Devi Mahatmya Dhyana Sloka Meanings

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Caṇḍikā parameśvari

मातर्मे मधुकैटभघ्नि महिष प्राणापहरोद्यमे

हे ला निर्मित धूम्रलोचन वधे हे चण्डमुण्डार्दिनी |
निःशेषीकृत रक्तबीज तनज
ु े नित्ये निशुम्भापहे
शुम्भध्वंसिनि संहराशु दरि
ु तं दर्गे
ु नमस्तेऽम्बिके ||

मात: Mother – Source of all creation

मधुकैटभ+घ्नि – (You are) the destroyer of (Demons) Madhu and kaitabha
[Though Vishnu killed them in the sense of killing, their (demons) intellects
were deluded by Sri Mahā kāli (महामाया विमोहितौ), who also came out of Sri
Mahā Viṣṇu, thus waking him for this combat]
महिष+प्राण+ अपहर+ उद्यमे = (You are) intended to take away the life of
[As seen from her saying to mahiṣa in the third chapter - गर्ज गर्ज क्षणं मूढ मधु
यावत ् पिबाम्यहं । मया त्वयि हते अत्रैव गर्षयन्ति आशु दे वताः ॥]
हे ला+निर्मित = Playfully done
ू लोचन+वधे = The slaying of (Demon) Dhūmralocana
(हुङ्कारे णैव तं भस्म - by uttering a single syllable “huṃ”)
हे चण्डमण्ु ड+अर्दिनी = O! Killer of Caṇḍa and Muṇḍa
[उत्थाय च महा-असिं हं दे वी चण्डमधावध- शिरस्तेनासिनाच्छिनत ् ॥- as seen in
seventh chapter]
निःशेषीकृत = Without a trace
रक्तबीज+तनु+जे = (destroyed) body of raktabīja
[तनु+ज will mean recuuring bodies formed from fallen blood of demon
raktabīja, which was swallowed by Kālikā on Aṣtabhuja Devi’s orders- रक्त
बिन्दोः प्रतीच्छ त्वं वक्त्रेणानेन वेगिना]
नित्ये = Eternal Divine
[Sage Medhas says- नित्यैव सा जगन्मूर्तिः]
ु भ+ अपहे = (You have) taken away (the soul of) niśuṃbha
ु भ+ध्वंसिनि = Destroyer of śuṃbha
संहर = (Please) destroy
आशु = Very fast
मे दरि
ु तं = my dangers, pains and discomforts
ु = Durgā devi
नमस्ते = I Make my obeisance (homage)
अम्बिके = (to you) the mother of all.

Prathama Caritra – Chapter One- Mahā Kāli

खड्गं चक्र गदे षु चाप परिघान ् शूलं भुशुण्डीं शिरः
शङ्खं सन्दधतीं करै स्त्रिनयनां सर्वाङ्गभूषावत
ृ ां
नीमाश्मद्युतिमास्यपाद दशकां सेवे महाकालिकां
यामस्तौत्स्वपिते हरे कमलजे हन्तुं मधुं कैटभं ॥
खड्गं = Sword ; चक्र = Discus; गदा+इषु = mace and arrow; चाप = Bow; परिघान ् =
Iron club; शल
ू ं = Trident; भश
ु ण्
ु डीं = Catapult (கவண்); शिरः = Severed head
शङ्खं = Conch; सन्दधतीं करै := Holding in her hands; त्रिनयनां= Three eyed
ृ ां= Wearing ornaments in all parts of body
नीमाश्मद्युति ं = in the colour of deep blue sapphire
आस्य+पाद+दशकां = having ten faces and legs
[Here ten hands have to be understood, thirty eyes in ten heads- as seen above
as three eyed- दशवक्त्रा दशभुजा दशपादाञ्जनप्रभा in Vaikrti Rahasya]
सेवे = I serve
महाकालिकां= Mahā Kālikā
स्वपिते हरे = who woke up Lord Hari (Viṣṇu)
यामस्तौत ् कमलजे = by the prayers of Brahma
हन्तंु = for annihilation
मधुं कैटभं = of Demons Madhu and kaitabha
[Sword, discus, arrow, severed head and conch are on her right hands-
Mace, bow, Iron club, trident and catapult in her left hands]

Madhyama Caritra- Chapter Two – Mahā lakṣmi

अक्षस्रक् परशु गदे षु कुलिशं पद्मं धनःु कुण्डिकां
दण्डं शक्तिमसिं च चर्म जलजं घण्टां सुराभाजनं ।
शूलं पाश सुदर्शने च दधतीं हस्तैः प्रवाळप्रभां (प्रसन्नाननां)
सेवे सैरिभमर्दिनीमिह महालक्ष्मीं सरोजस्थितां (सरौजोभवां) ॥
अक्षस्रक् = Rosary- Japamāla– made of sphatika [given by Brahma]
परशु = axe [given by visvakarmā]
गदा+इषु = mace and arrow [mace was given by Viṣṇu and arrow by Vāyu deva]
कुलिशं = thunderbolt [Given by Indra]
पद्मं = lotus [given by Samudra raja]
धनुः = Bow [by Vāyu deva]
कुण्डिकां = Ceremonial water pot (Kamaṇdalu) [given by Brahma]
दण्डं = rod [given by Yama-dharma rāja]
शक्तिं = spear [given by Agni]
असिं च = with sword [given by Kāla deva]
चर्म = shield [given by Kāla deva]
जलजं = conch [given by Varuṇa deva]
घण्टां = bell [given by Airāvata- Indra’s mount- elephant]
सुराभाजनं = cup filled with liquor [given by Kubera]
शूलं = trident [given by Śiva]
पाश = rope [given by Varuṇa deva]
ु र्शने = discus [given by Viṣṇu]
च दधतीं हस्तैः = holding in her hands
प्रवाळप्रभां = of the colour of coral (red hue)
(Alternate reading प्रसन्नाननां = with a smiling face)
सेवे = I serve
सैरिभमर्दिनीमिह = Vanquisher of asura Mahiṣa
महालक्ष्मीं = Devi Mahālakṣmi
सरोजस्थितां = seated on a lotus
[murti rahasya says - कमलासनां]
(Alternate reading सरौजोभवां = born out if the combined powers of all devas-
सर्वदे व शरीरे भ्यो याऽऽविर्भूताऽमितप्रभा)
[Rosary, lotus, arrow, sword, thunderbolt, mace, discus, ceremonial water pot,
conch- in her right hands;
Axe, Mace, bow, rod, spear, bell, cup with liquor, trident and rope in her left
Chapter Three
उद्यद्भानु सहस्र कांति मरुणा क्षौमां शिरोमालिकां
रक्तालिप्त पयोधरां जपपटीं विद्यामभीतिं वरं
हस्ताब्जैर्द धतीं त्रिनेत्र विलसद् वक्त्रार विन्द श्रियं
दे वी बद्ध हिमांशु रत्न मक
ु ु टां वन्दे – रमन्दस्तिां।

उद्यद्भानु सहस्र कांति ं = Of the hue of Rising Sun

अरुणा क्षौमां = Wearing red garments
शिरोमालिकां = wearing a garland of skulls
रक्तालिप्त पयोधरां = her breast is anointed with blood
हस्ताब्जैर्द धतीं = holding in her hands
जपपटीं विद्यामभीतिं वरं = a rosary, book and showing gestures of dispelling fear
and granting boons
त्रिनेत्र विलसद् वक्त्रार विन्द श्रियं = Three eyed in her auspicious lotus like face
दे वी = The playful deity
बद्ध हिमांशु रत्न मुकुटां = having a crescent of moon in her crown
वन्दे ऽरविन्दस्तिां = seated on a lotus, I bow in reverence
Chapter four
कालाभ्राभां कटाक्षैररिकुलभयदां मौलिबद्धेन्दरु े खां
शङ्खं चक्रं कृपाणं त्रिशिखमपि करै रुद्वहन्तीं त्रिनेत्रां ।
सिंहस्कन्धाधिरूढां त्रिभुवनमखिलं तेजसापूरयन्तीं
ध्यायेत ् दर्गां
ु जयाख्यां त्रिदशपरिवत
ृ ां सेवितां सिद्धकामैः (सिद्धसङ्घैः) ॥

कालाभ्राभां = Of the rain bearing cloud’s hue (dark)

कटाक्षैररिकुलभयदां = causing fear with her glances to her hoard of enemies
मौलिबद्धेन्दरु े खां = fixed a crescent in her crown
शङ्खं चक्रं कृपाणं त्रिशिखमपि करै रुद्वहन्तीं = holding in her hands a conch, discus,
sword and trident with great fervour
त्रिनेत्रां = three eyed
सिंहस्कन्धाधिरूढां = riding on a lion
त्रिभुवनमखिलं तेजसापूरयन्तीं = filling all the three worlds with her radiance
ध्यायेत ् दर्गां
ु जयाख्यां = I meditate on Durga called as “Jaya”
ृ ां = attended by the devas ( who are thirty three in number)
सेवितां सिद्धकामैः = worshipped by devotees who want the siddhis.
[Alternative reading सिद्धसङ्घैः= the group of adepts who have accomplished]

Uttara Caritra – Chapter Five – Mahā Sarasvati

घण्टा शूल हलानि शङ्ख मुसले चक्रं धनुः सायकं
हस्ताब्जैः दधतीं घनान्त विलसत ् शीतांशु तुल्यप्रभां ।
गौरीदे ह समुद्भवां त्रिजगतां आधारभूतां महापर्वा
ू मत्र
सरस्वतीमनुभजे शुम्भादि दै त्यार्दिनीं ॥

घण्टा = bell; शूल = trident; हलानि – plough; शङ्ख = Conch; मुसले = pestle; चक्रं =
discus; धनःु = bow; सायकं = arrow; हस्ताब्जैः दधतीं = holding in her hands
घनान्त विलसत ् शीतांशु तल्
ु यप्रभां = Of the brilliance of Śarat Candra (Moon)
गौरीदे ह समुद्भवां = born out of the body of Devi Gauri
त्रिजगतां आधारभूतां = Base of the three world
ू मत्रसरस्वती = Mahā Sarasvati
मनुभजे = I worship
ु भादि-दै त्यार्दिनीं = Slayer of Demons headed by Śuṃbha.
[Conch, plough, discus and arrow in her right hands;
Bell, trident, pestle and bow in her left hands]

Chapter Six
ॐ नागाधीश्वसरविष्टरां फणिफणोत्तंसोरुरत्नावली-
भास्वद्देहलतां दिवाकरनिभां नेत्रत्रयोद्भासितां।
मालाकुम्भकपालनीरजकरां चन्द्रार्धचड
ू ां परां
सर्वज्ञेश्वारभैरवाङ्‌कनिलयां पद्मावतीं चिन्तये॥
ॐ नागाधीश्वरविष्टरां = having the lord of Snakes as her seat
फणिफणोत्तंसोरुरत्नावली-भास्वद्देहलतां = wearing a snake hood like jewelled
ornaments on her feet, thus shining brightly
दिवाकरनिभां = Of Sun’s hue
नेत्रत्रयोद्भासितां= having splendorous three eyes
मालाकुम्भ कपाल नीरजकरां = having a rosary, pot, skull and lotus in her hands
ू ां = having a crescent in her head (crown)
परां = The highest consciousness
सर्वज्ञेश्वारभैरवाङ्‌कनिलयां = seated on the lap of Sarvagnesvara Bhairava
पद्मावतीं = Padmavati devi
चिन्तये= I think in my mind - meditate
Chapter Seven
ॐ ध्यायेयं रत्नपीठे शक
ु कलपठितं शण्ृ वतीं श्यामलाङ्‌गीं।
न्यस्तैकाङ्‌घ्रि ं सरोजे शशिशकलधरां वल्लकीं वादयन्तीं।
कह्लाराबद्धमालां नियमितविलसच्चोलिकां रक्तवस्त्रां
मातङ्‌गीं शङ्खपात्रां मधुरमधुमदां चित्रकोद्भासिभालां॥
ॐ ध्यायेयं + I meditate
रत्नपीठे शक
ु कलपठितं शण्ृ वतीं = Seated on gem studded seat, hearing the
parrot’s voice
श्यामलाङ्‌गीं = Of dark hue
न्यस्तैकाङ्‌घ्रि ं सरोजे = keeping her foot on a lotus
शशिशकलधरां = wearing a crescent
वल्लकीं वादयन्तीं = playing the stringed veena
कह्लाराबद्धमालां = wearing a garland of lotus / white lily
नियमितविलसच्चोलिकां = her hair is braided
रक्तवस्त्रां= wearing red garments
मातङ्‌गीं = Matangi devi
शङ्खपात्रां = also holding a conch s
मधुरमधुमदां = smiling sweetly
चित्रकोद्भासिभालां – varied bright coloured shades are emitting from her fore

Chapter Eight
अरुणां करुणातरङ्‌गिताक्षीं धत
ृ पाशाङ्‌कुशबाणचापहस्तां।
ृ ां मयख
ू रै हमित्येव विभावये भवानीं॥

अरुणां = Of the rising sun’s hue

करुणातरङ्‌गिताक्षीं = with compassion filled glances like waves from her eyes
धतृ पाशाङ्‌कुशबाणचापहस्तां = holding the noose, goad, (flowery) arrows and
(sugarcane) bow in her hands
अणिमादिभिरावत ृ ां मयख
ू ै:- surrounded by devi’s starting from anima (avarana
devata), who are personification of the rays emitting from her.
अहमित्येव विभावये = I shall contemplate that the sense of existence – The “I” is
her form
भवानीं= Devi who is the wife of Bhava, the one who shall help us to tranverse
this samsara bhava)

Chapter Nine
ू काञ्चननिभं रुचिराक्षमालां पाशाङ्कुशौ च वरदां निजबाहुदण्डैः।
ु कलाभरणं त्रिनेत्र-मर्धाम्बिकेशमनिशं वपरु ाश्रयामि॥

बन्धकू काञ्चननिभं One half of the body is red like the banduka flower and
other is golden
रुचिराक्षमालां पाशाङ्कुशौ च वरदां निजबाहुदण्डैः बिभ्राणं= holding in the hands a
rosary, noose, goad and gesture of dispelling fear
ु कलाभरणं = wearing a crescent as an ornament
त्रिनेत्रं =three eyes
अर्धाम्बिकेशं वप:ु = half female and half male body
अनिशं = always
आश्रयामि= I seek refuge

Chapter Ten
ॐ उत्तप्तहे मरुचिरां रविचन्द्रवह्नि-नेत्रां धनुश्शरयुताङ्‌कुशपाशशूलं।
रम्यैर्भुजैश्चर दधतीं शिवशक्तिरूपां कामेश्वभरीं हृदि भजामि धत
ृ ेन्दल
ु ेखां॥
उत्तप्तहे मरुचिरां = of the hue of molten gold
रविचन्द्रवह्नि-नेत्रां = having the sun moon and fire as her three eyes
धनश्ु शरयत
ु ाङ्‌कुशपाशशल
ू ं रम्यैर्भुजैश्चर दधतीं = in her elegant hands holding a
bow, arrow, goad and trident
शिवशक्तिरूपां = Of the unified powers of Shiva and Shakti
कामेश्वभरीं हृदि भजामि = I worship Kameshvari in my heart
ृ ेन्दल
ु ेखां= who wears the a piece of moon- crescent (in her crown)

Chapter Eleven
ॐ बालरविद्युतिमिन्दकि
ु रीटां तुङ्‌गकुचां नयनत्रययुक्तां।
स्मेरमुखीं वरदाङ्‌कुशपाशाभीतिकरां प्रभजे भुवनेशीं॥

ॐ बालरविद्यति
ु ं = Of the young rising sun’s hue
ु रीटां = having a cresent on her crown
तुङ्‌गकुचां = with big breasts
नयन त्रययुक्तां= having three eyes
स्मेर मुखीं = with a smiling face
वरदाङ्‌कुश पाशाभीति करां = in her hands are the noose, goad, and gestures of
removing fear and bestowing grace
प्रभजे = i worship with fervour
भुवनेशीं = Devi Bhuvaneshvari

Chapter twelve
ॐ विद्युद्दामसमप्रभां मग
ृ पतिस्कन्धस्थितां भीषणां
कन्याभिः करवालखेटविलसद्धस्ताभिरासेवितां।
हस्तैश्चक्रगदासिखेटविशिखांश्चापं गुणं तर्जनीं
बिभ्राणामनलात्मिकां शशिधरां दर्गां
ु त्रिनेत्रां भजे॥

ु ामसमप्रभां = Shining like a lighting
ृ पतिस्कन्धस्थितां = riding a the king of animals -Lion
भीषणां कन्याभिः करवालखेटविलसद्धस्ताभिरासेवितां = served by maidens who
carry a sword and shield and look fierce
हस्तैश्चक्रगदासिखेटविशिखांश्चापं गणु ं तर्जनीं बिभ्राणां= Having in her hands
discus, mace, sword, shield, arrows, bow, trident and the gesture showing the
index finger- that of making a threat.
अनलात्मिकां = like a fire
शशिधरां = wearing the cresnet
ु = Devi Durga
त्रिनेत्रां = Three eyed
भजे = I worship

Chapter thirteen
ॐ बालार्क मण्डलाभासां चतर्बा
ु हुं त्रिलोचनां।
पाशाङ्‌कुशवराभीतीर्धारयन्तीं शिवां भजे॥
बालार्क मण्डलाभासां = Having a brillinance of young sun
ु हुं = four armed
त्रिलोचनां Three eyed
पाशाङ्‌कुशवराभीतीर्धारयन्तीं in her hands are the noose, goad, and gestures of
removing fear and bestowing grace
(alternative reading पाशाङ्‌कुशधनर्बा
ु णान ् धारायान्तीं = holding the noose, goad,
(flowery) arrows and (sugarcane) bow in her hands)
शिवां = The ausspicious one called Shiva
भजे I worship/

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