting and using empirical data
to measure knowledge, skills, attitudes and beliefs then evaluation focuses on
grades and might reflect classroom components other than course content and
mastery level.
3. Give several instruments that can be used in gathering data as bases to curriculum
- Test Results
- Anecdotal records
- Checklist
- Interview guides
- Observation guides
- Personality Inventories
- Rating scales
- IQ Test
- Interest inventories

Individual Check/Sheet
Direction; Answer the following questions.
1. From among the definitions of the different educators, which definition is
appropriate in our present educational system? Why?
- From among the definitions of the different educators, the definition
appropriate in our present educational system the curriculum evaluation the
also need concerned about finding out whether the curriculum is relevant and
responsive to the needs of society.

2. Do you think curriculum evaluation is important?

- I think curriculum is important because it helps to organized and evaluate the
needs of educational system in a good way so you can customize your own

3. How often do schools evaluate their curriculum?

- I think every after school days or school semester to evaluate where the needs
need to complete the task of evaluator.

Reflect on and answer the following:
1. What other data can be gathered in the classroom and school level?
- In the classroom and school level the other data can be gathered is how the
students take the curriculum that they have, they can evaluate every students
to what the needs of the curriculum evaluation.
2. How do these data provide the necessary information for evaluating a curriculum?
- These data provide the necessary information for evaluating a curriculum by
providing and gathered some data to helps the curriculum evaluates itself .

3. Do you consider accreditation as a form of curriculum evaluation? Why?

- Yes, I consider accreditation as a form of curriculum evaluation because it can
evaluate how the curriculum works in that course/school, in that way of
evaluation they can provide more evaluation to do to pass that accreditation.
The School of the Archdiocese of Capiz
Roxas City

College of Education





Give your insights/ideas to the following questions.
1. There are several instruments used to gather data for the evaluation of the
curriculum at the school or school system level. Give a short description for each
- Opinion poll, a method for collecting information about the views or beliefs of a
given group. Information from an opinion poll can shed light on and potentially
allow inferences to be drawn about certain attributes of a larger population.
- Survey A survey is a research method used for collecting data from a predefined
group of respondents to gain information and insights into various topics of
interest. They can have multiple purposes, and researchers can conduct it in
many ways depending on the methodology chosen and the study’s goal.
- A focus group discussion involves gathering people from similar backgrounds or
experiences together to discuss a specific topic of interest. It is a form of
qualitative research where questions are asked about their perceptions
attitudes, beliefs, opinion or ideas.
- Follow-up Studies ( Graduate Tracer Studies ) A tracer study or graduate survey
is a survey (in written or oral form) of graduates from education institutions,
which takes place some time after graduation or the end of the training. The
subjects of a tracer study can be manifold, but common topics include questions
on study progress, the transition to work, work entrance, job career, use of
learned competencies, current occupation and bonds to the education
institution (school, centre, university).
- Results of district or national tests is externally devised assessments in the core
subjects of English, mathematics and science that school students in England
and Wales sit at the end of Key Stages 1 to 3 Often referred to as: SATs.
2. Make a matrix to compare the differences of curriculum evaluation models.
Models of Curriculum Evaluation Definition
A. Provus’ Discrepancy Evaluation It is used in situations where there
Model is an understanding that a program
does not exist in a vacuum, but
instead within a complex
organizational structure. The model
assumes that the aim is not to
prove cause-and-effect
relationships but to understand the
evidence well enough to make
reasonable assumptions about
cause and effect.
B. Model of Curriculum It helps to provide a conceptual
Evaluation framework for designing a
particular evaluation depending on
the specific purpose of the
C. Stufflebeam’s CIPP Model The authors believe that the model
can be effectively applied for
school evaluation. Context refers to
the background, History, goals and
objectives of the school. Inputs
refer to material and human
resources needed for effective
functioning of the school. Process
refers to implementation of
different school practices. Product
refers to the
quality of students learning and its
usefulness for the individual and
for society. The paper focuses on
some practical aspects which can
be considered while evaluating
schools with respect to elements of
CIPP model.
D. Stake’s Congruency- Stake’s model of curriculum
Contingency Evaluation Model evaluation is more than just an
evaluation process. Stake’s model
also looks at the development of
the curriculum. When using this
model, it is necessary to compare
the developed curriculum with
what actually happens in the
E. Eisner’s Educational the qualitative method uses a
Connnoisseurship Model naturalistic approach to
understand phenomena in context
specific settings, such as the real
world setting where the evaluator
does not attempt to manipulate
the phenomenon of interest.

Individual Check/Sheet
Answer the following :
1. Is research activity is also a good instrument for evaluation of the curriculum?
Support your answer.
- Yes, research activity is also good instrument for evaluation of the curriculum
due to the advance learning of gathering data, by their own way they gain more
knowledge and ideas that improves their strategies to think more by doing

2. How can we involve the following stakeholders in curriculum evaluation?

- We can involve the following stakeholders in curriculum evaluation in fact
curriculum development requires the input of different stakeholders such as
teachers, school heads, parents, community members, students, district
administrators and school boards. The role of the teachers involves defining
different course components that are believed relevant, based on the latest
technological development in the training sector. Their role in curriculum
implementation can't be underestimated since they are the people that monitor
the implementation of the curriculum.

Research for other curriculum evaluation models aside from the models you have read and learned.


The School of the Archdiocese of Capiz
Roxas City

College of Education





1. Make an organizer, graph or any illustrations that will show the necessary
requirements for teachers and administrators to implement a standard-based

Teachers continuously contribute to the introduction of

school curriculums by developing periodic course teaching
plans and giving consideration to the special needs of the
Teacher The role of the teachers involves defining different course
components that are believed relevant, based on the latest
technological development in the training sector.

Their role in curriculum implementation can't be

underestimated since they are the people that monitor the
implementation of the curriculum.
The school administrators gets information from teachers,
Administartor students and even the city regarding the success of the
curriculum implementation process. In addition, they can
also employ the services of professional to judge the
performance of the curriculum.

2. Make a list of indigenous knowledge can be integrated in the curriculum?

3. Can a teacher develop an ideal curriculum and learning environment that support
the principles of brain-based education? How?

- Yes, teacher can develop an ideal curriculum and learning environment that
support the principles of brain-based education in fact Ideal curriculum is
actually easier than learning environment. Environment changes from year to
year based on the changing students. Good curriculum works, however,
regardless of the students. Focus on your passion. Then include interesting and
varied activities including reading, writing and videos, etc. Eliminate what
doesn’t work and find new ideas to try until you see the spark in the students.
Individual Check/Sheet:

Give your insights to the following questions:

1. How can curriculum standards influence assessment of learning?
- Curriculum standards influence assessment of learning in fact standards
encourage standardized assessment. Educators with connections to the
curriculum standard committees generate a lot of material that set out a
reference. The point behind curriculum standards is to minimize chances of a
left-behind school.

2. What are the possible benefits of a multicultural curriculum?

- The possible benefits of a multicultural curriculum are main purpose of
implementing it in classrooms is to enable educators to adjust or join exercises
to highlight diversity and social variety. In this article, we will discuss various
disadvantages and advantages of the education method.


Do a research work on the examples of indigenous curriculum implemented in the Philippines as

well as examples of brain-compatible curriculum.


The School of the Archdiocese of Capiz
Roxas City
College of Education





NAME OF THE UNIT/TOPIC: Curriculum Innovation

Make a summary using a matrix that show the different curriculum innovations that respond to
the demand of time.

Answer the question.

What curricular innovation has been implemented in the Philippine educational system?
Give your description about this innovation and why?
- Change is inevitable. Yet there are universal constants. Not all change is good.
There are changes that happen beyond our influence or control. And there are
changes that we ourselves bring to realization. When we innovate, we look for
improvement. This type of change for the most part involves a process, but it
cannot be divorced from the outcome. In fact, this type of willful change is only
good if it is for the better.

Individual Check/Sheet:
Give your insights about this issue:
When K to 12 was launched in 2012, many Filipinos were apprehensive because of the
addition of two (2) more years in secondary schooling. Some said, the additional two years are
added burden for the average Filipino family. Others said, the K- 12 program is doomed to fail
since it does not address the basic problem in education like lack of classrooms, chairs, books,
teachers, quality teaching and many more. Amidst criticism, the Department of Education
pushed for the K –to 12 implementation. What could be the reas0ns?
- For me I think, The new DepEd K+12 curriculum in the Philippines could easily
high scores on innovation. After all, the changes brought by the new curriculum
are certainly dramatic and numerous. The changes would cost more than a
hundred billion pesos. Yet, the changes are much more likely not to benefit
basic education in the Philippines at all. Simply because reforms or changes are
being introduced to a basic education system does not automatically mean
improvement in quality. The world has enough evidence that this is not the
Research on the following:
1. DepEd Memo 13 s 2013
2. Learning Areas Comprising the Core Curriculum (Grade – to 10)
3. Tracks in Senior High School; Academic Track – 4 Strands
4. Core Subjects to be taken regardless of track; contextual subjects; 7 applied
5. Specialization subjects: ABM;STEM;HUMSS: General Education; Sports
6. Specialized courses in the Academic Tracks; Arts and Design Tracks; and
Sports Track.

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