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Active Listening

Exercise: Match the following responses to the statements – what is paraphrasing, what is
verbalizing, what is neither one?

Statement Response Category

1. Male colleague to female a) We don’t need to worry about that!

colleague: b) You’re annoyed about the way he
“I don’t understand why the handles foreigners.
boss fired Jussuf.“ c) Be happy that it didn’t happen to you!
d) Are you wondering what the decisive
reasons for the dismissal were?

2. Housewife to housewife: a) I notice that you’re really proud of him.

“So, my husband finally b) Yes, that Müller is an idiot!
received the power of c) So your husband can act fairly
procuration and now he independently in business now?
doesn’t have to ask the d) Well, my husband has had that for a long
director, Mr. Müller, about time already ….
every little thing anymore!“

3. Colleague to colleague: a) I was also there last year.

“By the way, I’m permitted to b) Egypt? That’s so boring!
travel to Egypt to attend the c) So next week you’re going to go on a
convention on behalf of the business trip?
company next week.” d) You’re surely looking forward to that.

4. Mother 1 to Mother 2: a) So your daughter is at risk in

“That teacher, Mr. Lampel, mathematics?
gave my Monika a 5 in math b) My Klausi also has a 5 in Latin!
yet again!“ c) There are already so many complaints
about Mr. Lampel!
d) You’re annoyed with that strict teacher ....

5. Customer to salesman: a) Do you even have a receipt?

“You can keep this piece of b) You’re annoyed with the poor image
junk of a video recorder that quality ...
only produces stripes in the c) The video recorder is producing an image
images!“ with stripes?
d) You can’t speak to me in this tone!

6. Boss to colleague: a) Are you wondering exactly how much

“Nobody understands the customs duty that we really must pay now?
new customs regulations for b) Yes, those bureaucrats do what they
canned vegetables – how want!
high is the tariff really now?“ c) Are you annoyed about the complicated
customs regulations?
d) Don’t yell at me, it wasn´t my decision!

© prepared byDr. Maryam Bigdeli, MC, MBA for the Berndorf Executive Academy
7. Colleague to boss: a) Are you worried about your wife?
“I’d like to have tomorrow off b) Where do you think this would lead to if
because my wife is having everybody stays home because of such a
contractions 4 weeks too mere trifle?!
early.“ c) Yes, my wife also had contractions 2
weeks early.
d) Would you like to take a day of
compassionate leave tomorrow?

8. Client to consultant: a) Well, we have the X17 processor!

“And why should precisely b) You can’t compare us with those idiots!
your appliance work better c) Have you had bad experiences with the
than all of these pieces of competitors?
junk from the competitors d) Are you wondering what our appliances
that we’ve already thrown can do better than your previous ones?

© prepared byDr. Maryam Bigdeli, MC, MBA for the Berndorf Executive Academy

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