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Stages involved in Risk-Based-Testing

To put the RBT process into perspective, testing can be divided into the following eight

1. Define Test Completion Criteria. The test effort has specific, quantitative and qualitative
goals. Testing is completed only when the goals have been reached (e.g., testing is complete
when all functional variations, fully sensitized for the detection of defects, and 100% of all
statements and branch vectors have executed successfully in a single run or set of runs
with no code changes in between).

2. Design Test Cases. Logical test cases are defined by five characteristics: the initial state of
the system prior to executing the test, the data in the database, the inputs, the expected
outputs, and the final system state.

3. Build Test Cases. There are two parts needed to build test cases from logical test cases:
creating the necessary data, and building the components to support testing (e.g., build the
navigation to get to the portion of the program being tested).

4. Execute Tests. Execute the test-case steps against the system being tested and document
the results.

5. Verify Test Results. Verify that the test results are as expected.

6. Verify Test Coverage. Track the amount of functional coverage and code coverage
achieved by the successful execution of the set of tests.

7. Manage and Track Defects. Any defects detected during the testing process are tracked to
resolution. Statistics are maintained concerning the overall defect trends and status.

8. Manage the Test Library. The test manager maintains the relationships between the test
cases and the programs being tested. The test manager keeps track of what tests have or
have not been executed, and whether the executed tests have passed or failed. (2020,
Type of Risks

Risk simply categorized into following types:

1. Budget Risk - wrong budget estimation and project scope expansion

2. Operational Risks - Risks of loss due to improper process implementation failed
system or some external events risks. No proper subject training, Insufficient resources,
Failure to address priority conflicts, Failure to resolve the responsibilities, No resource
planning, No communication in team.

3. Schedule Risk - Project schedules get slip when project tasks and schedule release risks are
not addressed properly. Schedule risks mainly affect the project and finally on the company
economy and may lead to project failure.

Schedules may slip due to following reasons:

- Wrong time estimation

- Resources are not tracked properly. All resources like staff, systems, skills of
individuals etc.
- Unexpected project scope expansions.
- Failure to identify complex functionalities and time required to develop those

4. Technical risks - Technical risks generally lead to failure of functionality and performance

Causes of technical risks are:

● Continuous changing requirements

● No advanced technology available or the existing technology is in initial stages.
● Product is complex to implement.
● Difficult project modules integration.

5. Programmatic Risks - These are the external risks beyond the operational limits.
These are all uncertain risks that are outside the control of the program. These external
events can be:
● Running out of funds.
● Market development
● Changing customer product strategy and priority
● Government rule changes.

Risk-based testing varies from organization to organization, but it must be a part of

the Test Planning phase and should be regularly revised during testing.There should be
proper process setup for the risk-based testing in order to proper mitigation. (Risk Based
Testing(RBT)-Manage Risk During Software Testing., 2020)

● 2020. [online] Available at: <

Requirements%20Based%20Testing%20Process%20Overview.pdf> [Accessed 13
September 2020].
● 2020. Risk Based Testing(RBT)-Manage Risk During Software Testing..
[online] Available at: <
manage-during-software-testing-amol-chavan/> [Accessed 13 September 2020].

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