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5 Your bright future starts here

College of Health Sciences Bachelor of Science in Nursing


DATE/BLOCK: October 27, 2020 RATING _______
Course Code/Schedule: N185 FS 4:30-5:30
Critical Thinking #2 – Health Care Delivery System
Instructions: Browse the internet and answer the following questions. Write answers in your notebook.
15 Please write legibly.
1. Why is Millennium Development Goals important?

-to implement a clear framework from which the world is able to reduce the social injustices and
inequalities. It is to get the minds and mouths of the ordinary person working so they continue to strive
20 to achieve the goals, way beyond the expectations of politicians.

2. Why is Sustainable Goals important?

-The purpose was to produce a set of universal goals that would help combat the urgent environmental,
25 political and economic challenges facing our world.

3. Why is 2030 important?

Targets of the goals of the United Nations ' 2030 Agenda are set to 2030.
4. What kind of health care system does the Philippine have?

The Philippines has a universal health coverage system called PhilHealth (the Philippine Health Insurance
Corporation), a government organization attached to the Department of Health.
5. Why is Philippine Health Agenda formulated?

In order to attain health-related sustainable development goals, the A.C.H.I.E.V.E. strategy is followed:

A- Advance quality, health promotion and primary care. C- Cover all Filipinos against health-
40 related financial risk.

6. What is all for health towards health for all?

All for Health Towards Health For All will be the flagship of the new Secretary of the Department
45 of Health. The Philippine Pediatric Society will be partnering with the DOH projects dealing with
children’s health towards the universal health care program. Steps towards the improvement of
immunization coverage was also discussed.

7. How does UHC works?

It is simply a program that offers subsidies to participants to purchase insurance.

8. Why is UHC important?

55 UHC enables everyone to access the services that address the most significant causes of disease and
death, and ensures that the quality of those services is good enough to improve the health of the people
who receive them.

9. Are hospitals free based in UHC reform?

UHC does not mean free coverage for all possible health interventions, regardless of the cost, as no
country can provide all services free of charge on a sustainable basis.

10. What is the current health care policy in the Philippines?

President Rodrigo Duterte has just signed a Universal Health Care (UHC) Bill into law (Republic Act No.
11223) that automatically enrolls all Filipino citizens in the National Health Insurance Program and
prescribes complementary reforms in the health system.

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