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Hi I am getting some datatype error in typescript while getting first record of an array.

I am
initializing the data like -

const ABData={ id, name }) => ({

label: translateFn!(id),
value : name

const newData: PropsInterface = {

displayData: ABData[0]
Below is my data -

export const testData: PropsInterface = {

A: [
{ value: "All", key: "All" },
B: [
{id: "0", name: ""},
{id: "100000008472", name: "Y6DC"}
C: "100000008472",
D: [{id: "0", name: "None"}],
E: [
{value: "", key: "None"},
{value: "A", key: "Test"},

Here is my interface -

export interface PropsInterface {

A: Array<First>;
B: Array<Second>;
C: string;
D: Array<Second>;
E: Array<First>;

export interface First{

key: string;
value: string;

export interface Second{

id: string;
name: string;
I am getting error in displayData if I am trying to get first data using 0th index.

error is - Type '{ label: string; value: string; }' is missing the following properties
from type 'Second[]': length, pop, push, concat, and 26 more.

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