Seminar Report Self-Evaluation Checklist (Written Report) 2

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Seminar Report Self-evaluation Checklist (Written Report)

Part 1: Basic information of the seminar

I have included
       the seminar title/ topic
       the date, time, and duration
       the venue
       the speaker of the seminar

Part 2: Summary of the seminar

       The summary condenses and synthesizes all key ideas of the whole seminar in a concise way.
       I have checked that no key points are missing, lacking or inadequate.
       I have checked that details or examples are NOT included, unless necessary.
       The summary reports the speaker’s point of view in an impartial manner.
       I do not alter the speaker’s meaning or provide interpretation/analysis within the summary.
       I do not copy the exact wording from the original source but restate and paraphrase in my own words.

Part 3: Lesson learnt/ Reflection

       I contextualize my reflection: The experiences, ideas and observations I have had, and how they relate
to my studies
       My perception upon speaker’s ideas, NOT simply something factual like course notes
       Whether the content reinforces my existing ideas and helps me better understand the topic
       Any alternative interpretations or different perspectives which challenge my existing ideas and
       What I found confusing, inspiring, difficult, interesting and why
       Whether my experience fulfills the goals of the seminar, why or why not?
       Whether the seminar content helps me evaluate my own knowledge or skills within the professional

       Clear key idea/focus for each paragraph 
       Clear topic sentence at or near the start of each paragraph 
       The quotes, when used, are meaningful/relevant   
       Coherent, well organized and sequenced ideas
       Clear progression showing logic

      Length of the seminar report: not more than 2 pages/ within recommended word limit
      I have used a grammar/spell-check tool, such as Grammarly and/or MSWord text check/autocorrect. 
      I have read through my essay out loud, to ensure that I haven’t missed any errors but skimming through
      I have checked that sentences are neither incomplete nor too long/confusing.  
      I have used a thesaurus/dictionary to avoid repetition and to ensure that all words are correctly used.  
      I ensure that the ideas expressed without errors impeding communication.
      I have checked that the punctuations are correct.
      The formality and tone are appropriate.
      I have used a concise and precise writing style.
Communicative function 
      Easy to read and understand - providing coherent, well organized and sequenced ideas
      Appropriate in addressing technical/ non-technical audience 
      Appropriate content for attaining the intended outcome of text 
      The communicative task and function accomplished on the whole 

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