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Exercise No. 1 - Introduction to ArcMap

1. Open ArcMap.
2. Open a new blank map.
3. Add "District" and "Roads" shapefile(.shp) from your working directory.
4. Switch on and switch off each of these shapefiles from the "Table of Contents".
5. Drag and drop each of these layers changing the order of the layers.
6. Open the "Tools" toolbar and see the function of each tool. (zoom in/out, pan, zoom to full extent, etc.)
7. Go to "Bookmark" menu and create a bookmark of Trincomalee and Puttalam regions.
8. Try managing bookmarks.
9. Open the "Attribute Table" of "District" layer.
10. Use the "Select Features" tool and click on "Kurunegala" district. Look at the attribute table.
11. Select a record on the attribute table. Look at the map.
12. Select "Identify" tool and click on a feature on the map.
13. Use "Find" tool and find "Kilinochchi" District.
14. Create "Viewer" windows using "Create Viewer" tool.
15. Measure the aerial distance between two points using "Measure" tool.

Exercise 02 - Creating a New Map Document

1. Create a new Map Document.
2. Add data. (District, Major Towns, Roads)
3. Try removing data.
4. Set Map Units.
5. Save Map Document.
6. Change the fill colours of the layers.
7. Symbolize the "District" and "Roads" shape files using "Unique Values".
8. Symbolize the "District" layer using "Graduated Colours", "Graduated Symbols", "Proportional Symbols"
and "Dot Density".
9. Try "Normalization".
10. Symbolize using "Pie" and "Bar" charts.
11. Create labels for "Districts" and "Major Towns".
12. Add "Streams.shp" and label the streams. Try placement properties.
13. Goto "Layout View"
14. Set page size to A3 in "Page and Print Setup".
15. Add "North Arrow", "Scale Text", "Scale Bar", "Fixed Scale Text", "Legend", "Map Title", "Picture",
16. See the "Print Preview".
17. Export map in different formats (.pdf, .jpeg, .tiff, etc.)
18. See the differences in each format.
19. Add a new "Data Frame".
20. Change the "Page Setup".
21. Re arrange the "Data Frames".
22. Activate the new Data Frame.
23. Add Data (World.shp)
24. Show the location of Sri Lanka in the new Data Frame.
25. Add a circle.
26. Preview the final map and export it.

Exercise 01 - Basic Functions
1. Open Attribute Table of "District.shp".
2. Open "Statistics" of fields "Pop1981" and "Pop2001".
3. Use "Select by Attributes" find features using various queries. (Districts with population more than
1,000,000 in 2001, etc.).
4. Use combined statements in queries. (Nothern Province and with population in 2001>150,000).
5. Create a graph using "Pop2001".
6. Add a Graph Title.
7. Try different Graph Types with different fields.
8. Add the graph to the layout.
9. Add "New Series" for the field "Pop1981". Add legend to the graph.
10. Try selecting some districts in the attribute table and showing only those data on the graph.
11. Make a layout with the Map and Graph.

Exercise 02 - Calculations
1. Add a "New Field" to the Attribute Table of the "District" layer. Name the New Field as "PopDen2001"
and select the data type as "Float".
2. Go to the "Field Calculator" of the new field.
3. Create the statement that has to be fulfilled by the field. ([Pop2001]/[Area]).
4. Create a new field for the population densities in 1981, 1963 and 1971.
5. Add a new field and calculate the increase in population between 1963 and 2001.
6. Add another field and calculate the percentage increase in population between 1963 and 2001.
7. Create a layout using these newly calculated data. (Use graduated colours).

Exercise 03 - Geometric Calculations

1. Create a new map document and add "Roads", "Towns and Villages" and "DSD" shapefiles.
2. Add a new field named "Area" to the DSD attribute table. (Type=Double)
3. Using "Calculate Geometry" calculate the area of each DS Division.
4. Likewise add a field named "Perimeter" and calculate the perimeter of each DS Division. Try different
data types.
5. Add a field named "Length" to the Road attribute table and calculate the lengths.
6. Add fields named "X" and "Y" and calculate the X and Y coordinates of the Towns and Villages attribute

Exercise 04 - Join and Relate Tables

Join Tables
1. Add "District.shp" and "Schools.dbf" into a new map document.
2. Right click and open the "Schools.dbf" table and note the common field.
3. Join the table.
4. Look at the attribute table of the District layer.
5. Try "Removing Joins" and look at the attribute table of the District layer.
Relate Tables
1. Add the "DSD_RELI.dbf"
2. Note the "One to Many" relationship between the common fields.
3. Relate the tables.
4. Open the Related Table.

Exercise 05 - Hyperlinks
1. Add "District.shp" in a new map document.
2. Add a new field named "Hyperlink" with type as "Text" and "Length=70"
3. Select "Kandy" district and go to "Field Calculator".
4. Copy and paste the document path with the file name and its extension. Add quotation marks (" ").
5. Go to the "Properties" of the District layer and tick "Support Hyperlinks using field" and give the
hyperlink field.
6. Using the "Hyperlink" tool click on Kandy district.
7. Add hyperlinks to other given districts as well.
8. Multiple hyperlinks can be added using many hyperlink fields (Hyperlink1, Hyperlink2....). But in this case
"Identify" tool has to be used instead of "Hyperlink" tool to view the hyperlinks.
9. Web hyperlinks can also be added.


Exercise 01 - Digitizing
1. Create a new map document and add "Mahiyanganaya.tiff".
2. Open ArcCatalog.
3. Create a new shapefile in your working directory. (Name=Schools, Feature Type=Point)
4. Edit the spatial reference.
5. Create a new Projected Coordinate System.
 Name = SLGrid
 Projection = Transverse Mercator
 False Easting = 200 000
 False Northing = 200 000
 Central Meridian = 80.7717111111111
 Scale Factor = 0.9999238418
 Latitude of Origin = 7.00048027777778
 Linear Unit = Meter
 Geographic Coordinate System = Kandawala.prj
6. Click OK.
7. Add the created shapefile to ArcMap
8. Load the "Editor" toolbar.
9. Click "Start Editing".
10. Using the "Sketch" tool in the "Editor" toolbar, create points of schools.
11. Use "Pan" tool to find other schools.
12. Add a new field named "Name" to the attribute table of Schools layer.
13. While digitizing add the name of the school to the "Name" field.
14. Select "Save Edits" and then "Stop Editing".
15. Create another shapefile named "Tanks" with feature type as "Polygon".
16. Import the spatial reference from the Schools.shp file just created.
17. Add "Tanks.shp" to ArcMap and start digitizing Tanks. If a point goes wrong click "Undo".
18. Add a new field named "Name" to the attribute table of Tanks layer and add the names of tanks while
19. Use "Merge" tool to join two polygons of the same tank.
20. Try using "Modify Features" and click on a vertex to modify.
21. Use "Auto Complete Polygon" tool.
22. Create another shapefile for Roads. Feature type = Polyline. Import Spatial Reference and digitize as
schools and tanks.
23. Try using "Merge" tool to join two road segments.

24. Add a field "Type" and give values as follows.
 Highway =1
 Major Road =2
 Footpath = 3
25. Create another shapefile named "Landuse" and digitize lands. Give designated values for different
landuse categories in a new field in the attribute table.
26. Use "Clip" tool to differentiate "Island Polygons" from the surrounding.
27. Create a layout. Add labels to Schools and Tanks. Symbolize Roads using road type and Landuse using
landuse category.

Exercise 02 - Digitizing Rounded Features

1. Digitize the grounds in the "IndependenceSquare.tif" file.
2. Use Clip tool.
3. Digitize centerline of roads. Add parallel lines to the centerline using "Copy Parallel" tool.
4. Digitize buildings.
5. Digitize swimming pools.

Exercise 03 - Georeferencing by adding X,Y

1. Create a new map document and add "Peradeniya.img".
2. Open the "Georeferencing" toolbar.
3. Click "Add Control Points" on the Georeferencing Toolbar.
4. Zoom in well and left click on the given point on the satellite image. Right Click and select "Input X and
Y" and give the given X and Y values.
5. If a wrong point is selected right click and select "Cancel Point" or go to the "Link Table" and delete the
respective point.
6. Add the coordinates of at least 4 points well distributed in the image.
7. Select the "Full Extent" tool if the image is vanished.
8. Open the link table and look at the "Total RMS Error".
9. Rectify the georeferenced image.
10. Add "Kandy.shp" and see whether it is correctly georeferenced.

 Similarly georeference the Colombo.jpg image using the coordinates given.

Exercise 04 - Georeferencing with an Existing Map

1. Add "Kelaniya.tiff" and "660324.dwg" files to ArcMap.
2. Using "Add Control Point" click on a point on the TIFF image and find its corresponding point on the
DWG image and click on it. Now one point is added.
3. Similarly add another 3 more points.
4. Open the Link Table and see the Total RMS Error.



Exercise 01 - Select by Location
1. Create a new map document and add "Towns", "Roads" and "District" shapefiles.
2. Select "Anuradhapura" district. Goto "Selection" menu and click on "Select by Location".
3. In the window that opens, select features from "Towns and Villages" layer that intersect with the selected
feature on the district layer.

4. Then try to select features from "Towns and Villages" layer that are within a distance of 5000 meters from
the Main Roads.
5. Select the features from "Towns and Villages" layer that are within a distance of 10 000 meters from
Kilinochchi town.

Exercise 02 - Residential Suitability Analysis

1. Open a new ArcMap document and add "Towns", "Roads" and "District" shapefiles.
2. Select "Anuradhapura" district and export it as a new shapefile. (Right click on District layer -> Data ->
Export Data).
3. Similarly export "Polonnaruwa" district as a separate shapefile.
4. Goto "ArcToolbox" and find "Merge" in "Data Management Tools". Then merge Anuradhapura and
Polonnaruwa districts. Give the name of the output shapefile as "StudyArea".
5. Give unique colours to the two districts using symbology.
6. Goto "ArcToolBox" and find "Clip" in "Extract" which is located with "Analysis Tools". Clip "Towns and
Villages" in the "StudyArea". Name the output shapefile as "StudyTowns".
7. Similary clip "Roads" in the "StudyArea". Name the output shapefile as "StudyRoads".
8. Remove all other layers except "Study Area", "StudyTowns" and "StudyRoads".
9. Create a "Single Buffer" with a distance of 3000 meters around the "StudyTowns". ( ArcToolBox ->
Analysis Tools -> Proximity -> Buffer). Use "Dissolve Type=None".
10. Similarly create a single buffer around "StudyTowns" using "Dissolve Type=All".
11. Then create a "Multiple Ring Buffer" for "StudyTowns" with "Dissolve Type=None" and for "StudyRoads
with "Dissolve Type=All" with distances of 1000, 2000 and 3000 meters.
12. Note the "Buffer Distances" in the attribute tables of multiple ring buffer layers.
13. Goto "Overlay" in the "Analysis Tools" of the ArcToolBox and select "Union". Give the two multiple ring
buffers as the input features and click OK.
14. Goto "Overlay" in the "Analysis Tools" of the ArcToolBox and select "Intersect". Give the two multiple ring
buffers as the input features and click OK.
15. Create a new field in the attribute table of the "Intersected Layer" and get the sum of the two distance
fields using field calculator.
16. Assign colours based on the suitability level. (Graduated colours).
17. Create a layout. Add legend, north arrow, scale, title and grid.

Exercise 03 - Dengue Analysis

1. Create a new ArcMap Document.
2. Add "BreedingLocations.shp" and create a multiple ring buffer at distances of 200, 400 and 600 meters.
3. Add "P_Locations.dbf". Right click on it and select "Display X Y Data". Select suitable fields in the window
that opens.
4. Create a multiple ring buffer for the "patients locations" at distances of 200, 400 and 600 meters.
5. Add "Landuse" shapefile and export "Slums and Shanties" to a separate shapefile. (Select by Attributes ->
Slums and Shanties ->Right Click on Landuse layer -> Data -> Export Data ..............)
6. Create a 300 meter buffer around "Slums and Shanties".
7. Assign weights for the distances of the attribute tables in each buffer or multiple ring buffer as W1, W2,
W3 and W4.
8. Then Union all the four buffers.
9. Create a new field in the Union layer as "Sum". Using field calculator add W1,W2,W3 and W4 as the Sum.
10. Clip the Union Layer with Landuse Layer.
11. Assign graduated colours depending on the "Sum".
12. Create a Layout.

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