Midterm Exam

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ME 314A 2:30PM – 6:01PM Midterm Exam > Nov 6, 2020

Answer this test in 180 minutes then turn it in at google classroom.
I. Answer the following: (10pts)

1. In writing a formula thru spreadsheet, what should you write first? Equal symbol
2. Cell Reference is an alphanumeric value used to identify a specific cell in a spreadsheet.
3. Cell Range is a collection of cells or cells group altogether.
4. Workbook is a file that contains one or more worksheets to help you organize data.
5. Proofing settings It allows setting options such as the dictionary language that should be
used when checking for wrong spellings, suggestions from the dictionary, etc.
6. Spreadsheet is a collection of cells organized in rows and columns.
7. Logical Function. It is a feature that allows us to introduce decision-making when
executing formulas and functions
8. By default, how many sheet tabs that will open. Three
9. What is the length limit of a worksheet name? 31 characters
10. How many rows does a worksheet have? 1, 048, 576

II. Enumerate the following:

1. Name the important excel functions that is very useful nowadays. (5 pts )
 MIN function
 VLOOKUP function
 MAX function
 AVERAGE function
 DATE function
 SUM function
 COUNT function
 DAYS function

2. Name the five types of charts. Explain when to use it. (10pts)
 Pie chart - When you want to quantify items and show them as percentages.
 Bar chart - When you want to compare values across a few categories. The values
run horizontally
 Column chart - When you want to compare values across a few categories. The
values run vertically
 Line chart - When you want to visualize trends over a period of time i.e. months,
days, years, etc.
 Combo chart - When you want to highlight different types of information
III. Name the best practices when working with Microsoft Excel.( 5pts)

 Save workbooks with backward compatibility in mind.

 Use description names for columns and worksheets in a workbook
 Avoid working with complex formulas with many variables. Try to break them
down into small managed results that you can use to build on
 Use built-in functions whenever you can instead of writing your own

IV. Make a table of the following instructions below: (20pts) (send it as excel file)
a. Name 5 appliances you have
b. Rank them according to wattage in ascending order.
c. Multiply it by the number of hours being used in a day.
d. Power consumption cost you 6.60pesos per hour which means 6.60pesos=kwh
e. Write the IF Function formula in your last column dispaying “Yes” if it cost you
more than P50 pesos a month and “No” if doesn’t. (Do not convert to PDF file)

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