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Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

DOI 10.1007/s10518-016-9870-2


Earthquake safety in India: achievements, challenges

and opportunities

Sudhir K. Jain1

Received: 10 January 2016 / Accepted: 13 January 2016 / Published online: 3 April 2016
 The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at

Abstract The Indian subcontinent has suffered some of the greatest earthquakes in the
world. The earthquakes of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries triggered a
number of early advances in science and engineering related to earthquakes that are
discussed here. These include the development of early codes and earthquake-resistant
housing after the 1935 Quetta earthquake in Baluchistan, and strengthening techniques
implemented after the 1941 Andaman Islands earthquake, discovered by the author in
remote islands of India. Activities in the late 1950s to institutionalize earthquake engi-
neering in the country are also discussed. Despite these early developments towards
seismic safety, moderate earthquakes in India continue to cause thousands of deaths,
indicating the poor seismic resilience of the built environment. The Bhuj earthquake of
2001 highlighted a striking disregard for structural design principles and quality of con-
struction. This earthquake was the first instance of an earthquake causing collapses of
modern multi-storey buildings in India, and it triggered unprecedented awareness amongst
professionals, academics and the general public. The earthquake led to the further
development of the National Information Centre of Earthquake Engineering and the
establishment of a comprehensive 4-year National Programme on Earthquake Engineering
Education that was carried out by the seven Indian Institutes of Technology and the Indian
Institute of Science. Earthquake engineering is a highly context-specific discipline and
there are many engineering problems where appropriate solutions need to be found locally.
Confined masonry construction is one such building typology that the author has been
championing for the subcontinent. Development of the student hostels and staff and faculty
housing on the new 400-acre campus of the Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
has provided an opportunity to adopt this construction typology on a large scale, and is
addressed in the monograph. The vulnerability of the building stock in India is also evident

Sudhir K. Jain: Currently on leave of absence from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.

& Sudhir K. Jain
Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

1338 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

from the occasional news reports of collapses of buildings under construction or during
rains (without any earthquake shaking). Given India’s aspirations to be counted as one of
the world’s prosperous countries, there is a great urgency to address the safety of our built
environment. There is a need: to create a more professional environment for safe con-
struction, including a system for code enforcement and building inspection; for compe-
tence-based licensing of civil and structural engineers; for training and education of all
stakeholders in the construction chain; to build a research and development culture for
seismic safety; to encourage champions of seismic safety; to effectively use windows of
opportunity provided by damaging earthquakes; to focus on new construction as opposed
to retrofitting existing buildings; and to frame the problem in the broader context of overall
building safety rather than the specific context of earthquakes. Sustained long-term efforts
are required to address this multi-faceted complex problem of great importance to the
future development of India. While the context of this paper is India, many of the
observations may be valid and useful for other earthquake-prone countries.

Keywords India  Earthquake engineering  Seismic safety  Capacity-building 

Historical developments  Confined masonry  Codes  Licensing

1 Introduction

It is my great honour to have been invited to be the 15th Mallet-Milne Lecturer, giving a
lecture named after such pioneers in the field. I hope to build on the work of some previous
Mallet-Milne lecturers, who have so eloquently discussed the problem of earthquake safety
around the world. From my mentors, George Housner and Bruce Bolt, second and fifth
Mallet-Milne lecturers respectively, who passionately tackled global engineering and
science problems, I have learned much and am privileged to be following in their footsteps.
Two more recent Mallet-Milne lecturers, Robin Spence and Roger Bilham, have persua-
sively argued that earthquake risk is ‘‘growing, not shrinking’’, predominantly in the cities
of the developing world. I hope to bring new insights to the problem they have articulated.
In my lecture I will discuss the earthquake risk in one particular country, my own, India,
where I have been involved in earthquake engineering for my entire career. While as a
country we have made tremendous strides in some areas, the problem remains enormous,
with much to do. I will discuss historical developments of earthquake risk reduction in
India, the progress made in recent years, and the challenges that lie ahead to reduce
earthquake risk. While the context of this lecture is India, many of the observations may be
valid and useful for other earthquake-prone countries.
The Indian subcontinent has suffered some great earthquakes with magnitude exceeding
8.0. The earthquakes of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries triggered a number
of developments in India towards science and engineering related to earthquakes, including
the development of construction practices that are robust against earthquake shaking. The
institutionalization of earthquake engineering in the country took place as early as the late
1950s with teaching and research in earthquake engineering starting at the University of
Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee).
Despite these early developments towards seismic safety, moderate earthquakes in India
continue to cause thousands of deaths, indicating poor seismic resilience of its built
environment. The first seismic code was developed and implemented after the 1935 Quetta

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1339

earthquake for reconstruction in Baluchistan (now in Pakistan) (see Jain and Nigam 2000),
and the first national seismic code was developed in 1962 (IS 1893 1962). And yet,
effective implementation of the building codes remains a major challenge.
The 2001 Bhuj earthquake was the first instance of an Indian earthquake causing col-
lapses of modern multi-storey buildings, since the earlier earthquakes had occurred in rural
or semi-urban settings. Approximately 14,000 deaths (Jain 2002) in this earthquake created
unprecedented awareness amongst professionals, academics and the general public, and
opened up a number of windows of opportunity for capacity-building for seismifc safety.
The National Information Centre of Earthquake Engineering (NICEE), set up at the
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in 1999 to meet the needs of the country in terms of
‘‘information’’ on earthquake engineering, was able to kickstart its activities in a very
receptive environment after the 2001 earthquake. Currently, NICEE continues to undertake
a number of capacity-building activities by publishing and disseminating information, and
by increasing awareness among architecture and civil engineering students, academics and
professionals through conferences and workshops.
During 2003–2007, a comprehensive National Programme on Earthquake Engineering
Education (NPEEE) was implemented by the seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs)
and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) with financial support from the Ministry of
Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. It enabled more than 1000
teachers of civil engineering and architecture to receive training in earthquake engineering
through short courses, conferences, seminars and research programmes. The programme
also supported development of curricula, resource materials and teaching aids, and the
development of library and laboratory resources. As a result of NPEEE, a large number of
civil engineering and architectural colleges now teach concepts of seismic engineering to
their students.
Both NICEE and NPEEE were effective because of the groundwork that had already
been put in place, and because the 2001 Bhuj earthquake provided the right environment to
push forward with these two initiatives. India has made a lot of progress towards awareness
and capacity-building in the last two decades, and this is particularly visible when one
compares the situation with respect to other developing countries in general and with the
neighbouring countries of the subcontinent in particular. However, if India were to be
measured against its aspirations of counting amongst the world’s leading countries in terms
of earthquake safety, our progress has been quite inadequate.
One area of major concern is the lack of a professional environment to ensure safe
construction; here the term ‘safe construction’ is being used in a broad sense and not just in
the narrow context of seismic safety. The country has neither a system for code
enforcement, nor competence-based licensing of civil or structural engineers. Enforcement
of codes is closely connected with quality of governance at the local city level, and much
remains to be done towards this.
Earthquake engineering is a highly context-specific discipline. Practices and concerns of
one country or one society may not be effective elsewhere. Interventions for seismic safety
must account for local construction practices and building materials, capacity and nature of
the local construction industry, and the local geological and seismological setting. Further,
there are many engineering problems that may be specific to a region and appropriate
solutions must be found for the same locally. For instance, new seismically resilient
building typologies may need to be evolved that meet the local needs in terms of local
building materials, practices and weather conditions. Confined masonry construction is one
such building typology that my colleagues and I have been championing for the subcon-
tinent. Development of a new 400-acre campus for the Indian Institute of Technology

1340 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Gandhinagar has provided an opportunity to adopt this construction typology on a large

It is not possible in one lecture to provide comprehensive coverage of all that has
happened and is happening in India in terms of earthquake safety. There are many people
in the country, in academia, practice, government and the NGO sector, who are all doing
good work. Hopefully I touch upon some of these activities in my remarks, but the focus of
my lecture is on work with which I have been involved. And of course much of my work
has been conducted with a number of my colleagues who are passionately engaged in
reducing seismic risk. We all recognize this is a daunting challenge with an enormous
urgency, considering the huge populations that are at risk.

2 Seismic hazard and risk

2.1 The geotectonic setting of the Indian subcontinent1

The geology and geography of the Indian subcontinent is rather complex and consists of
three main sub-divisions: the Himalayas, the Indo-Gangetic Plains, and the Peninsula
(Fig. 1). The Himalayas have been formed as a result of the collision of Asia with India
and are rather young mountains. The front edge of the northward moving Indian plate
consists of ocean sediments resting on hard basement rocks. As a result of intense com-
pression at the boundary, there has been repeated folding and faulting, and melting in the
deeper parts. The Indo-Gangetic plain has been formed by recent alluvium brought by three
mighty river systems, the Indus, the Ganges and the Brahmaputra, depositing these sedi-
ments across densely populated areas in Sindh (in Pakistan), Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,
Bengal (including Bangladesh) and Assam. The Peninsula consists of rocks of very early
ages (Precambrian), with large parts of the western and central Peninsula covered by lava
flows of the Deccan Traps.
The Himalayan range covers Baluchistan on one side and Myanmar on the other, with
significant bends and curvatures in the range. The mountain range rises steeply from the
Indo-Gangetic Plains and only gently slopes towards Tibet. The Outer Himalayas (Siwalik
Ranges) in the southern zone have elevations up to 900 m. The Middle or Lesser Hima-
layas have elevations up to about 3200 m, and the Great Himalayas (also termed Inner
Himalayas) have elevations ranging from 3000 to 8000 m. The region north of the Great
Himalaya is Tethys Himalaya with an elevation ranging from 3000 to 4200 m. The
northern edge of the Tethys Himalaya is the collision zone of the Asian and the Indian
Plates (Fig. 2). Tibet and Karakoram, to the north of the Tethys Himalaya, are part of the
Asian Plate and have an elevation of about 5000 m. Parallel fault systems separate the
zones: Indo-Gangetic Plains and the Outer Himalaya are separated by the Himalayan
Frontal Thrust (HFT), Outer Himalaya and Lesser Himalaya by the Main Boundary Thrust
(MBT), and Lesser Himalaya and Great Himalaya by the Main Central Thrust (MCT)
(Fig. 3). The Trans Himalayan Fault separates the Great Himalaya from the Tethys
Himalaya, and the junction of the Tethys Himalaya and Tibet is known as the Indus-
Tsangpo Suture. The rivers have eroded huge amounts of sediments and transported these
along their course, and deposited these in the trough between the mountains and peninsular
India to form the Indo-Gangetic Plains.

Much of the material in this section draws from unpublished material by the late Bruce Bolt and the au-
thor, with comments by K. S. Valdiya, as well as published works of Valdiya (1998, 2010).

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1341

Fig. 1 Three main sub-divisions of Indian subcontinent namely Peninsular India, Indo-Gangetic Plains and
the Himalaya (courtesy: Vikrant Jain)

Fig. 2 Major litho-tectonic units of the Himalaya (Modified after Valdiya 2010)

1342 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Fig. 3 Typical cross-section across the Himalaya showing major litho-tectonic units. (HFT himalayan
frontal thrust, MBT main boundary thrust, MCT main central thrust, T-HF trans himalayan fault, ITS indus-
tsangpo suture zone) (Modified after Valdiya 1998)

There has been a regular occurrence of great earthquakes in the Himalayas and currently
most of the seismic activity is located south of the Main Central Thrust (MCT). The
Himalayan Frontal Thrust is believed to be the likely location of future great earthquakes.
Because of its proximity to the densely populated Indo-Gangetic Plains, this poses a very
serious seismic risk for the future and has been a major cause of concern in the scientific
and emergency management communities. Peninsular India, even though far less active
seismically, has also seen some very damaging earthquakes, for instance, the Koyna
(1967), Latur (1993) and Bhuj (2001) earthquakes. It is clear that most parts of India are
prone to earthquakes of varying magnitudes and with varying probabilities of occurrence.
In the aftermath of these events, the need for a comprehensive database compiling all
available data on geological, geophysical and seismological aspects of the entire country
was strongly felt, to facilitate seismic hazard assessment, and in 2000, the Seismotectonic
Atlas of India and its Environs, was published by the Geological Survey of India (GSI
2000). The Atlas contains 42 maps that cover India and its neighbouring countries without
delineating political national boundaries; each map sheet also provides some explanatory
notes and illustrative diagrams.

2.2 Ancient and medieval earthquakes

Interest in, and scientific engagement with, earthquakes in India can be traced back three
millennia, to ancient Indian texts that contain both quantitative and qualitative under-
standing on earthquake occurrences, effects and even earthquake magnitude and intensi-
ties. These texts also include a number of ‘‘theories’’ on the causes of earthquakes, some of
which are rooted in mythological beliefs—such as the notion that earthquakes are caused
by the collective ‘‘sigh of elephants that are supporting the Earth’’—while others have
geographical, geological and climatic underpinnings, for example, ‘‘earthquakes were
caused by the interaction of two strong winds which eventually impacted the oceans and
shook the earth’’ (Iyengar 1999). These ancient texts also classified earthquakes into four
categories, according to their direction, time of occurrence and effects: Agni (fire); Vayu
(wind); Varuna (water); and Indra (rain). And, these ancient texts divided the subcontinent
into distinct zones according to the types and effects of earthquakes that occurred there
(Iyengar 1999).
Interpretations of archival records of both Persian and Sanskrit origin have referred to
several earthquakes in Kashmir and Assam and some in other parts of the country. The first
reference to an earthquake in Kashmir is from the Mahabharata (Iyengar et al. 1999); the

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Table 1 A brief overview of some significant earthquakes in the Indian subcontinent

Year Date (local time) Location Magnitude Remarks
and MM/

893–894 NA Near Debal 7.5 180,000 reported dead (may be

AD (Sindh), VIII–X exaggerated), Indus river changed
Pakistan course, Debal town disappeared,
affected area similar to that of 1819 and
2001 earthquakes in Kutch
1505 June 6 Nepal Tibet 8.2 Affected a very large region. Caused
(*5 AM Border destruction in western Nepal and Tibet.
local time) Monasteries and temples destroyed,
tens of thousands of lives lost. Agra
(500 km away) was badly affected.
Earthquake felt in Delhi
1505 July 6 Kabul 7.3 Numerous houses destroyed in a number
of towns, killing many people. Fort
badly damaged. Babur, staying at that
time outside Kabul, took about a month
to repair the Fort
1555 September Srinagar, 7.6 Intensity VII (MSK) in a large area of
Kashmir Kashmir. Massive landslides and
rockfalls. Numerous persons killed
1720 July 15 Delhi 7.2 Damage to the Fort and to many
X buildings. Many lives were lost. Cracks
developed in ground
1751 Southwest 7.0 Very large earthquake, consisted of four
Tibet shocks, buildings collapsed, Temples in
Daba district damaged beyond repair
1803 Sept 1 Garhwal 7.5 Exact location under debate; some
1:30 AM Uttaranchal sources mention location near Mathura.
Severe damage in the district of Tehri
Garhwal, at Gangotri and Badrinath.
200–300 persons killed in Barahat on
Bhagirathi river. Complete destruction
between Joshimath and Karnaprayag,
Liquefaction in Mathura. Qutab minar
in Delhi damaged. Dislodged upper
turrets of several minarets in Lucknow
including that of Imambarah
1819 June 16 Runn of Kutch 8.0 Killed more than 1500 persons; Created
11:00 AM X an embankment named ‘‘Allah Bund’’
about 100 km long, about 7 to 9 m high;
South of Allah Bund, a lake formed
when water from ocean rushed into the
depression. Felt over radius of 1600 km
1833 August 26 Bihar–Nepal 7.7 414 persons dead in Nepal, number of
6:00 PM IX deaths in India not known. Affected
areas same as that of the 1934 and 1988
Bihar–Nepal earthquakes
1869 January 10 Cachar 7.4 1st earthquake in India where Geological
Afternoon Survey of India carried out an
investigation under guidance of their
first superintendent, Thomas Oldham

1344 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Table 1 continued
Year Date (local time) Location Magnitude Remarks
and MM/MSK

1881 Dec 31 Car Nicobar 7.9 Generated tsunamis with a maximum crest
7.30 AM region height of 0.8 m recorded by eight tide
gauges around the Bay of Bengal. Felt
over much of India and parts of Burma
1897 June 12 Assam, India 8.7 About 1500 persons died. Was felt over 4.5
5:11 PM XII million sq km area, Large scale surface
distortion and liquefaction. Stones
projected through the air, indicating
vertical ground acceleration exceeding
1.0 g
1900 Feb 8 Coimbatore 6.0 Shock was felt throughout south India.
3:11 AM VII Coimbatore and Coonoor worst affected
1905 April 4 Kangra 8.0 *19,000 persons died. About 10 %
6:20 AM X population of Kangra and Palanpur tehsils
killed. Liquefaction in Bijnor, Hardwar
and Roorkee. Considerable damage in
Lahore. High intensity around Dehradun
and Mussorie (VIII)
1931 August 27 Mach 7.3 About 120 persons died. Damage to railway
8.30 PM (Baluchistan) VIII establishment led the railway authorities
to take up construction of earthquake-
resistant quarters for officials
1934 January 15 Bihar–Nepal 8.3 Death toll 7253 in India and 3400 in Nepal;
2:13 PM X large scale liquefaction in an area of
12,200 sq. km where houses slumped into
the ground
1935 May 30 Quetta 7.7 Caused *35,000 deaths, largest in any
3:02 PM IX earthquake in the sub-continent in the last
two centuries. Population of Quetta was
around 60,000 of which about 26,000
persons killed. Administration of the
situation became difficult since most civil
and police officials were killed in the
earthquake. Led to development of
seismic codes and systematic
reconstruction work by civil, military and
railways following earthquake-resistant
1941 June 26 Andaman 7.7 Generated a tsunami *1.0 m high on the
5.22 PM Islands VIII east coast, causing many deaths.
Widespread damage to Middle and South
Andaman Islands. The Cellular Jail was
badly damaged. Earthquake felt in
Madras, and in Colombo (Sri Lanka)
1945 Nov 28 Makran Coast, 8.0 Earthquake accompanied by generation of a
Pakistan X tsunami and mud volcanoes. Tsunami
reached height of 12 m in some Mekran
ports, causing tremendous damage.
Tsunami height at Kutch coast 11, and
2 m at Mumbai. About 4000 persons died
by earthquake and tsunami. In Mumbai 15
persons were washed away by tsunami

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Table 1 continued
Year Date (local time) Location Magnitude and Remarks

1950 August 15 Assam–Tibet 8.6 About 1500 persons in India and 2400 in
7:31 PM XII China killed. Caused huge landslides
which blocked rivers, and later caused
floods as the blockades got cleared. A lot of
aftershock activity, with at least one of
1956 21 July Anjar (in 6.1 About 115 persons killed; part of Anjar on
9:02 PM Kutch) IX rocky sites suffered much less damage than
the other part
1967 10 December Koyna, 6.5 About 180 persons killed. Caused significant
4:30 AM Maharashtra VIII damage to concrete gravity dam. Occurred
in area considered non-seismic at the time.
An example of reservoir induced
1970 23 March Bharuch 5.2 About 30 persons killed
8:56 PM VII
1988 21 August Bihar–Nepal 6.6 Damage pattern same as in 1934 Bihar–
4:39 AM IX Nepal earthquake. About 1000 persons
1991 20 October Uttarkashi 6.4 768 persons killed. 56 m span Gawana
2:53 AM IX bridge 6 km from Uttarkashi en-route to
Gangotri collapsed, causing the pilgrims at
Gangotri to be stranded for some time
1993 Sept 30 Killari (Latur) 6.2 Most deadly earthquake in India since
3:56 AM IX independence with 7928 persons killed. An
intra-plate earthquake in a region
considered aseismic and placed in lowest
seismic zone in the contemporary zone
1997 22 May Jabalpur 6.0 38 persons killed, about 1000 injured.
4:22 AM VIII Several concrete frame buildings with open
ground storey suffered structural damage.
Numerous masonry buildings suffered
damage of staircase mumties
1999 29 March Chamoli 6.6 As a result of 1991 Uttarkashi earthquake,
00:35 AM VIII the area had improved constructions from
seismic view point. Rather low casualties:
about 63 persons died. Some damage to
two buildings in Delhi located [200 km
2001 January 26 Bhuj (Kutch) 7.7 13,805 lives lost. Numerous modern
8:46 AM X multistory buildings collapsed: including
about 130 buildings in Ahmedabad and one
in Surat. Showed clearly the vulnerability
of modern Indian constructions and the
need for seismic code compliance. A
number of medium and small earth dams
severely damaged
2002 Sept 13 North 6.8 Many poorly constructed buildings damaged
3:58 PM Andaman VII

1346 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Table 1 continued
Year Date (local time) Location Magnitude and Remarks

2004 Dec26 Sumatra 9.4 Caused most devastating tsunami in history,

6:28 AM VII (in resulting in *250,000 total deaths. In India
Andaman about 10,000 people died and 5600 people
Islands) were missing. Damage to structures primarily
due to tsunami on mainland India, in Little
Andaman and islands to south, damage due
primarily to ground shaking
2005 October 8 Kashmir 7.6 Poor performance of masonry buildings was the
9:20 AM VIII at Uri primary cause of deaths. Unique construction
found in this region, dhajji diwari, showed
good seismic performance
2011 Sept 28 Sikkim 6.9 78 deaths in India. Large number of landslides,
6:10 PM VI significant damage to buildings and
infrastructure, including RC frame buildings.
Sikkim most affected state of India. Nepal,
Bhutan, Tibet (China) and Bangladesh
sustained damage and losses to varying extent

Mahabharata may have been composed about 2000 years ago (e.g., Singh 2009a). A
number of historic earthquakes have been reported from Assam, primarily in the
buranjis or official records maintained by court officers. These include earthquakes with
notable effects, including: the 1556 Gajala earthquake with evidence of what is now
known as liquefaction (sand boils, water spouts); the 1697 Sadiya earthquake with an
estimated Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) of X; and the 1714 earthquake at at
Tingkhang and Charaideo Hill with extensive building damage. In addition, according
to Iyengar et al. (1999), five different Persian sources describe a destructive earthquake
at Agra in 1505 with widespread building collapses, many casualties, and the
appearance of ground fissures, as well as an earthquake in Mandaran in West Bengal in
1669, where the appearance of very deep ground fissures suggest an MMI of IX. They
also note the Gujarat earthquake of 1705 at Goga with reports of widespread fissures,
and the Sirajgunj (in present day Bangladesh) earthquake of 1787 that caused changes
in the course of rivers.
Trench investigations in recent times suggest repeated fault activity in the subconti-
nent and within the Himalayan plate boundary (Wesnousky et al. 1999). Seismo-ar-
chaeological evidence also exists in the region corresponding to the Indus Valley
Civilization. Excavations at different locations in Kalibangan, an Early and Mature
Harappan site, show clear signs of fault rupture and earth movements, implying violent
shaking (Kovach et al. 2010). In fact, some archaeologists attribute the end of Early
Harappan occupation of Kalibangan to an earthquake. Dholavira, located in the Rann of
Kutch in Gujarat, is another Harappan settlement with evidence of earthquake damage
and repairs (Kovach et al. 2010). Dholavira is also in the vicinity of two major recent
earthquakes, the 1819 M8.0 Kutch earthquake that caused the Allah Bund and the 2001
M7.7 Bhuj earthquake.

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1347

2.3 Some significant earthquakes

India’s history is full of significant earthquakes that have affected many aspects of Indian
life, including population movement, important cultural and religious monuments, local
economies as well as construction practices. More than 60 % of the country is in seismic
zones with expected shaking of intensity VII and above. The entire Himalayan belt is
considered prone to great earthquakes exceeding magnitude 8—in a span of about
50 years four such earthquakes occurred: 1897 Assam (M8.7); 1905 Kangra (M8.0); 1934
Bihar–Nepal (M8.3); and 1950 Assam–Tibet (M8.6). Very severe earthquakes in the
Himalayan region are expected that could affect millions in the country, e.g., Bilham et al.
Table 1 and Fig. 4 provide a brief overview of some of the most significant events,
selected considering importance of the event and/or availability of information. For more
comprehensive discussion on past earthquakes of the Indian subcontinent, one may refer to
Amateur Seismic Centre (2015); Ambraseys and Bilham (2003); Bapat et al. (1983);
Oldham (1883); and Quittmeyer and Jacob (1979).

2.4 Seismic risk

Table 1 illustrates how earthquakes in the Indian subcontinent continue to cause unac-
ceptably large number of deaths. The main cause of fatalities in earthquakes in India is
collapse of buildings. The number of deaths in an earthquake depends on shaking intensity,
vulnerability of the building stock, time and season of the earthquake (whether people will

Fig. 4 Location of some significant earthquakes in the Indian subcontinent

1348 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

be indoors or outdoors at the time of shaking), and to some extent on the efficacy of rescue
and relief. Hence, in a theme that will be repeated throughout this monograph, the best
protection against earthquake disasters is safer construction.
To illustrate the risk associated with Indian construction, two recent studies on rates of
casualties in two earthquakes (Latur 1993; Bhuj 2001) are briefly summarized, as well as a
recent study on the vulnerability of modern reinforced concrete buildings in Ahmedabad at
the time of the 2001 Bhuj earthquake.

2.4.1 Casualties in two Indian earthquakes

Reliable data on the number of casualties could be obtained for two earthquakes in India,
1993 Latur (M6.2) and 2001 Bhuj (M7.7), from the Government of Maharashtra and the
Government of Gujarat, respectively. A total of 7635 persons were killed in 52 villages in
the Latur earthquake that occurred early in the morning (3:53 AM local time) on a chilly
night (30 September) when most people were sleeping indoors. There were casualties in
almost all villages that experienced an intensity of shaking of VII or greater. The earth-
quake focus was shallow and hence only a small area was affected but with a high level of
shaking intensity (up to IX on the MSK scale of intensity). The housing typology was very
vulnerable to seismic shaking: random rubble masonry in mud mortar with heavy roofs
(Fig. 5). The death toll was quite high, with at least one instance of a village losing one-
third of its population during the shaking. The median death rate in the 14 villages sus-
taining a shaking intensity of IX on the MSK scale was about 20 % of the population,
which is an indication of extreme seismic vulnerability.
The 2001 Bhuj earthquake (M7.7), which killed 13,805 persons, occurred at 8:46 AM
(local time) when many persons were outdoors. The earthquake affected a very large area,
and the intensity of shaking ranged up to X on the MSK scale. The construction types, even
though far inferior to what the codes required, were significantly better than those in the
Latur region. Further, the timing of earthquake was more favourable in case of Bhuj, since
many people were outdoors. Hence, the median death rate was only about 0.2 % of the
population for villages that sustained a shaking intensity of IX on the MSK scale. The
factor of about 100 in death rates between Latur and Bhuj earthquakes underlines the
importance of looking at regional variation in construction typologies in a diverse country

Fig. 5 Collapsed random rubble construction blocks village road in Latur (courtesy: NICEE)

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1349

such as India. Further, a significant number of modern multi-storey reinforced concrete

frame buildings collapsed (Fig. 6) not only in the meizoseismal area of Bhuj earthquake,
but also in the city of Ahmedabad.

2.4.2 Ahmedabad buildings and their seismic vulnerability

During the 2001 Bhuj earthquake, Ahmedabad city, located about 230 km from the epi-
centre, experienced shaking intensity of VII on the MSK scale. The city sustained sig-
nificant damage to multi-storey reinforced concrete frame buildings that had been built in
the previous decade. About 130 such buildings collapsed in Ahmedabad, killing 752
persons. An extensive damage survey was carried out on multi-storey building stock in the
city by the Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology (CEPT) (now known as
CEPT University). The buildings were classified into different damage categories, ranging
from G0 (no damage) to G5 (collapse). Survey results for 2856 such buildings were
available and analysed (Singh 2009b) to study vulnerability of RC frame buildings as they
existed in Ahmedabad at that time. To benchmark these buildings, a comparison was made
with the recommendations of the Applied Technology Council publication, ATC-13,
(1985) for RC frame buildings.
ATC-13 defines the ratio of the cost of repairing damage to the replacement value of a
facility as the ‘damage factor’ (DF), and provides the means to construct a probability
distribution (beta distribution in probabilistic terms) of damage to different facility classes
caused by shaking of a given intensity. For instance, Fig. 7 illustrates the probability
distribution for mid-rise moment resisting non-ductile RC frame buildings for shaking
intensity of VIII. This Fig. implies that if shaking of VIII were to be experienced by this
type of building, 33.6 % are expected to undergo damage state 3 (Damage Factor range of
1–10 %), 65.7 % are expected to undergo damage state 4 (DF range 10–30 %), and 0.7 %
will undergo damage state 5 (DF range 30–60 %).
The damage data for RC frame buildings in Ahmedabad due to shaking intensity VII
caused by the 2001 earthquake came closest to ATC-13 data for intensity VIII for non-
ductile RC frame buildings in terms of estimating the average damage factor. Hence,

Fig. 6 Apartment collapse in 2001 Bhuj earthquake (photo: C. V. R. Murty)

1350 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Fig. 7 Probability distribution 9

of damage to mid-rise moment 8
resisting non-ductile frame at
MMI VIII as per ATC-13 (1985)

Probability (%)
Area = 33.6%

4 Area = 65.7%
2 Area = 0.7%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Damage Factor (%)

Fig. 8 Comparison of
probability distribution of
damage in 2001 earthquake in

Ahmedabad buildings in 2001 were clearly of a very low quality in terms of design and
construction. Figure 8 shows the probability distribution for the Ahmedabad buildings
(intensity VII during 2001 earthquake) and that for intensity VIII for non-ductile buildings
as per ATC-13. While the mean and the median values of damage factor are quite com-
parable, the standard deviation and damage factor for the 90 % non-exceedance probability
are significantly higher for Ahmedabad buildings as compared to ATC-13 data. This
implies that even with using an increased shaking intensity of one level, the number of
severely damaged and collapsed buildings (and hence the casualties) for Ahmedabad
buildings will be significantly higher that what is estimated by the ATC-13 method.
The study (Singh 2009b) clearly illustrates the high vulnerability of RC frame buildings
that were built in Ahmedabad prior to the 2001 earthquake; this was also obvious from the
unacceptably high number of collapses and deaths. The quality of construction in
Ahmedabad has since improved somewhat after the earthquake but is still not comparable
to that in the developed countries.

2.5 Some observations

Clearly, a large part of India is prone to strong earthquake-induced shaking, and with
highly vulnerable constructions, there is huge risk of death and destruction. Areas in
seismic zones IV and V of the Indian zone map encompass some of the most populated

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1351

regions of India, including Delhi, the world’s second most populous city. In addition to
being so highly populated, Delhi is projected to grow from 25 million to 36 million by
2030, thus even further increasing its vulnerability (United Nations 2014).
Some of the construction typologies prevalent in India are particularly vulnerable to
earthquake shaking. In 1994, the Government of India constituted an Expert Group to study
the impact of natural hazards on housing and infrastructure in the country and to identify
areas vulnerable to the damaging effects of hazards such as earthquakes, cyclones, floods,
etc., prepare a vulnerability atlas delineating the vulnerable areas along with the risk levels
of the housing stock in those areas and formulate a strategy for setting up the techno-legal
regime for the enforcement of disaster resistant construction practices in settlements in
hazard prone areas. Based on the Expert Group report, the Building Materials & Tech-
nology Promotion Council (BMTPC) published the Vulnerability Atlas of India in 1997.
The Atlas considered housing typologies based on the 1991 Census data on housing. The
data did not include any physical or structural characteristics of the houses based on
building elements such as walls, roofs and floors, an omission that was addressed in the
2001 Census.
The 2011 Census of India indicates that there are over 330 million housing units in the
country (GoI 2011a). Two-thirds of these are rural houses and almost 30 % are in earth-
quake zones IV and V (BMTPC 2006). Eighty-five percent of these houses are made with
mud and un-burnt brick, burnt brick or stone walls, all of which can be quite vulnerable if
not constructed and maintained properly (BMTPC 2006). Even with a huge percentage of
the housing stock in rural areas, India has a rapidly growing urban population. In 2001,
about 286 million people were living in urban areas across India, the second largest urban
population in the world. The Census of India (2011) shows the urban population had
increased to 377 million, thereby registering a growth of around 32 %. As per recent
estimates, nearly 590 million people will live in Indian cities by 2030 (Make India 2015).
According to the Government of India Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation
(GoI 2012), 18.78 million households are facing a housing shortage in urban India, while
the housing shortage in rural areas is 40 million (GoI 2011b). In his Budget Speech (GOI
2015; The Hindu 2015), the Finance Minister announced Housing for All by 2022, and
further, every house in India should have access to basic facilities of 24-h power supply,
clean drinking water, a toilet, and be connected to a road. This shows that despite having a
huge problem of unsafe buildings that currently exist, we will also be constructing a huge
number of new buildings. Hence, there is a tremendous urgency to ensure that new con-
structions are equipped with not only the basic facilities but should also be safe.

3 Early developments in earthquake science and engineering

3.1 Earthquake science

Damaging earthquakes in India have been studied systematically for about two centuries.
The Kutch earthquake of 1819 (M8.0) was well documented by Macmurdo in the 1824
issue of The Philosophical Magazine (Macmurdo 1824). The earthquake caused a 100 km
long and 3 m high fault scarp that was named Allah Bund (embankment created by God).
This earthquake provided the ‘‘earliest well documented instance of faulting during an
earthquake’’ (Richter 1958). Another important discovery out of this earthquake was what
is now commonly termed as ‘‘site effects’’. It was clearly noted that buildings on rock sites

1352 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

performed much better than those on the alluvium. Lt Baird Smith studied several early
earthquakes in India and wrote articles about them in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of
Bengal (Baird-Smith 1843).

3.1.1 Assam earthquake

A more systematic study of earthquakes in India was started by Thomas Oldham, the first
Superintendent of the Geological Survey of India (GSI). He carried out a study of the
Cachar earthquake of 1869 and compiled the first catalogue of earthquakes in India; both
these were completed later by his son R. D. Oldham who succeeded him as Superintendent
of GSI. The study on the Cachar earthquake was published in the memoirs of the Geo-
logical Survey of India as well as Science (Davis 1883). The earthquake was felt over an
area of 250,000 square miles, and a considerable amount of liquefaction was reported.
By the time of the 1897 Assam earthquake (M8.7), R. D. Oldham must have already had
considerable experience and knowledge of earthquakes as a consequence of working on
completing his father’s work. As a result, he was able to undertake a scientific and very
comprehensive study of that earthquake, and the resulting 400 page publication Memoir of
the Geological Survey of India in 1899 is considered the first comprehensive scientific
study of an earthquake anywhere in the world, e.g., ‘‘one of the most valuable source books
in seismology’’ (Richter 1958).
The 1897 Assam earthquake is considered to be one of the greatest earthquakes to have
occurred anywhere. It was felt over a very large area, as far west as Nagpur in Central India
and caused severe damage in a radius of 500 km. For instance, extensive building damages
were reported in Calcutta, 470 km from the epicentre. Higher shaking intensities were seen
in the Ganges and Brahmaputra river basins, as expected at the river basin sites with soft
sediments, due to amplification (Fig. 9). The earthquake was associated with intense
aftershock activity that continued for almost 10 years. A hanging lamp continued to swing
continuously for three or 4 days as a result of aftershocks (Oldham 1899) (Fig. 10).
The earthquake caused a number of surface ruptures, including the Chedrang fault on
which a vertical slip of about 11 meters took place over a length of 19 km. Large-scale
surface distortions and land-surface deformations took place, causing an interruption of the
drainage channels. In addition, largescale liquefaction occurred, and river banks slumped
into the main channels. Railway systems were damaged extensively: rails were bent on a
large scale, bridge piers moved laterally and bridge spans shortened (Fig. 11). The
descriptions of the 1897 Assam earthquake by Oldham provided the principal model for
the highest grade, XII, of the MMI Scale (Richter 1958).
Mallet’s seismometers consisting of cylinders of various diameters were set up in 1882
in Shillong and Silchar. Each seismometer comprised a set of nine cylinders 12 inches
(305 mm) in height and diameters ranging from 1 inch (25 mm) to 9 inch (229 mm).
During the main shock of the 1897 Assam earthquake, the whole series of cylinders was
overthrown north-eastwards. The minimum acceleration and velocity corresponding to
overthrow of the largest cylinder has been estimated as 0.74 g and 0.61 m/s, respectively
(Oldham 1899; Manchester Geographical Society 2013). At Silchar (about 200 km from
Shillong), the cylinders of 1.0 inch (25 mm) and 1.5 inch (38 mm) were overthrown which
corresponds to a minimum acceleration of 0.12 g (Oldham 1899).
Based on a careful recording and a study of the overthrow of stones in the earthquake,
Oldham concluded that the vertical acceleration in the meizoseismal region must have
exceeded that of gravity (1.0 g). Oldham studied seismographic recordings of the Assam

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1353

Fig. 9 Isoseismal Map of Assam Earthquake of June 12, 1897 (GSI 2000)

earthquake and it revealed for the first time the existence of longitudinal (P), transverse
(S) and surface (L) waves.

3.1.2 Bihar–Nepal earthquakes

Another interesting earthquake in India that contributed significantly to the development of

seismology is the Bihar–Nepal earthquake of January 15, 1934. The earthquake lasted up
to 5 min and was felt up to 1600 km from the epicentre, resulting in 7253 deaths in India
and 3400 in Nepal. An area of about 130 km long and about 30 km wide experienced
shaking intensity of X (on the I to X Mercalli scale). The isoseismals indicate lower
observed intensities to the east and south east of the epicentral area, while these are
stronger along the Ganges Basin, due to amplification of seismic waves (Fig. 12). The
death toll was low, considering the violence of the earthquake, because (a) most people
were awake and outdoors in the afternoon (2.15 PM), and (b) the most violent shaking
occurred more than 2 min after the earthquake began and hence those indoors were able to
rush outdoors. Besides the epicentral area, Munger to the south and Kathmandu valley to
the north, both located about 160 km away from the epicentre, also sustained shaking of
intensity X due to the peculiar geological setting of these two locations. Munger lies at the
junction of alluvium and Peninsula rocks; at such junctions the alluvium is known to
experience much stronger shaking. Munger also showed clear evidence of buildings
located on rock outcrops suffering much lower damage than those on the alluvium. The

1354 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Fig. 10 The Government House in Shillong a before and b after the 1897 earthquake (Oldham 1899)

Kathmandu valley consists of unconsolidated sediments and hence the ground motion was
Interestingly, the damage pattern in the 1934 earthquake was similar to what had earlier
been recorded for the 1833 earthquake in the region that killed 414 persons in Nepal and an
unknown number in India. The memoirs of the GSI (1939) on the 1934 earthquake quote
Lt. Baird-Smith (1843) as saying ‘‘It is a remarkable fact, that Monghyr seems to suffer
more from earthquake shocks, from whatever direction these may come, than any other
place in its vicinity. This was observed during the shock from the lateral Himalayan tract,
of the 26th August 1833, again during that of the 11th November 1842, and I would say
from the information before me, that on the present occasion, the shocks were smarter at
Monghyr than at any other spot.’’ The 1988 (M 6.6) earthquake in northern Bihar again
showed the same pattern of high seismic shaking intensity in the epicentral area, Munger,
and Kathmandu valley.
Large scale liquefaction was caused by the 1934 earthquake. Buildings slumped into the
ground and tilted in a large area (*300 km length and width of 65 km) that was termed a
‘‘slump belt’’. Massive subsidence of road and railway embankments took place, and lakes
and other depressions became shallower.

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1355

Fig. 11 Damaged railway

bridge in Assam 1897 earthquake
(Oldham 1899)

Fig. 12 Isoseismal Map of the

Earthquake of January 15, 1934
(GSI 2000)

1356 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Based on a study of fallen objects, an acceleration of 0.33 g was estimated at Munger

and 0.20–0.30 g in areas of intensity IX; such estimates tend to be lower-bound estimates
since an object would have likely fallen with a higher acceleration. The first seismograph
in India was installed in 1898 at the Bombay Observatory (Jain and Nigam 2000). S. C.
Roy, Director of the Meteorological Department in Burma, contributed a chapter on
seismology in the GSI report of the 1934 Bihar–Nepal earthquake (GSI 1939). He inter-
preted the seismic waves and located the earthquake epicentre from their arrival times. Roy
was also one of the first to count the frequency rate of aftershocks using records at a
seismograph station. Because the number fell from 200 to 16 in a month he concluded that
the crustal strain had been relieved completely (Jain 2008).

3.2 Earthquake engineering

At the same time that advances were being made in earthquake science after these
significant earthquakes, there were also advances in engineering and construction prac-
tices. There were several indigenous construction typologies that showed excellent per-
formance in strong earthquake shaking. These typologies were developed much before
the formal emergence of earthquake engineering, and highlight the fact that a lot of
earthquake safety can be achieved through the use of common sense, provided there is
commitment to do so. Assam-type houses (prevalent in the northeastern states) and
timber houses in the Andaman and Nicobar islands have consistently shown good seismic
performance. Unfortunately, these building typologies have been abandoned in these
highly vulnerable regions due to (a) fire hazard in timber buildings, (b) environmental
concerns regarding use of timber, and (c) due to the mistaken belief that reinforced
concrete or masonry buildings will be safer even when adequate quality control cannot be
ensured (Jain 2006).

3.2.1 Dhajji Diwari and Taq

Dhajji Diwari and Taq type constructions are common in Kashmir and in Himachal Pra-
desh, areas that have experienced strong earthquakes in the past and that are placed in the
highest seismic zone in the Indian code. The fact that Dhajji Diwari is a common sight in
Srinagar (Kashmir) but can hardly be seen 120 km away at Muzaffarabad (in Pakistan-
occupied Kashmir) indicates that this may have developed as a result of a damaging
earthquake in Srinagar in the last couple of centuries.
Dhajji Diwari (patch quilt wall) consists of burnt clay brick masonry placed inside a
timber frame, so as to create a patchwork of small-size masonry panels that are confined
by timber members (Fig. 13). Due to confinement provided by timber elements, the
diagonal shear cracks do not propagate from one panel to the other, and the possibility of
out-of-plane collapse of masonry panels is reduced considerably. As shown in Fig. 14, in
some instances, lower floors may consist of stone masonry, while the upper storey and
gable portion of the wall are built with the Dhajji Diwari technique (Hicyilmaz et al.
In Taq construction, large wood pieces are used as horizontal runners embedded in the
heavy masonry walls (Fig. 15). This improves the lateral load resistance of the building as
shown by its earthquake performance historically (Rai and Murty 2006).

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1357

Fig. 13 Traditional Dhajji Dewari construction in Srinagar (photo: author)

Fig. 14 Traditional construction is visible in this hospital in Kashmir, with upper storey of Dhajji Dewari
and lower storey of masonry (photo: author)

3.2.2 Assam type house

As noted, the 1897 Assam earthquake caused widespread and serious damage over an area
of about 500 km radius. In and around Shillong, all the stone buildings were leveled, about
half of the ‘‘ekra-type’’ buildings (wooden frame work with walls of san grass covered in
plaster) collapsed due to heavy stone chimneys, while the plank buildings constructed on
the ‘‘log hut’’ principle did well. As a result of this earthquake, a new building typology
was developed that is commonly known as ‘‘Assam Type’’ housing (Fig. 16).
The typical Assam Type house is a single or two storey structure with brick or stone
masonry up to the plinth level and mud plastered ekra panels braced by either timber or
bamboo horizontal, vertical and at times, diagonal, confining members. Ekra is a kind of

1358 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Fig. 15 Typical taq construction

in Kashmir, with horizontal
timber runners (photo: author)

Fig. 16 Typical Assam-type house in Gangkok (photo: A. Sheth)

reed that grows on the banks of the Brahmaputra river and is used in combination with mud
to form flexible and lightweight wall panels that are able to accommodate deformation
during earthquake shaking, but do not collapse like brittle brick masonry infill walls.
Sloping roofs consist of metal sheets or a thick stack of ekra panels over a timber or steel
truss. Gable end walls have additional bracing above the eaves level to protect the upper
ends of the walls.

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1359

This type of building became prevalent in the entire north-eastern part of India, and over
the years has shown excellent seismic performance. Unfortunately, as noted above, in
recent decades these buildings are being phased out because of concerns over the fire
hazard, to minimize the use of timber and because of increasing interest in RC frame

3.2.3 Earthquake reconstruction in Baluchistan

In the 1930s, some fascinating developments took place in Quetta (Baluchistan; now in
Pakistan) in earthquake-resistant construction, development of codes and implementation
of the same. Considering that these developments took place in a relatively isolated place,
at a time when communication systems were not developed, and led by persons who were
themselves new to the problem of earthquakes is inspirational in the context of the con-
temporary situation for seismic safety in many parts of the world.
On August 27, 1931, an M 7.3 earthquake in Mach, located about 60 km from Quetta,
killed about 100 persons; the maximum shaking intensity was VIII on Rossi-Forrel (RF)
scale. Upon seeing the poor performance of buildings there, the railways instructed a
young engineer in his twenties, Sardari Lal Kumar to design earthquake-resistant quarters
for railway staff in Quetta. In a very interesting paper presented in 1933 in the Punjab
Engineering Congress, Kumar described his understanding of the concept of earthquake-
resistant construction, and provided details of his project (Kumar 1933). The paper also
contains the first ever seismic zone map for India (Fig. 17) and his recommendations on
seismic design coefficients for the different zones (Table 2). In fact, the proceedings of the

Fig. 17 First seismic zone map of India (Kumar 1933)

1360 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Table 2 Seismic factors for different seismic zones suggested by Kumar (1933)
Class of Values of the seismic factor
Areas of violent Areas of strong Areas of weak Areas of rare
earthquakes earthquakes earthquakes earthquakes

A 0.15 g 0.10 g 0.05 g Nil

B 0.10 g 0.075 g Nil Nil

Type A monumental buildings and those more than 50 ft. high, Type B all others

meeting also included interesting questions that were asked of Kumar by his seniors after
his presentation and the answers he provided to those.
On May 31, 1935, Quetta experienced one of the most deadly earthquakes (M7.7;
intensity up to IX on RF scale). The number of deaths was reported in the range of
20,000–30,000, which amounts to about one-half of the population of Quetta at that time.
Interestingly enough, the only houses that withstood the earthquake shaking were the
railway quarters that had been constructed by the railways as earthquake-resistant
(Fig. 18). These must have proved to be an excellent testament to the local population and
the administration, and had a deep impact on the massive reconstruction that took place in
the town.
The reconstruction programme involved three main agencies: the railways, the military,
and the civil administration, and all three were quite diligent about earthquake resistance
for the new constructions (Thomson 1940; GoI 1940; Robertson 1948). A seismic coef-
ficient of 0.125 was adopted and comprehensive guidelines developed for earthquake-
resistant features. A code was also proposed along with an excellent commentary (GoI
1940). These constructions performed extremely well in the 1941 earthquake (RF intensity
VIII to IX) (Mair 1942).

Fig. 18 A railway bungalow built after 1931 earthquake of vertical and horizontal iron rails with brick
panels. The few buildings of this type (including one under construction) escaped damage in 1935, though
surrounding buildings of unreinforced brick were destroyed (photo: W. D. West, source: NISEE–PEER
University of California Berkeley)

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1361

The entire series of episodes in Quetta in the 1930’s was rather unique not just for India
but perhaps anywhere in the world: (a) a damaging earthquake inspires an organization
(railways) to build a few earthquake-resistant houses, and notwithstanding that the persons
at the helm did not have any knowledge about earthquakes, they learn about earthquake
safety, build those houses, document their learning, (b) within a few years, performance of
these houses in a major earthquake demonstrates that it is possible to build safe houses and
inspires the entire reconstruction programme to focus on safety, (c) reconstruction itself is
carried out with a complete focus upon safety and a number of construction innovations
result, and (d) finally, yet another earthquake within a few years shows that the recon-
struction programme had successfully achieved safety. For the first time, seismic codes
were developed and implemented in the subcontinent. In order to introduce reinforcement
in the masonry walls, a new type of masonry bond (Quetta Bond) was developed. The
concept of providing reinforced concrete bands at plinth, lintel, and roof levels in masonry
buildings evolved.
Another devastating earthquake took place in 1934 in a part of India (Bihar) that was far
more densely populated, that was far better connected, and that had perhaps far better
intellectual and engineering resources available. A detailed report on the 1934 Bihar–Nepal
earthquake published by the Geological Survey of India in 1939 (GSI 1939) has the
following statement regarding Quetta:
In the Quetta area an excellent building code has recently been drawn up, and
reconstruction has been rigidly enforced in terms of that code. Such enforcement is,
perhaps, easier in such a military area, but at least Quetta provides an example of the
practicability of a building code and of its usefulness. It is, perhaps, not too much to
hope that the rest of Northern India will some day follow Quetta’s lead.

3.2.4 Seismic retrofitting in Andaman Islands in the 1940s

During a reconnaissance field visit to Port Blair 2 weeks after the December 26, 2004
earthquake and tsunami, the author was surprised to discover some excellent examples of
retrofitting, including in the largest mosque of the Andaman and Nicobar (A&N) islands at
Port Blair known as Jama Masjid, located in the Aberdeen area. The mosque, made of
brick masonry with arches, domes and minarets, was completed in 1913; its plan is about
75 feet by 106 feet, and height is 66 feet. A number of tie rods across the halls tie the walls
together and ensure that these walls act together in the event of ground shaking, and thus
prevent collapse. While there were many examples of new RC frame buildings in Port
Blair that were damaged in the 2004 earthquake, this building responded very well, with
only a small collapse of one of its minor minarets. Mr Yameen Mohammed Murtaza, an
electrical engineer working for the Electricity Department in the A&N Islands, proudly
mentioned that his grandfather, an Overseer in the local Public Works Department, was
instrumental in putting the tie rods in after the mosque was damaged in the earthquake of
1941. In about 2002 the mosque was being renovated and, since by then many of the tie
rods had fallen due to corrosion, Mr. Murtaza decided to repair the tie rods, perhaps as a
mark of respect for his grandfather’s efforts in the forties (Fig. 19).
The retrofitting of the mosque was rather intriguing to the author. The local engineers in
the A&N islands in the forties understood how best to safeguard a masonry building from
earthquakes. He expected to see something more interesting after that, but where?
In 1858, the British established a high security penal colony at Port Blair, and occupied
neighbouring Ross Island for their offices and residences (Fig. 20). In 1942, about

1362 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Fig. 19 Jama Masjid in Port Blair a Notice the iron angle for anchoring the tie rods used for retrofitting
b Tie rods used for retrofitting c Tie-rods placed in both directions (photos: author)

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1363

Fig. 20 Historic photo showing dock and original structures on Ross Island (photo: author)

9 months after the earthquake, the Japanese took over the islands and occupied Ross Island
until 1945 when the Japanese forces surrendered to the British and Indian troops. Ross
Island has remained abandoned ever since. Only a few years ago it was turned into a day
destination for tourists maintained and managed by the Indian Navy. Post-tsunami there
were no tourists and hence, Ross Island was closed for visits. However, friendly officers of
the Indian Navy assisted the author with a visit to the Island, where a treat awaited in terms
of historical seismic retrofitting.
Most of the buildings on the Island are made of brick masonry and have either collapsed
or are in ruins (Fig. 21). Some have huge Peepul trees growing on them! But upon
examination, the author found that each of these buildings had been seismically retrofitted
with the use of tie rods. It took him a while to locate the tie rods in the ruins of the Church,
but clearly the Church was not left out of the retrofitting plans (Fig. 22).
The arches too were provided with tie rods, so that in the case of shaking the tie rods
would take the tension forces generated and save the arches from collapse (since masonry
arches transfer the vertical loads through compression, and are not effective in carrying
tension generated during ground shaking).
The above examples show that it was possible to carry out earthquake-resistant design
and retrofitting before the formal evolution of earthquake engineering discipline and this
should be a source of inspiration to our current generation of engineers and architects. We
have much to learn from a careful study of historic practices.

4 Post independence developments

As discussed earlier, the first systematic developments in earthquake-resistant construction

took place in Quetta in the thirties. However, this remained a one-time local effort driven
by unique circumstances and coincidences. The more formal institutionalization of
earthquake engineering in India happened in the late 1950’s and the 1960’s (Jain 2008). In
that sense, India was amongst the few countries that started formal earthquake engineering
efforts rather early.

1364 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Fig. 21 a Photo of Church when built b Church as its stands today (photos: author)

A great deal of credit for institutionalization of earthquake engineering in India can be

given to the vision and leadership of A. N. Khosla, an eminent hydraulic engineer. After
studying civil engineering at Thomason College in Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee), Khosla
joined the Irrigation Branch of the Public Works Department. He had a very distinguished
career as an engineer, made some pioneering innovations in engineering, and was involved
in numerous river valley projects, including the Bhakra dam. In the case of Bhakra, he was
engaged at various stages during most of his engineering career: starting with surveys and
investigations during 1917–1921, to serving as vice-chairman and later as chairman of the
board of consultants for the dam, until it was commissioned in 1963. Bhakra is one of the
tallest gravity dams in the world, the tallest in India, and is located in a highly seismic area
that is not too far from the site of the magnitude 8.0 Kangra earthquake of 1905. Khosla
later held other important engineering responsibilities such as the Chairman of the Central
Waterways, Irrigation and Navigation Commission (now, Central Water Commission)

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1365

Fig. 22 a Tie rods visible in church ruins as well as b Anchor bolts visible (photos: author)

during 1945–1953, Vice Chancellor of the University of Roorkee during 1954–1959, as

Member of the Planning Commission of India during 1959–1962 and Governor of Orissa
during 1962–1968 (Parthasarathy 2003) (Fig. 23).
With his various responsibilities in major engineering projects, Khosla could have been
very concerned with the need to design and construct structures that can withstand
earthquakes. As Chairman of the Central Board of Geophysics, in a preface to proceedings
of a seminar on the Great Assam–Tibet earthquake of 1950 (M8.7), Khosla wrote: ‘‘The
seismological work in India has not so far received adequate attention and when compared
with Japan, USA and some other countries, it is lagging far behind……the science of
geophysics, although a newcomer in the field, has vital bearing on many aspects of our
development plans, engineering, industrial and agricultural’’ (Rao 1953).
As Vice Chancellor of the University of Roorkee, Khosla happened to visit the Cali-
fornia Institute of Technology (Caltech) in the USA in 1957 and was intrigued by the

1366 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Fig. 23 A. N. Khosla, visionary

who was instrumental in
institutionalizing earthquake
engineering in India (Mital 2008)

earthquake engineering being pursued there. He worked out an arrangement with Caltech
to seek their help in establishing earthquake engineering at Roorkee, best described in the
words of Prof Donald Hudson of Caltech (Hudson, interviewed by Cohen 1997):
Khosla came to Caltech and spent a couple of weeks. This was in the late 1950s. He
was very interested in what we were doing. He was interested in earthquake work.
He was also much interested in dynamics laboratory. I had set up a little laboratory
for dynamic measurements of all kinds. He spent quite a little time looking over what
we were doing. Finally he came in 1 day and said, ‘‘I’m very interested in what
you’re doing. I’d like to do the same things in my school. So I’ve arranged with Dr.
DuBridge [Caltech president Lee A. DuBridge] that you should take a leave of
absence and come over to India for a while.’’ …. So the arrangement was that he
would send over his best man to work with me for 6 months. We would plan the
laboratory here, order all new equipment, and get everything packed up and ready to
ship to Roorkee. And then I would come to Roorkee and spend six months or so.
Then he would send two more of his best people to Caltech for a year.
As a result, Professor Jai Krishna, a faculty member at Roorkee in structural engi-
neering, spent several months at Caltech to learn earthquake engineering and on his return
Professors D. E. Hudson and G. W. Housner of Caltech visited Roorkee for about 6 months
and 6 weeks, respectively. With their help, Roorkee started to teach earthquake engi-
neering, developed a laboratory and started a research programme (Fig. 24).
Khosla had a very good rapport with the then Prime Minister Nehru who visited Bhakra
Dam a number of times, and this was of great value to developing earthquake engineering
at Roorkee. For instance, Hudson in his oral history mentions: ‘‘And, sure enough, they got
him [Nehru] to come and inspect our school. We showed him the lab and everything we
were doing [in earthquake engineering at Roorkee]. He was very interested. So, from then
on, we got the full backing from the government of India. Without that, of course, we could
have done nothing. That was, again, just kind of fortuitous—when personal connections
were involved from way back’’ (Hudson, interviewed by S. Cohen 1997).
During his stay at Roorkee, Hudson also helped develop ‘‘structural response recorders’’
(SRR) (Cloud and Hudson 1961; Krishna and Chandrasekaran 1965) which consist of six
seismoscopes (of natural periods 0.40, 0.75 and 1.25 s; damping 5 and 10 %) (Fig. 25). A

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1367

Fig. 24 President of India Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad visits Roorkee in 1976. Jai Krishna in profile to centre
right explaining the model tests for masonry houses (Mital 2008)

Fig. 25 Arrangement of a typical structural response recorder (photo: A. Mathur)

seismoscope provides maximum response regardless of the direction of motion within the
horizontal plane (Fig. 25) of an oscillator during an earthquake without providing the time
history as shown in Fig. 26. Hence, the SRR was designed to provide three points on 5 %
damping response spectrum and three points on 10 % damping response spectrum. Several
hundred such instruments were installed all over the country by the Earthquake Engi-
neering Department of Roorkee under the Indian National Strong Motion Instrumentation
Network (INSMIN) programme. The SRRs, besides being very inexpensive (as compared
to more modern Strong Motion Accelerographs, SMAs) required no power supply and
hardly any maintenance. As a result, these have been very valuable sources of information
in some of the past earthquakes in India, particularly in instances where records from more
modern instruments could not be obtained. It has been shown that notwithstanding the
simplicity of such instruments, the reliability of responses obtained from them are com-
parable to the responses obtained from SMAs (Jain et al. 2012).

1368 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Fig. 26 Typical structural response record (University of Roorkee 1988)

Hudson and Housner also helped Jai Krishna to organize the first ever earthquake
engineering conference in India, the first ‘‘Symposium on Earthquake Engineering’’ in
1959. The School for Research and Training in Earthquake Engineering (SRTEE) was
established at Roorkee in 1960, which later became the Department of Earthquake Engi-
neering. Under Jai Krishna’s leadership, the first national seismic code (IS 1893) was
published by Indian Standards Institute (now, Bureau of Indian Standards) in 1962. He also
formed the Indian Society of Earthquake Technology in 1962.
As per the original plan of Khosla’s, two young faculty members of Roorkee, A.
R. Chandrasekaran and L. S. Srivastava were sent to Caltech to learn earthquake engi-
neering for 1 year each, after the visit of Hudson and Housner. Both contributed to
earthquake engineering in India for many years upon their return. The entire plan was a
very fine example of capacity-building in a new disciplinary area for a developing country
and could form an excellent model even for twenty-first century India.
Clearly, great work was done in the late fifties and the early sixties on institutional
developments towards earthquake engineering. The following quote from Hudson in his
oral history describes how far advanced Roorkee was in the mid-sixties: ‘‘… One of the
new buildings was a big earthquake laboratory—Earthquake Engineering Laboratory.

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1369

They had much better facilities there than we ever had here. This was all due to the man
that they sent over to work with me, Dr. Jai Krishna, who turned out to be extremely able.
He became vice chancellor of the university, and then president of the International
Association for Earthquake Engineering ….’’(Hudson, interviewed by S. Cohen 1997).
The 1967 Koyna earthquake (M6.7) occurred in an area considered non-seismic at that
time. It killed about 200 persons and caused structural damage to Koyna Dam. The
earthquake provided much needed articulation for incorporation of earthquake engineering
design in major projects in India and provided a tremendous opportunity to the Earthquake
School at Roorkee to contribute to numerous projects such as nuclear power plants, dams,
and bridges. In his Caltech oral history, Housner states: ‘‘the fellows—Krishna and
Chandrasekaran and Srivastava—who were here were able people, so they’ve got a very
vigorous group there that is recommending how to design their dams and all that sort of
thing. It’s been a very fruitful thing for India; before that, they just didn’t do any-
thing’’(Housner, interviewed by Prud’homme 1984).
These institutional developments enabled Jai Krishna and his colleagues to host the
sixth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE) in New Delhi in 1977
(Figs. 27, 28), and again Hudson mentions the political patronage for the conference: ‘‘An
interesting sideline is that, by the time we had the world conference in Delhi, there was a
new prime minister, Indira Gandhi, and she played quite a role in the conference. She gave
the opening address. We had a very elegant tea party at her house for the conference
officials where she thanked me very much on behalf of her father for starting the labo-
ratory. So that was a remarkable thing. There were just a lot of very lucky things that
happened….’’(Hudson, interviewed by S. Cohen 1997).
On the advice of Jai Krishna, the Department of Science and Technology of the
Government of India established the ‘‘Himalayan Seismicity’’ programme to support
numerous research projects on seismology, including strong motion instrumentation in
some high seismic areas. A large shake table was built at Roorkee in the eighties.
Unfortunately, impetus behind research support for ‘‘engineering for earthquakes’’ has
not been commensurate. In the absence of damaging earthquakes from 1967 to 1988,
research into engineering for earthquakes tended to stagnate. Besides Roorkee, other

Fig. 27 Jai Krishna addressing Prime Minister Gandhi and select delegates of 6WCEE (source: Prem

1370 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Fig. 28 Prime Minister Gandhi with select delegates of 6WCEE, including Jai Krishna to the left in photo,
George Housner to left of Krishna (source: Prem Krishna)

academic institutions remained aloof from earthquake engineering. There were no serious
efforts to bring professional engineers within the ambit of earthquake safety, and the
professionals tended to view earthquake safety as something for the specialists to address
(Jain 2008).

5 Code development

5.1 Seismic zone map

As mentioned earlier in Sect. 3, the first ever seismic zone map for India was published by
Kumar (1933). The Geological Survey of India (GSI) published a seismic zone map in
1935 as mentioned by West (1937). Seismic zone maps were also published in a number of
articles, e.g., Krishna (1959) and Mithal and Srivastava (1959). However, these remained
somewhat academic in nature and were never implemented. In 1958, Indian Roads Con-
gress (IRC) published code provisions for seismic design of bridges, in which it provided a
seismic zone map and seismic coefficients.
The seismic zone map was formally published in 1962 (Fig. 29) in the first seismic code
(IS 1893–1962) by the Indian Standards Institution (ISI), now Bureau of Indian Standards.
This was based on the epicentral distribution of past earthquakes and the isoseismals of
such events. Seven seismic zones were provided with areas of potential ground shaking
with intensity (Modified Mercalli scale) of: less than V, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X (and
above) and termed these as Seismic Zones 0, I, II, III, IV, V and VI, respectively. The zone
map was modified somewhat in the 1966 version of the code (Fig. 30) but retained the
seven seismic zones. In 1967, a magnitude 6.5 earthquake shook the area around Koyna
dam in which 200 persons were killed. The affected area was located in seismic zone I on
the prevailing map, and hence, triggered a significant change in the seismic zone map in
the 1970 version of the code (Fig. 31). Besides changing the boundaries of the zones, the
number of zones was reduced from seven to five: seismic zone 0 was merged with zone I,
and zone VI was merged with zone V.

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1371

Fig. 29 Seismic Zone Map of India, 1962 (IS 1893: 1962)

Limitations of the 1970 seismic zone map were visible in yet another disastrous
earthquake in an area considered of low seismicity. In 1993, the magnitude 6.2 earthquake
that occurred in the Latur district of Maharashtra, discussed earlier, had an epicentre near
Killari village and killed 7928 persons. The area experienced a shaking intensity of up to
IX, even though it was located in seismic zone I which was defined by the code as an area
only liable to a shaking intensity of V (or lower) on the Medvedev Sponheuer Karnik
(MSK) Intensity Scale. Thus yet another revision to the seismic zone map was triggered by
an earthquake. The revised zone map in the 2002 version of IS 1893 further reduced the
number of seismic zones from five to four, by merging zone I with zone II. The Latur
earthquake-affected area was reconstructed with an ad-hoc decision to comply with seis-
mic zone IV requirements (see Fig. 32). The area was brought under zone III in the 2002
version of the map along with a substantial part of peninsular India.
As can be seen above, the modifications to the seismic zone map in 1970 and again in
2002 have been somewhat ad-hoc, caused by the occurrence of damaging earthquakes in
areas considered of very low seismicity. There has been much discussion about the need

1372 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Fig. 30 Seismic zone map of India, 1966 (IS 1893: 1962, revised in 1966)

for a probabilistic seismic zone map for the country and some efforts have been made
toward this. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has undertaken
development of such a zone map and under the leadership of Prof R. N. Iyengar, contour
maps of peak ground acceleration on A-type rock (V30 [ 1.5 km/s) level for return periods
of 500, 2500, 5000 and 10,000 years were prepared in 2011. In 2012, another set of seismic
maps (for return periods of 500 and 2500 years) were prepared by a Task Force headed by
Dr. B. K. Rastogi set up by the CED39 Committee of the Bureau of Indian Standards.
However, not enough discussion has taken place on incorporating any of the probabilistic
maps in the seismic codes.

5.2 Early developments of codes

As discussed earlier, in the process of reconstructing Quetta after the 1935 earthquake,
seismic codes were developed and implemented for the first time in the Indian subconti-
nent. However, this effort remained local and did not spread to the rest of India. As a result

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1373

Fig. 31 Seismic Zone Map of India, 1970 (IS 1893: 1962, revised in 1970)

of damaging earthquakes such as those in 1934 Bihar–Nepal, 1935 Quetta and 1956 Anjar
(Kutch), some interest was generated amongst professionals towards seismic design and
construction. For example:
(a) The Indian Concrete Journal provided very good coverage of the 1934 Bihar–Nepal
earthquake damage in a special issue (ICJ 1934) with excellent photographs and
captions of the damages.
(b) Design principles of earthquake-resistant buildings were discussed in two articles
(ICJ 1956a, b) of the Indian Concrete Journal.
(c) The Concrete Association of India (CAI) published a monograph on earthquake-
resistant design in 1954, which was subsequently revised in 1958 and 1965 (CAI
(d) The Indian Roads Congress (IRC) in Paper No. 112 in 1946 provided for seismic
design of bridges situated in regions that are subject to earthquakes (IRC 1946).

1374 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Fig. 32 Seismic Zone Map of India, 2002 (IS 1893: 2002)

(e) 1958 and 1966 versions of the bridge code of the Indian Roads Congress (IRC 1966)
provided a seismic zone map for India and specific seismic coefficients for different
While the first formal seismic code in India was published in 1962, the code was not
made mandatory for several decades thereafter. Revisions of this code became rather
infrequent with the passage of time. Over the years, a number of additional seismic codes
have been developed in the country.
After the 2001 Bhuj earthquake, it became clear that Indian seismic codes (and codes
for protection against other disasters such as fire and wind) required a significant amount of
work. The Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA) sponsored a large
project at IIT Kanpur to work on building codes on earthquakes, wind and fire. The scope
of work included review of codes, suggestions for modifications in the existing codes,
development of several new codes, and development of commentaries and explanatory
handbooks. A very significant amount of work was done under this project by a large team

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1375

of experts from across the country. Under an arrangement with GSDMA, all these docu-
ments were placed on the web site of NICEE for wide dissemination (
IITK-GSDMA_Codes.php). Several of these documents have become the basis of subse-
quent code revisions.

5.3 Seismic codes from bureau of Indian standards

Table 3 gives a list of the earthquake engineering codes that have been published by the
Bureau of Indian Standards. The following notes on the development of these codes
provide some context to this table:
(a) IS I893 has traditionally been the main seismic code in India, providing the seismic
zone map and seismic design force for different structures, such as buildings, water
tanks, stacks, bridges, dams and embankments, and retaining walls. The code, first
published in 1962, was revised in 1966, 1970, 1975, and 1984.
(b) The work on revisions to IS 1893–1984 was taken up in 1991 when it was decided to
split IS 1893 into several parts with the hope that it would enable more frequent and
timely revisions of the code (which unfortunately did not lead to frequent changes).
Part 1 of the code contains general provisions (such as zone map, zone factor, etc.)
applicable to all types of structures, and specific provisions for buildings. It was
published in 2002 and drew heavily from the draft code developed (Murty and Jain
1995) under a project sponsored by the Council of Industrial and Scientific Research
(c) Three other sections of IS 1893 addressing liquid retaining tanks (part 2; published
in 2014), bridges and retaining walls (part 3; published in 2014) and industrial

Table 3 Bureau of Indian standards codes on earthquake engineering

Standard no. Title Latest

IS 1893: Part 1 Criteria for Earthquake-resistant Design of Structures—Part 1: General 2002

Provisions and Buildings
IS 1893: Part 2 Criteria for Earthquake-resistant Design of Structures—Part 2: Liquid 2014
Retaining Tanks
IS 1893: Part 3 Criteria for Earthquake-resistant Design of Structures—Part 3: Bridges and 2014
Retaining Walls
IS 1893: Part 4 Criteria for Earthquake-resistant Design of Structures—Part 4: Industrial 2005
structures including Stack-like Structures
IS 4326 Earthquake-resistant design and construction of buildings—Code of practice 2013
IS 4967 Recommendations for seismic instrumentation for river valley projects 1968
IS 13827 Improving earthquake resistance of earthen buildings—Guidelines 1993
IS 13828 Improving earthquake resistance of low strength masonry buildings— 1993
IS 13920 Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected to seismic 1993
forces—Code of practice
IS 13935 Seismic Evaluation, Repair and Strengthening of Masonry Buildings— 2009
IS 15988 Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening of Existing Reinforced Concrete 2013

1376 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

structures (part 4; published in 2005) are now available. The section on dams and
embankments is still in process. Part 2 containing provisions on liquid retaining
tanks is based on the work done under the GSDMA project (Jain and Jaiswal 2007).
(d) IS 4326 contains general principles for design of buildings, including empirical
seismic provisions for masonry buildings. It was first published in 1967 and revised
in 1976. It also included some nominal requirements for ductile detailing of
reinforced concrete buildings but these were not implemented in practice. This code
was revised again in 1993, but the ductile detailing provisions were taken out of this
code and included in a new code (IS 13920).
(e) Two new codes, IS 13827 and IS 13828 were published in 1993 containing
empirical seismic provisions for (i) earthen buildings, and (ii) low strength masonry
buildings, respectively. The rationale was that such housing is common in large
parts of India and continues to cause a significant number of deaths in earthquakes.
Rather than expecting that such buildings will stop being constructed, it may be
better to provide some guidance on improving their earthquake resistance. Much of
this guidance was drawn from the ‘Guidelines for earthquake-resistant non-
engineered construction’, published by the International Association for Earthquake
Engineering (IAEE 1986).
(f) IS 13920–1993 for the first time provided comprehensive ductile detailing
requirements for reinforced concrete structures in regions of high seismicity. This
was the result of more than a year-long effort with special funding provided by IIT
Kanpur (Medhekar et al. 1992; Medhekar and Jain 1993). A revised version based
primarily on work done under the GSDMA project is about to be printed as of
January 2015.
(g) IS 13935 when published in 1993 was titled Indian Standard Guidelines for Repair
and Seismic Strengthening of Buildings; again much of it was drawn from the IAEE
guidelines on non-engineered construction (IAEE 1986). This code was revised in
2009 with the modified title of Indian Standard Guidelines for Seismic Evaluation,
Repair and Strengthening of Masonry Buildings. It now contains a relatively
simplistic rapid visual assessment method, wherein, depending on the material used
in the building, its expected damage category in different seismic zones is indicated.
(h) IS 15988 was published in 2013 based on the work done by Professor Durgesh C.
Rai at IIT Kanpur for the GSDMA project for seismic evaluation and strengthening
of existing buildings (Rai 2005).

5.4 Seismic codes for the design of bridges

The design of highway bridges in India is governed by the codes of Indian Roads Congress
(IRC), and of railway bridges by the Bridge Rules of Indian Railways. Since both provide
seismic provisions, the BIS code provisions on seismic design of bridges are not commonly
used. However, in some instances, the client may require that the railway bridge must
comply with the more conservative of the provisions of the BIS code and Bridge Rules.
The IRC: 6 (Indian Roads Congress 1966) provides requirements on loads and stresses
for the design of highway bridges. The code was first published in 1958 and has been
revised from time to time. The 1958 version provided three seismic zones with design
seismic coefficients as zero, 5 %g, 10 % g, respectively, for the first three zones. Further,
the zone map also marked out several epicentral tracts based on the occurrence of past
earthquakes; for such areas the design coefficient was left at the discretion of the engineer

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1377

responsible for the design. In 1979, the code adopted the seismic zone map of IS 1893 with
the five seismic zones, and provided design seismic coefficients that depended not only on
seismic zones, but also on the importance of the bridge and the type of soil and foundation
The collapse of the 56 m span Gawana bridge in the 1991 Uttarkashi earthquake caused
significant disruption for several days to a strategic road and stranded the pilgrims at
Gangotri. Seeing the inadequacy of seismic code provisions based on this collapse, a
proposal was submitted to the Ministry of Surface Transport (MOST) of the Government
of India to seek funds to undertake a systematic study on the state of the art of seismic
design of bridges across the world, and to develop draft Indian codal provisions. The study
was sponsored by the MOST after the 1993 Latur earthquake and enabled systematic study
of the issue and development of a draft of a modern seismic code (Murty and Jain 1997,
2000; Jain and Murty 1998). A number of 1-week continuing education programmes were
also conducted at IIT Kanpur starting in 1996 on the seismic design of bridges that were
attended by a significant number of professional engineers.
As a result of this study and the training programmes, the flexibility of bridges (fun-
damental natural period) was included in 2003 in consideration of the seismic design
coefficient. Interim provisions for seismic design were approved by the IRC in 2003 that
provided for a seismic coefficient depending on seismic zone, flexibility of the bridge, and
type of soil. These provided for a fixed value for the response reduction factor (R) as 2.5
regardless of the type of bridge and for all parts of the bridge, and required that ductile
detailing be carried out for bridges in high seismic zones. In 2010, more detailed seismic
provisions were adopted by IRC wherein the response reduction factor (R) varies from 1.0
to 4.0 depending on the type of substructure and bearings. It was only in 2011 that IRC
codes moved from working stress design to limit state design for concrete structures (IRC
2011), and hence in 2014, the seismic provisions were further revised to make these
consistent with limit state design.
Until recently, the seismic design provisions of the Indian Railways continued to pro-
vide a seismic design coefficient that was independent of the flexibility of the bridge. A
study was sponsored by the Research Design and Standards Organisation of the Indian
Railways at IIT Kanpur to develop modern seismic provisions for railway bridges sup-
ported by commentary and explanatory examples. This resulted in development of IITK-
RDSO Guidelines on Seismic Design of Railway Bridges in 2010 (Jain et al. 2010a, b).
Indian Railways had a number of consultations and discussions on this document and in
January 2015 formally approved a modified version of it with lower seismic design forces
as RDSO Guidelines for Seismic Design of Railway Bridges (RDSO 2015).

5.5 The way forward

The above discussion illustrates that there has been a very significant disconnect and time
lag between the development of seismic design codes in India with respect to develop-
ments in earthquake engineering elsewhere. For instance, until 2003 the IRC provided for a
seismic design force on highway bridges that did not depend on the flexibility (natural
period) of the bridge. Similarly, seismic design forces for railway bridges remained
independent of structural flexibility until 2015. The BIS codes too have been slow to
update; in some cases more than two decades lapse between revisions. This state is a
reflection of several challenges in India. To begin with, there are too few experts in
earthquake engineering for India’s needs. Further, many experts do not appreciate the time
and effort needed for development of codes. When codes are not updated in a timely

1378 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

manner, the gap between state-of-the-practice in India vis-à-vis other seismic countries
increases disproportionately. Indian professionals’ knowledge thus becomes dated and the
learning curve to understand needed changes in theory and practice becomes too steep,
resulting in higher resistance to changes. To enable the professionals to appreciate changes
in the code and implement these smoothly, it is important to simultaneously develop
commentaries and explanatory handbooks. All this requires a significant amount of work
requiring funds, and cannot be carried out by voluntary committee membership alone. A
substantial amount of work on codes was carried out at IIT Kanpur because funding for this
purpose became available from a number of agencies such as Council of Scientific and
Industrial Research (CSIR), Ministry of Surface Transport (MOST), Gujarat State Disaster
Management Authority (GSDMA) and Research Design and Standards Organization
(RDSO). If the country is to catch up with other developed seismic countries in this area,
appropriate funding must be allocated by the concerned organizations for development of
seismic codes.
The codes of practice are useful only if these are implemented in actual construction.
Until 2001, the seismic codes in India were not mandatory and were only recommenda-
tions. After 2001, many cities and states started to require compliance with seismic codes.
However, most often there has been no enforcement and no mechanisms exist in most of
the country to prevent someone from constructing a building that does not comply with the
codes. While on one hand, the country must work on regular updates of the codes, on the
other hand, it is even more critical to create mechanisms for implementation and
enforcement of the existing codes.

6 Capacity-building initiatives

Capacity-building initiatives in earthquake engineering have been in place in India in some

form for decades. The Government of India, particularly through its Ministries of Human
Resource Development and Home Affairs, has been involved in various capacity-building
initiatives, as have state governments and the various IITs, colleges, universities and many
non-governmental organizations (NGOs). These initiatives can range from professional
development programmes, to training of masons, including the development of handbooks
and guidelines, to awareness-building workshops to technical short courses. The need for
such initiatives has become particularly apparent after recent major earthquakes, where
post-earthquake damage surveys illustrate widespread use of unsafe design, detailing and
construction practices. These earthquakes make it clear that there is a need for more
knowledge for everyone involved all along the chain of the construction process, from the
building owner, the architect, the engineer, the contractor, the mason and the municipal
official. Hundreds of damaged and collapsed building sites tell the same disturbing story—
poor architectural configuration, inadequate structural design, lack of proper detailing and
poor construction and inspection practices. The stakeholders are many and include not only
those directly involved in design, construction and management, but the community as a
whole. An aware and sensitized community is an important cornerstone of a strong
earthquake risk reduction program. However, the awareness and concern of a community
towards safety must be supported by competent professionals. Hence, it is critically
important to undertake capacity-building of professionals engaged in design and con-
struction, particularly structural engineers and architects.

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1379

While there are many types of capacity-building initiatives targeted at many different
stakeholders, this section will focus on several particularly successful initiatives targeted at
professional engineers and architects and at colleges of engineering and architecture. An
interesting and happy coincidence actually contributed to this. In the 1980’s a group of
young structural engineers trained in earthquake engineering in some leading universities
overseas joined the IITs as regular faculty members to teach structural engineering (Jain
2008). They brought to the institutes their research interests in earthquake engineering and
the discipline grew.

6.1 Continuing education programmes

Early in the 1990s it was apparent that numerous practising structural engineers in the
country, notwithstanding excellent education and training in structural engineering, did not
understand concepts of earthquake-resistant construction. In October 1992, a 3-day course
on ‘‘Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings’’ for professional engineers was
conducted by the author together with Prof CVR Murty2 as an inaugural programme to
kick-start formal activities at the new IIT at Guwahati3 (Fig. 33). Based on feedback from
that course, a massive campaign was then launched to train professional engineers in
earthquake engineering. Typically, the programmes were (a) of 5-day duration, (b) taught
by just two or three instructors (as opposed to a large number of speakers), and (c) self-
supporting wherein the entire costs were met from the registration fee charged to the
participants. While many academics and postgraduate students participated in these
courses, the emphasis was on practising professionals. Therefore, concepts were explained
in physical terms without resorting to complex mathematics.
In the initial courses, there was tremendous resistance amongst the professionals to
accept concepts of earthquake-resistant design. For instance, an engineer with 20 years of
professional practice would usually find it very unsettling to learn that his analysis, design
or detailing methods were inadequate. Over the years this resistance reduced, and by the
time of the 2001 Bhuj earthquake a significant number of professionals in the country had
become familiar with earthquake design. Between 1992 and 2002 about 2000 professional
engineers were trained in seismic design courses conducted in different parts of India,
Nepal and Bhutan. Collapses of numerous buildings in the Bhuj earthquake significantly
reduced the resistance that professionals had towards earthquake design concepts.
Over the years, a large number of other continuing education programmes in earthquake
engineering have been organized at the various IITs, including IIT Roorkee which has had
a programme for the last 40 years, IIT Kanpur which has had a very active programme in
the last two decades, and IIT Gandhinagar which began a series of continuing education
programmes in 2011. These programmes have been extremely valuable in taking earth-
quake engineering concepts to professionals, and significant improvements have taken
place in the construction practices in the country as a result of these. For instance, in 1999
it was heartening to see in the small town of Imphal (in highest seismic zone V) several

Prof CVR Murty, at that time teaching in IIT Delhi, was to later join IIT Kanpur and work closely with the
author for more than a decade.
Establishing an IIT in the state of Assam was one of the commitments made by the Government of India
in the Assam Accord, signed on August 15, 1985, under the Prime Ministership of Rajiv Gandhi. The
Foundation Stone of the Institute was laid on July 4, 1992, by the then Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao.
The 3-day course was held soon after this and long before the new Institute admitted its first batch of
students in July 1995.

1380 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Fig. 33 Participants in the short course at IIT Guwahati in 1992, three years before the undergraduate
admissions commenced (source: author)

buildings under construction with seismic detailing of reinforcement as a result of the

efforts of course participants (Jain and Murty 2003; Jain 2010).

6.2 Two workshops at Kanpur

What if a group of select academics and professionals were to meet at one place for three
days and have free across-the-table discussions, without a rigid agenda and without having
any formal presentations? This simple question over a casual conversation resulted in two
brain-storming workshops at IIT Kanpur that later proved very effective towards capacity-
building for seismic safety.
The first such workshop on the broad theme of earthquake-resistant construction in a
civil engineering curriculum (Murty et al. 1998) was held during 10–12 October 1996 at
IIT Kanpur. It was recognized that a typical undergraduate civil engineering curriculum
did not include any coverage of earthquake engineering; this was also the case even at the
post-graduate level, and only a small fraction of structural engineering students got a
chance to study earthquake engineering and design. Hence, most civil engineers were not
receiving any formal training in earthquake engineering. The questions that prompted the
1996 workshop give a glimpse of the state of affairs in India at that time (Murty et al.
• Should we continue to let earthquake-resistant constructions be handled by specialists
only, or should an average civil engineer responsible for construction be expected to
know about appropriate earthquake technology for day-to-day constructions?

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1381

• Should earthquake-resistant construction be taught as a separate subject in the

engineering curriculum, or should the topics related to earthquake engineering be
merged with the existing courses?
• Should earthquake engineering maintain an identity outside the normal civil
engineering industry or become a part of civil engineering industry itself?
• How best to achieve the following goal: professional civil engineers should be able to
ensure earthquake-resistant constructions without seeking help from ‘‘earthquake
engineering experts,’’ particularly for the run-of-the-mill constructions.
The workshop participation was by invitation, and 19 persons from across the country,
representing academia, industry, and R&D laboratories, participated in intense discussions
over three days. Numerous ideas emerged, clarity was obtained on many issues, and a
number of recommendations pertaining to earthquake engineering in general, and the civil
engineering curriculum in particular emerged from the workshop.
The second such workshop on ‘‘Developing Earthquake Engineering Industry in India:
Opportunities & Challenges’’ was organized at Kanpur during 14–16 October 1998 and
included 22 participants from across the country and of diverse backgrounds (Murty et al.
1999). The main question that this meeting addressed was: challenges ahead and oppor-
tunities available for developing an earthquake engineering industry wherein earthquake-
related services and products can be conveniently available.
Besides generating numerous excellent recommendations and providing clarity to many
fuzzy ideas, the workshops enabled a group of enthusiasts to spend time together, know
each other, and form a community. These turned out to be preparatory meetings that led to
two major initiatives in India discussed below: the establishment of the National Infor-
mation Centre for Earthquake Engineering (NICEE) at IIT Kanpur in 1999, and the
National Programme on Earthquake Engineering Education (NPEEE) conducted during
2003–2007. Thanks to the vision and clarity provided by these workshops, it was possible
to leverage the opportunity provided by the 2001 earthquake. The informal network and the
community that emerged out of these meetings were critical for the implementation of
these new initiatives. Looking back, the investment of time and money on these two
meetings could be termed as amongst the best investments made by the author in his
professional career.

6.3 National information centre of earthquake engineering (NICEE)

6.3.1 Inception

One of the key observations from the 1996 workshop at IIT Kanpur was that the gap
between the international state-of-the-art and that in India had been widening with time. A
major contributor to this situation was the non-availability of books, journals and other
technical reports to Indian academics and professionals for various reasons (Jain and Murty
2003). The workshop recommended that a national resource centre be created to enable
anyone anywhere in the country to borrow books and reports.
A proposal for creating the National Information Centre of Earthquake Engineering
(NICEE) at IIT Kanpur was developed in 1997. It was proposed that the Centre would be
funded through interest income from an endowment and other incomes, and that it would
operate within the overall financial and administrative framework of IIT Kanpur. The focus
of the proposed Centre was on creating a library-oriented resource centre; the following
objectives were outlined in the original proposal:

1382 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

(a) To keep track of availability of new publications and other materials in the area of
earthquake engineering.
(b) To create and maintain a decent storehouse of publications and other materials on
earthquake engineering.
(c) To disseminate information about availability of the above material at IITK to
interested professionals, researchers and academicians, and,
(d) To make available the material to interested persons in a timely manner.
A strong endorsement by Professor N. C. Nigam, the then-President of the Indian
Society for Earthquake Technology and Vice Chancellor of the University of Roorkee
(now IIT Roorkee) to the proposal was critically helpful to raise funds for the Centre. In the
first instance, an endowment of Rs 5 million (*€90,000)4 was raised from four organi-
zations: Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO), Telecom Commission,
Railway Board, and Ministry of Agriculture of Government of India. In addition, the Board
of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) provided a recurring grant for 3 years towards the
After the first grant was received from HUDCO in 1999, a modest level of activities of
the Centre started without making a formal announcement. However, the 2001 Bhuj
earthquake created an unprecedented urgency and the focus shifted from fund-raising to
information dissemination. Within a few days of the earthquake, NICEE web site was
launched with IAEE guidelines on non-engineered constructions (IAEE 1986) as a key
resource and it was widely accessed by engineers in Gujarat.

6.3.2 The centre

Even though housed within IIT Kanpur, NICEE operates as a national resource. A number
of colleagues in the country (and outside) provide leadership in various activities of the
Centre. The Centre is managed by a National Advisory Committee consisting of repre-
sentatives from different institutions in the country, industries, and individuals; the
Committee meets annually, reviews activities of the Centre and provides guidance and
In its early days, a number of organizations and individuals provided their publications
or other resources as a gift, e.g., Multidisciplinary Centre for Earthquake Engineering
Research (MCEER) at Buffalo (USA), Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI)
in USA, New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering (NZSEE), the late
Professor George Housner of the California Institute of Technology Pasadena, and the late
Professor N C Nigam in India.
The Centre was conceived so as to minimize its operational costs, by utilizing the
infrastructure and the administration of IIT Kanpur. For instance, all books and publica-
tions procured by the Centre are placed in and managed by the Central Library of the
Institute, and IIT Kanpur handles all administration, accounts and audits in the usual
The Centre currently incurs expenditures of the order of Rs 4 million (*€60,000) per
year, which it covers by donations, sponsorships, interest earnings of its endowment, and
the sale of publications. To date, about 500 unique donors have made contributions to the
Centre, with an average contribution of Rs 15,000 (*€200) and a median contribution of

In order to give perspective to the reader, value in euros has been provided here (and in the rest of the
paper) based on the contemporary value of euro.

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1383

Rs 3000 (*€40). The NICEE publications are priced very nominally and many are dis-
tributed free of charge.
With time, the scope of NICEE activities has been enlarged considerably, from the
initial intent of a library-oriented Centre, to a Centre that undertakes a number of outreach
and capacity-building activities. Some of its important activities are described in the fol-
lowing section.

6.3.3 Activities

Table 4 lists the components of the various activities that NICEE has engaged in since

6.4 National programme on earthquake engineering education

6.4.1 Inception

Extensive media coverage of the enormous loss of life and damages after the 2001 Bhuj
earthquake brought the reality of the earthquake disaster into sharp focus, and as a shocked
nation became more receptive than ever before to the devastation of an earthquake disaster,
the ground was laid for capacity-building initiatives directed at earthquake safety. The
preparatory work through deliberations at the 1996 Workshop at IIT Kanpur described
above were effectively leveraged to get an ambitious pan-India project for capacity-
building in colleges of engineering and architecture in the area of earthquake engineering.
This section describes the National Programme on Earthquake Engineering Education
(NPEEE) supported by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD),
Government of India and managed by the seven IITs and the IISc Bangalore during
2003–2007, with IIT Kanpur providing overall leadership.
In view of the enormous disaster, the Prime Minister appointed a senior official as
Secretary of Disaster Management in the Cabinet Secretariat to coordinate the situation on
behalf of the Government of India. In a meeting with him, the author emphasized that
Indian engineering colleges and universities needed to upgrade themselves in the discipline
of earthquake engineering. This official took up the matter of training of teachers in
earthquake engineering with the Secretary of Higher Education in the MHRD. As a result,
in August 2001 the MHRD called a meeting with representatives of premier academic
institutions, research institutions, and other ministries and organizations concerned with
seismic safety, to discuss the issue at a holistic level. A consensus was reached that there
was a need to build capacity in earthquake engineering within academic institutions. A
proposal was developed for a National Programme on Earthquake Engineering Education,
wherein the seven IITs and the IISc would form a consortium as resource institutions to
undertake the task. The proposal was circulated by the MHRD to other concerned Min-
istries and Departments for their feedback and comments. In August 2002, the Standing
Finance Committee of the MHRD cleared the project and the Ministry released the first
grant for NPEEE in March 2003. Project activities started immediately thereafter, with a
launch workshop held at IIT Delhi on April 5, 2003 (Fig. 34). The project continued to
March 2007 and concluded with another workshop at IIT Delhi on January 5, 2007 to look
back and review the progress over the 4-year period.

1384 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Table 4 Key components of NICEE

Activity Component

Communication and dissemination Centre’s web site ( launched immediately after
the 2001 earthquake; As of January 2015, *35,000
access/day, with more than 1220 MB/day downloads
A monthly electronic newsletter to more than 12,000 persons as
of January 2015
Articles and other literature either free of charge or for a very
nominal charge
e-conferences Commemorated first anniversary of the 2001 earthquake by
organizing a 2-week e-conference on ‘‘Indian Seismic
Codes’’ (January 26 to February 8, 2002). About 1200
persons participated; about 100 persons from ten countries
made about 300 postings during the 2 weeks, and numerous
issues on Indian codes were resolved or articulated (Rai and
Sheth 2002)
During August 26–31, 2002s e-conference on ‘‘Professional
Issues in Structural Engineering in India’’. Received an
enormous response
Both e-conferences clearly showed the need for forum to
electronically discuss and share ideas
Resulted in creation of an independent discussion forum
‘‘Structural Engineers Forum of India’’ to mark second
anniversary of Bhuj earthquake (
Publications Publishing and distributing numerous books and monographs at
nominal charge or free-of-cost
Distributes inexpensive Indian reprints of many useful
publications with permission of the original publishers
Video recordings of lectures or power point slides on a given
topic disseminated as CD’s
Translations of important publications in regional languages
To 2014, about 90,000 copies of publications distributed
Quarterly journal Built on premise that continuous flow of current information is
critically needed
Started quarterly periodical ‘‘Earthquake Engineering Practice’’
wherein already published articles of other reputed journals
(with due permissions, with possibly some delay) are
Articles particularly from EERI’s Earthquake Spectra and
Bulletin of New Zealand National Society for Earthquake
Distributed on system of ‘‘voluntary price’’; one has option to
receive free of charge or for nominal price
As of 2014, more than 3400 subscribers receive the Practice
free of charge, including 300 individuals overseas from 68
World conference proceedings The International Association for Earthquake Engineering
(IAEE) been sponsoring a World Conference in Earthquake
Engineering (WCEE) once every 4 years since 1956
Number of conference papers increasing year after year; for
instance, proceedings of the 15th conference in Lisbon in
2012 contains more than 3300 papers
At request of IAEE, NICEE undertook a massive project to put
all world conference papers on website
Included scanning 5360 research papers (about 40,000 pages)
from first ten conferences
All available on NICEE website for free access

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1385

Table 4 continued

Activity Component

Distribution of ETABS and SAP to NICEE negotiated with Computers and Structures Inc,
colleges Berkeley, USA to donate their software ETABS and SAP free
of charge to engineering colleges in the country
To date more than 250 colleges availed themselves of this
Annual earthquake engineering review In 2001 started an annual 1-week literature review workshop at
workshop for master’s students IIT Kanpur for graduate students pursuing thesis in
earthquake engineering from across the country
To date more than 650 students from 70 colleges in India and
Nepal have participated
In addition to literature survey, participants get to meet faculty
and students of IIT Kanpur, tour laboratory facilities (Jain
and Murty 2003)
Annual workshop for architectural In 2008 started annual workshop at IIT Kanpur for architectural
students students (see discussion in Sect. 6.5.4)
Inter school quiz for children In 2009 started annual quiz on earthquake safety for school
Based on Earthquake Tips
More than 350 schools in 50 cities in the country have
participated to date

Fig. 34 Participants in 2013 literature review workshop for earthquake engineering graduate students
(source: NICEE)

6.4.2 The programme

The programme was open to all colleges/polytechnics of engineering or architecture,

privately or publicly funded. The programme had a limited focus—training of faculty (of
colleges of engineering and architecture, and of polytechnics) and curriculum develop-
ment. At that time, India had 1000? institutes teaching civil engineering or architecture at
diploma, undergraduate or postgraduate levels. Most of these were not teaching earthquake
engineering elements in the curriculum and had varying levels of earthquake engineering
expertise within their faculty. While outreach activities such as organizing workshops and
development of teaching laboratories were supported, the programme was not meant to

1386 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

support research and development in earthquake engineering. It was felt that supporting
research and development might cause a loss of focus, and in any case there were other
concerned Ministries of the Government of India to support R&D.
Initially the project was approved for a 3-year duration with a budget of Rs 137 million
(about €2.5 million at that time); the duration was later extended to a fourth year, even
though champions of the project felt that the project should continue for at least 10–20
years to make a full impact. All eight resource institutes that operated the programme had
regular operating expenses fully funded by the same ministry (MHRD); hence, the budget
did not include salaries, buildings or any administrative costs.
NPEEE was administered through the National Committee on Earthquake Engineering
Education (NCEEE). This Committee was responsible for overall monitoring of NPEEE,
and for coordination with other Ministries/Departments and the All India Council for
Technical Education (AICTE). NPEEE was steered through a Programme Implementation
Committee (PIC) and a number of its sub-committees. Amongst the eight resource institu-
tions, IIT Kanpur was designated as the nodal institute for effective implementation and the
author was designated as the National Coordinator for NPEEE (see Fig. 35; the launch
workshop of NPEEE). The Programme Implementation Committee (PIC) was responsible
for (a) ensuring timely and effective implementation, (b) allocation of activities to different
resource institutes and ensuring inter-institutional coordination, (c) selection of colleges and
trainees for various activities, and (d) all other matters related and incidental to imple-
mentation of the programme. This included reviewing (a) the lists of participants, (b) sum-
maries of course evaluations, (c) test question papers and assessment scores, and (d) the
materials used in the courses (Jain and Agrawal 2004). The director of one of the resource
institutes chaired NPEEE, and its membership consisted of representatives of the eight
resource institutions, and one representative each from an engineering college, an archi-
tecture college, and a polytechnic. To ensure transparency in its activities and financial
operations, a detailed Project Implementation Plan (PIP) was developed very early on, along
with a website; both proved to be important tools for effective implementation of the
programme. The PIP provided all details of the programme, including a detailed budget and
financial norms. A fairly large email list of about 1500 faculty members was developed.
The Programme could be a useful model for capacity-building in earthquake engi-
neering (and in fact in any other discipline) in many developing countries, and hence, some
of its core components are described in Table 5 below.

6.4.3 Outcome

The programme achieved most of its targets, and in some sense, even exceeded the
expectations of the proponents. To evaluate the programme, a survey was conducted in
December 2005 to which 94 colleges, and 177 teachers responded. The results were quite
(a) NPEEE has been useful in capacity-building of colleges and teachers: Average
response 4.62 (out of maximum 5.0) from the colleges, and 4.76 from the
(b) The Programme has operated well: Average response 4.40 (out of maximum 5.0)
from the colleges, and 4.65 from the teachers.
(c) The Programme should continue: Average response 4.84 (out of maximum 5.0)
from the colleges, and 4.91 from the teachers.

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1387

Table 5 Key components of NPEEE

Activity Component

Short-term training One to four week training programmes conducted for interested faculty
members from engineering colleges, polytechnics and architecture
Short-term training enabled college administrators to send their teachers
for training without compromising their semester teaching
Particularly useful to give an initial exposure to earthquake engineering,
as well as for higher-end specialized topics
In all, 1360 teachers received a total of about 1900 person-weeks of
training under this programme
Costs connected with training, including boarding, lodging and travel of
faculty members covered by programme funds
Longer-term training Three of the resource institutions also conducted one-semester
certificate courses in Earthquake Engineering
59 teachers trained
Courses treated as continuing education programmes with regular
homework assignments and examinations
Certificate awarded to teachers on successful completion
Many teachers with postgraduate degrees found one-semester
programme to be very useful to develop in-depth expertise in
earthquake engineering
Costs connected with training, including boarding, lodging and travel of
faculty members covered by programme funds
Library support Programme provided earthquake engineering books and publications
(worth Rs 100,000, about *€1800 per college) to 100 colleges in the
Colleges were selected based on their faculty expertise and ongoing
activities in earthquake engineering
The books were procured centrally and shipped to the colleges
The eight resource institutes also each provided with a sum of Rs
300,000 (*€5400) for enhancing their own library resources
Laboratory support Ten colleges, selected on basis of credentials in earthquake engineering,
provided with a sum of Rs 1.5 million each (about €27,000) to develop
basic teaching laboratories
Colleges made their own decisions on equipment, allowing for
flexibility to meet their own needs and requirements
8 resource institutes provided with a sum of Rs 5 million (about
€90,000) each to enhance their teaching and research laboratories
International opportunities Funds provided for visits of 7 overseas academics (from Canada, New
Zealand, Slovenia, and USA) to resource institutions for duration of
about 1 month
Partial travel grants (up to Rs 50,000, about €900) provided to Indian
academics to attend international conferences (76 teachers used these
9 young teachers were sent to overseas universities (in Canada, Japan,
New Zealand, UK and USA) for 6-month post-doctoral research
Collaborative activities resulted from visits of international academics
from overseas. For example, during visit of Professor Svetlana Brzev
to IIT Kanpur a new monograph (Brzev 2008) was developed on
Confined Masonry, and this provided the seed to grow the activities to
propagate the use of confined masonry in India and elsewhere (See
Sect. 8)

1388 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Table 5 continued

Activity Component

Development of curricula and Number of workshops were conducted and proceedings widely
resource materials circulated on curricula for undergraduate programmes and diplomas in
civil engineering and architecture (Murty et al. 2004; Jain et al. 2004)
Developed resource materials for a teaching laboratory in earthquake
engineering which included (a) students manual, (b) a teachers
manual, and (c) fabrication manual with all details so typical college
could develop the experimental set-ups at a very low cost
Manual made available for free download on NPEEE web site and
provided on a CD. Used by number of colleges to develop their own
teaching laboratories
Government of Gujarat sponsored a programme wherein L D College in
Ahmedabad developed the standard teaching laboratory for
earthquake engineering that was procured by 25 colleges in Gujarat
Development and distribution of Software RESIST (developed by Prof. Charleson in New Zealand) helps
RESIST architecture students integrate structural issues in their designs
NPEEE sponsored an Indian version of RESIST and distributed this to
the colleges (see discussion in Sect. 6.5.2)
Conferences and outreach Funded, fully or partially, large number of conferences and workshops
organized by resource institutions, in earthquake engineering and
related areas
Supported outreach activities by the colleges through workshops,
trainings, and conferences

A good number of colleges started to teach earthquake engineering. The 2005 survey
indicated that (a) 69 colleges out of the 94 colleges that responded teach earthquake
engineering, and (b) 117 teachers, out of the 177 who responded, indicated that their
respective colleges teach earthquake engineering.
The success of the Programme can be attributed largely to transparent administrative
mechanisms, non-discriminatory policies with regard to private versus government funded
institutes, a feasible and manageable domain of operations, and its human resources that
drew upon strongly motivated and committed individuals working as a cohesive team. A
very significant amount of capacity was built as a result of the Programme in the incor-
poration of earthquake engineering in engineering and architectural education that will pay
rich dividends in the years ahead.

6.5 Interventions towards the architectural profession and education

Architects have a critical role to play in ensuring earthquake resistance in the built envi-
ronment since they occupy a key position in project conceptualization, planning and
implementation, coordinating various professionals from different disciplines. Poor con-
ceptual design and detailing of various elements by the architect will seriously impair the
ability of structural and construction engineers to incorporate earthquake resistance in a
building. To quote the renowned earthquake engineer, the late Henry J. Degenkolb (1977):
If we have a poor configuration to start with, all the engineer can do is to provide a
band-aid – improve a basically poor solution as best as he can. Conversely, if we start
off with a good configuration and a reasonable framing system, even a poor engineer
can’t harm its ultimate performance too much.

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1389

Charleson (1997) refers to a study that confirmed the view that the architectural concept
may be more detrimental to the seismic survival of a building than any other design
decision. It is therefore imperative that architects understand and appreciate the concepts of
earthquake-resistant design.
A number of initiatives have been undertaken in India to bring the architectural com-
munity, including professionals, faculty, and students, within the ambit of earthquake
safety. As a result, many architectural colleges are also now addressing the subject of the
earthquake performance of buildings.

6.5.1 Earthquake-resistant curriculum in architecture colleges

A strategic decision was made in formulating the National Programme on Earthquake

Engineering Education (NPEEE) to include the colleges and faculty of architecture on a
par with colleges and faculty of civil engineering. This was critically beneficial towards
bringing earthquake engineering to the colleges of architecture; a number of curriculum
workshops were held to bring earthquake safety into the architectural curricula (e.g., Jain
et al. 2004), and a number of faculty members from architectural colleges were trained
under the programme. The task of introducing changes in the architectural curriculum is a
bit more challenging than doing so with the civil engineering curriculum. The concepts of
the earthquake behaviour of buildings need to be innovatively linked to the process of
architectural design for the students to develop an appreciation of the same. As a result of
this effort, earthquake-resistant architecture has been included in the academic curriculum
of a number of undergraduate colleges of architecture in the country.

6.5.2 Resource materials for architects

It was recognized that appropriate resource materials must accompany curriculum changes
and innovations suggested under the NPEEE. A number of books and other resource
materials were made available; several were developed particularly for this purpose:
• IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tips, described below, were mailed by NICEE to about
10,000 professional architects in India free-of-charge. Subsequently, the Tips were
included in the professional directory of the Indian Institute of Architects (IIA) to
ensure that every architect member of IIA will have the Tips readily available on his or
her bookshelf.
• A special project was undertaken by Prof. C. V. R. Murty (of IIT Kanpur) and Prof.
Andrew Charleson (of Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand) under the
sponsorship of NPEEE under which they developed *600 Power Point slides with
notes. These are meant to enable teachers within architecture schools to cover the
model curriculum for architecture students in 27 lectures. These are distributed both in
hard and soft copy format (Murty and Charleson 2006).
• NPEEE sponsored a special project by Professor Andrew Charleson wherein he
developed an Indian version of RESIST software (that he had originally developed for
use by students in New Zealand) for use by architectural students in India. The
programme enables a student to get a rough idea of the sizes of frame elements or shear
walls needed for a building design project, given the wind and seismic zones in which
the building is located. It is a very useful tool to sensitize the students to start thinking
of adequate structural sizes while planning the building, and has been distributed to
most of the architectural colleges in India.

1390 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

6.5.3 Ministry of home affairs seminars

A series of seminars throughout the nation were organized in 2004 and 2005 as a joint
programme with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India and the Continuing
Education Programme of the Indian Institute of Architects on ‘‘The Role of Architects
Towards a Seismically Safe Built Environment’’. The concept and the content for the one-day
seminar was developed in consultation with faculty at IIT Kanpur. The seminar consisted of
lectures by one resource person from a structural engineering background and one from an
architectural background. The participants were also provided sufficient reading materials.
The Institute organized 21 one-day seminars across the country, often with Relief
Commissioners, Disaster Management Departments and United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) state units. Approximately 110–150 architects (professional architects
as well as faculty members in architectural schools) attended each of the 21 seminars, and
approximately 2700 architects benefitted from this seminar series.

6.5.4 Annual workshop for architectural students at IIT Kanpur

Starting in 2008, an Annual Workshop Series was developed by NICEE to directly reach
undergraduate students of architecture so as to achieve intense knowledge transfer and
capacity-building of the architects of tomorrow. The workshop consists of sensitizing the
students in earthquake-resistant design practices through technical lectures followed by
design studios where they are given hands-on guidance in earthquake-resistant design by
working on an architectural design project in Time Sketch, a format with which they are
familiar. The workshop is conducted by architecture and structural engineering faculty and
professionals with expertise in and commitment to an earthquake resilient built environ-
ment. The workshop affords the students a unique opportunity to grapple with and strike a
balance between the requirements of earthquake-resistant design and a host of design
considerations that they normally consider in their architectural design exercises. Nearly
three hundred undergraduate students of architecture have participated in seven such
workshops since 2008 (Fig. 36). A detailed discussion of this series can be found in Mitra
et al. (2013).

6.5.5 NICEE outreach events for architects

NICEE has also engaged with architects and architectural students during their own major
events. For instance, NICEE has participated in a number of Conventions of the National
Association of Students of Architecture (NASA), wherein presentations are made on dif-
ferent aspects of earthquake-resistant design and on the historical aspects of earthquake-
resistant architecture from antiquity to contemporary times. Resource materials have been
distributed to the future architects and a quiz has been conducted with cash awards based
on the Earthquake Tips, discussed in the next section (Jain 2010). NICEE also participated
in the 2008 conference of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation of
Architects (SAARCH) in New Delhi.

6.6 Earthquake tips

In early 2002, a project ‘‘IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tips’’ was undertaken at IIT Kanpur
with sponsorship of the Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC),

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1391

Fig. 35 Launch workshop of NPEEE at IIT Delhi a Participants; b attendees Prof S. K. Thakkar of IIT
Roorkee, Prof P. Dayaratnam of IIT Kanpur and Mr M. C. Tandon of Tandon Consultants in a session c Mr
Pawan Agarwal of MHRD, Prof Prem Vrat, Director IIT Roorkee, and Prof Rajpal S. Sirohi, Director IIT
Delhi in a conversation. (source: NICEE)

New Delhi (Murty 2005). The 24 Tips, each consisting of two A-4 size pages, provide
basics of earthquake-resistant constructions in a simple language so that not only an
average civil engineer and architect, but also even an interested citizen, can appreciate the

1392 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Fig. 36 Students presenting their design to the jury in the 2008 architectural workshop (source: NICEE)

subject (Fig. 37). Topics covered include introduction to earthquakes, concepts of earth-
quake-resistant design, and aspects of aseismic design and construction of buildings. Every
month, one Tip was released for publication to all interested journals, magazines, and
newspapers, and placed on the web site of NICEE. A large number of journals of archi-
tecture, construction and structural engineering, and many prestigious mainstream news-
papers published the Tips. The Tips have been a tremendous success and are very
frequently downloaded from the web site of NICEE. Over the years, through voluntary
efforts, the Tips have been translated from English into Hindi and Marathi. More recently,
the same team has developed an additional set of 8 Tips with sponsorship of BMTPC and
these will be released in the near future.

6.7 Other capacity-building initiatives

The regular occurrence every 2–3 years of damaging earthquakes since 1988 has also had
its impact on how the Government of India deals with disasters. After the 1999 Orissa
Supercyclone, with an official death toll in excess of 8000, the Government of India
formed a ‘‘High Power Committee’’ to look into the issues of disasters and to make
recommendations. After the 2001 Bhuj earthquake, the subject of natural disasters was
moved from the Ministry of Agriculture to the Ministry of Home Affairs, and after the
2004 Sumatra earthquake and tsunami, the National Disaster Management Authority

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1393

Fig. 37 Example of earthquake tips #5: seismic effects on structures (Murty 2005)

(NDMA) was formed. The Disaster Management Act of 2005 (DM Act 2005) was enacted
to develop the institutional and coordination mechanisms for effective disaster manage-
ment. This Act stipulates that a National Plan on Disaster Management shall be prepared in
consultation with the State Governments and expert bodies and organizations in the field of
disaster management. The Act also stipulates that every Ministry and Department of the
Government of India shall make provisions, in its annual plan budgets, for carrying out
activities and programmes set out in the disaster management plans. Subsequent to this, the
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) was set up under the Chairmanship of
the Prime Minister.
Several years back the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India initiated two
programmes for the training of practising architects and engineers (GoI 2004): the National
Programme for Capacity-building of Architects in Earthquake Risk Management
(NPCBAERM) and the National Programme for Capacity-building of Engineers in
Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBEERM). Under the project, 2-5 State Resource
Institutes in each State/Union Territory (UT) were identified to conduct training pro-
grammes for engineers and architects in the State public works departments, other gov-
ernment organizations and in the private sector. The project also created resource institutes
to assist the urban local bodies in the review and revision of the byelaws to incorporate the
Bureau of Indian Standard Codes and also to train municipal engineers in earthquake-
resistant construction and retrofitting techniques. The goal was to reach 10,000 engineers
and 10,000 practicing architects. Eleven national resource institutions were designated,
including seven of the Indian Institutes of Technology.

1394 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Different State governments have also instituted some capacity-building initiatives. The
State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMA) were set up according to the provisions of
the DM Act, 2005. Sensitization and awareness building training programmes are part of
the mandate of SDMA’s and some of these organizations have been quite active.
In addition to government initiatives in capacity-building there are also academic
institutions and professional associations as well as NGOs engaged in such activities. Some
of these initiatives focus specifically on earthquake risk reduction, such as an earthquake
risk reduction programme by GeoHazards Society (GHS) targeted at Aizawl City, capital
of the state of Mizoram (GeoHazards Society India 2015). Some focus more broadly on
structural engineering issues (including earthquake safety) such as the Structural Engineers
Forum of India with its 18,000 members (SEFI 2015), and some even more specifically on
earthquake engineering issues, such as the journal, newsletter and annual lecture organized
by the Indian Society of Earthquake Technology (ISET 2015). Some organizations focus
on improving construction practices more generally, such as through mason training
programmes and development of construction guidelines; these include NGOs such as
People-in-Centre (People in Centre 2015) and National Centre for Peoples’ Action in
Disaster Preparedness (NCPDP 2015).
The preceding discussion hopefully gives a flavour of the range of capacity-building
initiatives that exist in India, from education and training and continuing education
programmes to curriculum development activities, some of which are ongoing while
others have been rather short-lived. Some initiatives have had a huge impact while some
had limited success despite being conceptualized on a large scale. Capacity-building has
to be an ongoing process, with both short and long term targets to achieve sustainable

7 Learning from recent events

In the last several decades, after major earthquakes in India, there have been innovative
rebuilding programmes developed that try to incorporate mitigation, earthquake pre-
paredness, and improvements in seismically resistant design. Several of the rebuilding
efforts have generated innovative changes in these practices as well as some interesting
social innovations, although these changes have not always proven to be sustainable from
one event to the next. This section reviews some of the basic innovations from several
recent events.

7.1 Reconstruction after the deadly Latur, Maharashtra Earthquake, 1993

An earthquake of magnitude 6.2 struck the Marathwada region in the state of Maharashtra
on September 30, 1993. 7928 persons died, 16,000 were injured and over one million were
left homeless. Sixty-seven villages were completely destroyed, with extensive damage
reported in another 1300 villages in the Latur and Osmanabad districts. Eleven other
districts suffered heavy damage (Jain et al. 1993). The total property loss was estimated at
US$ 333 million. Approximately 90 % of the housing stock in the affected area was
constructed of uncoursed random rubble stone masonry (Fig. 38). Eighty-four percent had
heavy earthen roofs supported by timber planks and joists. In the most severely affected
villages, over 70 percent of the housing stock was destroyed or damaged beyond repair
(Nikolic-Brzev et al. 1999).

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1395

Fig. 38 Typical destroyed village in 1993 Latur earthquake (photo: S. Brzev)

The high level of damage associated with the earthquake can be attributed to several
factors, including:
• Vulnerable housing stock.
• Shallow focus of the earthquake, which caused very intense shaking in a small area.
• Time of the event—(early morning when many people were asleep in vulnerable
Based on historical records, Marathwada was considered an area of very low seismicity;
therefore no special seismic design provisions were required for residential buildings. The
earthquake was a big surprise and caught government and communities unprepared.
Moreover, the earthquake affected area consisted of rural settlements, and the majority of
earthquake-damaged dwellings were nonengineered, stone masonry structures (Fig. 39).
With funding support from the national government as well as international donor
agencies, particularly the World Bank, the Government of Maharashtra (GoM) carried out
a comprehensive rebuilding programme. This was the first large-scale rebuilding pro-
gramme in India since independence, and some of the lessons learned from this experience
have been very valuable. The state government established a Project Management Unit
(PMU) to guide all aspects of the Maharashtra Emergency Earthquake Rehabilitation
Programme (MEERP), which in addition to a major housing reconstruction component
also included improvements to infrastructure, economic rehabilitation, social and com-
munity rehabilitation, technical assistance and disaster management.
The GoM developed three different types of assistance to those affected by the earth-
quake, based on the amount of damage:
• Relocation of 52 completely devastated villages including reconstruction at new sites
(category A);
• Reconstruction of houses and basic amenities in another 22 severely damaged villages
(category B);
• In-situ Repair, Reconstruction and Strengthening (RRS) in over 2000 affected villages
spread over 13 districts in Maharashtra. This was by far the largest component in terms
of affecting the most houses–228,500 (category C).

1396 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Fig. 39 Typical house construction with stone masonry in Marathwada (photo: S. Brzev)

The GoM prepared Guidelines for Repair, Strengthening and Reconstruction of Houses
Damaged in the September 30, 1993 Earthquake in Maharashtra, India (GoM 1994), which
provided recommended technologies for the repairs and new construction. To assist in the
implementation of this massive rebuilding effort the GoM took several additional steps that
included (Vatsa 2001):
• Appointing 700 junior engineers who provided technical assistance in the villages;
• Setting up material depots throughout the entire region;
• Procuring construction material through international competitive bidding;
• Setting up bank accounts for about 200,000 programme beneficiaries;
• Setting up procedures for payment of installments;
• Issuing coupons for release of construction materials;
• Appointing community participation consultants specifically for this component; and
• Appointing communications facilitators (Samvad Sahayak), generally women, at the
village level to help villagers understand all the various aspects of the programme.
Under the project, a large number of training programmes for masons were organized.
In the period from November 1995 to February 1997, approximately 4000 traditional
masons were trained in the two most heavily damaged districts, Latur and Osmanabad
(Fig. 40). Most of these trained masons also participated in the Repair, Reconstruction and
Strengthening (RRS) programme. As seen in Fig. 41, there was an obvious improvement in
the quality of masonry construction in the villages where trained masons were doing
construction (Nikolic-Brzev et al. 1999). These trained masons were in demand in the
neighboring districts as well, which led to more training programmes for masons. A large
number of women masons were also trained and participated in the programme (Vatsa
2001). The Government also ultimately released a manual directed at masons and home
owners on earthquake-resistant design and seismic strengthening for rural houses (GoM
The relocation element of the Maharashtra rebuilding programme became the most
visible and the most controversial. However, this component was comparatively a smaller
part of the entire programme. The largest was the RRS component, which covered over
200,000 participants in more than 2000 villages spread over 13 districts of the state. Under
this category, the GoM provided two different packages of financial assistance based on the

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1397

Fig. 40 A mason, in Maharashtra, installing through-stone for retrofitting a masonry house (photo: S.

Fig. 41 Engineer, masons and home owners with retrofitted stone masonry home. Through–stones are
visible (photo: S. Brzev)

amount of structural damage suffered. Guidelines from the International Association for
Earthquake Engineering (IAEE 1986) were used to identify five damage categories. More
than one million people participated in this programme, which took on the dimensions of a
housing movement (Vatsa 2001).
Beneficiaries in the RSS programme were initially given the option of repairing and
strengthening their homes, but this approach did not find acceptance among these bene-
ficiaries (Vatsa 2001). Rather, beneficiaries looked upon this assistance as an opportunity
to add to their living space. Stones used in their old houses continued to be a source of fear,
and they preferred to use burnt clay bricks for any new construction.
In the social science literature there is growing consensus that relocation is a socio-
economically risky process that people generally do not choose voluntarily (Barenstein
and Iyengar 2010). However, in Maharashtra villagers did not oppose resettlement. In
fact, in the 22 less severely damaged category B villages, the beneficiaries refused
housing assistance in situ, demanding to be relocated instead. According to Vatsa (2001),

1398 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Fig. 42 A relocated village after the 1993 Latur earthquake (photo: M. Greene)

these earthquake victims had lost faith in their traditional building materials and thus
preferred to move to modern and ‘‘seismically safe’’ villages (Fig. 42). There are also
some who argue that international NGOs were more interested in building new villages
in the relocated sites than in supporting communities to rebuild their own houses (Salazar
This earthquake happened in an area that was considered non-seismic, and placed in the
lowest seismic zone of the Indian code. Hence, there were serious concerns as to the
validity of the prevailing seismic zone map and the GoM sponsored the development of a
probabilistic earthquake hazard map specifically for the Maharashtra state by experts from
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. The study by Lamont-Do-
herty assumed that all reservoirs could trigger earthquakes, and in preparation of a zone
map for Maharashtra considered not only the geologic data and historic seismicity, but also
the distribution of reservoirs (Nikolic-Brzev et al. 1999). However, the zone map thus
prepared was not seriously discussed for implementation, perhaps because a zone map is
conventionally seen for the entire country and not for individual states. Had this exercise
covered the entire country, rather than just the state, it might have been far more useful
towards improving the seismic zone map of India.
A number of lessons emerged from the implementation of the Maharashtra programme
that were relevant for the Bhuj earthquake rehabilitation programme in Gujarat. In par-
ticular the discussion on owner-driven versus contractor-managed construction, relocation
versus in situ rebuilding and the need for training and new guidelines and codes, drew on
experiences from Latur.

7.2 A watershed event: the Bhuj earthquake and its reconstruction

On 26 January 2001, an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 occurred in western India. The

epicenter was in the Kutch district of the state of Gujarat and created massive destruction
in the western and central parts of the state. This was a watershed event for India and led to

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1399

numerous initiatives towards earthquake safety (refer to the discussion in Sect. 6 on

NPEEE and NICEE, for example). The reconstruction was also influenced by lessons from
rebuilding after the Latur, Maharashtra earthquake. Many people, in government, academia
and the NGO sectors, who had been involved in Latur also played roles in the Bhuj
reconstruction and brought their observations and recommendations to the design of var-
ious aspects of the reconstruction programme.
The earthquake was a major urban and rural earthquake, the first earthquake in the
country to affect cities and towns (Fig. 43) as well as a vast rural area (Fig. 44). The death
toll was estimated at 13,805, with another 167,000 injured. Over 1.1 million homes were
damaged or destroyed. Social services were severely impaired, with over 5000 health units
and 12,000 schools damaged or destroyed. Twenty-one out of 25 districts in Gujarat were
affected. The Kutch district was the most severely affected, with approximately 70 % of its
buildings destroyed. Eighty-nine percent of the deaths occurred in this district. The gov-
ernment itself was impacted by the loss of staff, office buildings, and records. The cost of
restoring private assets to standards resistant to earthquakes and cyclones was estimated at
€1.8 billion, with restoration of public assets estimated at €0.55 billion. Output losses were
estimated at between €540–720 million, or 2–3 % of Gujarat’s gross state domestic pro-
duct over the first 3 years after the earthquake (Murty et al. 2005).
The scope and breadth of the reconstruction programme was enormous. Funded with
money from the governments of India and Gujarat, as well as from external funds from
international agencies, particularly the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, the
reconstruction program addressed housing, infrastructure, livelihoods, capacity-building
and disaster mitigation. The government quickly set up the Gujarat State Disaster Man-
agement Authority (GSDMA), with direct control over the entire rebuilding program and
an explicit mandate to promote long-term disaster mitigation, both during the recovery
phase and into the future. Several of the innovations developed or encouraged by GSDMA
(some of these were also in place after Latur) included:

Fig. 43 One of the about 130 multi-storey buildings that collapsed in Ahmedabad, more than 200 km from
the epicentre (photo: R. Goel)

1400 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Fig. 44 Destroyed masonry houses in the village of Maliya (photo: C. V. R. Murty)

• Over 1000 materials banks were established to supply cement and steel at subsidized
• Technical assistance was brought into help in the rebuilding process, and particularly to
focus on promoting earthquake-resistant technology, by providing training to almost
29,000 masons and 6200 engineers.
• Supporting the rebuilding of over 200,000 housing units and the repair of another
900,000 units. In most cases owners participated actively in the rebuilding and assisted
in the design and construction of their homes (Fig. 45). In 20 % of the cases, a public/
private partnership between NGOs and the government was instrumental in rebuilding
the housing. Little construction work was done by government agencies themselves.
• A quality control organization was employed—a consortium of two government
agencies (National Council for Cement and Building Materials and the Central
Building Research Institute) and a university (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay)
(Murty et al. 2005).

Fig. 45 Owner driven housing reconstruction after the 2001 Bhuj earthquake (photo: C. V. R. Murty)

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1401

Fig. 46 Development plans for Bhuj city before and after 2001 Bhuj earthquake (source: B.
R. Balachandran)

Fig. 47 SETU campus in an affected village, with a demonstration house in the foreground. SETUs
(meaning ‘‘bridge) were set up in various villages to provide NGO staff to work in the communities, acting
as liaisons and advocates for affected individuals and families (photo: M. Greene)

• Assistance packages were developed for those who lost their livelihoods.
• Social innovations were advanced, such as setting up bank accounts for direct deposit
of housing payments, and requiring that the new houses be registered jointly in the
name of both husband and wife.
• Four towns with substantial damage formulated new town and development plans that
included adjusting property lines and establishing a more accessible road system shown
in Fig. 46 (Tyabji and Balachandran 2003).
• Nongovernmental organizations developed innovative techniques for sharing informa-
tion with individual owners and tenants (Fig. 47).
• Seismic safety was placed on the national agenda, resulting in new codes and changes
in building practices as well as continuing discussions in the social science community
on the relationship between earthquake recovery and ongoing development.

1402 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

While it is not possible to discuss all these innovations in detail, several are highlighted
in the following paragraphs; Murty et al. (2005) provide a more comprehensive treatment
of the rebuilding effort.

7.2.1 Rebuilding options

As with many recent earthquakes, housing was the most seriously affected sector, with
close to 215,000 housing units completely destroyed and approximately 928,000 requiring
repairs. The government of Gujarat’s housing recovery policy focused on developing a
participatory, community-driven process, with communities and individual households
rebuilding on a self-help basis. Technical support was provided by government, NGOs, and
village and local government systems. This major rebuilding component involved a
comprehensive set of policies and implementation schemes. The GoG designed the entire
reconstruction of the physical assets to be handled through two plans: Owner-driven plan The most widely chosen option for rebuilding housing (about
82 % of those affected chose this option) was the Owner-Driven (OD) plan, where
financial assistance was provided directly to owners (in a phased manner) so they could
rebuild in situ. Owners could either rebuild their homes themselves or hire contractors and
masons with the government assistance package. Figure 48 shows an owner-built home. Public–private partnership plan The government established the Public–Private

Partnership (PPP) plan, where NGOs or other private partners would construct private
housing (Fig. 49); the government would provide 50 % of the total cost and NGOs the
remaining 50 %. NGOs were also encouraged to undertake public infrastructure rebuilding
projects, such as schools or health centres, under this PPP program (government and NGO
each providing 50 % of the cost). This programme was applicable both to villages that
chose relocation (NGOs and government sharing all the costs), and to villages where
residents chose to rebuild in situ.

Fig. 48 Owner-rebuilt house in village of Sokhada (photo: C. V. R. Murty)

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1403

Fig. 49 Relocated village built by contractor and sponsored by the Government of Maharashtra (photo: M.

A fairly general consensus has been that the Bhuj rebuilding experience was successful,
in part because of the emphasis on the owner-driven reconstruction. The state had to create
an ‘‘enabling environment’’ for these owners (Barenstein and Iyengar 2010), which
included cash provisions accompanied by the state regulating and/or subsidizing prices of
key building materials, strengthening access to good quality construction materials,
ensuring support to the most vulnerable, by developing relevant technical guidelines and
facilitating technical support and training.
Interestingly, while there was a paradigm shift in the approach of the state government
from Maharashtra after the Latur earthquake, to Gujarat, in terms of greater emphasis on
the owner-driven approach, it appears that some NGOs were dissatisfied with the GoG
approach and they tried to convince communities to adopt the NGO housing design and
building technology. While some local NGOs supported self-help construction pro-
grammes through additional construction materials, training and technical assistance to
communities who opted for financial compensation, most international NGOs proved to be
less comfortable with owner-driven reconstruction, and went ahead with the same village
adoption and contractor-driven approach they had followed 8 years earlier in Maharashtra
(Barenstein and Iyengar 2010).
A survey of overall satisfaction with the quality of housing conducted by a research
group in three villages in 2004 (Barenstein and Iyengar 2010) indicated that owner-driven
reconstruction, supported by the government and some local NGOs, was the most satis-
factory approach. The contractor-driven reconstruction in a relocated site, was the least
satisfactory, with only 22.8 % satisfied, and only 3.5 % of people in this group considering
the quality of construction to be adequate.

7.2.2 Capacity-building in the reconstruction

Capacity-building was encouraged at several levels and for a variety of stakeholders. One
major emphasis in this programme was making the repaired and reconstructed housing
earthquake-resistant. In order to do this, technical assistance was provided by assigning

1404 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

government engineers to oversee construction in the various villages (these engineers were
also given special training), and by training masons in seismically resistant construction
In addition to these training programmes, the government developed an educational
campaign focused on the need for multi-hazard-resistant reconstruction and retrofitting,
as well as on the importance of longer-term disaster management planning. Materials
targeted at the general public, such as posters, pamphlets, videos, audiotapes (for radio),
and plays, were developed as part of this campaign. Messages regarding disaster-re-
sistant construction were displayed on 600 state transport buses in the five most affected
districts. Four special shake table demonstrations were also held as part of this cam-
paign, which illustrated the performance of a small masonry house, with and without
A major emphasis of this rebuilding programme was on mitigation and future disaster
preparedness. Significant resources were directed to strengthen the state’s disaster man-
agement capabilities. This included components of disaster management, seismic engi-
neering, communications, training, information technology, and finance. Providing the
legal and institutional framework for this effort was the Disaster Management Act, giving
the GSDMA authority to oversee disaster management activities, including the develop-
ment of disaster management plans for all the districts, and the creation of the Gujarat
Institute for Disaster Management, which offers a wide range of training programmes. This
Disaster Management Act was the first such act established for a state in India and has been
a model for other states.

7.3 Tsunami reconstruction

The 26 December, 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, triggered by the M9.4 Sumatra earth-
quake, directly affected 16 nations (Jain et al. 2005). The official death toll in India was in
excess of 10,000, with the area adjoining Nagapattinam in the state of Tamil Nadu
reporting the highest fatalities. Some 172,000 dwelling units were destroyed in India

Fig. 50 Typical tsunami damage in coastal India (photo: C. V. R. Murty)

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1405

(Fig. 50) triggering a huge response, relief and reconstruction initiative, involving the
Union and State government, NGOs and other sectors of civil society.
Tamil Nadu’s housing reconstruction was entirely contractor-driven, unlike the owner-
driven housing reconstruction that had been followed after the 2001 Bhuj earthquake. The
state chose to outsource the entire reconstruction as contracts to NGOs. The community’s
role in decision making during the disaster recovery and rebuilding was minimal. As a
result, though the houses built as part of the reconstruction programme were code com-
pliant, the beneficiaries’ perception of recovery was low because the new dwellings lacked
the comfort conditions of the vernacular systems they were used to for generations
(Barenstein and Iyengar 2010). Arguably, the success of post-disaster recovery depends not
only on the physical and structural aspects of the housing reconstruction, but also on how
the survivors perceive their recovery. Thus, post disaster recovery, rebuilding and recon-
struction programmes need to address physical safety, welfare and livelihood issues within
a larger framework of cultural preferences, climatic considerations and sustainability.
The Tsunami Reconstruction Programme had one novel innovation in the working of
the NGOs through the establishment of a NGO Coordination Centre (Murty et al. 2006).
Within a few days of the tsunami event, it transpired that the tsunami-affected areas were
not receiving equitable attention from the NGOs, with some areas receiving more attention
than others, triggering protests from the survivors. In response, the Government of Tamil
Nadu asked three prominent NGOs, experienced in disaster work, and familiar with the
local milieu, to set up an NGO Coordination Centre on the premises of the Collector’s
office in Nagapattinam. The volunteers at the NGO Coordination Centre helped in needs
assessment, requisitioning of relief materials and their distribution and the Centre became
quite effective in coordinating the relief work. Establishing these types of Coordination
Centres during ‘‘peace time’’ can be an effective preparedness tool that provides a
mechanism for coordination among groups of NGOs, civil society volunteers and other
interested groups before the occurrence of a disaster, for seamless relief work when the
disaster actually happens.

7.4 The way forward on learning from earthquakes

Every earthquake disaster (as well as other disasters), even though tragic, brings with it an
opportunity to learn from it. This learning can be of two types: (a) lessons in terms of
response of the built environment and response of the people, governments, and the society
at large, and (b) experience gained in reconstruction. For example, some of the key players
in the reconstruction of the Latur earthquake affected area were available to advise and
share experiences at the time of the Bhuj earthquake but that may not always be the case.
Further, the time window for taking important and critical decisions on rehabilitation of a
disaster-affected area is rather short, and it is not always possible to find out adequate
information on the experiences from past events. In order to be most useful for decision
makers, the lessons from past events need to be readily available. Learning from such
events needs to be organized, catalogued and shared in a timely manner, since much of the
data is perishable, and the memory of tragic events can be short. With time, distortions in
perceptions start to take place. It can be valuable to document lessons to ensure that
rebuilding efforts after the next event continue to build on these experiences, not start
again. India needs better mechanisms to institutionalize such learning, routinely sharing
experiences across governments, disciplines and professions in workshops, journal articles
and the web. The academic community across India can play a big role in documenting and
analysing such learning.

1406 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

8 Confined masonry initiative

8.1 The initiative

India has a long history of masonry constructions. The Indus Valley Civilization
(3300–1300 BCE), extending from northeast Afghanistan to northwest India, had the first
known sewage system consisting of underground drains made from bricks. Some of the
masonry techniques in ancient India are difficult to replicate in today’s time. The masonry
of Ganga Canal (constructed during 1842–1854), for example, is so tough to break that
contractors are paid a significantly higher rate for any modifications to this masonry as
compared to the masonry works of modern times. Much of the housing all over the country
has traditionally been in masonry of different types, depending on locally available
materials, and of varying quality. Masonry is strong in compression but can be very weak
in tension and hence during earthquake shaking a significant number of deaths have been
caused around the world in masonry houses. The reconstruction project in Baluchistan after
the 1935 Quetta earthquake (Sect. 3) saw some innovations in masonry constructions to
make it more earthquake-resistant. A new type of masonry bond (Quetta bond) was
developed wherein vertical voids are left in the brickwork so as to place reinforcement (and
the mortar) in the void. This provides the tension capacity to the walls (Fig. 51). The
concept of lintel, plinth and roof bands along with vertical reinforcement in corners was
also developed. The latter has been adopted in the Indian code IS 4326 for providing
earthquake resistance to masonry buildings.
IS 4326 requires certain seismic strengthening provisions in masonry buildings
depending on seismic zone and building type. This includes reinforced concrete bands at
lintel, roof and plinth levels, corner vertical reinforcement and the like. Two storey
buildings in the ITBP Paramilitary Campus in Mahidanda within a few miles of the 1991
Uttarkashi earthquake (M6.4) epicentre had lintel bands and performed well. A single
storey house in Killari village had lintel bands even though IS 4326 did not require so in
zone I, the zone in which Killari was located at the time of the deadly 1993 Latur
earthquake. About one-third the population of Killari village was killed, but this building

Fig. 51 Pockets (vertical voids)

receive rebar in Quetta bonds
(courtesy: K. Mitra)

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1407

Fig. 52 House with lintel bands in Killari village near the epicentre of Latur earthquake (photo: author)

Fig. 53 Two-storey masonry house under construction in Bhuj after the 2001 earthquake with
strengthening elements of reinforced concrete that exceed IS 4326 requirements (photo: author)

survived the shaking without any damage (Fig. 52). After the 2001 Bhuj earthquake, IS
4326 provisions were used in the reconstruction project with varying levels of conser-
vatism. For instance, some of the reconstructed housing in Bhuj was constructed with
strengthening elements that significantly exceeded what was specified by the code
(Fig. 53).
The earthquake-resistant features specified by IS 4326 for masonry buildings are often
not provided in buildings; instead, one sees a number of three storey residential buildings
under construction (even in a place like Delhi in seismic zone IV) with a number of small
reinforced concrete columns. The use of masonry and reinforced concrete can be combined
into a rational structural system of ‘‘confined masonry’’ which will have far better earth-
quake performance and the investment on reinforced concrete will not be wasted. Simi-
larly, many three or four storey ‘‘reinforced concrete frame’’ apartment buildings are built
in small and medium towns without engineering input and often lack even a proper framing
system and load path. Such buildings too can benefit from confined masonry.

1408 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Basically, confined masonry buildings can show good seismic performance if provided
with two key features: confinement and bond between masonry walls and the reinforced
concrete confining elements that enclose these walls. Confined masonry has a proven
record of good seismic performance and there has been a serious effort for the last decade
in India to introduce confined masonry as a building typology in seismic regions of the
country (Rai and Jain 2010). Although traditionally IS 4326 provided some provisions that
resemble some of the features of confined masonry, introducing it as a separate technology
is a significant improvement over current masonry construction practices.
As discussed above, in 2005, Dr. Svetlana Brzev, a masonry and concrete expert now
teaching at the British Columbia Institute of Technology, Canada spent several weeks at
IIT Kanpur under the National Programme on Earthquake Engineering Education
(NPEEE) and developed a monograph on confined masonry that was published by the
NICEE (Brzev 2008). In January 2008 NICEE (with support of EERI and WSSI) organized
an international workshop on confined masonry. This workshop and brainstorming session
led to the formation of the Confined Masonry Network (
). A small group from this Network also met in Peru in 2009, and organized introductory
sessions on the technology at world earthquake engineering conferences, including the
14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering in Beijing, China. NICEE also pub-
lished a monograph on confined masonry for builders authored by Tom Schacher of
Switzerland, a member of the Confined Masonry Network (Schacher 2009). A sponsored
project from Risk Management Solutions (RMS) and EERI led to the development of
international guidelines on the design of low-rise confined masonry buildings (Meli et al.
2011). The Buildings and Materials Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC) in India
funded a project at IIT Kanpur to popularize the use of confined masonry. The Indian
Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) together with IIT Kanpur and BMTPC
organized an International Workshop on Confined Masonry in Ahmedabad on April 17–18,
2011. Around 15 invitees from Canada, USA, New Zealand, Peru, and India participated in
the deliberations. In February 2014 another small workshop with about twenty people was
held on the temporary campus of IITGN, particularly discussing the new campus and
following up on earlier strategies to introduce the technology. That workshop included a
field visit to the new campus of IITGN where three-storey faculty and staff housing (for
about 270 families) and four-storey student hostels (for about 1200 students) were being
constructed in confined masonry (Jain et al. 2014). This effort has not only resulted in
buildings that should be safer in future earthquakes, but also in a fair amount of cost
About the same time as the new campus construction, a parallel initiative to introduce
confined masonry as a technology to masons and home owners throughout rural Gujarat
was developed by the Government of Gujarat, with technical support from prominent
Indian structural engineers. This initiative is discussed in more detail at the end of this

8.2 Confined masonry

The structural components of a confined masonry building are shown in Fig. 54 (Meli et al.
2011): (i) masonry walls—to transfer both lateral and gravity loads from the floor slab to
foundation; (ii) horizontal and vertical RC confining elements (tie-beams and tie-col-
umns)—to provide confinement to the masonry panel and to protect it from complete
collapse, even during major earthquakes; (iii) RC slabs—to distribute gravity and lateral
load to the walls; (iv) Plinth band—to transfer the loads from walls to the foundation

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1409

Fig. 54 Components of a confined masonry building (Meli et al. 2011)

system and to reduce differential settlement; and (v) foundation—to transfer the load to the
ground. In a confined masonry panel, the masonry wall is constructed first leaving the
toothing at either end (Fig. 55). Vertical RC confining elements, also called tie-columns,
are then cast. The entire panel height is constructed in several lifts (usually 1 m high). Once
the wall construction is completed up to the total storey height, a horizontal RC confining
element, also called a tie-beam, is placed atop the wall and is cast monolithically with the
floor slab. Additional horizontal RC bands may also be provided at lintel and sill level. The
difference in the construction sequence between confined masonry and RC frames with
masonry infill walls is important to note. Unlike the infill walls, a confined masonry wall
carries the gravity load. Vertical RC confining elements are not expected to sustain the

Fig. 55 Confined masonry under construction at IIT Gandhinagar campus, illustrating the masonry walls
and toothing (photo: S. Brzev)

1410 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

gravity load effects; hence, these elements are smaller in size than RC frame columns. The
role of the RC confining elements is i) to enhance the stability and integrity of the masonry
wall against the in-plane and out- of-plane seismic excitation, ii) to improve the strength of
the masonry wall, and iii) to impart ductility into the seismic response and thereby improve
overall seismic behaviour. Reinforcement is provided only in confining elements and the
joints in the confining elements are not designed for moment transfer (unlike RC moment
frames), thus leading to simple reinforcement detailing.
As a result, good seismic performance can be achieved with low-rise confined masonry
without input by qualified engineers, provided that the quality of construction is main-
tained. Furthermore, confined masonry construction essentially combines two construction
typologies, namely, masonry and reinforced concrete, which are prevalent in Indian con-
struction practice. Therefore, workmanship is not expected to be a problem, as construction
workers are familiar with the building materials. This is expected to facilitate acceptability
in the Indian setting, provided that workers are given training at the initial stage.

8.3 IIT Gandhinagar campus

8.3.1 The project

IIT Gandhinagar (IITGN) is one of the eight new IITs that were established in the aca-
demic year 2008–2009. The Institute has been housed temporarily on the premises of the
Vishwakarma Government Engineering College in Ahmedabad. In July 2012 the
Government of Gujarat gave a piece of land measuring about 161 Hectares (399 Acres) at
the Palaj village (Gandhinagar District) to set up the IITGN permanent campus. The site is
located in seismic Zone III as per the Indian seismic code (IS 1893 2002), implying a
shaking intensity of VII on MSK Scale. For zone III, the Indian code provides peak ground
accelerations of 0.16 g at the Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) level, and 0.08 g at
the Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) level. Therefore, design of the new IITGN campus
required attention to seismic considerations.
In Phase I of campus construction, the site will be a fully residential campus for 2400
students and associated faculty and staff. Eventually, the campus will host about 6000
students. In the first instance (Phase 1A), academic buildings, student hostels, faculty and
staff residences, and related infrastructure for 1200 students are being constructed. This
includes about 45,200 m2 of plinth area for academic buildings consisting of three- and
four-storey RC frame buildings to house the laboratories, classrooms and offices. Three
different architectural firms have been engaged to provide comprehensive architectural
services for the project. The construction work has been executed by a project team of the
Central Public Works Department (CPWD), a department of the Government of India
meant to undertake constructions funded by it (Jain et al. 2014).
Students will be housed in both single and double rooms in six four-storey blocks
constructed in confined masonry (Figs. 56, 57). In addition, a three-storey dining block has
been constructed as a reinforced concrete frame. A total of about 36,000 m2 of plinth area
has been constructed for the hostels.
To house the faculty and staff, a total of 270 apartments are being constructed with a
total plinth area of 49,300 m2. These are grouped in 30 three-storey blocks. Between the
blocks are playgrounds, community space and gardens. Housing plans are of three types,
namely Type-I (plinth area 108 m2), Type-II (156 m2) and Type-III (256 m2).
The student hostels and apartments were ideal candidates for the adoption of the con-
fined masonry technology. The rooms are of small size (unlike an auditorium or

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1411

Fig. 56 Student hostels under construction, Feb 2014 (photo: S. Brzev)

Fig. 57 Same student hostels, nearing completion, Feb 2015 (photo: M. Greene)

classroom), with a sufficiently high wall density. It is unlikely that these buildings will be
modified in the future for a different usage by shifting the wall locations. And, the number
of storeys is only 3–4. Preliminary indications are that there may be a saving of 10–15 %
on the overall cost through the adoption of the confined masonry construction technology
over more traditional RC frame construction.
A monograph on this project (Jain et al. 2015) provides details on design of the confined
masonry buildings, materials used, and construction of foundations, walls, beams, columns
and slabs.

8.3.2 Structural design

EERI guidelines on confined masonry (Meli et al. 2011) were used for structural design in
this project with appropriate modifications for seismicity and material properties. The

1412 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

gravity load was assumed to be transferred through the walls only and the contribution of
the RC tie-columns in gravity load sharing was ignored. The allowable compressive stress
of the wall was computed as per Table 6 with appropriate reductions for the slenderness
ratio and eccentricity as per IS 1905.
The lateral load was assumed to be transferred through a set of selected walls and
predominantly in shear mode. These walls were well confined by vertical and lateral ties.
The EERI guidelines recommend a minimum wall density (the ratio of the wall area in one
horizontal plan direction to the floor area of the building) depending on type of masonry
units (bricks, blocks, etc.), seismicity and soil conditions. For this project, bricks were
considered as solid clay brick, seismicity was assumed as moderate and soil was of a
compacted granular type. For this combination, the EERI guidelines recommend a mini-
mum wall density of 1 and 2 % for single- and two-storey buildings, respectively. In line
with that, the minimum wall density was selected as 1 % per storey. For example, 3 % wall
density was considered for the three-storey apartment buildings and 4 % wall density for
the four-storey hostel buildings. When determining the wall density, only well-confined
walls were considered. A number of walls with a small effective length or a large opening

Table 6 Recommended design parameters based on test results and considering partial safety factors per IS
1905 (Rai 2013)
Brick Prism Basic Elastic Shear strength, vm (MPa) Tensile
masonry compressive compressive modulus, strength,
type strength, fm strength Em (MPa) fm (MPa)
(MPa) (MPa)

Clay bricks 3.89 0.97 250 fm Minimum of the following: 0.05

and 1:1:6 (a) 0.5 MPa, (b) 0.1 ? 0.35 r
mortar (c) 0.125 Hfm where r is
Clay bricks 3.81 0.95 overburden pressure due to dead
and 1:4 loads
Fly ash 3.03 0.76 550 fm 0.07
and 1:1:6
Fly ash 3.57 0.89 0.05
and 1:4
Fly ash 7.63 1.83 0.07
and 1:1:6
Fly ash 6.82 1.71 0.05
and 1:4

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1413

were ignored in the wall density calculations, and therefore were not provided with RC tie-
The base shear associated with a building was calculated per IS 1893 (2002). The
importance factor was chosen as 1.0 and the response reduction factor was considered as
2.5. The average shear stress at the ground storey wall was calculated by dividing the base
shear by the wall area considered in the wall density calculation. An amplification of 15 %
due to torsional effects was also accounted for. The resulting shear stress was compared
with the allowable shear stress reported in Table 6. The base shear shared by each confined
wall was then distributed vertically per IS 1893 (2002) and the overturning moment at the
base was calculated. This overturning moment was assumed to be taken by the tie-columns
through axial forces, and the area of concrete was ignored while estimating the axial force
capacity of the tie-columns.
Special confining reinforcement was provided at the top and bottom of the vertical ties
for one-quarter the storey height. These regions are more prone to shear failure. Minimum
shear reinforcement was provided at the middle half of a vertical tie. Similar shear rein-
forcement was provided in horizontal ties also. The joints of horizontal and tie-columns
were not detailed for moment transfer. A lintel band was provided continuously throughout
the building. No band was provided at the sill level; instead soffits and jambs of granite
stone slab (width 250/600 mm and thickness 18 mm) were provided all around window
openings (Jain et al. 2014). Detailing of the joints between tie-beams and tie-columns was
simpler than in RC frame construction since these joints do not need to be detailed for
moment transfer. Masonry walls did not have any horizontal reinforcement, with the
exception of RC lintel bands provided continuously along the wall length above openings
(doors and windows). Although the provision of a RC lintel band is not common in
confined masonry buildings in countries where this technology has been practised, the team
decided to provide lintel bands to comply with the provisions of Indian seismic design
standard IS 4326, for load bearing masonry buildings located in Zone III of India.
Considering that this is the first reported large-scale systematic application of confined
masonry in India, it is no surprise that the project team faced a number of design chal-
lenges. First of all, the architectural and structural team was not familiar with the features
of confined masonry buildings in terms of layout and planning. There was a considerable
debate whether RC tie-columns require isolated (spread) footings similar to columns in RC
frame construction, or if it would be adequate to start the tie-columns at the RC plinth band
level (with the provision of adequate anchorage for longitudinal reinforcement). The latter
alternative was pursued to expedite the construction process and minimize foundation costs
(Jain et al. 2014). For that reason, the RC plinth band (with 400 mm depth) was more
robust than in conventional masonry construction practice. Another design challenge was
related to areas around staircases that did not meet the wall density requirements.
Therefore, these areas were treated as RC frame systems and were isolated from the
adjacent confined masonry construction through expansion joints (seismic gaps). Seismic
gaps were also used within the buildings with a complex plan shape to create simple
rectangular segments in order to minimize torsional effects.

8.3.3 Bricks for construction

Higher compressive strength bricks in large quantity were required to carry the load of the
three and four storey buildings, than what locally available bricks could provide. Hence, it
was decided to manufacture special Fly Ash Lime Gypsum (FALG) bricks by setting up a
manufacturing plant (maximum capacity 65,000 bricks/day) at the construction site. The

1414 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Fig. 58 A typical FALG brick

(left) and a clay brick (photo: S.

bulk quantity of fly ash was available from nearby thermal plants. Extensive testing of
mechanical and physical properties of the bricks (locally available, and those to be man-
ufactured at site; see Fig. 58) and the resulting masonry was performed at IIT Kanpur (Rai
With the right composition of materials, it was possible to have FALG bricks with
adequate compressive strength. However the FALG bricks also had higher water absorp-
tion; this was a concern for below grade masonry applications. Therefore, FALG bricks
with the specified compressive strength of 9.0 MPa and maximum 12 % water absorption
were used for above grade construction, while foundations below the plinth level were
constructed using burnt clay bricks with the minimum compressive strength of 5.0 MPa
and maximum 15 % water absorption. These values were obtained as a result of an
experimental study performed at IIT Kanpur (Rai 2013). This also helped to expedite the
project since larger quantities of bricks could be procured from two different sources, those
manufactured on site (FALG bricks) and those purchased locally (burnt clay bricks).The
manufacturing process of FALG bricks is illustrated in Fig. 59.

8.3.4 Construction challenges

An interesting issue came up with respect to contract management. The contracts are based
on ‘‘item rate basis’’ where the contractor gets paid for the actual volume of work at a pre-
decided rate of payment. The Central Public Works Department (CPWD) has detailed
specifications on measurements for different items of work. Since confined masonry was
not a recognized construction practice in the country at the time of the project, the CPWD
specifications did not address the issues that arose in confined masonry. Therefore, a
simplistic approach was taken where the potential bidders of the contract were made aware
of what could be involved in confined masonry and what additional costs could arise which
they needed to build into their bids. They were given details on the extra masonry work
involved as well as the necessary formwork, possibilities for delays with the brickwork,
construction of tie columns, etc.

8.4 Introducing confined masonry in rural Gujarat

In part as a result of engagement with colleagues around the world in EERI’s Confined
Masonry Network and the awareness that confined masonry school construction in China
performed better in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake than RC frame construction, several
engineers and architects involved in development activities in Gujarat advocated for the
use of this technology in rural housing development plans. A guide was prepared for the
Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA), illustrating the construction of a

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1415

Fig. 59 Manufacturing process for FALG bricks at the IITGN campus construction site (Jain et al. 2015)

confined masonry house (Iyer et al. 2012). As part of the Indira Awas Yojana (IAY)
social housing programme supported by the Government of India, the Rural Devel-
opment Department of the state has embarked on a building programme with an annual
target of about 100,000 houses. This programme is aimed at the rural poor, particularly
those who are below the poverty level and/or landless. Under this programme, the
houses are meant to last 30 years and to be disaster resistant. Thus in the design of the
programme various technical options were developed, taking into consideration com-
munity lifestyle, geo-climatic aspects, ecology, affordability, and home owners’ needs
and aspirations. Home owners will be given a choice among six different construction
types, including confined masonry. Model houses demonstrating each of the technology
options have been developed by the local NGO, People-in-Centre, and have been taken
to villages throughout the state to show home owners some of the details of the
construction (Fig. 60), as well as options for configuration and size of the houses
(Fig. 61). Construction of these houses in this IAY plan is expected to begin in March
A demonstration construction technology park has been built on the campus of a
Gujarat-based NGO, Unnati, in Bhachau, a town in Kutch that was almost completely

1416 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Fig. 60 Model shows some of

the principles of confined
masonry (photo: V. Rawal)

Fig. 61 Models demonstrate options for configuration and size using confined masonry (photo: V. Rawal)

destroyed in the 2001 earthquake. This park includes a well-constructed confined masonry
wall in addition to several other technologies appropriate to the region (see Fig. 62).

8.5 Implications

Both of the projects described here are expected to have far-reaching impacts on the
construction industry in the country. Hopefully the new campus of IITGN will be seen as a
showcase project for a robust and strong construction technology that will be not only safe
against earthquakes but also economical. CPWD is a major government construction
agency and this is their first major project using confined masonry. It is hoped that their
specifications will be modified in due course to include this as an accepted building
typology in India. The construction in rural Gujarat will hopefully be seen as a viable
alternative to current construction practices in India in view of its simplicity and its seismic
performance. It does not require significant engineering inputs and should be ideal for
residential apartments of small and moderate size up to 3–4 storeys.

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1417

Fig. 62 Demonstration park in Bhachau. a A confined masonry wall with critical elements highlighted in
yellow; b Several demonstration walls out of various materials. Plaques explaining the various technologies
and correct construction methods will be placed in front of each (photos: V. Rawal)

9 The problem

It can be seen from the earlier discussion that India has a huge stock of unsafe buildings
(Fig. 63). In fact, we have a significant number of buildings that are unsafe not just against
earthquakes but even under gravity loads as is evident from occasional news stories on the
collapse of existing buildings or buildings under construction. According to Sinha and
Adarsh (1999), during the period 1984–1995, every year 200–400 major engineered
buildings collapsed in Mumbai (most were very old), mainly in the monsoon season.
Further, India’s geology makes it a site for the periodic occurrence of large and great
earthquakes. Together, these two facts indicate a huge earthquake risk for the country; a

1418 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

Fig. 63 Dense, unregulated reinforced concrete frame construction on slopes in Gangtok city, located in
seismic zone IV (photo: C. V. R. Murty)

major earthquake in one of India’s booming cities could kill many people and set back
development and economic growth by decades. Arya (1992) has estimated the impacts if
the 1905 Kangra earthquake of magnitude 8.0 were to happen in 1989. As opposed to
19,000 deaths in 1905, his estimate is that in 1989 the number of deaths could range from
88,000 to 344,000, depending on time of the day and the season in which the earthquake
were to occur. These numbers will be significantly higher if the earthquake were to occur
in 2015 given the population growth in the intervening 26 years.
Further, in the years ahead, India will have a construction boom in housing and
infrastructure that is of a staggering magnitude. With a substantial proportion of our
population not having proper housing currently, and with the expected future growth in our
population, the country will undertake a huge amount of construction for housing, schools,
hospitals, bridges and other infrastructure. Given current construction practices and the
lack of an adequate regulatory framework to manage such construction, the seismic risk in
the country is growing rapidly.
If India is to achieve its aspirations of rapid growth and improvement in the lives of its
people, it must address the problem of seismic risk sooner rather than later. It is not a
problem that can be resolved in a few years through the passage of a law or through a
stand–alone short–term initiative. It requires sustained attention and tremendous effort on
multiple fronts by a diverse set of stakeholders over decades.
To understand this problem, let us break it into several parts:

9.1 Licensing of engineers

Currently in India there is no formal system of competence-based licensing of structural

engineers (Jain 2002). Some municipalities may require a minimum level of engineering
education from the engineer-of-record, even though a degree does not necessarily ensure
competence. In essence, anyone with an engineering degree can practice as a professional
engineer and issue construction drawings. In the absence of competence-based licensing of
engineers, there are few options for ensuring the competence of a structural designer

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1419

engaged in a project. There are no requirements for continuing education and there are
limited opportunities for a typical engineer to remain up-to-date with technical subjects.
Professional licensing serves several purposes: (a) ensuring competence of professionals,
(b) enhancing quality and accountability of professionals since the council can withdraw
the licence to practise in case of misconduct or incompetence, and (c) increasing the
mobility of professionals from one jurisdiction to another.
Unlike many other engineering endeavours, in the case of structural engineering success
is not an indication of competence, but failure does indicate incompetence. If an engi-
neering team is able to successfully launch a mission to the moon, their success is a clear
endorsement of the team’s competence. On the other hand, if a team of architects and
engineers is responsible for the design and construction of a building that does not collapse,
it does not imply their competence. However, if the building shows structural distress, it is
an indication that the team failed to do the job competently.
Further, there are no opportunities to test the structure before its usage. If one were to
buy a cell phone that does not work, one could return it to the store. In the case of an
apartment, the person living in it can only hope that it has been built to be safe against
earthquake, fire and other hazards. Hence, there is a far greater need in the construction
industry to ensure the competence of professionals before allowing them to practise
independently. Civil engineers have often not been successful in conveying to policy
makers in India that licensing is a particularly critical matter for civil engineering (and to
some extent electrical and mechanical engineering) as it concerns the safety of the built
environment, and that the issue of licensing need not be seen through the same lens for all
branches of engineering. Appendix describes the salient features of licensing of engineers
in California to give some context on this issue.
India has a licensing system for a number of other professions. The Council of
Architecture (CoA) and the Medical Council of India (MCI) ensure that the colleges meet
certain standards, and follow certain requirements in their curricula. This forms the basis
for these Councils to provide a license to graduates of such colleges. The Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) does not oversee curricula in the colleges, but
conducts a rigorous written examination to award a license to practice as a Chartered
Accountant. Regardless of whether a license is based on the intervention at the level of
college education (e.g., MCI and CoA) or based on a competence-based examination (e.g.,
ICAI), there is the opportunity to enforce professional standards since these councils can
withdraw the license to practise in the case of malpractice.
Unfortunately, efforts made in the past towards licensing of engineers have not been
(a) In 2002, a number of professional organizations and institutions of engineers came
together to form the Engineering Council of India (ECI). ECI took up the
discussions on licensing of engineers, but those discussions have not been successful
to date.
(b) In 2006, the Government of Gujarat passed the Gujarat Professional Civil Engineers
Act for the creation of the Gujarat Council of Professional Civil Engineers to
provide for the registration of professional civil engineers, based on an examination.
The Act provided that only a professional civil engineer registered by the Council
could certify buildings with more than 140 m2 of plinth area, buildings more than
ground plus first storey, or buildings other than load bearing type masonry
structures. The Council was formed in 2010 but no significant progress has been
made to date towards the implementation of the intent of the Act.

1420 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

9.2 Professional competence

India has many great engineers and architects, but in a country of its size with its vast
geographic, cultural and educational diversity, there are also many engineers and architects
who lack the adequate skills and expertise necessary to practise good structural engi-
neering. For instance, one sees building designs not having an adequate structural load
path, columns of unrealistically small size, and indiscriminate perforation of structural
beams for drainage or HVAC systems (Fig. 64). Teaching in most engineering schools
around the world emphasizes the basic theory, and India is no exception. The engineering
curricula are designed with the expectation that upon graduation young engineers will
work under the supervision of experienced and competent seniors and in due course will
learn to provide good engineering services independently.
In the absence of competence-based licensing, without adequate supervision by com-
petent experienced engineers, and with no additional layers of checking the drawings, an
engineering graduate may often design and sign drawings that have fatal errors. The
computer tools available for analysis and design of structures have compounded the
problem further. Many engineers tend to take the computer program as the ultimate
engineer and either do not have the time or the capability to ensure that the design and
details coming out of a computer analysis make sense.
There is a huge construction boom in India with an unprecedented number of multi-
storey residential buildings coming up in the towns and cities and the urbanizing fringe
areas, to meet the urban housing shortage (Fig. 65). Most are reinforced concrete frame
structures with unreinforced masonry infill walls and are constructed by property devel-
opers who do not have a long-term stake in such buildings. While there are some reputed
developers who may not compromise on the quality, many tend to cut corners to save cost
of the structure as multi-storey housing is a very cut-throat, competitive process.
Government buildings do not normally have the same pressure to save on the cost of the
structure, and government engineers will not want to jeopardize their future prospects by
doing a poor job. Developers of taller buildings and major commercial structures may not

Fig. 64 Pipes perforating the beam of a reinforced concrete frame near the beam column joint in the city of
Kanpur in 2005 (photo: C. K. Jain)

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1421

Fig. 65 Multi-storey apartment building under construction in a city in India (photo: author)

focus as much on saving costs on the basic structure and prefer to engage reputable design
Cutting corners on the part of contractors, engineers and architects can contribute to the
collapse of a building even under gravity loads, which happens in India from time to time.
In one such recent event in Chennai in July 2014, a building under construction collapsed,
killing 52 people. The chief minister of the state was quoted as saying, ‘‘Although the
building that collapsed on Saturday had proper approval, it appears the building did not
adhere to the approved plan and it suffered from structural defects’’ (Stalin 2014). Six
people were arrested, including the building’s owners, architects and structural engineers.

9.3 Professional associations

Strong and vibrant professional, trade and industry associations can play a significant role
in professionalizing the construction industry, and this is particularly so for the associations
of civil/structural engineers. Rather than a lack of professional engineering associations,
India has a plethora of them. There are small associations that form in individual cities as
well as larger national organizations, often more than one directed at the same stake-
holders. Some of the independent professional societies in India are listed below, and the
author has been associated with many of these:
• Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India)
• Consulting Engineers Association of India
• Indian Society of Structural Engineers
• Indian Association of Structural Engineers
• Indian Institution of Bridge Engineers
• Indian National Group of IABSE (International Association for Bridge and Structural
• Indian Roads Congress
• Indian Buildings Congress

1422 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

• Indian Concrete Institute

• Indian Geotechnical Society
• Indian Society of Earthquake Technology
• Institution of Engineers (India)
The problem with having so many associations is that they tend to dilute each other and
there is no single coherent voice of the profession. With some of these associations
competing against each other for programmes, events and resources, none is able to
effectively lead the effort for ‘‘professionalizing’’ engineering and/or the construction
process more broadly.
It is interesting to note that the Structural Engineers Forum of India (SEFI), which grew
organically out of the e-conferences described earlier, has over 18,000 members who have
registered to use its online forum, indicating at least some interest in having a place where
issues affecting the profession can be discussed. In some countries, professional associa-
tions provide testimony to government bodies and help craft legislation and are seen as the
voice of the materials providers (masonry, cement) as well as the voice of the construction
professions (architecture, engineers, building inspection, masons, etc.). India needs asso-
ciations that can play such a strong role consistently and our engineering leaders need to
give priority to developing such associations.

9.4 Building code enforcement

In cities and towns, the municipal authorities regulate building construction while there is
no regulation for buildings in the rural areas. As urbanization proceeds and rural areas on
the outskirts of cities are incorporated within the cities, the rural buildings constructed
without regulation become part of the city. Different cities have different requirements for
the issuance of building permits and typically require a certificate from an engineer and/or
an architect that the building complies with all the codes and is structurally safe. Not many
municipalities require even submission of structural drawings, and some may ask that a
building of a certain size be proof checked and certified by another engineer. To the best of
the knowledge of the author, no city/town in India has a system of getting the structural
drawings reviewed internally even randomly. As a result, the safety certificates issued by
the engineers/architects ‘‘are easy to procure, sometimes on payment of small money, and
need not have any correlation with how a building is built’’ (Jain 2005). It is not
uncommon in India for a building to be designed by one set of architects and engineers,
and to have another set of architects and engineers sign the drawings/certificates for the
purpose of the municipal approvals; the rationale is that the professionals doing the actual
work on design find it onerous to do the paper work with the municipality and find it easy
to engage someone who is willing to do so at a very nominal cost.
Municipalities in India do have a system of checking the building for fire safety and a
building may be denied an occupancy permit if the Fire Department finds that the building
does not comply with the fire code. Unfortunately, municipalities do not have a similar
system for checking for structural safety for a variety of reasons: (a) the need for
enforcement of structural safety has not always been emphasized by professionals to the
administrators, (b) there is concern that such enforcement will cause corruption rather than
solve the problem of structural safety, and (c) the engineering staffs associated with
municipalities lack a structural engineering background and temperament since most often
they handle problems of drainage, water supply and unauthorized constructions. Engineers
in the building department of a municipality may look at a building’s drawings for

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1423

conformance with issues such as open space requirements and floor area ratio, rather than
structural safety. In fact, a large percentage of municipal engineers may be diploma holders
(3 years of engineering education after class 10) as opposed to degree holders (4 years of
engineering education after class 12).
When municipal authorities seek safety certificates from professionals but as a policy do
not verify the design even with random checks, it makes such certificates worthless. One
can imagine the consequences if the income tax department were to say that all citizens
should pay taxes owed to the government and just attach a certificate from an accountant
that this has been done, and that the department as a policy will not examine whether
anyone actually paid the taxes.
In many important projects, a client may require the structural drawings to be reviewed
and proof checked by another firm; this is effective sometimes but not always. The author
is aware of situations where substantial structural distress happened to major structures
notwithstanding such peer review. In some cases, the client may require peer review or
proof checking by a university professor and this too has a mixed success rate, depending
on the quality of attention that the professor concerned gives to the project.
Even when the drawings for the project have been prepared with competence, there is
no system at the municipality level to ensure that the same is being faithfully implemented
at the site. Correct implementation at the site must be ensured not only by the construction
agency and the owner but also by the municipalities through periodic site inspections.
The Nepal Society for Earthquake Technology (NSET), with support from the USAID/
OFDA, is currently providing technical support to cities across Nepal to incorporate the
building code into the building permit process (NSET 2014). It seems that several
municipalities in Nepal have started the process for implementation, and allocated budget
for the same. It is reported that Siddharathanagar and Butwal municipalities in Nepal have
established separate earthquake safety units to check building code compliance. Indian
cities too must undertake this, and huge progress will be made on the road to seismic safety
the day our municipalities start effectively checking structural designs. The guidelines
prepared by the National Disaster Management Authority for managing earthquakes
(NDMA 2007) provide for enforcement of codes in addition to many other elements and it
is now time to implement the same.

9.5 Construction typologies

Despite its best efforts, the country will continue to see construction of a large number of
housing units without adequate and competent engineering inputs. In this scenario, there is
an urgency to develop, test and propagate construction typologies that are inherently safer.
If a common man can build a safe home with locally available construction materials and
skills, it will solve a huge problem of unsafe constructions in the informal sector. In fact,
such typologies are needed not only for the informal sector, as even the formal sector can
benefit from these.
Most urban construction in India consists of either masonry load-bearing buildings of up
to three or four storeys, or reinforced concrete frame buildings with masonry infills as
walls. Their safety can be significantly enhanced by (a) adopting confined masonry con-
struction in the case of masonry load-bearing constructions (Sect. 8), and (b) providing
reinforced concrete shear walls in the case of reinforced concrete frame buildings. How-
ever, there could be numerous other solutions. As discussed in Sect. 3, the Assam-type
housing that emerged as a result of the 1897 Assam earthquake, and the Quetta bond that

1424 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

emerged during the reconstruction after the 1935 earthquake in Quetta both provide
excellent resistance to earthquakes and do not require serious engineering efforts.

9.6 Seismic retrofitting of existing buildings

The issue of retrofitting of existing buildings and infrastructure comes up after every
disastrous earthquake. In some countries, with systems already in place to ensure that new
constructions are safe and code-complaint, retrofitting options are certainly appropriate to
consider. In a country like India, however, without a system to ensure the safety of new
buildings, retrofitting of existing buildings is not a priority over new buildings. It is not
often appreciated that the urgency and highest priority (and resources) must go towards
ensuring that no new constructions take place that are unsafe. Let us assume the average
life of a building as 50 years, that the building stock in India will grow at 2 % per annum,
and that from today onwards no unsafe building will be constructed. In such a scenario,
20 years from now, more than two-thirds of the building stock will be safe and a large part
of the problem will be solved even without retrofitting.
Notwithstanding the above argument, there is still a need for the retrofitting of public
buildings, important buildings, very unsafe buildings, etc. Some issues that give context to
retrofitting in India are listed below:
(a) Retrofitting can be expensive Depending on the state of an existing building and the
level to which it is planned to be retrofitted, the cost of retrofitting may range from
10 % to 50 % of the cost of a similar new facility (e.g., Spence 2004). It is far
cheaper, more effective and simpler to include seismic features in the original
construction than to do subsequent retrofitting.
(b) It requires considerable expertise and technology for retrofitting It may be relatively
straightforward to retrofit a simple and ordinary masonry building against collapse.
However, considerable technical (both design and construction) know-how may be
needed to retrofit complex structures. For instance, the Department of Transporta-
tion in California in the U.S. (Caltrans), had to undertake years of research while
executing its retrofitting programme, and it spent about 1 % of its budget on
research for retrofitting.
(c) Retrofitting is a long-haul process In view of the costs and efforts required, a
sensible retrofitting programme will need a timetable running into decades
depending on the size of the inventory of unsafe constructions and the resources
available for retrofitting. As an example, Caltrans has taken about 35 years to
seismically retrofit its bridges at a cost of over $10 billion.
(d) Important public buildings need priority for retrofitting In the 2005 Kashmir
earthquake, about 19,000 children died in collapsed school buildings (EERI 2006).
Since we expect our children to go to school, we must then ensure that the schools
are safe. A retrofitting policy and initiative is needed for schools, hospitals and other
important public buildings.
(e) A sensible prioritization system is needed Since any retrofitting programme will be a
long-term project, a prioritization scheme must be developed carefully so as to
maximize safety with the amount spent. The scheme should consider seismic hazard
at the site, vulnerability and residual life of the building, cost and ease of retrofitting,
consequences of failure, etc.
Just as in the case of developing new seismic codes and updating existing codes,
considerable work is needed to develop consensus documents on the seismic assessment of

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1425

existing buildings, prioritization schemes for undertaking retrofitting, and methodologies

(with specifications) for seismic retrofitting. In addition, a vigorous research programme is
needed focused on existing building typologies in India.

9.7 Sustained training and education

There have been several good initiatives for awareness building, training and education in
earthquake engineering. Unfortunately many of these have been one-off, funded for just a
few years and they have not been sustained. One example is the National Programme for
Earthquake Engineering Education; when initially conceived it was expected to run for
10–20 years but ended up receiving funding for only four. There are some activities related
to earthquake engineering at most of the Indian Institutes of Technology, but these are not
well coordinated. Individual states have some natural hazards awareness building pro-
grammes, but information on these is difficult to obtain. Training for masons also exist, but
again is typically organized by individual NGOs and not part of an institutionalized culture
of safe building practices. There is little focus on raising awareness generally, among all
those involved in the building industry, about the risks posed by unsafe building practices,
from no inspection to poor design, to cutting corners with materials, or to using unsafe
materials and technologies. There is a clear need for massive and continued (for
10–20 years) programmes to provide training and education on safer constructions to
different stakeholders at various levels.

9.8 Research and development

Many technologies are fairly universal, such as those connected with defence, the space
programme or automobiles. If India were to choose not to invest in developing such
technologies, it has the option to borrow or buy these products from overseas. However,
many aspects of earthquake engineering can be quite contextual and it is not always
possible to imitate what is happening elsewhere because of different construction practices
and skills, building materials, climatic conditions and living habits. Substantial research
and development are needed to address such unique problems; only some are listed below
just to give a flavour of the issue:
(a) The development of new building typologies and technologies appropriate for
Indian conditions and that are inherently good for resisting earthquake shaking. One
requirement for such technologies to be effective is that they must not require
significant sophistication in design and construction supervision.
(b) Seismic retrofitting technologies appropriate for the existing stock of buildings and
infrastructure (e.g. Kaushik et al. 2009).
(c) Large-scale and full-scale verification tests on the technologies so developed; this
will require substantial investments in our laboratories.
(d) Research on design issues and on development of codes (and supporting explanatory
handbooks) that are appropriate for Indian construction practices and typologies; for
instance, reinforced concrete frame buildings with masonry infills (e.g., Kaushik
et al. 2006).
(e) Research on seismic design of bridges. Bridges in the deep alluvium of the Indo-
Gangetic Plains are most often supported on large ‘well foundations’ (one form of
caisson foundations) that are not common outside the Indian subcontinent (e.g.,
Mondal et al. 2012).

1426 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

(f) Geotechnical earthquake engineering problems such as site effects.

(g) Research on the seismic hazard, including paleoseismic studies, ground motion
characteristics, attenuation relations (e.g., Jain et al. 2000), and development of
modern zone maps, etc.
(h) Assessment of the vulnerability of Indian buildings and infrastructure; development
of methodologies for building assessment (e.g., Jain et al. 2010a, b).
(i) Risk scenario development: for instance, what is the likely loss scenario for Delhi
(or Kolkata or Guwahati) if ground shaking of 10 % probability in 50 years were to
occur (e.g., Arya 1992; Sinha and Adarsh 1999).
In order to take up these and other similar research problems, we need to build con-
siderable research infrastructure (e.g., laboratories including shake tables, geotechnical
centrifuges, pseudo dynamic test facilities, etc.) and create a strong research culture in our
universities. Far too few earthquake engineering articles appear from India in the scholarly
journals presently. A comprehensive National Initiative on Research and Development in
Earthquake Engineering is needed for the next 20–30 years (Jain 2007). Finally, as we
scale up our research, a focused effort must be made for technology transfer to the pro-
fession; for this, professionals too must be engaged in developing and managing the
research agenda.

9.9 A lack of champions

Countries with a strong emphasis on earthquake risk reduction usually have multiple
champions for seismic safety; ranging from a mother concerned about children in an unsafe
school to an elected official with a clear understanding of the enormous risk posed by a
major earthquake in his or her constituency. India is a vast country, with a huge risk, and
yet we have very few such champions for seismic safety. This may be because potential
activists perceive greater risks from other day-to-day threats facing the country, or because
there is a lack of understanding of how much risk India faces in a future seismic event,
particularly a possible mega-earthquake in the Himalaya. When it is only earthquake
engineering experts and academics who champion the cause of seismic safety it not only
diverts their attention from core academics but also makes for bad optics; they are seen as
beneficiaries of seismic safety programmes (e.g., better funding) and with a vested interest.

9.10 Windows of opportunity

Every major disaster provides an excellent opportunity to promote the safety agenda.
However, such an opportunity comes with a rather short time window as can be seen in
Table 7. Just as in everything else, there is diversity in the mammoth problems and
challenges that India must tackle to raise the quality of life for its large population: basic
education, healthcare, urban and rural amenities such as water, sewers and transport, road
safety, unemployment and poverty, terrorism, and so on. And, it is not always clear if
safety in general and seismic safety in particular should get precedence over nourishment
or basic education for children. Hence, in India’s case, the window of opportunity provided
by a disaster tends to be even shorter than what is the case elsewhere. By the time society
comes to terms with the immediate aftermath of a seismic disaster, something else takes
away its attention.
In some cases, the country has been able to leverage opportunities provided by earth-
quake disasters and in many instances it has not been able to. When preparatory work has

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1427

Table 7 Long term human response to earthquakes (Keys 1988)

Stage Time Event Reaction

Positive Negative

1 0–1 min Major earthquake Panic

2 1 min–1 week Aftershocks Rescue and survival Fear
3 1 week–1 month Diminishing Short term repairs Allocation of blame–
aftershocks builders, designers,
officials etc.
4 1 month–1 year Long term repairs
Action for higher
5 1 year–10 years Diminishing interest
6 10 years to the Reluctance to meet costs of
next time seismic provisions,
research etc.
Increasing non-compliance
with regulations
7 The next time Major earthquake Repeat stages 1–7

been done ahead of time and a clear road map developed apriori, the efforts for imple-
mentation within the time window of opportunity have been successful, e.g., NPEEE. On
the other hand, if discussions on developing the action plan itself start after the disaster, the
attention and the urgency are lost by the time deliberations are over. Hence, champions of
safety need to be strategic in their efforts for seismic risk reduction (e.g. Comartin et al.
2004), and use the peacetime to develop strategies and action plans.
With the above view towards leveraging the opportunity a disaster may provide, and
offer consistent advice to decision makers who otherwise may receive advice, even con-
flicting, from many ‘‘experts’’ after a disaster, ‘‘Guiding Principles and Elements for
Effective Seismic Safety Programs’’ was developed by a group of international experts.
These guidelines have been endorsed by the International Association for Earthquake
Engineering (IAEE) and the World Seismic Safety Initiative (WSSI). This document owes
its origins to an Ad Hoc Experts’ Group (32 experts from around the world) on Earthquake
Safety in Schools that met in Paris in February 2004 under the aegis of the Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and GeoHazards International (GHI)
and developed the ‘‘Guiding principles for mandatory national school seismic safety
programmes’’ (OECD 2004). These guidelines were further developed and expanded in
scope to address not just school safety, but seismic safety at a societal level by a smaller
group of experts who met in Beijing, China in February 2006. The resulting Guiding
Principles and Elements are meant to be standards for a national seismic safety program
with applicability across nations, and cover all issues ranging from awareness and
capacity-building, to licensing of professionals and enforcement.

9.11 Earthquake problem versus building problem

The author believes that in a country like India, the solution to the seismic safety problem
has been delayed because it is often projected as an ‘earthquake problem’ rather than as a

1428 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

‘building problem’. A building must provide safety to its occupants against so many
hazards, including the earthquake hazard. However, often we place too much emphasis on
‘earthquake engineering’ and too little on ‘building engineering’.
Earthquake engineering has emerged in the last several decades as a strong discipline
and has made huge progress. However, in many developing countries, including in India, it
has not been integrated into civil engineering and continues to be seen as a super specialty.
There is a far better chance of routine structures being earthquake-resistant if earthquake
safety is not seen as something additional over and above routine engineering, but becomes
an integrated element in routine engineering practice. For instance, when one constructs a
house, it is expected that the roof will not leak during the rainy season and the design and
the construction engineers concern themselves with ensuring this; no special class of ‘rain
engineers’ need to be called upon to ensure the building does not leak. In a similar way it is
sometimes counter-productive to have too much emphasis on ‘earthquake engineering’ and
make it stand apart, instead of having it integrated within civil/structural/geotechnical
engineering in a seamless manner.
At times, after disastrous earthquakes, a significant focus has been placed on seismic
instrumentation and seismic microzonation in the belief that these are critical for achieving
seismic safety, and the opportunities provided by the disaster to push for safer construction
have been lost. Policy makers need to be sensitized to the fact that no amount of zonation,
microzonation or instrumentation can help until the building constructions improve.
Finally, one cannot achieve earthquake safety if the focus on overall quality (for
instance, durability) and safety (for instance, construction safety, safety against fire, against
structural distress) in the construction industry is missing. Therefore, instead of talking
about ‘earthquake engineering,’ we must push for improvements in the entire chain of the
construction industry. Any interventions in earthquake safety must go together with
interventions towards better constructions.
In order to execute a civil project successfully, one must ensure that the entire chain of
those involved in the building industry is doing the right thing. Just as a good restaurant
must ensure hygiene at all stages of preparation, handling and service of food to guarantee
it is not infected with bacteria, so it is in the case of the building industry. All stages of the
life cycle of a civil project, conception, design, detailing, construction and commissioning,
must be done right for the project to be successful. There are three types of challenges that
can be faced in this process as illustrated in Fig. 66:
(a) Error of intention: Someone intends not to follow the correct practice for whatever
reasons (for instance, to save costs by using less building materials), or someone
undertakes execution of the project even when one knows that one is not competent
to do so.
(b) Error of concept: Due to insufficient knowledge, someone unintentionally does not
follow the correct practice (for instance, poor concepts of engineering mechanics),
and in many cases the person does not know that he does not know (for instance, a
design engineer may not know about some aspects of the engineering problem).
(c) Error of execution: Despite best intentions, errors may happen in execution at any
stage of design and construction.
To ensure that the construction industry will be, by and large, free of these errors, a
fairly sophisticated system for managing the construction delivery is needed and there are
no short-cuts to achieve this.

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1429

Fig. 66 Alternative paths with regard to acceptable practice (Nowak and Arafah 1994)

10 Concluding remarks

The late Charles Richter wrote (1958), ‘‘It is easy to underestimate India, geographically
and otherwise.’’ India offers tremendous diversity in all aspects: its geography, its geology,
its people, its culture, its food, its construction typologies, its engineering capabilities, and
its governance system. Almost anything can be said about India and it will be true but the
exact opposite of the same statement will also be true. Western visitors, new to India, can
be easily confounded by the numerous contradictions in daily life and they may find it not-
so-easy to appreciate that almost anything in India can easily fall in between black and
white into numerous shades of grey. That so many norms and expectations in the society
are implicit, rather than explicit, can be difficult to comprehend for an outsider.
On one extreme, Indian engineers have successfully executed great projects and con-
tinue to do so. This ranges from construction of bridges and dams in the most challenging
geological and geotechnical settings, sending a highly acclaimed mission to Mars at an
extremely low cost, to indigenous design and construction of a 500MWe Prototype Fast
Breeder Reactor (PFBR) at Kalpakkam that is expected to be commissioned shortly. And,
on the other extreme it is not uncommon to see a poorly designed reinforced concrete
building under construction with the names of architectural and structural firms of long
standing in title blocks of the ‘‘good for construction’’ drawings. Some great work has been
done in the country in seismic reconstruction and rehabilitation in recent years on one
hand, and on the other hand we continue to build many unsafe buildings every day, adding
to our seismic risk.

1430 Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436

The problem of unsafe constructions, at times even in the formal sector under the
supervision of architects and engineers, is a rather sophisticated problem that India must
solve. It will require a multidisciplinary approach involving engineering, social, political
and economic interventions. Research articles, reports, microzonation maps, codes are all
meant to improve what gets built on the ground, but do not make any difference if the
actual improvement in construction does not take place. Hence, a narrow view of earth-
quake safety from an ‘earthquake’ viewpoint cannot be effective and the focus must shift
from ‘earthquake engineering’ to ‘good building constructions’.
India anticipates unprecedented growth over the next decade, an opportunity both
exciting and daunting. The prospects for growth for all those in the construction process are
enormous, yet with the possibility of continuing many of the potentially fatal errors dis-
cussed above. Foremost among the unfinished agenda to improve this construction process
are: (a) competence-based licensing for engineers in general and structural engineers in
particular, (b) enforcement of building codes by the municipal authorities, and (c) devel-
opment and propagation of building typologies that are inherently earthquake-resistant.
The emphasis, with particular urgency, should be on new construction of all kinds, from
the millions of housing for the masses that the central government has identified as a
priority, to the expensive apartment buildings for the affluent.
Clearly, India has come a long way on the road to earthquake safety. And yet, much
remains to be done before this journey is completed. Creating a system and culture for
building safe houses in 21st century India is something not only possible but an absolute
necessity. This is the least that the more than one billion people of India expect from
professionals and others associated with the construction industry. Providing such safe
housing is both our challenge and our obligation.

Acknowledgments Most of the work that the author did at IIT Kanpur and mentioned in this paper was
possible only because of a close and continuing collaboration with two colleagues: C. V. R. Murty and D.
C. Rai. Further, Alpa Sheth collaborated in the capacity-building work after the 2001 earthquake, partic-
ularly that related to Gujarat. Many colleagues, too numerous to name, within and outside India, actively
collaborated in many ways over the years. A large number of graduate students and project staff also had
strong participation in all these activities. The author is most grateful to them all. Timely completion of this
manuscript would not have been possible without the extraordinary help from Marjorie Greene and Keya
Mitra, and this is deeply appreciated. Finally, the author acknowledges financial support from the Ministry
of Human Resource Development and other sponsors for the numerous research and capacity-building
activities that he has undertaken over the last three decades.

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Inter-
national License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.

Appendix: licensing of engineers: a perspective from California

Licensing of civil engineers in California started due to the collapse of San Frances Dam in
1929. It was realized that in order to ensure public safety, civil engineering practice must
be regulated to ensure adequate competence.5 In the United States, licensing is managed at

Based on the author’s visit to the office of California Board of Professional Engineers and Land Sur-
veyors in Sacramento, CA, USA in 2003.

Bull Earthquake Eng (2016) 14:1337–1436 1431

state level and each state may have different requirements for granting of an engineering
license. California has three types of license:
1. In the case of the Professional Engineer (PE) license in Civil, Electrical and
Mechanical Engineering, the law defines which services only a PE can perform.
Hence, one must have PE license to perform one of these services.
2. PE in many branches such as Traffic Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Environ-
mental Engineering, etc., only adds a title to the person. A person with PE in
Environmental Engineering may find it easier to get more professional work but there
are no services that only a PE in Environmental Engineering can perform.
3. A PE in Civil Engineering in California can seek one of the two specialized licenses:
Structural Engineer and Geotechnical Engineer. These enable a professional to work
on specific activities defined by the law: for instance, one can do structural design of
schools and hospitals only if one has Structural Engineering license: for all other
structural engineering work, a simple PE in Civil Engineering will do.
The majority of engineering licenses in California (*90 %) are given in civil engi-
neering, with all the remaining branches of engineering constituting only 10 % of total.
This is because an engineering license is useful when public safety is to be ensured by
preventing shoddy engineering, and there are no other means to ensuring quality of pro-
fessional work. For instance, an automobile manufacturer will ensure quality of its engi-
neering through success of its products and may not need licensed engineers.
Typically, the PE license is awarded on the basis of very rigorous examinations, cov-
ering both breadth and depth of knowledge. In the case of PE in civil engineering, Cali-
fornia also requires a separate examination on seismic engineering. These examinations
can be quite difficult for some engineers to pass, and many may struggle for more than a
decade to be able to make it to the license.
At the beginning of a system for licensing, usually a Grandfather Clause is provided
that allows professionals already practising for a number of years to continue to practise
without having to appear in the examinations. However, such persons must apply within a
certain time limit of introduction of licensing. For instance, California started the license of
Geotechnical Engineers in 1987 and in 2003 had about one thousand engineers grandfa-
thered in geotechnical engineering.

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